Why are people OK in universe with this bastard cheating all the time?
Why are people OK in universe with this bastard cheating all the time?
Because they don’t want the bad guy to win.
cheating is fine if you can get away with it.
Based yugi.
they didn't know he was king nor did he until he got his memories back from when he was king fuck jack atlas there is only one king and his name is ghidorah
Cheat this 5, Yugi
No where in the YGO rulebook does it state you can't use your magical powers to topdeck draw whatever you want. Prove me wrong.
The MC from fucking Zexel was an even bigger cheater in my opinion. Super saiyan transformations and SHINING DRAWU my ass. Even Judai didn't really cheat until he gained "O MY DEMONIC CHILDHOOD SPACE ALIEN EDGELORD MODE."
At least Zexal only cheated against super villains, this motherfucker right here cheats in every single duel and calls it an ability or whatever
How does he cheat?
That fucking goofy ass clown hair.
Because they don't actually know that he's really cheating
If they knew, then Kaiba wouldn't be so obsessed as he'd view himself as undefeated as Yugi is a cheating Egyptian nig
His """ability""" allows him to get a brand new card when under 1000lp, his whole strategy is about getting himself to a situation he'd never be able to him with the cards he has in hand, activate his ability and get a new monster that is exactly perfect for the situation he'sin
Heart of the card bitch!
The real question is why are people OK in universe with that haircut?
I know that, but everyone has some BS skill in a speed duel.
Like soul burner who can reduce his life points to draw a card for each thousand LP he sacrificed.
The only one who cheated in VRAINS were windy and Bohman who used it in a master duel.
Although Neo new storm acces countering Go's anti-skill was pretty bullshit.
Because they didn't know he was cheating until Season 5. Not even he knew he was cheating.
I assume you're talking about the completely canonical ability of the Millennium Puzzle to increase his luck in situations of great importance, such as a children's card game that the fate of the world depends on, hence why he draws the right cards at the right time almost all of the time, since most duels we see are pretty important like that.
So the way to beat him is to wait for the cards to be shuffled and THEN raise the stakes?
I think it works more like Schrodinger's gun.
its not cheating if you dont get caught now channel your inner patriots and lets win another superbowl
They are like 30 meters away from him while dueling so they cannot read the cards to see the bullshit he's pulling.
I activate my trap card!
What does this card do?
Erases time for nine seconds
...Could Diavolo use King Crimson to skip Yugi activating his power so the card he draws isn't a top deck?
Seto Kaiba is a good boy and diddn do nuffin.
Cheating isn't infallible, yugi was only powered by his friendship. If someone had stronger friendship then they'd surely win.
Yugi lost like four or five times overall
vs Kaiba the second time
vs Jounouchi offscreen after Battle City, since Jounouchi got his Red Eyes back. And the pride of a duelist wouldn't let Yugi give it back if he didn't win it.
vs that one filler guy
vs himself
I forget the others but there's gotta be others.
It's not cheating, it's the puzzle's power that allows Yugi and Atem to top deck.
>Blue-Eyes brings power, Red-Eyes brings potential
The fuck does this even mean?
>vs Kaiba the second time
Kaiba threatened suicide and Yugi had to literally plead with Atem to stop. That was a win otherwise.
>vs Jounouchi offscreen after Battle City, since Jounouchi got his Red Eyes back. And the pride of a duelist wouldn't let Yugi give it back if he didn't win it.
Probably let him win but still played enough that it didn't seem like it
>vs that one filler guy
Which he actually would have won if he didn't use the Seal of Oricalcos
>vs himself
Atem was holding back because he wanted to pass on. Why else would he waste putting all 3 God Cards on the field at once and not when it's best to use them?
>I forget the others
He forfeited against Rebecca where her grandfather straight up pointed out he would have won but wanted to teach her a lesson.
It means Red Eyes is never getting the amount of support Blue Eyes is.
Okay, but what if I use Red-Eyes Fang with Chain to give my Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon the ATK of my Chimeratech Overdragon formed by using Super Polymerization to fuse my Cyber Dragon with all of the monsters on your side of the field after making them Machine-types with DNA Surgery, then add ATK from the Dragons in my GY?
Doesn't matter.
As long as the cards were randomly shuffled, his deck will end up in a way that gives him destined victory.
