Shingeki no Kyojin

Zeke deserves love and happiness! He is so lucky to have his brother...right? ...RIGHT? I'M NOT READY ZEKEBROS

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Other urls found in this thread:

Someone explain Eren's plan to me.

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>already a thread up
Dumb Zekespic.

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Now that fujos are sleeping: he is going to betray Zeke soon and his hidden motives are more likely that he is going to have a baby with Historia



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I miss Yumiru

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Nobody fucking knows what it is yet just that it isn't
>Giving up Eldian's future and waiting to peacefully die as Zeke intends
>Trying to create an eternal stalemate where everyone is too afraid to attack Paradis while Marley's Eldians suffer as nearly everyone else was planning

It might be straightforward like just using the rumbling to flatten Marley, or it might be something weird like using PATHS to mindjack every Eldian across time to change history. Anyone's guess is as good as yours.

Eren and Zeke were both on the zeppelin after eating the Warhammer Titan, right? Why didn't they do their rumble fusion dance then?

I still say Eren will end up being the devil that gave Ymir Titan powers to start with and part of his plan will be instructing her to do something in the past he then uses to his advantage in the present.

my nigga eren will eat the remaining shifters to achieve god hood.
then committ suicide

>Pii was brave enough to attack this monster to save her Zii
Love makes you strong

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Draw all of the world's military forces to the island and wipe them all out with the rumbling, crippling their ability to wage war. After that who knows. Maybe continue the rumbling on the rest of the world. Maybe try to pull a Lelouche and die at the hands of his friends so they'll be seen as heroes who slayed the devil.

>Marley's BA

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We know, Hisu

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That is kind of retarded because no country will send 100% of their army and they were already prepared to attack Paradis

Eren will launch a falseflag attack where he starts the rumbling and uses paths to have Eldians all around the world rise up to help stop it so they're viewed as decent people.

On Paradis the coallition forces will work together with the locals and refuse to fight them afterwards, having realised their humanity.

And then Connie will make an offcolour joke at the celebratory peace parade in Marley and restart the race war.


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The entire point of Willy's speech was to convince the world to mass a total invasion of Paradis. They are going to commit everything they have because they believe the threat of the founding titan represents an existential threat to all of their nations. And if every nation is involved there's no need to worry about defending against other threats.

Time to sleep ErwLmod

>still going on about Zero Requiem

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the attack titan was the one who said that titans will unify humanity.
Eren(debiru) got its memory deep inside him locked

We know, Reiner

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Why did Bert stand around doing nothing for ten seconds after he noticed that Eren's titan was a fake? He should have blasted out steam just to be safe the very moment he saw that

Just what is it about anime Eren that makes him so uncute compared to manga Eren?

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Eren agreed with Willy's assertion that he might be the devil who will destroy the world. There's only two ways that can go, either he follows through on the threat or he takes the fall. The fact that he's intentionally alienated his former friends in favor of disposable fanatics also seems like a clear setup.

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They both look cute here.

Because WIT needed to fill the time quota

Eren is so lucky

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>And then Connie will make an offcolour joke at the celebratory peace parade in Marley and restart the race war.

This was a good post

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The eyebrows.

I really hope they don't go for the zero requiem ending, just seems lame

Little Eren is always cute.

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Isayama draws his cheeks chubbier

this actually is a good way to end the war

Well keep in mind that just because something is planned doesn't mean it will succeed. Eren could be planning a Zero Requiem, but something could derail that and foil it. The plan has already been derailed twice so far, first by Zeke almost dying and then by Marley's quick attack.

How? Eldians have no means of stopping the colossal titans. Most of them aren't even soldiers.

I don't know who the setup would even be for when Willy directed the world's attention to Paradis as a whole and not Eren Jeager as an individual. The whole island was going to be used as a scapegoat no matter what actions Eren undertook. And given the current events of the manga it seems clear that Eren's lines in previous chapters about the rest of the world being destroyed weren't just rhetorical questions. It would also be fairly strange to have him undergo a complete regression in his reasoning a 100 chapters and a decade of traumatizing experiences and eye-opening memories later.

He's a literal chad though when he defeated Berutoruto in the anime.

He looks like that gay fart ghost from Mob Psycho

Its the only way user.
Eren already had proven himself worthy of an oscar

I just want them to be okay

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That doesn't answer his question at all. How would the other Eldians help?

Use PATHS to implant his soldier training in all of them, clearly.

And then reveal at the end he also accidentally gave them all his memories of fucking Hisu

train them to use the 3d maneuver gear and have armin get killed for real

this, his eyebrows are so feathery, light and fluffy in the manga. I want to pet them, I wonder if he would purr once they are petted desu
God I wish I could adopt him

>the person holding the baby at the end is just a random civilian because all eldians now have paternal/maternal impulses towards eren's child


it gon be a lelouch ending kino my bro

They’re going to survive and live peaceful lives

Yes you just want Hange to be used as a comfort toy for a man same as EHcucks with muh cute blondie with big eyes is pregnant with muh "Chadren" selfinsert's baby XDD fucking incels

Why didn't Mikasa's Ackerclan genes activate and force her to go to Eren when she was worrying about him and Armin having to take on Bert alone?

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Eren didn't know anything 100 chapters ago. He was a foolish ignorant child. He's recognized his desire for revenge is futile and meaningless. About the only belief he still seems to cling to firmly is that all people should be free just because they are born. It wouldn't be surprising if his views on other topics have changed as well.

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just like Erwin, they aren't

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Because Eren wasn't telling the truth about Ackergenes.

