Do you still like yandere girls?
Do you still like yandere girls?
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it's seriously disturbing that people are fetishising an attempted murderer
i agree, the image was kino as fuck but people out here turning her into an idol and shit, what the hell?
Remember Nevada?
maybe if you give me more info to jog my mind - if you just say nevada, nothing springs up
I wish someone cared about me enough to attempt a murder suicide
Of course that newshit can't remember something he never knew about
This event really exposed all the newfags on here
>Not knowing nevada-tan
Fucking newfags
Nevada-tan was a girl who stabbed her classmates with a boxcutter. One of the earliest Yea Forums memes. And yes, there is STILL Nevada worshipping thread on /jp/.
Newfag here. Even I know who that person is thanks to /jp/.
user is just stupid.
their problem isn't love but wish fulfilment
if she actually got in a relationship with the guy she's soon lose interest but what is interesting to her is this idea of a hopeless romance and maybe the idea of murder-suicide, romeo-and-julia-style
maniacs like this rarely actually want to end up with the guy
oh it's the classical Yea Forums meme where you don't answer the question - that's so oldfag!!! I wish i was like that :))))
haha, you got me there
i am a newfag!!! put me on reddit, i'm sure you'll get a lot of upvotes for my newfaggishness XD
did they dieded?
Nevada tan has to be like 26 now right? I wonder if she was ever able to get a job
I want to marry a cake Nevada-tan!
A girl falls in love with a boy.
Unable to confess, she is gifted with by a deus ex machina with the boy's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, she immediately calls him, and is overjoyed to find out that he has a crush on her as well.
But, the next day, when she recounts the previous day's confessions to the boy, he only looks at her with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, she finds out that the boy she called is not the same boy she fell in love with. In fact, he doesn't exist in this universe at all. He is the boy's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, MURDER ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.
I knew about Nevada-tan even before starting visiting Yea Forums, shit was everywhere back then
They're annoying as fuck in real life, I work with one
Can i get her number?
honestly, you fags arent better than those fucking sluts who send fanmail to bundy
I never did.
What a piece of shit.
whats the context here? Was there a recent yandere irl?
people are all over her cock now
Yeah, there's been roughly 400 threads about it in the past day
Can't blame them, Bundy was the epitome of based and redpilled
>yfw no qt pi yandere gf to slash you widen because she madly loves you
Keep this whore on Yea Forums, you teen.
To be quite honest, that scene where she sits covered in blood, casually smoking and making a phone call deserves to be put into some Tarantino movie.
Art can't beat life, again.
Why was the cop just sitting there talking to her? Hurry up and restrain her and get the guy medical help.
Because she is a girl
If the murderer was a guy, maybe then cops shoot him first
Yeah, she stabbed the guy and called the cops on herself while visibly calm and smoking
I ship this
is this real or did you just make this up user
Cause I like it
Japanese police have a way of doing things. His life wasn't threatened so I guess mission accomplished.
Don't worry, they definitely had that situation under control.
I mean to say, "japanese cops bad sexy murder girl good"
Japanese police service firearms fire 5 shots, the first round in the chamber is always a blank.
It's japan not america
If it was america she would have been "justly" chocked out and then shot on the grounds that her cig might have been a gun
In japan this officer might not even have a gun
>didn't escalate the situation and cause more potential injury like gungho cowboys with unresolved anger issues
American police that snap your neck when you cough wrong are sooooooooo much better huh?
At least they have guns, see Brits.
They did. He's alive.
Did he live?
I hope they get married.
Go, Japanese police!
They're good lads.
Although the picture was kino, it's kind of sad. You can tell the girl never received love from family/friends.
Also, not anime.
He loved but hes in critical condition and I wouldn't bet on him living much longer, if he's still alive now
did you read my post at all?
he did
also fuck you
do you have a link? I can't find it via google given all your keywords
I've never liked them. Tsun tsun is where it's at.
nevermind found this,
he was stabbed in the stomach
resevoir dogs taught me that isn't fatal
An american police would had already shot him and then go on a paid vacation.
>Apparently the man answered a phone call from a different girl while they were having sex was what triggered it.
>After she finished stabbing him, she casually picked up the phone and called that girl back, "I just stabbed him and I blame it all on you"
That sounds fake
But this is a really good ARG for Yander-chan to Host-kun anime series coming 2022.
They should have done it as soon as possible. Don't let the guy just bleed there.
Seems normal
2ch is definitely gonna pull throw and make us a manga r-right?
Its been so long since molester man
What an absolute chad, I thought Asian men were betas?
user, where do you think you are? I wish I had a girl like her.
which is why you're a permavirgin
>yandere cosplayer stabs poor working shakaijin
>Nip police: "Just another Tuesday"
In almost all manga with a yandere there's someone to outclass them. Mirai Nikki has Minene, Happy Sugar Life has Auntie, Monogatari has Shinobu, etc.
>Monogatari has Shinobu,
Are you retarded? Shinobu jobbed hard every single time.
I want White Nadeko to mount me like a Harley and sex me to death. It's the simple things in life.