Good fucking luck even getting that in a realistic duel
Just kidding, I don't even have those cards.
>vs Jounouchi offscreen after Battle City, since Jounouchi got his Red Eyes back. And the pride of a duelist wouldn't let Yugi give it back if he didn't win it.
Pure speculation. Jounouchi never had to win their duel to get the card back. I tired of people spreading this nonsense.
Yugi won even when Atem was cheating right in front of everybody.
That's the rule of Battle City, and the rule they agreed upon so that he could get it back. Jounouchi wouldn't want the card back out of pity.
It was just a friendly duel, no ante rule. And the only thing ever said about it was that Jounouchi wanted Yugi to hold onto the card until he becomes a true duelist that's truly worthy of it. He never had to win their duel.
People are okay with cheating even in real life.
Because who’s gonna stop him? Kiaba?
everyone else was cheating, too
You can't cheat when you ignore the rules user!
Well, Yugi managed to win even with Atem cheating.
>Even Judai didn't really cheat until he gained "O MY DEMONIC CHILDHOOD SPACE ALIEN EDGELORD MODE."
Did you forgot about his infinite extra deck or how he top deck everytime he needs with just the right card that otherwise would useless?
Yusaku has one of the least bullshit abilities out of everyone frankly. All it does beyond the rules is deposit a card in his hand at a time he otherwise wouldn't have it, and not even then always if it has some arcane summoning conditions. He has to properly analyze and make use of it. Meanwhile Soulcuck has his shitty extra draw ability and Bohman manipulated dice RNG
Lol his ace monster, firewall dragon, is banned in the actual card game so he's a cheater even irl
u wot m8?
>his ace
Eh, not really.
In the GX anime, that guy in the image acted like he was going to summon Rainbow Dragon, but he didn't have the card yet, so he couldn't summon it, and Jaden beat him as a result.
I didn't expect anybody to get the reference, so I don't blame you, not that you'd care in the first place.
Hell, I don't even play, I just came up with that yesterday while looking through Red-Eyes cards since I know the meme, and decided to make up a "strategy" for Red-Eyes cards that somebody else has probably already thought of.
But nobody cares.
>Lets a girl win at a card game to teach her a lesson
>She falls so madly in love with him that she's ready to risk her life for his sake
If only it was that simple in real life
The thing is. Back then, deul monsters was still being set up and the rules weren't set in stone. The writer was just messing around trying to figure out how to make something better. You can see it in GX and all the later parts. No cheating, perfect play. I even used their decks when I used to play and they were OP
>Atem was holding back because he wanted to pass on.
Atem said himself he played the absolute best he could and admitted Yugi completely outplayed him.
That's the thing, it's not cheating. It's fate.
Zexal on the other hand...
Only if they don’t get caught.
and a total cute, too.
Fucking lord does that design gives me abstract feels
>Chimeratech Overdragon
That wouldn't even work since it's a ? ATK Monster. At least I think it's not supposed to work.
>infinite extra deck
Wasn't the extra deck unlimited pre synchro?
How is topdecking even cheating in this universe. GX made it clear drawing whatever card you want is somehow a learned skill.
Even in DM they kinda implied that.
I haven't seen anything other than original DM and GX, but I always hear motorcycle yugioh was great. What's VRAINs about? Is it still hyper future Yugioh?
you lack the heart of the cards.
>It’s not cheating to use a magical item to draw what you want
>Why can an MC of a fictional story do this, and get away with it?
For the author willst it.
Yes, user is retarded. You could get 30 cards there if you wanted because fusions weren't broken
That time with jounouchi he probably did the same as in the ritual duel and planned the whole match as a test
Yugi had an actual deck while Atem had beatsticks only
Yami Yugi was at his best when he was a mass-murdering, mind-breaking psychopath who used games, friendship and justice as excuses to trample upon and destroy various peoples' lives, or even kill them for good. He was basically Yagami Light.
Nah, season 0 being good is a meme.
>2500 ATK ace
>Nah, season 0 being good is a meme.
I am not talking about season 0 but about the early manga.
Drop this 5?
Atem's strategy revolved around summoning powerful monsters that, outside of the God cards, didn't have any special traits beyond having high attack points. It was a beatstick deck, which Yugi's deck was explicitly tailored to counter by weakening and directly countering attacks.