That's not they work, right? Even if we disregard her trying to break away from the "ties" to Eren since the Carla's death, I thought she obeyed most commands when Eren gave them specifically? Or at least I thought that's how they worked.

Reddit spacing

I think the thing that bothers me about Mikasa and Eren is we never really see too much sibling affection between them.

No hugs when one is upset, no bickering over pointless shit just to rile eachother up, no talking casually about their day no arguments when one is lying on the couch and the other ends up sitting on their legs when they refuse to move them, nada.

Makes it extremely hard for me to give a shit about all the scenes focusing on their bond, and the Ackerman crap has me half-convinced without it she'd barely view him as a friend given how little they ever seem to enjoy eachothers company or just hang out.

I'm not sure how his views on the particular topic of uniting the world against a common enemy being the way to peace would've changed when nothing in the story so far has given him reason to believe it's true, especially not within in his own country. I don't think it's any coincidence that Pixis of all people, one of the most eccentric yet actually competent leaders on Paradis fully agreed with him on his view of the situation. And again, even the timeskip flashbacks up to a year ago have given 0 indication about a change in mindset regarding this subject (the contrary, in fact). That's not even mentioning the fact that the festival itself would've already been the perfect occasion to "gather the world's hatred" to himself and let Marley take him down. His allying with the Jeagerists doesn't mean anything to the world in the grand scheme of things either cause they won't give a shit about who they shoot down when they come hitting Paradis with that scorched earth policy. The fact that he got so pissed at Reiner for Marley's sudden sneak attack and showed a really fucking scary determination to live that shocked even the likes of Yelena when he could've simply let himself get eaten and let Reiner become the new Helos or whatever rosy fairy tale would be fed to the world population makes the whole Lelouch idea even more doubtful than it already was.

This sounds like a pasta but I agree, EM don't need to be romantic but their development is really bad when I felt worse with Eren-Hans fighting than Eren saying I always hated you. Should have worked on Eren and Mikasa better

If this ends up being some sort of stable timeloop thing where Eren ends up being the "devil" that gave Ymir the Titan powers to begin with because of "PATHS" I might just have an aneurysm.

Is it just me or does blown up Reiner here looks like Diavolo from jojo?

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Let's be real, the only thing good about this weeks episode was the Manlet sakuga by Imai. Everything else felt underwhelming compared to the manga.

Letting himself die in Marley or die to Reiner wouldn't do anything to ensure Paradis's safety, for it to be a Zero Requiem plan it will have to be his friends who kill him. But it's clear Eren has other goals in the meantime involving the coordinate, meaning he can't die yet even if his ultimate goal involves sacrificing himself in the end.

It feels like Isayama pretty much stopped giving a fuck about Mikasa. While Armin isn't that great either, his relationship with Eren has a lot more exploration than what Mikasa got. It's not like Isayama can't write females, heck Historia has one of the most well developed relationship with Eren and she was barely present for the first 35 chapters.

Maybe that was the point? I'm not saying that it's how it is for sure (Because I don't know), but I always saw EM as a simply unhealthy relationship for both parties (Though I don't hate it, even as a Jeanfag). Which is why it's not portrayed in a particularly positive light.

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Zeke scream is so cute. How can a character be so moe?

Not a pasta, just something I've been thinking about lately that the frodoposter prompted me to post about.

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I just want Jiiku to be happy.

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This is how I always felt too and assumed that's how it was supposed to be


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>Zeke's dick inside Pii's mouth
Cute and canon

No, cutemin.

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Mikasa enjoys Eren's company alright, he just used to push her away frequently because he found her overbearing (which was true). He called her a pain the ass for a reason. She was more like the annoying big sister/mom who's too doting and you just want to be away from because she's always up in your business and embarrassing you. He also was all over Armin back in the day so the touchy feely sibling shit you're talking about was reserved to them until they got over their homocurious phase.
Notice how Eren never had such issues with other girls he shared a notable bond with though : he had no issues joking around or showing clear emotion that weren't limited to different levels of annoyance with Annie or Historia, and in the latter's case even stuff like more casual discussions or compliments seemed to come to him naturally.

I think the big issue with the Eren/Mikasa relationship (aside from the elephant in the room that is the Ackerbond) is miscommunication. In a figurative sense, they simply don't speak the same language, and their different views of the world and ways to interact with it and the people within it don't really match at all. It gets worse when someone who's all about pursuing his goals feels like he's being "held back" by someone who's all about (pursuing) him. There was an attempt to portray Mikasa's attachment in a positive light in chapter 50 and some progress in 72 when Eren acknowledged his own feelings of inferiority but that's ignoring the fact that the 20 or so chapters in between were literally focusing on Eren developing alongside another character and during which EM virtually didn't interact in any meaningful way. No need to mention of course that things stagnated and then degraded over the timeskip due to Eren himself being worried about stuff that had little to do with either Mikasa or Armin and eventually closing himself off completely. Not sure how any of this shit can be fixed, desu.

So will the next episode end with


how will normalfags react to the next arc?

He’ll die soon enough. Can’t be sad when you’re dead.

Do you mean Grisha's Kampf?

>Armin gets eaten by Annie
>Eren eats her
>Zeke tries to eat Eren but Eren eats him
>one by one the main cast drop like flies
>Eren finally gets all the titan powers and turns the shifted titans back into Eldians but causes him to die and shifter titans no longer exist
>The Japanese developed a weapon with the ice burst crystals or whatever they’re called and stops the Marlyean hegemony
>the Main cast reunites in paths and the Japanese people ensure the rest of the Eldians who are just normal people get to enjoy normal lives

cant wait for this anime to be branded as anti semitic

I still don't get why people write like this. Is this part of the american education meme? do they learn to write like that there?

