What are the chances of getting a season 4 after the OVA releases later this year?
Also, general YuruYuri thread I guess
What are the chances of getting a season 4 after the OVA releases later this year?
Also, general YuruYuri thread I guess
no, it's an akarin thread
I love my wife
I want to hug Yui
What did china mean by this?
>there will never be a season 4
>Dude, what if we took Doga Kobo's formula that worked so well the past two seasons and completely changed it
Nachuyachumi was good, but San Hai was a travesty. They tried to make a comedy with slice of life elements into a slice of life with comedy and ended up with a half-baked result. Getting rid of running gags like the title call and invisible Akari, and watering down the characters' personalities (Kyouko and Ayano were the worst casualties) were some of the most obvious flaws.The only character who didn't feel watered down was Sakurako who was as great as ever and had some of the funniest moments in the season.
I will say that San Hai had a pretty sweet ending, though.
>Chinatsu being a slut
nothing new to see
I agree that the ending was pretty good all things considered, but no one was spared the complete reluctance of the director to even attempt a joke. Everyone was so obviously guided to act a certain way that you can tell by the animation, where characters aren't allowed to react how they usually would. It's lazy and generic without even looking good. Every episode had a voiced 4koma released with it where everyone is a little more spirited, easily better than the actual anime.
Nachuyachumi wasn't that good either. It had all of the same problems but the benefit of an actual story, but I would say it's better.
I did find the Mirakurun parts really funny though. They were adapted from some extra pages but it shows that if they actually wanted to make a good comedy, they could. They just chose not to.
What is Akari trying to tell us with those hand signals?
This is going up your pooper.
One thing about the last episode that really sums up my problems are the pajamas they're wearing. Instead of wearing Kyouko's animal onesies, they're wearing generic pajamas, which I'm sure was a deliberate choice on the part of the director in order not to undercut the emotional moment at the end. However, I think the contrast between their silly pajamas and Kyouko's heartfelt speech would made the moment even better and ekphasized the spirit of Yuru Yuri.
Her hands look so soft.
I love my wife Kyouko so much.
>there will never be a season 3
>Akari's anilingus
Season 3 was good.
Namori drawing grannies!
Really scarce
This, but unironically
I can live with that
Which yuru would make the best wife?
Depends whether or not Lay-duce and Takahiro ruin the OVA like they did with Release the Spyce
Considering the BD is already at around 3k preorders based on the crowdfunding alone it'd have to get really shit reviews in Japan to struggle to get more made if they wanted to.
They've at least shown faith in Lay-duce and the staff considering they were all announced before the campaign and people still went for it well beyond the goal funding.
Chitose, always
The latest chapter was lewd. I want an Oomuro ke anime for my wife nadeshiko as well.
this post is extremely low quality
because i am an extreme case of lowlife, i need picture of Yui hugging pillow to survive, can you please help me
>there will never be a season 10
your opinion is shit
t. somebody who actually reads the manga
If the manga went the same route as San Hai, then it must have either gone downhill or been handled better. Regardless, my complaints are about the anime. I don't have to have read the source material to feel that San Hai felt awkward and lacked the same quality of comedy as the other seasons.
I feel like what you're saying is more true for the first half of San Hai, and that it eventually found a rhythm
It hasn't. The shift in tone, pacing, and what actually happens should be obvious to anyone familiar with it. So many times they cut the punchlines to either merge directly with another chapter or drag the scene out with made up dialogue that doesn't go anywhere.
I think Spyce was bad because they tried to do so many things at once. Part of it had to do with a mobage tie-in. They tried to build a universe without any of the pieces really fitting in together. Sure it was the fault of the same writers but this time it's an adaptation. They don't need to invent a bunch of bullshit rules. The designs look a little potato from what I've seen but that shouldn't be a problem if they put care into it.
The second half was a little better, evidenced by the fact that the only episode I liked in the first half was 3 whereas I enjoyed 6, the first 2/3 of episode 8 with Matsumoto and Sakurako (Chizuru's part dragged and led into one of the worse episodes), and 12. Sick Chinatsu was also really funny in 11, but I didn't like the rest of the episode.
Another man of taste I see. This is unexpected
She's loyal and chill, best wife material
Why this thread have no image in the catalog?
it's an image of a bunch of stars, idiot
Which of these lovely ladies would you have sit on your face?
>tfwywn be an innocent young girl getting taken advantage of by Kyoko-senpai
Definitely Akari
>tfw ywn be molested by a chocolate drunk Chitose
In realistic terms, probably Himawari. She's not as autistic as Yui and Ayano and not as dumb as the other girls. You would also get a cute sister-in-law.
Sakurako 100%. She wouldn't just sit on your face; she'd ride it.
Sakurako is the only one of them that's dom-y enough to pull off good facesitting
why does Akari not like being called Akarin? Is it some kind of silly Japanese pun I'm too much of a gaijin to get?
The manga doesn't "go the same route as san hai" you fucking nigger.
The anime from the first to third season jumps around chapters in the manga from multiple volumes.
The manga has a much higher connotation on yuri than the anime and you dumb faggots got butthurt when the third season became more yuri centered like the source material and less of a sitcom.
The manga is also full of a ton of shit like Japanese pop culture references that are nowhere to be seen in the anime, so acting like the first two seasons were amazing and faithful to source material is retarded.