Meanwhile here my homie Yusei doesn't have any bullshit like the Millenium Puzzle, Yubel, Shining Draw, Berserk or Data Streams. More evidence Yusei is best protag.
Why doesn't the guy just put the gun away and then pick up the lighter?
Or alternatively, keep pouring the vodka until the bottle is empty, then make a sudden jerky movement away from the glass, so that the lighter will end up falling far away from the vodka
Why didn't he just shoot the fucking lighter and then shoot Yugi?
>Spirit of an ancient Pharaoh
>Capable of ripping people's souls from their body
I would not question him. Ever.
GX was literally a parody of Yugioh, that whole episode was mocking the destiny draw bullshit.
He's a fucking sadist too. He was going to Mind Crush kaiba anyway, but he decided to defeat him in a children's card game first, to deal extra damage to his ego
wait I was speedwatching vrains at work so i might be wrong but isnt he adding only link monsters ? so its not even going +1 its just adding one card into extra deck he still need shit on the field to summon it
Yusei Jesus Fudo had Clear Mind, so your post is invalid
It seems to be somewhat similar to Pot of Greed, however, the effect still eludes me.
Let me show you how it's done
Not so fast !! Your trap card just activated mine !
Oh boy, the King is back !
I'm not playing YGO, but is there a trap card that blocks the activation of trap cards?
Yeah, my bad, they look quite similar but now I have my real trap card !!!
It's not much of a parody when GX plays it straight all the time.
There's a lot of points where they were clearly taking the piss, like when they had the marines deliver the new card packs to the island.
A lot of GX feels like it was made to flip Yugioh on it's head while also playfully mocking it, it's one of the reasons I really liked it.
In Zexal the villains used it too though.
>Never lost a Duel
>Doesn't fall into "heart of darkness"
It feels good being a 5Ds Chad
>let him win but still played enough that it didn't seem like it
>joey was going to defeat marik but lost because god shit
>Atem was holding back
>throws the 3 fucking gods at him
>revived osiris on his last turn just to overkill him
Atem doesn't go easy on people out of his duelists pride. The final battle wasn't a mock battle, he was trying to win. Guy wanted to win even when it would have killed Kaiba to do it.
Jounouchi has beaten god cards before in that Yugioh R manga.
>Why else would he waste putting all 3 God Cards on the field at once and not when it's best to use them?
Because Osiris blocks out all of Yugi's summoning options, Obelisk was literally able to gain infinite attack points, and Ra could do whatever the plot called for. There isn't really any reason not to get them on the field as soon as possible, it would've locked out any deck that isn't prepared to deal with it in an instant.
>look the other way from some kid with a lot of hair gel drawing some lucky cards
>Atlantis returns and a hoard of summoned monsters start eating everyone
Pretty clear choice to me
Do you have president skellington, user? seem to have misplaced mine.
His Signer Mark topdecked for him a few times.
And his extra deck would magically create new Synchro Monsters.
Pretty sure he lost once or twice.
There's no such thing as the extra deck in the cartoon universe.
Bohman's power was card creation same as playmaker. He had bad rolls during his last two duels.
Trap Jammer exists, for fuck's sake.
How do you get 5 anyway
He draws what he NEEDS not what he wants.
>not setting up Trap Jammers in order to counter Trap Jammers
Well there's no such thing as the "cartoon" universe so it adds up.
Do you
>a.) Watch the anime but not play the game
>b.) Play the game but not watch the anime
>c.) Watch the anime but just play the game on Duel Links
>d.) Watch the anime and play the physical actual card game
Don't worry user, I noticed even if no one else did.
based, I'll just use my "magical powers" to make my entire hand disappear and to draw nothing but infernity archfiend for the rest of the game
It means blue eyes gets good cards, red eyes gets meme shit
>When the best girl is a non canon loli
I wish she got more cute art
Outside of some matches with character decks as a kid and one video game on GBA, I really haven't played the actual card game for any length of time. I just like the anime.
You know what I mean, in the persistent setting of the cartoon.
e) watched the anime a little, played the video games a little, never got into contact with the actual TCG
When I say vidya, I mean console.
I uninstalled Duel Links after a few days.
Is it ever explicitly stated that Yugi's Millennium Item allows him to topdeck whatever he needs or is that just headcanon?