Enjoy your original ending.

just like germany and japan


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Mikasa touching her belly soon.

The original Ymir is Eren and Historia’s daughter, Historia picked the name of course

It should start now with Erwin getting the serum...

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Flaming Eren will show up during the grim remainer. mark my words

Serumbowl next episode lads.

Literally Zero Escape 3

>Make Eldia Great Again

On Reddit you have to separate quotes from the rest of the text with a return key, otherwise the rest of the text shows up as part of the quote once you post it. So it's a formatting habit carried over from posting on another site.
Sometimes the spacing is simply used to divide a wall of text into smaller sections that are easier to read and anons overreact, though not in this case.

Can't wait for all the normalfags to be happy about Armong being barely alive and getting the serum, ignoring the fact that he was literally turned into coal and fell +50 meters on a hard roof.



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good god

titan steam can't melt ocean dreams

"chadmin" looks like a fem bitch. Smith should have had it. (((Armin))) just got the plot armour.

He probably had multiple lethal injuries, any one of which would have killed him. But the key is that unless a human's heart or brain is destroyed, death is not immediate. The human body is a pretty resilient chunk of meat.

Reminds me of that one nip comic where shingekis think that for whatever reason touching someone's belly gets them pregnant, and manlet ends up impregnating Eren, Mikasa makes Eren impregnate her and Eren accidentally impregnates Armin while trying to escape.

>Levi finishes the monkey off in a beautiful fight scene.
>Hesitates to kill him so he can save his titan power for someone else and he gets away
This is what annoys me about SnK they always do something pretty cool and end it with them barely escaping or some other party interfering. I don't know how people put up with these get outs

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My asshole is quaking in anticipation for the next chapter.

Stay mad that Levi chose a twink over his slave master.

Manlet/Armin/Hans were trending topic in Japan

>crippling their ability to wage war
a nation's ability to wage an industrial mass-production war of annihilation is ultimately in their industrial capacity and their population, not their fielded armies

This is true. Same with MJCSH working so hard to take down Reiner and then Jean's moralfaggotry has to flare up

Armand is still on the front page of Twitter 15 hours later in the USA

>Hesitates to kill him
At that point they only knew that the power transferred over by eating a shifter. Why kill him when they can take that power for themselves?

Fuck of ledouche

>Eruritrash mad

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Reminder Isayama hates you

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Creaturas like you make me glad Erwin died.

Why do you think she switched over to Hiatus?

Good thing Isayama btfo all dumb shipperfags who think hand touching is special or that there is a meaning behind every dumb detail

How can you check?

What a fucking bro. literally lets himself get cooked alive to buy time gor his nigga.

Just a little taste test of the upcoming CHADren.

who knows nip nong

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I don't but chek'd
OST Preview

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When was that next to last pic from?


one of the games

Eren was 100% right that Armong turned into giant faggot after eating Bernie.

they will heal eachother sexually

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Does it have Historia's OST from S3 Part 1?

Was that a tear or just his tear duct?

yeah it's the second song

Nevermind. It's there.

she knew he was based enough to kill cuckholdt

Eren is too stoic to participate in trivial shit like that, and Mikasa is too brainwashed to require it anyway.


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>Chadmin's sacrifice reduced a grown nigga to tears

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I want that no.14 already.

"wtf, this isn't anything like attack on titans, they ruined my childhood!"

this isn't the shingeki no kyojin i grew up with :(

>Annie's Call your Name from her OVA is there

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tbf there are people who have fallen out of planes and survived.

That’s not very freedom of you Mr. Jaeger



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>tfw when your arc gets cancelled

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>Is Attack on Titan actually trying to justify neo-nazism?

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Welp, 11 made me tear up.


>"SNK became shit after the timeskip"
>"I don't understand what's going on anymore!"
>"Who tf cares about Reiner? Where are the SC?"

>How Attack on Titan is using jewish plight as a crutch for neonazism.

I now this is supposed to be a sad moment but I swear I can't take Armin's pages serious

>15: ThanksAT

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The CT has little stamina, why didn't they fly around until he gets tired?

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cute, comfy and — dare i say — canon

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>Where is Levi?
>Where are Armin and Mikasa?

How did this episode feel twice as long as the others this season?

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Because they have little gas, so they can't keep escaping forever. Hooking yourself to the CT's teeth and not letting go until you're cooked is a different matter. Reiner wouldn't just let them do whatever they wanted either. Separating the group so that the competent fighters can deal with Reiner while leaving the weak Armin to seemingly stall Bertolt before he could reach Eren while the latter was seemingly incapacitated made Bertolt lower his guard and helped minimize potential casualties.

>the Attack-on Titan

>The Advancing Eoten

Do they have to be a certain distance to enact the plan, so that the wall titans can “hear” Eren? I’m not sure. If this isn’t true and they can just do it anywhere, they would have done the rumbling in Liberio. Assuming the rumbling plan exists. So IF distance isn’t a factor and they didn’t do the rumbling already, we can say the rumbling isn’t eren’s plan.

Manlet would be a good housewife while Hango asks if dinner is ready

Hes gonna betray Zeke and his team thats for sure, but further than that who knows.
He has to eat Zeke no matter what, so he will have 4 Titan powers, i assume he will try to acquire all of them before he dies, including Armin.

Dread. Seeing the warriors lose and knowing what happens to Bert after is awful so time seems to move slower. Good things happening in the previous episodes when the warriors were winning had the opposite effect.

