Post Asian anime characters

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Xing people from FMA:B

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>proud Mongolian ancestry

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Is this the new forced meme?

Finns being mongols has been a meme for years

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Really/a/ can’t post much?

Post them


majority of anime characters are japs and no africans exist in glorious nippon.

why can't niggers accept that?

Not naruto. He white as snow

Not fair, the alien and the black thread were deleted but not this

black humor is as bad as black english.

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nah Finngolians are an old as fuck meme

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go back



i'm where i fit in with the rest of the light skins.
how about you go back to the jungle where you belong?

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Japs don’t consider themselves Asian

They are but anime characters are drawn white

going off race theory there are 3 main races. asiatics, negroids, and caucasians. japs can say whatever they want but we know where they fit in.

Only new thing here is you

Every anime should look like ping pong

No thanks
I still have nightmares about his fucking gum-chewing face at the very end of the OP

But the characters look Japanese for once

And no pink hair , green hair , blue eyes and other un natural hair and skin colours


yes they do.


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Every unattractive character.

Very clearly caucasian.

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Post white anime characters

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post shekel-hoarding anime characters

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White face

White name

Guts is clearly Asian. If you don't like reading manga, you can always read (((Marvel))) comics.

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Literally everyone in the world prefers long, high-bridged noses with little width as opposed to ugly asian noses with low nose bridges and more width than projection.

Piss off ricenigger

Made by Japanese

Asian main character

White people in Berserk are getting invaded by brown people, just like in real life.

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Why can't whites on Yea Forums take a joke?

whites are controlled by the jews. that's why.

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Everyone in the world except asians who constantly make fun of white people's noses, and whites who get rhinoplasty to lower their nose bridges.

In a way Berserk shows that whites are controlled by Jews. In Midland, white people are ruled by Apostles (Jews) that serve the Godhand (Rabbi). They get invaded by brown people (Kushans). Guts who is the main Asian character, gets raped by the avant garde minority (blacks) that white liberals use to undermine western society. During Guts experience in the west, he dwells in the degeneration of the west. It is evidently noted when he experiences homosexual attraction from a white man with silver luscious hair who wants that Asian boy pussy.




Look at the skull shape


He has epicanthic folds. I don't like Asian media is for you. Maybe you should stick to Jewish films and cartoons.

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his movie design isn't accurate and you know it. Also Midland is a fictitious England

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You can always count on Cowboy Bebop for these threads. Shame the other was deleted, it had lots of good examples. More than the shitposts even.

Fuck, forgot my pic.

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more like the HRE

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Not!England is Albion. Not!France is Chuder. Not!Italy is Vritannis. And Midland is closer to Not!Germany/Austria/Czech
This pretty much.

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They made him more asian in the movies to help the avarage jap relate easier.

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based and yuasapilled

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You could say that in some ways japan is more a western country than an eastern one, but even that's a huge stretch. "Not considering themselves Asian" is just ridiculous, which I can only assume is some sort of misunderstanding from japanese people considering themselves distinct from some other asian country or you pulling things out of your ass

It's just the annoying obsession with face capture and mocap shit continuing to ruin anything animated for the sake of muh realism. I wish the industry would get over their torturous priapism boner for that dogshit scum trash

>t. Cowboy Kobayashi

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HRE and the balkans, I'd say
Which is why the kushan invasion is similar to ottomans

>black hair with black eyes


His eyes are brown though? You seriously think all white people have blonde hair and blue eyes? Pic related,an irishman.

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Guts' eyes are always black in every version, you dumb cunt

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Also, the one you posted has brown hairs. Are you fucking stupid?

Have you considered that maybe you just don't like anime?

That's black hair.

That's not black hair, it's dark brown at best. Are you blinded?

this is kazuma. like all isekai MCs, he is japanese. anime is a japanese fantasy, not a white fantasy.

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here's your white fantasy. notice the difference in art style.