While she's stabbing you with her snake harpoon?
Holy shit that's so hot
Normalfag pls
Wonder why you ironic weebs even trying to do with this 3dpdp slut
>girl almost fucking kills a guy
>tons of art gets drawn
>people want to fuck here
>people saying she's cute
I would pull an incel and say if a guy did this everyone would call him sick and disturbed, if I didn't know that women do exactly the same shit that you fags do and send love letters to serial killers
shut the fuck up normalfaggot
Except not really? Do you know how much Ted Bundy fanfiction there is? How many people fetishize him?
Not gonna lie, I'm a sucker for those thighs. Do fat incels have thighs like that?
>reading comprehension
I managed to escape the yandere girl I dated after she told me she was planning for us to commit suicide together and implied that I wasn't going to get an opportunity to refuse, I literally pulled the 'going to the store to get cigarettes' maneuver on her a few days later after I calmed her down and I don't feel great about that but I think it saved both our lives
I still love her and I miss being with her, she really did just love me so much it drove her crazy and words can't really do justice to how it feels to be with someone like that
I can't really blame anyone for idolizing or wanting to be with a yandere girl, it's really an amazing fulfilling experience until the part where you die
She is a cute tho
I who send you to here, weddit/tumblr? why you always using shitty memes and overshadowing the 2d/outcasts you scum
Sounds like a parody of Mirai Nikki at first.
>tons of art
I'm interested, what's her tag?
I think I want out of this yandere stuff
manga and anime when?
You probably really wish you could be like that
Wait a minute.....I seen this pasta before somewhere here, nigger
I was listening to anime and vidya music on shuffle and the Mirai Nikki OP came on while I had this thread up.
Should I be scared?
I fucking hate 3dpd roasties
>she cosplayed as toga on her Instagram
>extremely cute
stab me pls
Yeah no. Cops here in America who do that shit generally don't last long
What a try hard, she's playing a shitty character
>In japan this officer might not even have a gun
I'm guessing you're some dumb Britfag. Japanese cops do carry sidearms. Little shitty .38 revolvers with five round cylinders yeah, but guns nonetheless.
I want to know, too.
Luckily they're replacements take up the mantle of jackbooted thugs only to be replaced by more low IQ jackbooted thugs.
Well I've seen cops use guns in anime but I didn't know if that was actually accurate or if it was just for action purposes.
I know they're pretty weary of firearms in general.
what's disturbing is you taking it seriously
Holy fuck it's been so long. Checked, based oldfag.
Women get crazy when men are not in charge. She sounds possesive and manipulating. She sperged out then something didn't according to her plan.
Based on what exactly?
Yes very ironic xDD
Having waifu is also ironic xDDD
I guess this is what you get for being a faggot.
The fact that his job was to flirt with other japanese girls while she had to watch probably didn't make the whole situation any better. She went to work just to get NTR'd. Every single day.
How much jailtime is she facing?
user stop
Wait a fucking minute. Why the fuck is he naked? This looks like an apartment lobby.
Guess she couldn't wait long enough to get inside the apartment
Meanwile Yuyu Yuno threads are purged on /jp/ but old and busted Nevada worshipping thread is still alive.
I hate Internet.
> calls them low IQ jackboot thugs
> "Luckily they're replacements take up the mantle"
> they're
You're one to talk dude.
>anons call women crazy for writing love letters to Ted Bundy
>do exact same thing when they get the chance
I don't buy it, there's gotta be more to the story here. I doubt she would've stripped him after stabbing him and calling the police. And I doubt he was naked before the stabbing.
Did she drag him from the apartment? Could explain the blood drags.
I wonder why? It seems like an appropriate topic for /jp/
Ted Bundy was just a serial killer though. He didn't kill people out of a devotion to someone he loved.
In Mirai Nikki, there's a reason people like Yuno, who kills out of love, and not 3rd (Takao Hiyama), a serial killer who just kills people for...who knows why.
people just wish they had someone who cared for them, user
that incel who shot a 50+ people in new zealand has a thread on /h/ where he's drawn as a girl and lots of retards worship him.
tfw no real life ayase gf
Yea Forums hates everything new but glorifies the past like memes from the past are more valuable
You do know that guy had a girlfriend right?
Honestly why haven't you murdered someone Yea Forums?
>OPM fag is a normalfaggot
What a shock.
no. it got old after a while and no one ever did anything new with it. its fucking boring now.
Which sucks since it really would be the most appropriate place to post about it. And it's not like threads about this stuff can go on Yea Forums anymore either since it's just a fucking forgotten porn board these days
>the thread last night on the same topic that stayed up in spite of a loli porn spam spanning back an hour
The absolute state of this board
I know there are some nice men in white coats who really like to keep yanderes close to them.
I'm waiting until I meet someone from Yea Forums in real life to commit my first murder.
>Yes I used the phrase normalfaggot now please accept this 3dpd
Leaked photos proved she's doing great
I thought Yea Forums didn't dabble in 3DPD.
