

Attached: dozo.jpg (500x375, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I fucking HATED this piece of shit. Ruined the entire anime.

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Attached: [Doki] Clannad - 03 (1920x1080 Hi10P BD FLAC) [8B5D01CE].mkv_snapshot_12.09_[2019.04.26_22.01.20].pn (437x510, 288K)

That's enough...too far

aa, arigato

a fucking wooden star

I love u Fuko

Fuko best girl.

Attached: [Doki] Clannad - 09 (1920x1080 Hi10P BD FLAC) [AD88AD7D].mkv_snapshot_13.40_[2019.04.30_23.20.29].pn (695x836, 632K)

This is now a Kyou thread.

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kyou is also good

Attached: [Doki] Clannad - 04 (1920x1080 Hi10P BD FLAC) [84FA1A8D].mkv_snapshot_13.29_[2019.04.27_01.50.04].pn (617x650, 494K)

What am I supposed to do with this thing?

Welcome back. Where have you been?

Guess what, pal? You're fucking dead.

Fuck off Kyou, we were having a perfectly good Fuuko thread.


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Kyou best girl always and forever Ryou a shit

Kyou's ponytail+very long sidelocks combo is extremely erotic

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I love her

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This image once got a police officer fired.

His fault for revealing his power level

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>mfw I watched this in middleschool

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His fault for not posting something risque and getting a promotion.

This has been on my backlog for years and finally getting aground to it now.

Nobody warned me about the diabetes and toothaches

Nice, what anime is this?

Look at the filenames in the thread you retard

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Who is this character? she seems familiar

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t. based spoonfeedchad


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lmao shitty name for anime. 10/10 would not watch

Shove it up your starfish.

Is... is that a deer...? What's it doing approaching Ryou?

post it

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Fuck your star!

where is that from?


Fuck off retard

I see

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>calls someone a retard
>can't even read global rules

Fuck. Guess I better rewatch Clannad

that's right

Attached: kotomi bento.gif (500x280, 483K)

No, first was the rabbit, THEN the deer, and finally you.

You cuck

How can ghost wear a party hat?

she isn't dead

Stick it up your bum

How can a softghost change clothes?
They just can.

She is.
I killed her.

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>tfw no tomoyo gf


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why does Tomoyo, the largest of the clannads not simply eat the other girls?

>go to your local library
>see this really cute girl sitting barefoot on the floor and reading advanced physics books at insane pace
What do you do?

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> saying nigga gets you fired
> shooting a nigga gets you paid leave

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try to talk to her but get completely ignored

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We live in a society.

kyou is HOT

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Nagisa deserved to win
Tomoyo was best girl

>Tomoyo was best girl
but user, how can that be true when Kotomi exists?

Attached: kotomi face.jpg (645x483, 26K)

Kotomi is probably no.2, but her wild autism prevents her from beating Tomoyo.

it's not a bug, it's a feature

Attached: kotomi is very strong.jpg (550x309, 54K)

>tfw I'm the only one who likes Ryou

get better taste

Attached: Kotomi what the heck.gif (720x449, 676K)

I used to dislike her until I played her route in the VN.
She's actually a really nice girl.

>partakes in psychopathic manipulation
>really nice girl

T-thanks... Is this a shuriken?

I'm sorry. Looks like you have terminal shit taste

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iconic picture

jesus christ, newfag

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>Psychopathic manipulation
Oh, you mean Kyou?

I'm disappointed the thread went 10 hours without this being posted.

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threadly reminder that clannad was shit

t. butthurt kyou didn't win

here we go again with the utterly delusional Ryoufag

>Ryou sees that Kyou likes Tomoya
>Ryou, being the utter psychopathic cunt that she is, decided that she wants to take him from her
>Ryou tells Kyou that she likes Tomoya knowing that Kyou loves her too much to make a move on him
>Ryou is a useless cunt and can't do anything for herself, so Kyou sets up meeting after meeting trying to get this doomed romance off of the ground
>Ryou fucks it up despite being given every possible opportunity (of course)
>Kyou is somehow the bad guy in this

Attached: kyou sad.jpg (452x578, 45K)