How is Levi so exceptionally better than every other Scout, why wouldn't they make him train people with his techniques?

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>The Assault Giant

The other shifters would have detected ZE touching
>writes Levi

>not The Onslaught Eoten

But Zeke's plan was easier to make in Marley than Eren's rumbling.

>The Fighting Big Guy

So why didn't Bert put an arm on his nape during RtS?
His titan is so ridiculously overpowered that he doesn't require two arms to be effective and he would be invulnerable from anything (except Levi ackerhax or heavy modern artillery). Don't tell me no Marley advisor recommended him this during training, if things were getting even a little tough/risky.
Was it Armong's retardation rays?

LIke this

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Zeke’s plan requires the rumbling as deterrent because he wants Eldia to go extinct peacefully

You can't teach ackerhax

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Berts arms arent armored and cut like any normal titan, his steam is his only defense

Ackermen/Levi was tiresome shitty writing and an excuse to make some humans able to fight titan shifters like was it a shounen powerlevel battle.
It was much better when humans were disposable ants, who had to use their numbers or long planned strategy and technology to remove them.

Armin says he got thinner and deduces he is weak to stress, so they should show him something to stress him out. So they show Bert his own book of love poems.

kek thank you user

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bros we need to protect the GOAT from american media

I love Reiner!

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Don't tell me anything except Levi's airslashes can cut through tons of bones, the CT's hand is the size of a house.

Will we have the owl this season or the next?

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It would still put a few feet of flesh and bone that someone would have to cut through to reach him. Impossible to get to him before he shoots out his steam

>They never used 12
>Not even last episode during Erwin's final moment
I knew this would make me mad. WIT are literal brainlets

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This. Fuck Island devils and praise MAGAth.

just a sneak peak for the next season KINO

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been waiting for this thank you user.

The part where Marlow was thinking in Hitch sleeping was cute too bad they didn't show the guy sleeping with her

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True redpill is knowing the Eldians, who have been subject to anti-Eldian propaganda their whole lives for a crime they may or may not have committed at a scale that is obviously and definitely overblown, are the “neonazis”

Day 30 illustration by Satoshi Kadowaki & Miho Irobe

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dude dude dude, are you saying that the Eldians(nazis) are the good guys?

this season, we're ending at the ocean baby


So? Eren’s the driver. Zeke is just the navigator he doesn’t have to listen to.

normalfags will be having a hard time to comprehend next season's masterpiece of a writing

>next season's

Jeanbo should stop slavdrinking and be the rebound guy for Mankasa. At this rate he will be bowlhead 2.0


he looks like a couple of things I can't quite put my finger on, like a mix between some kinda villain and a flashy okama

Imagine nigs reactions


Normies are so indoctrinated by the real world equivalent of the aforementioned propaganda that they see an armband or internment camp and immediately scream OMG HOLOCAUST PARALLEL in fiction or in real life. They will think the eldians are the jews kek

Attack on Titan post S1 is going to be a cult hit, not a popular mainstream one


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So... why didn't he just block his mouth with his hand?

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To be fair he was close to winning, he boiled Armin alive and wiped out all soldier except few
He didnt expect Eren will be fine with Armins sacrifice

>Normalfags and niggers
They just want to see the MC and his gang of heroes break powerlevels and defeat the bad guys.
They will be hit with such a cognitive dissonance during Grim Reminder 2.0, or maybe they won't because they will think Marley Eldians and Merleyans are muh ebil nahtzees who deserved it.

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Not fast enough and literally brain damaged?
If those fucks were in charge we would see everybody die in this season, only for them to be magically fine at the end of it
Turns out Erwin was just sleeping, and everybody caught in the explosion and mushed by Zeke were just too tired to say they are alive

He wasted time swinging at her with it. Also it looks like it happens alot faster in the manga than anime.

haha... because that was in the heat of the battle were he was gangbanged. He used one arm to keep balance and tried to use the other to crush Mankasa, but failed and jobbed.
It's fair.
Not the same case with Bert, who stands like a literal god above everything and only have to care about his nape... but didn't, because plot.

This shit is gonna be amazing.

Basically we are at the dropoff point.
Those with IQ over 80 realize SnK's Marley arc is the best one.
Those with IQ under 80 will drop it with "muh titanz" sentiment.

Anyone else feel that last week's episode was more impactful than the manga version, while this week's episode was just ok in comparison? Idk, I felt nothing with the Armin sacrifice in animated form here, while in the manga it got to me quite a bit.

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Marley is the ultimate pleb filter. Everyone who is incapable of thinking beyond "MUH GOOD VS EVIL" will likely fuck off.

Why does Mikasa not wear lipstick anymore? Is she a lesbian?

I will be fucking broken if he writes a true war is hell ending with no victories and only suffering a la All Quiet.

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I think there's gonna be a lot more suffering and death from here onwards but the last panel makes me hopeful there's something at end of the tunnel that isn't just more pain and suffering for the next generation.

Or because there was no one left to attack him at that point as far as he was concerned.

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How many episodes left?
Can we actually reach the Juden arc?

>Zeke kinda forgot about Levi

>they're all naked together
uhh, EHbros?

>Don't tell me no Marley advisor recommended him this during training, if things were getting even a little tough/risky
Clearly not since he'd never done it in any of his previous fights.

5 episodes left

Plus they drank that tea which makes them feel calm, that probably dampened any impulse to act on what would seem at the time to be overly cautious thoughts.

Feels weird to be excited for the anime again. I can only hope a competent studio will pick it up for the remaining seasons while maintaining its visual identity. Fucking hell there's so much shit in the current arc I want to see animated.