Can we be two answers at the same time ? I watch and play both games (virtual and actual)
5Ds is good. Vrains is shit
>>joey was going to defeat marik but lost because god shit
Let's be real, Marik is a fucking awful duelist. He only ever got ahead because of God Card shenanigans.
I watched the anime, but not anymore. Had one of those shitty starter decks back when I was 11. Played several videogames including duel links, which I dropped after power creep went disgusting.
Marik was a good duelist considering what his god card was and how he made use of it, but if it wasn't for it he wouldn't be a huge threat
I am still sad and mad, bros ;_;
Joey should have lost to Richid anyway.
go ahead and call him out then. crazy motherfucker will just send you to the shadow realm.
Say something nice about this cute dragon fucking dork!
He's a beautiful bastard
>Why doesn't the guy just put the gun away and then pick up the lighter?
Because then Yugi could just grab the gun while he's picking up the lighter, genius. He's holding Yugi and the others hostage at gunpoint here.
5D's in my opinion has the best first 64ish episodes and they are the peak of the Yugioh anime. It all goes downhill after there though but it has a pretty decent last arc.
Zexal, despite what some people say is actually one of the better anime. First half is kinda eh with some strong points but second season is pretty good.
Vrains is fine if you're binging it but nothing special so far. The new season looks good though.
It's on the wiki
You make it sound a lot more edgy then it really was man.
and I think one of the games outright say it
They mention it during the Ceremonial Duel. I think it's Honda of all people that point it out too.
Guess I'm gonna have to reread the entire fucking manga again.
e.) Watched all the anime parts up to Arc-V and play on YGOPro (Percy or VS Links or whatever it's called these days) once every 6 months whenever I feel like scratching that itch.
Probably because nobody knows the rules to this retarded ass game
Zexal as a whole is very good. While Part 1 seems boring and repetitive (kind of Pokémon of the day), it builds up very well Part 2 which is one of the best YGO (in terms of characters, animations, etc.).
Also, Zexal gave us Tron Family and Pic related so clearly one of the best YGO (only negative points to me are the useless-ness of some recurring characters and the Number/XYZ Monster of the week formula)
He only lost once against Atlas in a flashback. All other duels are won, or ended in a draw/no result. You can check the wiki to confirm that.
>It's literally just a Synchro Summon with extra steps
That doesn't help you, if anything, having to go at high speeds and having to have a clear mind just to synchro summon is a hinder.
The canonical abilities of the Marks are to locate other Marks and protect the user and the user's soul from harm. The top decking is protag dumb luck.
Why do the newer seasons of YGO get really good doujins and my vanilla waifus only got shit???
You fool, tch. You played right into my hands!
I don't think so!
Because DM is beloved by fujoshi and all the doujin are dudes fucking.
there's lots of straight doujins for zexal and 5'ds
I still want to have a vanilla doujin of them with impregnation and hand holding, but the arts will suffice. I am mad that this ship will never canonically sails though
>reading a doujin for vanilla sex
People actually do this?
thanks user, I noticed yours too.
I'll get around to watching 5Ds, I saw one episode (dubbed) in passing where the protag was calm and collected akin to Atem (he used some old guy's archaeological deck).
I looked up the following series and missed out on Arc V, which looks bad too (albeit with a clearly much higher budget than what GX or DM had).
Also is that, Aster Phoenix?
Zexal protag design looks godawful though.
I could be misremembering but didn't the Crimson Dragon drop a tuner right onto his deck that he needed to win?
I can help you with YGO animu charts, if you want of course.
Arc-V Standard is considered quite good while it had slowly burnt in Synchro to finally crash while entering a black hole since XYZ Arc. But in my opinion, it still is enjoyable and memorable, in a good and bad way. At least, it is unforgettable which is a good quality I guess
Its only cheating if you get caught.
Arc-V had legacy characters. Asuka was one too.
I wish I could forget the Battle Beast.
I agree that Yuma's design isn't great but I do like his Super Saiyan 2 and 3 forms. And he has pretty good development, both as a character and a duelist.
Can someone hit me with the Greentext of Kaiba being responsible for everything.
>e) Still collect the cards as a compulsive hobby even though the local scene died years ago
I got your back, senpai
Yeah, Savior Dragon. It did the same to Jack.
Sure if you have post them.