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I mean races probably don't even exist in the Berserk universe, but i'd say that he looks italian/spanish

>when your family leaves you because you insist they call you tenma-san and all you do is write imaginary shitposts on Yea Forums with your imaginary keyboard

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>like all isekai MCs, he is japanese
like all isekai MCs, he is designed to look as nondescript as possible, so that any average white or asian nerd can self-insert as him

It takes place in fantasy not-england, so it stands to reason he's at least part fantasy not-english, but he also does have the whole mysterious birth bullshit going on and he doesn't really look too much like most other people we see, so really all bets are off with him. I think people are generally wrong when they try to guess anime race by appearance when it tends to be completely unreliable to go by any criteria other than where the fucking thing takes place

It's probably based on the roman empire, specifically during the inquisition period

I say England because of the name and vaguely (and possibly mistakenly) remembering it's an island and there's some sort of Vatican out there elsewhere

>ping pong china
What the fuck man? That's so racist.

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i don't know any white people who live as otaku or NEETs in japan. they tend to stay in their own country increasingly outnumbered by mexicans and muslims.

he could be half-white
also he has brown hair and green eyes, which can be excused with muh anime artstyle, but is also clearly non-japanese

ping-pong has like the most respectful representation of chinese people in anime desu
they are presented as amazing at the sport, yet still very much human and not just obscacles for the japanese MCs to overcome
they also actually speak a lot of chinese in the show, which is pretty unique as well

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you'd lie about anything to pretend japanese anime characters are white. negros trying to claim egypt as african remind me of you.

shut the fuck up, isekai are rightful white heritage as an extension of the western fantasy tradition
your medium will be taken over by us hakujin and there is nothing you can do about it


>We wuz samurai an sheeeit

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they're white not japs, japs want to be seen as white that's why they make anime character white

why can't weebniggers accept that?

japanese have whiter skin than greeks, italians, and spaniards.
considering the EU's rising number of allah akbars and actual niggers, it will only get darker in europe.

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1/100 anime make the white people look noticeably different, bigger nose chin taller hairy etc.
1/1000 make the Japanese characters all have brown eyes and black hair.
The rest make the white and Japanese characters look the same

anime characters don't look like men so they're definitely not white

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anime characters look white because japoids love whiteys and wish they looked like that, but they're intelligent and grounded enough to not believe they're actually white (though passive aggressive), so there's always some magic mysterious jap samurai major character in every fantasy world or some kind of hapa shit going on with the MC's.

people who deny the whiteness of anime are delusional, everything from settings, lore, names, and plots are taken from western fantasy.
all the recent isekai trash and RPG animes are entirely inspired by and set in european fantasy settings.
why do you think isekai is called wish fullfilment? because jap neets end their suffering in this world and get transport to medieval europe and have giant harems consisting of whiteoid lolis and 2d waifus. but not even the MCs look 100% japanese because that would remind them of their super asian beta appearance and break the illusion.
the only new thing japs come up with is slapping mammal ears on a human and calling it another race.
and drawing females without them looking like trannies.

this is a problem created and solved by japanese, whites never had any input on the production of manga or anime, and japs don't care about non-jap audiences or pandering to them. apparently japanese anime consumers are not as concerned with the philosphical contradictions of their chinese cartoon's artstyle.

it made me feel for chinks so it did a good job


white people serf inserting as an obviously asian character is weird as fuck to me

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they do, just they consider themselves superior to other asians

>anime is white
-t retard

Let's not fucking kid ourselves here. Ping pong is a fucking joke. At least with the Olympics. At that point it's literally just a Chinese ping pong tournament anyways. If I didn't know any better I'd say the Japanese and Korean players were also Chinese.
t. Chinese

you have to understand, a lot of anime has Japanese men with white women, so they are basically being cucks watching it, the only way for them to cope with it is to try and twist reality and pretend that the obviously Japanese MC is actually white

I always found it funny that when Japanese draw Japanese they have big eyes but when a Chinese character shows up they look like a fucking World War 2 caricature except with their hair in that braid. Or they show up in a qipao or whatever the male equivalent is. The lack of self-awareness is astounding.

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its because they view Chinese as racially inferior

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Jesus Christ Akari quit doing that
It's offensive you racist fuck

there are probably more black men in Japan shown in anime than white men

>ketchup with his fries
Not American but Dudley is clearly a man of superior taste