Is there enough manga chapters for season 4?

do other nations even know about the nape weakness?

Hisu prefers her handsome

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The manga is in its last arc

Based Erwin was there and based Zeke/Godholdt were kicking ass with their OP titans and Reiner returned.

While this episode had Armong/Mankasa and the one-sided battle turned into a draw because of a handful of teenagers and a shounen ruse cruise.

Who has done it? The female titan, but I thought he did it once too.

maybe another short 10-12 episode season

Easily but we probably aren't getting it until it's over given we're in the middle of either the second last or final arc and they need to make arrangements with a new studio.

So whats that gonna cover?
Probably an entire episode of debating on who gets to eat Bert and then 1 for getting to the damn basement and reflecting on shit.

Ironically this explanation fits here.
Zeke is a insane psychopath obsessed with wiping out his own people, him getting lost in the moment fits it very well, shows that in the end hes nether smart as he thinks and nether as well prepared as he thought.

Its a shame Eren will probably kill him and not Levi in the end.

Araki doesn't care about her nearly as much anymore.
But yes, her crush on Eren was just a phase

armong is just watching in the corner

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Why is there no Sex in this shit?
Are most of them virgins?

how much trace semen is in her saliva?

Of course. The next arc alone would be enough for a full cour and the arc after that (current one) is the last.

Eren and Historia fucked and will have a baby

t. normalfag

>battle shounen

There can’t be TOO many character deaths from here on out besides the ones actually fighting...but your trips make me doubt
Really I just hope eren has a good plan that lets him live for all he’s done, even if it’s only for a few years and titanaids doesn’t expire along with paths stuff if he manipulates it.

Yes, but on Opposite Day only.

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>battle shonen

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Animeonlies think that Armin is really dead, because no matter what the autist in these threads say, you don't survive that fall and being burned to crisp.

I could even see a season 5.
Season 4 could cover from after the ocean scene to Erens attack on Marley, finishing in the blimp with Sasha's death.
Season 5 could then be from then until end of Manga.

>Marley. The world hegemon with titan shifters and leading nation in titan technology.
>Doesn't know how to defeat titans.
Other nations know it too unless they have nigger-tier intellect.

not until the LH chapter soon

Attached: lh.jpg (1280x1821, 485K)

Eren and historia fucked like rabbits
Sasha fucked teen Gordom Ramsey

>two seasons
We will get two movies only


Attached: LH.jpg (918x924, 46K)

Everyday I wake up with a smile on my face because the shitlet got blown up.

A main character literally got impregnated during the timeskip user, and the pregnancy in question is one of the main plot points of this arc.

>Even normalfags and animeonlies can see what is in front of them: Carbonized pork.
>Anons still have to be reminded that Armong surviving was a last minute asspull.

At least he got his CPR


You just know this piece of shit of a manga is going to end with a 2deep4u end of eva type finale

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>manletpedo got triggered by the other shippers again

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Season 4 will most likely end at chapter 106 minus the flashbacks and Armong skroinking infront of his fap shrine, with Eren doing his tatakae mantra infront of the mirror.
Then season 5 will begin with the flashbacks.
Assuming the final arc will last long enough to warrant a season of it's own, for all we know the reason that Isayama is going for the last chapter audio reveal is because the last chapter is arriving soon.

>it woke up

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piss off low tier commoner

Oh hai Eruritrash

That’s a funny way of writing “Chadren will feed Gabi to the dogs like Marley did to his aunt.”

Will some important character die next chapter?

I swear to god if this all ends with modern civilisation

One can only hope

what do i like if i find him extremely fuckable but don't care much for his character?

It will cover almost everything pre time skip is my guess.
So next season people will be reeeing as hard as fuck since at lest half or maybe whole they wont see Eren.

good. sex is bad

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Official art?


Shingeki no kyojin has been my favorite series. It has a unique way of storytelling. Some people believe genius is hyper-complexity that makes uniqueness, which is why those people will shit on 'simple' foundation for works of art. But to be honest, those simple, bare and raw ideas that are so fascinating and fresh to capture the energy of so many people comprises true, fundamental genius.
SnK's idea was as simple as it was unique, and still somehow familiar enough to satisfy our ease with the genre: man-eating giants -- not the ugly, inhuman-looking giants you usually see, but straight-up naked giant people -- three tall ass walls, and then people within those walls. Shifters didn't 'become' or transform into their titans, and the Titans weren't some sci-fi bullshit; the bodies were flesh and blood and literally formed around them like an extension of themselves.
From there, Isayama managed to make a world so complex, using these fundamental ideas made me admire the series as it is as of now.
Shingeki anime has been blessed by our god composer Sawano which doubles the quality of the show. This season has brought back so many soundtracks from season 1 which never failed to give me eargasms.

The artstyle is better than the thick lines, and character designs are closer to the manga.The animation quality is mediocre, which was a slight disappointment.
This season of shingeki has been my favorite season so far!

I think that counts as 'don't like'

Previous seasons had some good tracks but most of the OST was kinda mediocre. Mediocre as in it fits in the anime but hard to listen to standalone.
But this season is full of bangers.
Also THANK FUCK they have that rap Kenny theme as a separate track.

Reminder most of Marley will be adapted as a trilogy of low budget OVAs done by JC and the next season by Deen will start with a flashback episode before hurtling towards grim reminder 2.0

>Why is there no Sex in this shit?
>Are most of them virgins?
No sex in shonen allowed, it can be implied only.


This is a series focussed on giants and people dying from said giants. Notice how as soon as someone falls in love or displays affection for another character, they get killed. This is a tragic story that punishes love and affection.