Kyoufriends are usually alright, it's the fucking Tomoyofags

>Kyou knows Ryou likes tomoya
>Kyou sets them both up knowing they would fail
>Keeps meddling in their dates while trying to act all nice and not at all like a fucking third wheel
>When the two begin getting along, she creates a shitton of drama
>Ryou who was trying her best loses entirely because her sister couldnt keep her nose out of their relationship
>Somehow ryou is the bad guy here
Also, Ryou has her own win, but ONLY if Tomoya completely ignores kyou' interference. Do try to sipn that as Ryou's psychopathy to justify your disgusting taste, cuck

>Kyou sets them both up knowing they would fail
Kyou sets them up because she wants to try and give Ryou a chance. It isn't her fault Ryou is a useless cunt and can't do anything right.
>Keeps meddling in their dates while trying to act all nice and not at all like a fucking third wheel
If it weren't for Kyou being there Ryou would be too much of a pussy to even go you fucking mongoloid. Literally every single interaction the Ryou and Tomoya have is because Kyou FORCES Ryou to be there.
>When the two begin getting along
This never happens
>she creates a shitton of drama
this also never happens
>Ryou who was trying her best loses
She tries fucking nothing. She relies on Kyou to set everything up.
>loses entirely because her sister couldnt keep her nose out of their relationship
She loses because she is an utterly worthless inept cunt. The relationship would never have gone beyond Ryou saying a couple of words, getting ignored, and then walking away if Kyou "kept her nose out of their relationship". This is fact and seething about it won't change anything.
>Somehow ryou is the bad guy here
She is. She does not care about anyone but herself and can't even capitalize on the opportunity Kyou sacrifices her own happiness to give. True scum.
>Ryou has her own win, but ONLY if Tomoya completely ignores kyou' interference
again, Kyou's interference is the only reason they talk at all.

Attached: kyou happy.png (498x627, 396K)

The kyou special where she finally gets with tomoya was good until she chopped off her fucking hair oh god kyou why would you do that

>Kyou is important and the only important part of that pairing and the only one doing anything and it all ryou's fault because she didnt do anything!
Dude, you are the epitome of an idiot anime-only fag. Give Kyou's route a read sometime, why dont you? Since you love her so much, im sure you will have no problem in seeing how it actually played out and how Kyou is a complete cunt in not only her route, but in all other routes as well
Eat shit

>She wanted to try give them a chance
>When she literally admitted that she did it so that they would fail and her sister wouldnt get tomoya
>If it werent for kyou being there
LOL later down the relationship ryou actually takes charge more and more. Also, isnt it a bit hypocritical to call ryou a pussy when she actually told Tomoya her feelings and got with him, while all kyou did was beat him up and run him over?
>This never happens
t. Anime-only dumbfuck
>She tries fucking nothing
also t. anime-only dumbfuck
>Their relationship would never have gone beyond
Dude you didnt read the VN at all, did you? If tomoya ignores Kyou, Ryou wins and her route ends there. Even in Kyou's route, their relationship progresses to the point that Tomoya finds it very hard to break up with her because he dated her for quite a while and actually got attached to her
>Kyou's interference is the only reason why anything happened
Im sure that Kyou barging in on her sister's relationship had nothing to do with them breaking up. Nothing at all.
Fucking idiot

>it all ryou's fault because she didnt do anything!
You can't just read the VN and memory hole the shit that you don't like. Who set up their lunches together? Who set up the date (if you read the VN, you would see that it was in fact Kyou who was behind all of this)? Ryou NEVER initiates any sort of contact and the only reason Tomoya goes out with her at all is because Kyou practically forces him to. Face it. Your whore of a waifu is a useless, selfish bitch in heat that went for the first guy to show her interest (his name is Kappei by the way, that was in the VN if you didn't know)
>isnt it a bit hypocritical to call ryou a pussy when she actually told Tomoya her feelings and got with him
because Kyou made her.
>all kyou did was beat him up and run him over?
Because she didn't want to take him from Ryou you fucking moron
>If tomoya ignores Kyou, Ryou wins and her route ends there.
read the post again. I was referring to the beginning-mid-late game when Kyou initiates contact and sets up the lunches and date
>Tomoya finds it very hard to break up with her
He pities her because he's a human being with a sense of compassion, unlike Ryou.
>Im sure that Kyou barging in on her sister's relationship had nothing to do with them breaking up
Kyou barging in is the only reason they talk at all because Ryou is a useless cunt with no initiative whatsoever.