Alright, here we go
There's two for Arc-V, that's the first Part
And that's all. I still have for DM and GX.
DM: Read the manga until the end of Battle City then watch the Millennium World Arc.
>Bakura sucks cocks until Season 5
I really hate what the anime did to him.
>skipping Kaiba wank
Thanks. I've seen DM, but never completed final season. Episodes 98-144 were shit outside of Tea finally dueling since Duelist Kingdom and Exodia Necross. Probably the biggest filler of the series that I've seen.
I still need to watch the latest film as well.
BESIDES Tristan?
That line about the magical draw cheating is absent in the manga version of the ceremonial duel, it was added for the anime. I remember at least one moment in the manga where it was hinted that Yugi helped Jounouchi draw Time Wizard with the puzzle's magic though.
is there really not one for II? seems kind of bullshit that it gets so much praise that you HAVE to watch all of it
Labyrinth wall is my favorite card
This. Kaiba is the best part of the show. Why would you want less of him?
Also I am amazed at how many people havent seen DSOD. It's so good.
>But in my opinion, it still is enjoyable and memorable, in a good and bad way.
Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.
Arc-V is a fucking waste of time and a flaming pile of garbage.
Anyone who tells you that Arc-V is enjoyable in anyway is fucking wrong and has stockholm syndrome.
It is the worst kind of show that baits you into getting invested, because ir started out so good only to burn you with the heat of a blazing sun once it goes down the shitter.
You just keep watching in the hopes that it will be as good as the first 50 episodes only for your hopes to get sodomized by the dragon dildo dick of bar none the worst yugioh villain to date.
>inb4 b-b-but 5ds turned to shit as wel after episode 64
The first 64 episodes of 5ds are it's own selfcontained thing.
It had it's own begin, middle and end and there are little to no plotpoints left to adress after those 64 episodes.
You could easily stop watching after those 64 episodes and it would still feel like you watched a complete show.
Arc-v on the otherhand had a stellar begining, a mediocre middle and just a plain terrible ending.
Like the first 50 good episodes are all just build up and setup for the plot. Like it's very good setup and build up for one of the coolest plot concepts in the franchise, but if you stop watching after episode 50 it feels like you have only watched the begining and that shit finally kicked into gear.
But the only thing you get from watching the latter 100 episodes is dissapointment of the fact that all the great build up and setup got wasted so hard.
Eventhen the latter episodes of 5ds are nowhere near as bad as the latter episodes of Arc-V.
Hell the latter episodes had CLEAR MIND which is one of the hypest moments in the franchise.
All Arc-V gives you is EGAO.
All those characters and cool plotpoints all fucking wasted.
What a fucking shitshow Arc-V was.
Why is there one for standard arc arc-V?
Standard is literally the only remotely decent part of arc-V
Why the fuck would you want to go through the only good part faster to get to the shitty second part?
I've only seen DM, GX, and the 8 or so episodes of 5D's but I lost interest. Is anything really worth watching after GX?
What a stupid move
5d's is probably the best the yugioh anime ever got eventhough it got noticably weaker in it's second half.
Zexal is pretty good as well, but it starts out really weak and by that I mean REALLY weak, but it is one of the few shows that only gets better and better as it goes along.
The later good parts being worth slogging through the weak begining depends from person to person.
Anything else is either boring or just straight up offensively garbage
I find it hard to believe that 5d's is better than the original but I'll give it another shot. I heard that before about Zexal. As long as it isn't bad for an absurd amount of episodes I'll give it a try. I heard the protagonist is annoying though.
Give it another shot orvatleast watch the first 64 episodes.
The maincast get some really cool development even the usually shitty token kid characters get really well developed.
The villains often cheated first. Also, we didn't learn he was actually cheating until the very end of the series, at which point Yugi still managed to legitimately beat him.
So in other words, it's not cheating if you didn't know.
Blue Eyes is a bait beatstick, Red Eyes encourages you to use more cards and not just be a themed shitter. Blue Eyes only got better over the years because Kaiba's autism sells well.
femKaiba is best girl
I activate this card!
What are her stats? I mean, measurements! Yeah, measurements, tell me those.
forget measurements lad, she has milkers that fit right into your mouth
My mouth is fairly small.
Does that mean they're small?
D, I do watch the anime (although not a big fan of VRAINS now) and play the card game in real life.