Attached: 1550216024569.png (500x289, 124K)

>This is a series focussed on giants and people dying from said giants
Based animeonly


It's from a fujo who used to draw ErwL if I remember correctly. ErwLmod used to ship LHi after Erwin died because "she is female Erwin so this is like ErwL XDD" fujos were really bad back then

Mikasa is still there.

The Marley arc still boils down to Titans killing others as the source of conflict.

Oh god please no

and her loyalty and affection was punished by Eren spurning her. Don't be surprised if she dies before the series end.

>they need to make arrangements with a new studio
What? Why?

we get to see modern day niggas saluting to eren's statue in the last chapters

Holy shit that's sad and creepy.

Attached: tenor(3).png (500x532, 326K)

Nah, her character would be an even bigger waste than she's been these last 100 chapters if she died. She'll most likely just get over her obsession and fuck off when this is all over or settle down somewhere.

Some employees have signalled the studio is moving away from AoT.

It was truly great to follow the manga while Marley was coming out in 2017. It was basically a whole year of great buildup with good moments of its own culminating in december with chapter 100, the Grim reminder and the return of the main cast, and the awesome fight after that. It truly was peak SNK.

The extreme payoff that was chapter 100 just won't be the same when the full arc is done in a few weeks in the anime.

I thought about something like this desu

God I want Hisu to squat over my face and piss ungracefully into my mouth

Isn't AOT their biggest/most successful project?
Seems like a retarded decision to move away from it.

Can Isayama redeem Mikasa and Armins charaters in the last arc? Despite being the main characters they are completely overshadowed by Historia and Reiner when it comes to character progression.

wew lad

They already fucked up their most succesful project when they waited 4 years to make a season 2, because they wanted to make some other shit. This is not surprising.

They don't get that much money from it since they're just commissioned to produce the anime rather than members of the production committee.

The profits don’t go to them, so it doesn’t really matter

>Ragetard protagonist gets himself and his squad killed due to being a ragetard
>Kids can't do shit by themselves without adult supervision
>The power of friendship gets demolished by a socially awkward spaghetti spiller with a well timed bite and two kicks
>Turns out the female "MC" is a bland mary sue that orbits around the male MCs dick because she was bioengineered to be so.
>Powerups leave you in a stressful position of responsibility and strip you of any chance to have a happy, long life.
Why do people say that SnK was a "battle shonen"? It's an obvious deconstruction.

degen begone

Yes or no?
The art looks good

god damn

lmao you are so slow:
WOW that artist sure look familiar, right??
Eruritrash = chrollobro = GopnikSLUT = Gabipedo


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If you’ve never had a nightmare about titans can you really call yourself an snk fan?


Jean will uncover Eren's plot.

Attached: 1558627833247.png (1378x1820, 2.4M)

puss puss (you)

that would require me to:
a) actually have dreams in the first place
b) actually be afraid of things in visual media

A-Annie and Eren can still be end game r-right?

Attached: 2076017E-E08B-4811-97D9-D3F4BEA01775.png (640x470, 308K)

Does having a dream about Annie's titan doing lewd things to me count?

What would you do?

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Attached: BOOOYYEEEEEGGGGGAAAAAA.png (1164x1077, 1.14M)

They're what, one short season away from closing the whole AOT chapter? And they'll have some free time to do whatever while they want for manga to be over.
Still looks like a dumb decision to me.

Yes, if he wanted to it would be doable. The issue is that doing so would demand a ton of focus that would detract from the characters currently driving the plot and probably hurt the overall storytelling.

Realistically we needed another arc if they were going to be fixed satisfyingly. As is we might get some very rapid progression for both and a decent ending but it won't be anywhere near the level Hisu got in her arc simply because they cannot become the main focus the way she did.

Fucking hell he's been saying it since the start and the foreshadowing is everywhere, he's going to kill them all. Only the target changed.


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I just want them to be okay

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that would be very kino

>Eren's statue
>not Erwin's statue

Attached: J U S T.png (1386x900, 814K)


actually I'm the Gabipedo but okay.


Reminder that the ending will be Eren inadvertantly creating a stable timeloop where through PATHS he passes on all nine shifter powers to the original Ymir and imparts his hate/desperation upon her, creating a stable timeloop.

The tragedy will be that this is jnintentional and comes after his plan fails to save Paradis or other Eldians. In trying to protect his people he caused the chain of events that harmed them, invoking the futile feeling of The Mist's ending that makes you feel like there was never any point to trying to save them to begin with.

its all coloured black

D-DELET this

Attached: BF13FD26-8E35-404C-974B-B2157EB08A2F.png (1920x1080, 1.36M)

Yes, Eren's statue.

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Isayama hates Erwin

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>constantly have to reread the entire manga every time a new chapter drops just to remember what the shit is going on
>now experience the same thing with the SnK anime
>tfw had to rewatch the last 4 episodes just to be ready for yesterday's
>already forgot most of what happened

It's not fair, bros.

Attached: levi hands.jpg (599x741, 152K)

get that checked out bro, having memory that bad could mean your brain is fucked or something.


Thanks for your concern bro, I already had an MRI done where they found nothing suspicious. Current GP put me on Adderral but all that's doing is allowing me to be highly focused when I post here instead of other stuff.


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anyone else think that weird tribal chanting/clapping music when eren and armin were facing down bert was pretty cool

Attached: 0082-002.jpg (2133x1576, 999K)

Nice pixels.

If you're into that kind of music, here's an entire album inspired by it

>levi's mad she chose the bath

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What a CHAD.

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This guy is an animator.

