Post the objectively best girl of her respective series.
Post the objectively best girl of her respective series
ITT Worst girls below this post
>thinly-veiled worst girl thread
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
>yellow houki
You first.
Not only best girl but also best anime/manga Elf.
Every best girl thread I see.
My wife looks so cute when she's mad
I wish she never revealed herself as a girl.
>ywn have a cute slave girl that gets glowy eyes when she loves you too much
Mai Natsume.
>tfw main girl is best girl
Fuck the King
She looks very rapeable.
That’s not a tomboy
Based Fuuka poster
>Posts moka
>Doesn't have an entire thread agreeing
She is best girl in both versions, I miss this manga
>No latex Oujos
To be fair, she isn't exactly up against the hottest competition. But even if she were she would still be Best Girl.
Kurisu is Grade S+ wife material.
how can one user be so wrong?
Shit Girls = Worst Girls
Fags with shit Taste
Best sisterwife!
Kyou Afterstory when
Came here to post this.
Fuck you, Yoruka is the best girl. You don't even post your shit taste in bitches.
She's literally perfect, big breasts, loyal, extremely intelligent, and fun to be around.
yuki best
Legit thought that was Pegasus from Yu-Gi-Oh
WRONG, fuck you.
Rin is the best girl, sexiest, and has the best personality. Ui is a manipulative slut who only uses her body.
She is a prostititute in a wedding veil, roastie, whore.
That's not Ranpha.
You are a man of integrity.
I wish i could sleep by her side
Another Shit Girls and Worst Girls worse than the others in this thread
Fuck this shit
Based as Fuck
The truth is painful
Zest a cute.
She still is a fapbait shit
Out of the way peasants.
This word is only used by pretentious fags who think they are getting an award by making a character unnattractive.
She is literally wish-fulfillment the character.
>"I have to marry you because our parents promised"
>"Its okay, I love you unconditionally and for a long time"
>MC cheats on her on multiple occasions and leads on other girls
>"Its okay, I love you unconditionally and for a long time"
>New busty rival falls in love with him
>"Just give her a chance and go in a date"
no real woman would deal with a cheating slut like Hayato and love him through all his courses of infidelity. Heck. It wouldn't shock me if he fucked Rin, Her sister, Ayane, Honola, and Makoto on the side because Ui is such a fucking doormat after the events of the manga ended. Once a man whore, always a mam whore.
To be fair, the MC is an idiot. Any real man would be creeped out by this chick who tolerates everything out of "love"
They would have dumped this creepy ass bitch like a hot potato and went after Rin, who fell in love naturally, and she has a fantastic body and personality to boot. The best part is that she would give a shit if you cheated on her because she is NORMAL.
But user she never got the MC cock
You can create an attractive female character, but do not cut of personality and character and that its sole purpose is Basara-Sama.
More than not, the best girl is the one who loses. It gives the audience the idea that the MC has a choice (aka False Choice storytelling device) and ultimately chosen the main girl out of love, because he rejected girls who are either better physically, mentally, and/or wealth wise.
It's the classic theme told in various media, whether it is novels, TV shows, soap operas, movies, video games, etc.
MC's are idiots who always chooses the worst girl, it's like a rule.
>She is literally wish-fulfillment the character
You realize the other chick. The one with gigantic boobs is even more wish fulfillment? She is single, beautiful, smart, doesn't have a boyfriend (even with that amazing body), virgin, and for some reason, fell in love with the first dude who started talking to her.
No guy is going to get a hot smoking girl like her, especially the ones who read the manga or watch the anime.
That's not a very good method of determining which girl was best.
The winner is typically the first girl, and the first girl in anime/manga/LN is very hit or miss. Sometimes they are the best, many times they are not.
So, like I said, not a very good method of determining which girl was best.
I was agreeing with you.
Not everyone quoting has a contrary opinion.
Okay, it's hard to tell, especially since I have no way of telling if you were the person I replied to in the first place or somebody else.
I don't know, she has a bossy personality and she is super conservative and defensive. Rin's huge boobs and her pretty face probably intimidates the fuck out of most of the guys. She also has high defenses where she treats most guys like sexual deviants, which weeds out the rest. It is very realistic for a girl as hot as her to be single and a virgin.
Trust me, a girl who is impossible to approach isn't getting any, no matter how sexy she is. She kills all the romance flags before they can get planted.
Note, this was in the beginning, she changed a lot because of Ui and Hayato to be more of a perverr.
Subjectively, I like futsuu more.
The Rin at the end of the series is a whore compared to when it started. I am ashamed to see what she turned into after being a fan of hers from the beginning.
She is literally the corruption tag in hentai applied to a harem series.
Booty elf
>A girl who doesn't wear a bra in her school uniform so her nipples stick out
>Gets mad when you lewd her when her fucking nipples are visible
>Gets easily jealous
>Wants the MC for herself
Not by a clear margin, there are much better girls in that series.
>Rias Gremory
>>Gets mad when you lewd her when her fucking nipples are visible
Did we watch the same show?
>posts headcanon
That's cute, it's not what happened.