She got jealous as fuck and started stabbing a man and later shifted the blame on the other girl.
The mods have been asleep for days now. We had a politics thread up for an entire day even though someone spammed it with /pol/ comics.
Well she's like a walking yandere cliché, so she might be an exception
Yandere =/= Yangire
Yandere would never harm object of affection.
Yangire is actually insane and would kill her lover just be sure he never loves anyone else.
>W-what do you mean you take this seriously? It's ironic guys!
But we all girls here, you tranny
Thank you, educational user
Yangire harm people randomly, for no reason.
Yandere generally don't like the idea of harming the person they love, but they're willing to do it if they think it will end up well.
For example, Yuno kidnaps Yuki and incapacitates him, but she does it because she's trying to keep him safe from people who want to kill him.
To be fair I don't see guys self-inserting or projecting themselves onto Ted Bundy, Eric Harris, and Dylan Klebold, to name a few examples, or at least not in the same fashion I see girls do the same to female murderers like this one. That edgy faux goth "cherry emoji" side of Twitter is full-on "Wow She's Just Like Me" mode right now.
You say that like it's an insult.
Yea Forums are a bunch of hypocrites more news at 11
I thought Yuno was generally classified as yandere. If I remember correctly didn't she try to murder the MC towards the end of the series?
Yes, because the universe is about to be destroyed. She plans to travel back in time to get with his past self.
That sucks. I've seen similar circumstances occur to boards smaller than this one but in spite of Yea Forums's flaws I didn't think it would be this deserted as far as mods go, or at least this deserted relative to the board's activity/speed
Gotta earn those wizard powers
>born too late to be serial killer
How do you even get caught before DNA, video surveillance, and cell phones?
She did the only reasonable thing. Two-timing sluts deserve death.
Witnesses mostly
Yes. I do.
I never did.
Anyone have source for this?
the age of serial killers was less because of lack of evidence and more because of police incompetence due to lack of training. police agencies in the 70s and 80s sucked.
My condolences for when you look in the mirror and suicide
This is nothing new.
She'll probably will write a book later.
if it were a man he probably would have just shot her or beat her to death and been done with it.
any chance it will boost the trope or the archetype?
no. yandere became a burnt out trope half a decade ago.
Doubtful. There's a reason Yuno is the only big yandere character in anime people know of. Aside from her, the only famous yandere girls are from meme games like Yandere Simulator and DDLC.
Yanderes seem to be popular, but really it's mostly the "ironic weebs" that like them.
I think that's unfortunate, because yandere characters don't appear very often in real anime due to this.
I certainly hope that writers get more creative and how they portray yandere characters. I feel like a lot of yandere characters get too caricatured in the long run and it serves to dampen their effectiveness. Take the series and bring it down to earth a bit more, it's what makes the yandere archetype stand out from the crowd in the first place.
What about JoJo yandere
i would love to see a really autistic yandere that tries to be a creepy killer psychopath but just makes herself look like an idiot all the time.
its a niche trope at its best, and you can mostly just see them in doujins, VNs, WNs, and Mangas excluding anime
The type of audience seeking more yandere content isn't going to seek out something like that just for a yandere character.
I didn't mean to say that there are no yanderes in other anime, just that they are mostly unknown. When they do exist, they're usually side characters.
Take Code Geass as another example. Nina Einstein is a yandere (although not a very likable one). If you wanna talk male yanderes, Mao is one as well. However, no one really cares too much about either of those characters, because big yandere fans aren't gonna watch Code Geass because some side characters happen to be yandere.
The result is very few anime with a yandere as a main character.
>Yanderes seem to be popular, but really it's mostly the "ironic weebs" that like them.
>I think that's unfortunate, because yandere characters don't appear very often in real anime due to this.
That's true. Yanderes have been pretty much pushed/relegated to works that often cater to the ironic weeb crowd, no doubt playing up the "le edgy violent moe girl" that made shit like Elfen Lied popular among such a crowd.
A shame though, because I think writers haven't gone far enough with the concept without instantly going full chunni on the whole thing.
That almost sounds like an alternative Watamote. Ironically, I've seen some from the crowd actually gravitate to the show.
Are you people are crossboaders and normalfags? or from entire different dimension?
>Ironically, I've seen some from the crowd actually gravitate to the show.
*from the same crowd
>look at these pictures of this 28 year old balding incel hugging a girl 10 years earlier when he was 17 years old
when you're balding and nearly 30 trying to use pictures of yourself at 18 is proof you're an incel
Do you really only post on board?
I have a theory that you could avoid the dying part if you've fucked her really hard.
I had a crazy gf too and I'd fuck her untill her legs hurt and she would behave nice for a few day, our relationship fell apart when we couldn't have sex for extended periods of time, funnily enough.
Do we have any other pictures of her? The only 2 pictures I see makes it seem like she's pretty cute but I'm not exactly a good judge of facial structures nor my tastes quite refined
Yea Forums is just a porn board now snd there are no threads allowed about her on /jp/. Threads about her has to go somewhere