About to end it all Yea Forums
Live stream + explanation :
See you on the other side frens.
About to end it all Yea Forums
Live stream + explanation :
See you on the other side frens.
not your blog, fuck off
Put the gun down and call someone. Family. Friend. Suicide hotline. Someone. Make a call for help. You need it now.
Unfortunately,not everyone can be saved,doesn't mean you shouldn't try,but OP is an attention-seeking faggot who doesn't wanna die and wants to be told something that he's worth for.
Atleast kill some low life niggers or something before offing yourself faggot.
Not OP, but that's not true if he wants to stream it. Remember the kid who blew his head off on /r9k/?
nice bait
Shitty dickscord link
You'll fail and regret it. Gun is one really shit way to go.
Put down that shit and go to sleep. Everything will be better tomorrow when you can think clear.
It seemed like an accident, his finger slipped.
Are you at least going for a high score?
have you tried jacking off before making impulse decisions.
>using discord
>killing yourself with an arisaka
Thanks for adding to gun violence statistics, faggot.
>owning a jap gun
you disgust me. save some dignity and go buy an america revolver with some exotic hardwood grips you weeb.
He was long gone,didn't you see how prepared he was to kill himself?
He even told his "friends" to watch him die instead of actually helping him,truly a lost case.
Another fact,someone online telling you not to kill yourself has less impact than one irl
>its just a discord
>Discord link
Yeah, no thanks.
Just jack off, retard
OP talk to us. are you still there?
Before anyone else says it. I reclaim his waifu.
OP here,not worth it
what would that do for him?
Who was it
do it painfully, thanks.
Why would you do that without knowing who is waifu is? Are your tastes so indiscriminate?
Clears the mind so you stop making stupid decisions
Everyone knows this
When you get depressed, lonely, angry, any negative emotion literally just jack off and you’ll be fine
uhh yeah no it doesnt maybe for a low iq halfwit like you it does
op promise you that there is logically zero reason to kill yourself. No matter how bad it may seem there is just simply no reason because you can still change all of it.
Its worth a try
discord lmao
user you were one in fucking thousands of other sperm cells to be born, your mother dealt with your bullshit in her stomach for 9 months, don't throw yourself away.
Don't do it.
Or do. I can't stop you and don't care either way.
If you're dead you can't get revenge on the world
Just do it already, retard.
play fortnite op
OP, my waifu think you're a faggot.
bro you gotta understand the shitty thing is with these totally viable options for help is that they are worth what YOU put into them. Its the toughest shit but you can do it
why are you gay
What anime is this?
Stop being gay and let the faggot die.
Long awaited 2hu adaptation. user will be giving us a tour of Gensokyo.
someone link pastebin wont load
I am sure she was such a worst girl he literally killed himself because of it.
OP, look at the Artifact section on twitch instead of doing this
There's a fucking TTGL stream
it\s just some link to /pol/ discord.
>check out the discord
>porn everywhere
>voice chat is just people talking about games
I'm so confused. Anyway don't kill yourself.
Make sure you think it through before you do it. Most people who try it regret it, but then again the types who fail are the types who didn't take it seriously in the first place. Personally I'm of the mind that deciding how one's life should end is something nobody should be robbed of. If you're thought it through then good luck.
Well played. Link is a shitty discord server with autists talking about trannies, elections and porn.