That's right, Marik as a villain was extremelly good, but as a duelist? He was even worse than trash.
The show must go on.
god no, they're massive. The BEWD of mammaries, sir
Then why did you say they'd fit in my mouth? That seems kinda counter-intuitive.
I agree. Zexal is better than 5D.
Just open your mouth wider then you dweeb
I'm not a snake, I can only open so far!
It thins your deck. It's more advantageous to play with your best 39 cards than your best 40 cards.
What are Yugi's best rivals and characters?
But what if I also have this card?
Better family
How long does it usually take for OCG cards to reach the TCG?
In some cases, never.
>pic fucking related
>not trying your best for best girl
I set one monster face-down and end my turn.
Okay, but what about cards that aren't being stopped by creative differences conflicting with censorship policies?
First let me tell you about Kevin Tewart, he is the head of TCG and he is responsible for
>censoring cards
>choosing the cards that will be imported, most of them are shit like "Scrambled Egg" instead of releasing actual cards that people want like pick related
>literally skipping a fucking structure deck, like D/D/D for over a year and only releasing it when Links, the new mechanic that fuck over Extra Deck summons, Pendulum included, were being relevant
>literally being a huge ass and telling people of why they are stupid for playing Upstar Goblin and saying that it was better to run Ojamagic
>literally kills ghost rarity and make ultimate rare exclusive to their shitty OTS pack
>in general makes more bad than good and most of them are in purpose (you can't just import a shitty trap or import anything but Needlefiber in a Synchro set
>his team is responsible for archetypes like Kaijus and Danger!, aka extremelly degenerate archetype/engine
>despite people shitting on Julia, she is still lower compared to him
>they fucking turned a Structure Deck set into a Booster Box
With all that being said. The time that takes to import here is whathever time TCG feels like it
So what's the EARLIEST a card can come over?
This thread is good, have 4 pieces of Ray
You want me to be serious? I don't know. They can take from a month to literally never. You think that the "whathever time TCG feels like it" was sarcasm? I wish it were. Only main and side Booster sets came in time 6 months after the OCG release. More or less goes for the Structure Deck as long they don't pull any other bullshit. Side note, there is one for Cyberse that includes a lot of cards that help the Cyberse archetype in OCG, guess what TCG did? Take the most important ones in there and make them fucking exclusive to the ones who buy the Legacy of the Duelist switch game.
So does that mean I'm not getting my Exodia?
I fucking hate yugioh censorship with a passion. Digitally erasing DMG's tits didnt stop me from filling a milk jug of cum to her when I was 14
Depend, which exodia are you referring? If is the True Exodia, then it should be soon since they don't care too much about joke cards. Exodia, Master of the Guard of the other hand should be released in a set that got leaked this year. For you, you are lucky since Exodia is "easy" to import, less than 3-6 months maybe
Is this the 5 thread?
Okay, so that's at least some good news.
What about Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon?
Post god tier Yugioh OSTs
If GX taught me anything, it's that they the writers can't handle a large cast
breaking the rule of the game is a good way to get mindfuck by Yugi
>4 star
>2100 DEF
nice power creep. though it probably wouldn't matter in today meta
The only ones who actually cheated are Windy and Bohman when they used a skill in a Master Duel.
>nice power creep
I can't tell if you're saying that's impressive or not.
I know what power creep means, but I'm confused by the way you're using it.
I set one monster.
Can't anybody use heart of the cards? It's not his fault. He just has a strong bond with his deck.
So then most female characters can't use it?
I think he's saying that an effect monster with 2100 DEF that you can normal summon is way better than a bunch of shit the classic game had.
Well have you seen a good female duelist?
Oh, okay.
I know most older monsters, especially the ones without effects, aren't very good now, but spells and traps from back then can be pretty broken.
>worse than it's components
B-But it has 100 more attack!
There are some good ones, but in the end even those are jobbers.
How many are jigglers?
>Its not cheating if Fate sides with you
>Budget Dartz
Everyone else cheats too, so why would they care lmao.
Jou/Joey doesn't cheat and even though Kaiba cheats its not nearly as much as Atem.
>implying ZA WARUDO isn't 10000000 better than that fanfic tier trash villain
Do you really need to ask? Almost every YGO female that is at least 15 has a decent pair of tits, duelist or not.
She a jobber.