>ywn eat a qt pure blonde loli with royal blood
Why even bother living?

I'm at my parents house with shitty internet

based EJfriend

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I need anime adaptation of the highschool AU.

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Kill yourself ErehisuHaven

>moralfags are hypocrites


Historia theme with lyrics when ?

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That's a pretty low standard for considering something official.

26 june

I missed this meme

You don’t have to be afraid of things in consciousness to dream about them, dingus

I just consider them friends with occasional benefits.

Floch will die next chapter

What do you guys think of Mikasa's new song?

Attached: Mikasa singing.jpg (1424x2200, 540K)

Works for me

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t. pedren

I think he has about 3-4 chapters left before he dies to show us extremism is bad.

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You're unfunny. The original Fayepedo and Gabiposters at least don't overdo it, or put some actual effort into it.


sums up Pissu's entire character

Full OST comes out 26th of june. So then.

What did they mean by this?

Attached: RgTCplU_d.jpg (364x266, 6K)

Will Levi go the Punished "Venom" Snake/Raiden route now that he has a massive scar is potentially crippled until he hops on some titan serum?

Attached: Levi Ninja.jpg (678x960, 70K)

white, brown and black

It is called Zero Eclipse.

Manlet is retiring or dying after his injury, he's not getting any serum


Pardon ?

Attached: story23b.gif (600x450, 11K)

he still wears the scouting legion's uniform in marley.
Kinda weird desu

>Next chapter, last pages

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torrents for this?

>eating some family sized lasagna and drinking a pepsi while browsing Gabi hentai
is there a comfier way to spend your morning, bros?

Attached: gab.gif (480x270, 1.44M)

It's symbolic user, it means he can't get over the past.

Isayama said he is an oyijan and finds hard to adapt to new times.

Post some ZF please.

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>Manlet is retiring or dying after his injury, he's not getting any serum
Yep, i expect his role in the story will change into a leader, hes not dying yet, would be a fucking way too lame way to kill him off screen when even non important side characters get proper deaths
If he was dead we would see him get exploded

then he will forever stay in the past and die

Why is Sawano so edgy in naming his piece? Literal cringe.

Ymir, please

He will move on

Uh, so how many fucking soldiers do they have left at this point? Overall

Perhaps a relaxing time at a secluded cottage in the company of a sweet little kid?

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>YH lovingly grazing into each others eyes

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We know Eruritrash

Potentially, but I think they'd arrest me for misunderstanding my intentions.

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What if Ymir is the devil and the girl's name is actually Krista?

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Where is based Urlkyn? He should be the best man.

what if eren is the devil and krista is the little girl ?


Attached: SoonJM brothers.png (1280x867, 1.14M)

Sorry I'm just the regular Gabipedo. My images have file names.

Attached: gab does an eat.png (191x269, 72K)

What chapter is the anime on now?

somewhere between 90 and 100

No, I'm sure he won't let the police get to you.

Not 100, but somewhere between 88 and 95 I'm sure.

Attached: Gabi, my wife and our daughter Pii..jpg (678x692, 265K)

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But I don't have a Mikasa laying on the floor.

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it will end with pure hopefagging

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Armin is Eren's ocean.

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in denial


>Reiner chokes Eren

Pieck got NTRed.

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What if the founding titan is actually the female titan?

*Eren chokes his baby
or vice versa

why would eren betray his oni chan?

>no Hunterfags *cough* excuse me, Chads in this thread yet

What gives?


im enjoying the thread just give me a moment


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What if Annie did something wrong?

Attached: Best Titan spin.gif (500x266, 965K)

Because they have completely opposing worldviews
>How much better would it have been if I hadn't been born into this world
>I am great because I was born into this world

Attached: D67vSpCUEAE4-rV.jpg (847x600, 90K)

Busy pedoposting, it seems.

the fuck i thought they both agreed to end the war by euthanizing Eldians?

i never cared about mikasa but now i want this slave to taste happiness

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What is she looking at?

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Eren is most likely lying about agreeing with the euthanasia

eren's sexy collarbone

Mikasa's sexy scarfbone

Do you really think Freedom man agreed with such plan?

new thread (just in case this one will hit the bump limit soon)

She exists

>pedo thread

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I don't read the manga but I know some random spoilers. I've been wondering, in that Ymir flashback when she was injected Titan shit and dropped off the wall, that happened in Marley, right?
How did she get to Paradis if it's a island? Or is there like a wall around the island too and they dropped her off from that wall?

Literally said "until my enemies are destroyed". What kind of brainlet are you?

>impregnation happens in a timeskip
wow that's just like my bleaches and narutos truly a masterful battle shounen.


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>No Erwin



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There's a wall between the marleyan port in Paradis and the area with titans. So yes there's a fourth, shorter wall though it doesn't go all around the island, just protects the shore they use.

Why did the Gabopedo posting increased since Isayama said he will reveal things in july.

Eren, as usual. Half of this arc could be summed up as Eren and Historia eyeing at each other.

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Seriously if you're actually interested you should be able to remember. This isn't One Piece.

It's a story about battles with giant assholes and small assholes
and attracts a young audience (15-18) which makes it a shounen, and thus it is a battle shounen.

Oh so there's some Marley territory on Paradis?
Thanks, that makes it clear.

W-What if Mikasa doesn't exist?

>loving someone younger than you is pedophilia
imagine being this braindead

Falco loves Gabi and Gabi loves Falco
Eren loves Historia and Historia loves Eren

>Falco loves Gabi
Only this is correct

I don't know if you can call it territory. Marley only made a small port and wall for the purpose of turning Eldian into mindless titan in paradis as punishment.