>Because she didnt want to take ryou away from him you fuckig moron
>Casually hijacks all their dates and takes him away from Ryou
Nothing wrong here!
>I was referring to the beginning
And that's where your entire argument stops. Kyou got them together in the beginning hoping their relationship would fall apart (she even admits this herself in the VN you didnt read, a point you didnt adress either) and everything else that happens later is initiated by ryou, who asks him to walk with her, go shopping with her, play games with her, etc. The latter part of the route is entirely unnecessary drama because 'oh, the heartbroken kyou because her callous plan backfired!'
And not even here. In Kotomi's route, she forcibly inserts herself and ruins their dates, tries to beat up tomoyo in their route and Nagisa, Fuko and Yukine's routes have her as a footnote that nobody cares about(in nagisa's route, you can ignore her and still win the basketball game, as im sure you didnt know). All the while freeloading off tomoya and beating him up when he questions her. If anybody's waifu is shit, its yours
Also, your mention of Kappei and his relationship with ryou proves that you never read the VN, you fucking mongoloid

>Casually sets up all their dates because Ryou can't do it herself
>Kyou got them together in the beginning hoping their relationship would fall apart
Hoping that their relationship falls apart and actively sabotaging it are no the same thing. Her very presence mogs her sister into irrelevance and Ryou even explicitly states that this is the entire reason she wants to be with Tomoya in the first place.
>The latter part of the route is entirely unnecessary drama
The latter part of the rout is Tomoya thinking "why am I with this paper plate of a human when I could be with Kyou instead" or if you're mentally ill staying with Ryou.
And of course she tries to fuck up Tomoya's other routes, she doesn't have any obligation to allow others to take Tomoya without a fight like she does with Ryou.
>If anybody's waifu is shit, its yours
um nice try sweaty but I'm a Kotomifag
>your mention of Kappei and his relationship with ryou proves that you never read the VN, you fucking mongoloid
Why, because it proves that Ryou never really gave a shit about Tomoya and was just wanted to take him from her sister?

>Hoping that their relationship falls apart and actively sabotaging it are no the same thing
Yeah, except she does both
>Her presence mogs ryou into irrelevance
That kinda happens when she tends to hijack her dates which you, for some retarded reason, cant see as a bad thing
>The latter part of the route is Tomoya thinking "why am I with this nice girl who actually loves me when I could be with the abusive bitch who beats me up and freeloads off me while interrupting my dates and probably loves a fucking pig more than me instead
>Im a kotomifag
And Im a Tomoyofag. Always have been. Your move, bitch
>Why, because it proves that Ryou never really gave a shit about Tomoya and was just wanted to take him from her sister
Good job proving you never read the VN and have no idea how Kappei's route went
Im not arguing that Kyou helped get the ball rolling. My argument is that her motivations behind it are absolute shit. And as their relationship grows, she starts invading even more aggressively until she realizes herself that Ryou and Tomoya are an item, which results in the drama in her route and this causes the relationship between Tomoya and Ryou to collapse. Like it or not, Kyou is responsible for all that pointless drama and is just a total cunt in general
And here's another fun fact, my VN illiterate fellow shitposter-you can opt out of meeting up with ryou, thus never dating her at all. Doing so will have Tomoya tell Kyou off about how their relationship wouldve never worked out and that her forcing it wouldnt help anyone. Kyou immediately backs off and both their routes end prematurely as a bad end here. THIS should've been where Kyou's route shouldve started, if she really wanted tomoya and Ryou to get along without interfering, and is not a complete coward herself
>And of course she tries to fuck up Tomoya's other routes, she doesn't have any obligation to allow others to take Tomoya without a fight like she does with Ryou