Restia > Est > Rinslet > Fianna > Ellis > Claire
Sylvia > Kirin > Saya > Irene > Julis > Claudia > Priscilla
Shizuku > Ayase > Nene > Stella > Touka > Kagami
Sakura > Karen > Emilia > Reitia > Liddy > Claire
Avrora > Sayaka > La Folia > Nagisa > Reina > Astarte > Yuuma > Asagi > Yukina
Airi > Yoruka > Krul > Nokuto > Tilfarr > Phi > Relie > Sharis > Celes > Lisha
Aika > Twirl > Phoenix Guildy > Erina > Solar > Mikoto > Anko
Kotori > Kurumi > Nia > Yoshino > Tohka > Yuzuru > Origami mk.II > Origami > Kaguya > Natsumi > Mayuri > Miku
Chris > Eu > Saras > Seraphim > Taeko > Kanami > Haruna > Maelstrom > Naegleria > Kyoko > Ariel
Ling > Laura > Chifuyu > Tatenashi > Tabane > Cecilia > Charlotte > Houki
Math > Snake > Bat > Snail > Cat > Doll > Phoenix > Bee > Crab > Monkey
Megumi > Izumi > Michiru > Utaha > Eiriri
Pink > Orange > Silver > Black
You > Pest > Kuro Usagi > Leticia > Asuka > Shiroyasha > Lily
Kuroneko > Ayase > Kanako > Saori > Sena > Kirino > Manami
Marika > Paula > Haru > Ruri > Tsugumi > Chitoge > Onodera
Hishoko > Rindou > Momo > Nikumi > Erina > Alice > Ryoko > Yuki > Megumi > Nene
Rem > Satella > Echidna > Beatrice > Emilia > Ram > Crusch > Priscilla > Anastasia > Elsa > Felt
Aqua > Megumin > Eris > Darkness > Yunyun > Wiz
Tomoyo > Mirei > Sayumi > Reatier > Chifuyu > Hatoko
Yoshino > Neko > Tae > Sonoka > Aki
Miko > Morgan Freeman > Bear > Empress > Oni > French
Sera > Sisti > Re=l > Celica > Rumia
Sagiri > Elf > Megumi > Tomoe > Muramasa
Akari > Chinatsu > Ayano > Rise > Sakurako > Kyoko > Himawari > Chizuru > Chitose > Yui
Aoba > Hifumi > Ahagon > Yun > Shizuku > Momo > Nene > Ko > Rin > Hajime > Naru
Satania > Gab > Raphiel > Vignette
Tendou > Konoha > Aguri > Chiaki
Kanikou > Not-Elf > College slut > Kaiko > Chihiro
Mafuyu > Kaho > Maika > Trap > Miu
Biscuits > Edelgard > Bunny > Cat > Elf > Knight bitch
Sensei > Uruka > Rizu > Fumino
Big Nep > Noire > Nep > Pururut > IF > Vert > Blanc > Compa > Nepgear > Peashy
When you put it this way, it is really creepy
Based and Imoutopilled
>Aqua > anything
were you dropped on head as a child? Is that why you sympathize?
Fuck You and Die Miserable, Negigible, Incest Scum
That's not Esdese.
>only character with a developed personality and unique design in the entire show is the best
Oh wow no shit bro, I thought that background character number 4 was better
man tsukune was the worst
I dont think anyone expected that ending, holy shit ... it was glorious.
No, she literally got ZERO character development in 13 volumes, I don't know how it is fucking possible to have a main character in 13 volumes and they are the fucking same in the end as they were from the beginning.
People can hate Rin all they want, but she was the only character with substantial character development.
You can't say Rin from the beginning is the same as the end.
I would agree with you, but this series really pissed me off. I loved it up until lol I've been my mom the whole time!, but I'm not gonna say it was perfect before that.
While we're on the subject of best girls.
Why her VA voice the best girls?
best sister of course. Satsuki is absolutley wholesome and resolvepilled
Thats a dude faggot
Not even the best girl from the series, that is Cajun.
It just pisses me off because the real Moka is the best and the hottest Moka, and she could have been there the while time if her mom didn't steal her body.
The worst fucking part isn't even the NTR, the worst part is that her mom is taking over her fucking body. That is horrible, absolutely horrible.
Hory shit. I need you guys to elaborate. I watched the anime years ago and found the manga to be completely different but I ended up pausing quarter way through
There is nothing interesting about this character, no personality or characterization at all A blank slate.
She's boring as fuck. People dumped her as soon as Rin got the spotlight for good reason.
Rin is interesting, this bitch isn't.
Basically Outer Moka was her mother and I dont mean a fake personality based on her mother personality but it was her mother personality.
So Moka was cucked by her mother because Tsukune was in love with Other Moka that was Akasha minus her memories, also we learned of this in the last chapter when Akua tell us this.
Also look at that page, thats Akasha WITH HER MEMORIES RESTORED ...
kek. I always loved inned Moka, this doesn't affect me. Also thanks
great character, shit drawing.
That's not Cardinal
Anyone who believes in the concept of "best girl" is a narcissistic retard.
I have come to post a better girl.
Can we at least agree that there are some girls who are objectively worse than others?
Okay, what objective measurements are you using? How many panels she is in the manga? How much promotional store art she has? Google trend measurements in Japan?
Everyone knows it's true, just that some don't choose to admit it.
wait... thats a girl?!
The childhood friend should've been the main heroine.