I only even watched this show because I recognized the girl as RyanUK’s avatar in VRchat
The simple fact that they had to crowdfund it is a red flag in the first place. If they had confidence in the project, they'd have been able to raise the budget beforehand, knowing it would be popular/successful, and therefore, profitable.
because it's an informal nickname that makes her sound childish so she doesn't like it
Ayano, she smells nice
And how exactly does that change the fact that San Hai was bad? Even if, according to you, Doga Kobo's rendition wasn't faithful to the manga, I enjoyed it far more than Tyo's rendition which supposedly stuck closer to the source material. If the show had been faithful to the source material from the first season, then it might have been a bit more bearable, but the tone shift kills it and shouldn't have been done.
Stop being rude. It was more faithful in terms of characters. There really isn't that much yuri in the manga, unless you count two characters being in the same room together. Both studios rework situations. That should be expected from an adaptation; things don't always translate well from paper to television. But one add to scenes while another just has characters talking while nothing happens. TYO did things like stopping everything to show characters cooking from ONE angle, or spending a good while on wide shots of scenery. There's nothing they did to take advantage of the fact that it's an animation. They instead focused on the world which is usually ABSENT from the manga. Their slapstick is poor and blunt. Worst of all their characters are very one-note. Ayano emoting looks like she's about to cry, like her dog just died. It's a total disservice to my girl.
Pic related should have been greatly exaggerated in an animation. Instead the opposite happens, like with most actions from the manga.
sanhai contains some of the most legitimately funny scenes in the series, you fags just can't adjust to the slightly worse art style
oh, I thought it meant invisible or something and that's why it usually gets paired with jokes about her not having presence
It was the group's sound effect for Akari. It got grouped up with all her other traits so by association it's also a joke about having no presence.
Well it's part of the gag so you're not wrong.
like he said
But it also sounds childish which she doesn't like because she gets made fun of for being immature often due to her divine innocence
Getting 900% of the target should have given them more than enough confidence now.
I can't see any drawback to doing it like this considering they've probably already made a profit on it. It means they don't need to guess how it will do but already know in advance, and can budget accordingly. It could also sell more when it actually comes out and do even better.
I'm pretty sure they could make it film length with the funds they have and still make a profit.
>red flag
>crowdfunded 879%
you're a moron
They have confidence in it now, but why didn't they beforehand?
>what is market research
Sakurako is ready to start making a family.
Fuck it, I give up with you imbeciles
>Why make company pay when we can just make weebs pay
It's been quite a few years since San Hai so it would be natural to be unsure of how much interest there would be in it.
They could either try and poll people about interest in the series or do this crowdfunding. Compared to polls this already has money committed to it and gives more confidence than any poll or research could do.
You seem upset
I've never understood the face sitting fetish, but I'd like to sniff Kyouko's and Ayano's nether regions and legs.
And you couldn't do that while they sit on your face?
Sure, but it sounds extremely painful for you.
I can't be the only one that thinks San Hai was the best season, r-right?
It'd be worth it.
I agree with you user.
Don't tell anyone though
Ayano, no contest.
Probably smells like grapes
As a massive midriff fag I can't get enough of the Rivalun's outfit. More?
Not a lot.
This is covered up though.
Me and my peepee thank you for your effort.
I have full confidence in layduce and takahiro. The OVA will be great.
The worst season is the whichever one Chizuru had the most screentime in. Worthless character.
If you don't read the manga your opinion is worthless.
If you don't watch the 18+ visual novel your opinion is worthless
>le akari is invisible meme
You think you are funny? That meme is insanely forced and old. It never actually made sense, since she's one of the characters with the most screentime. I actually rewatched the series and took the same. She's the number one character, far ahead of anyone else. So think again if you want to call her "invisible". I know that success breeds jealousy, so that's probably why you want to make the most popular character in the series not exist anymore, because your shitty favorite "waifu" lost against her, but she won't go away. She will be forever the best character in the series, and your shitty character will live in the shadows, like you like in the shadow of your basement. There's nothing more idiotic than some fucking retard trying to pretend that who's clearly the most likable character in the entire series suddenly has no relevance and can be ignored or ommited or force an epic "she has no presence" meme. The only thing invisible are your girlfriend and your job, you utter failure at life. If you ever saw a girl like her, you would build her a shrine and worship her like the goddess she is. Not only you are disrespectful towards all the legit fans of the series, you are also disrespectful towards the creators and animators when you pretend that she's invisible. You can pretend all you want, but she's basically the main character whether you like it or not. She has the most air time when you take into account the quality put into it. There's just no argument to sustain the invisible meme and you are a fucking retard shit tier opinion for forcing it. It's been fucking years already, let it die you pathetic moron.
Wan, wan! Wan!
>Bakkin website has been part of an online drama that we definitely did not want to be a part of.
>As of now, none of the scanlated chapters are lost; however, we still do want to get our hosting back, as the backup server was also in the same datacenter (×_×) and all of the Wordpress posts as well as interim translation work are hosted on the same server (yes we are cheap...). And yes, Bakkin mail server is also hosted on the same VPS, so that is down, too :(, so don't try to email us.
>We'll see if they can get our stuff back next week. Otherwise, we'll be moving host. Hang on tight!
I should really start saving chapters as they come out.