Mc's best friend become antagonist in the final season

>mc's best friend become antagonist in the final season

Attached: sweating.jpg (637x376, 43K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>MC's best friend becomes antagonist
>Best friend knows everything the MC knows
>Best friend is equal in strength if not slightly more powerful
>Best friend got better grades, better dates, better at sports than MC
>MC really could lose
I like it.

>mc becomes antagonist in the final season

what is fushigi yugi

I loved that even more, except in Gundam SEED Destiny's case. They threw Shin to the wolves.

Attached: [QTS] T.M.R. x Gundam Seed Special Project - X42S-REVOLUTION Type B DISC.2 (DVD H264 720x480 30fps A (720x480, 48K)

>mc's best friend become antagonist in the first season

God tier trope desu

>MC becomes a villain slowly throughout the series
>MC's friend becomes an antagonist to fight the villainous MC
would be cool

>MC's best friend becomes antagonist and defeats MC in a fight
>Best friend comes close to killing MC
>Best friend hesitates and accidentally (intentionally) let's MC escape

>using a non anime reaction pic to start an anime thread
The absolute fucking state of newfags, there should've been five anons calling you a newfaggot by now

Yuuji was based in S3.

Attached: Yuji_One.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

>MC's friend defeat or almost defeat main villain

Attached: 1534731550538.jpg (839x977, 289K)

>but there is only one season
oh shit, nigger
what are you doing?!

I'm excited.

Attached: Ai vs Playmaker.webm (852x480, 970K)

Posting catchphrases is banned outside of Yea Forums. Why are you spamming Yea Forums memes on Yea Forums? Have some respect for the community you're clearly not part of, newfaggot scum

Attached: bebop-7.png (510x382, 358K)

But when?

He already did it circa 3 decades ago.

Attached: jlkkhhkkhj.jpg (480x360, 19K)


What did you think about the Batman vs Shredder fight?
I thought it was pretty cool.

Good animation but Shredder should never give Batman this much trouble

Joey should have won desu.

Vicious was a Boring villian.

Remake when

>>MC really could lose

I always wished that we had seen more of Vicious before he supposedly lost faith in everyone and everything.

>True MC is the character that only shows up halfway through the story

>MC's love interest is the antagonist

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I like that actually

Attached: My Zero.jpg (1440x1044, 110K)