Attached: 36 (2).jpg (1067x1600, 457K)

>Eren doesn't even register Mikasa's presence while looking at Historia
She never had a chance, did she?

>implying the ability to turn into giants is bad

Of course he loves Historia.
Eren loves all of his friends

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why does Historia's theme has "nigger" in its lyrics?

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I agree though he impregnated Historia

Well, it's still something. I thought they had nothing on Paradis and just row their boats there, drop off their warriors and row back.

Shrodingeren, Schrodingasa.

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Is Armin gonna be okay?

It was for the future of their race so it doesn't count

>pic related mikasa helping with the delivery


fuck forgot the picture

Attached: hellothere.jpg (665x583, 32K)

hell be fine



Eren is too cute.

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yeah...can't wait to see how he looks in the anime

Pregnancy should be an accident so that nakamashitters shut the fuck up

The twist ending is that Hisu is such a whore she doesn't know who the father is

B-but user, Eren just wants to save his friends (except Historia because she doesn't count for whatever fucking reason) !!

So what are Eren's options here after betraying Zeke-kun?
>Make all Eldians smart titans and start a fleshy-mecha genre
>Give all Eldians a heart attack
>Trigger the flattening
>Add Zeke's power to his collection, take Pii's, take Armin's and finally eat Annie to make the super titan destroy the world
>Use Zeke's power to send a message to his past self so he wakes up crying like the beggining

That's Eren?

What if HanjiNyanko is endgame ?

Attached: a3dbab7c93e4e77b2f65b557531eb633.jpg (563x392, 46K)

eren acts as the big baddy and the world will work togerther including the eldians to defeat him

That's Eren, yes.

I rather LH or LK before this. But if we didnt get SashaxNicolo scenes it won't happen with a most popular character.

This was a bad post, until :
>And then Connie will make an offcolour joke at the celebratory peace parade in Marley and restart the race war.
Which was very funny.

Attached: MUH CODE GEASS.png (1075x1667, 2.22M)

HK dammit

Okay so after Clash of the Titans they shipped Ymir back to Marley? Or did they all go back together and come back with Zeke and Pieck.

He should blush more often.

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It's meant to characterize Historia's rebellious state of mind and her desire to subvert society, of course

I would compensate threads with more Eren x Historia posting because ErwLmod was blacked

Can someone explain to me what was that panel with Historia, MPs with Nile, Rico with garrison and Hitch about? They shown it at around 10 min mark. Was it Eren thoughts?

Tbqh I'm glad Elvin died and Armong got the serum, because he might have actually been able to resist Marley a lot more effectively. Thankfully, based GODgath has no opponent that can compare to him in intelligence.

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Wtf is that timeskip?
How does Mikasa looks like now?

Hello guys, anime only here
aren't these two the cutest couple? ^^
cant wait to see them end up together at the end of the series. :^)

Attached: dsasdasdasd.png (1907x1072, 2.05M)

She's a full fledged Mankasa now.

Back off, buddy, she's mine.

the world is cruel ya know?


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calm down niccolo

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>tfw can't even tell if underage seething EHfag or falseflagger pretending to be a seething EHfag

Attached: akko13.jpg (288x402, 16K)

like a cute boy

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At least she looks normal. Eren looks like some retarded stoner kid.

Armin was supposed to tell the plan while that scene was rolling but WIT can't have Historia and the word "Eren" be on the same frame.

Attached: Shingeki no Kyojin - Episode 82 - 1.jpg (1067x1600, 489K)

>Post akko
>Can't detect sarcasm
Like clockwork.

he cleans up later

Attached: 43.jpg (870x1248, 246K)

??But Eren looks like a chad,he’s very hot now

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how many episodes are left? Wiki only goes up to ep 18. Are we finishing at the ocean, or in the basement?

(Thread got deleted)
The problem is that most people ignore side materials or even the own Isayama. To put two examples, Isayama said he doesn't like EM yet EMfags insist, same as EArfags when Isayama said they are childhood friends yet they still insist, other interviews also said this season was about friendship yet they ignore that.
If people gets disappointed it's because they ignore a lot of those points.

I know Armin was telling the plan at that moment i just dont get what this panel is about especially why is Historia shown here?

Maybe you can't tell because you're a dummy.

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he was better with medium-short hair

Attached: cringe.jpg (3072x2043, 262K)

He was undercover behind the enemy line

Here's his evolution more or less.

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Tell me


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Was it really necessary? I rather romance between these two than the autistic shit we got with NS

he recently just ate the warhammer pilot bruh

>tfw 32 years old and never even had a job
oh well

Yeah, I wish I was the chosen one too...

So Eren only has four years left, if he got the Attack Titan when he was 10.

alright what's this invisible path where all meat and blood came from to form the body of a titan?

It's always been there, listen to the soundtrack called "Kyojin Shinkou"
For reference it also played moments before Annie crushed a soldier in the forest when she was pursuing the SL (with Petra and the rest)

Attached: music.gif (500x609, 396K)

To show that everyone is riding and hoping on their success.

Thats it? Fuck i guess that makes sense. It just got me confused, mostly Historia since shes not very relevant here. Ty user.

She's literally their queen and friend. How was she not relevant more than Hitch


Neither is Rico.

>Queen of the Walls and ex-member of the Survey Corps waiting for her friends' return
>not very relevant
Not sure what you meant, there.

It makes sense showing Hitch waiting because Marlo got stoned and they were close. Historia doesnt seem relevant here despite her being queen.

And Historia is one of Eren's closest friend who is the main protagonist of this series.