I personally think a TV series for Mega Man classic, X, or any non Battle Network-verse series could be a lot of fun.
ITT: game adaptations you would watch
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Have you read the megaman x mangas?
By Trigger of course
Imagine a Mega Man Legends show
they're fuckin awesome!
Yeah. I feel like they got X's characterization better than some of the games. Definitely a must read for any megaman x fan.
my fucking nigger
Skies of Arcadia.
Yume Nikki Directed by Masaaki Yuasa
What studio would be the best for a WarioWare anime?
You sir, are a scholar of impeccable taste.
where to read niggas
The website i read them on long ago is down i think
.hack//IMOQ by a competent animation studio with a big focus on the fights with the 8 phases.
about Zaros Id be very interested, or just the generic quest lines. Unironically would make for a good anime, the quests are great, the humor on point
>Twisted metal
Dont need to explain I hope
but everyone is a loli catgirl
lots of gore and violence
winner is this innocent cute loli who accidentally kills the leading team with her poor driving skills and feels really bad about it
Roll was such a slut in that.
Make it an SoL anime about some guy grinding his fishing level so he can catch a fish worth so much selling it would allow him to buy every runescape gf at once.
have that guy who did the first 2 episodes of lucky star direct it
First episode is 2 people talking about fishing levels for 15 minutes while occasionally running to the bank
Dork Souls?
tronne bonne is best girl
Disgaea is bloody impossible and you damn well know it.
Shin Megami Tensei 4.
Any of the mainline series to be honest.
I haven't seen any recent animes that take place in post apocalypse Tokyo.If I missed any please tell me. I'm a sucker for those stuff.
The manga version of Fire Emblem 4.
I wouldn't mind Science Saru doing some experimental Wario Ware shorts
KyoAni could make a visually stunning DS that shows off the game's atmosphere
xD nice user!!! Hahahahaha I got why you said that HEHEHEHEH. xD ^_^
Can we all agree though that fucking companies should stop cheaping out on adaptations and also STOP FUCKING GOING TO DEEN OR A1
Metal Gear with vampires deserves a mention
>Brazilian Politics
Most of the times, it's just them shitting on Brazil as the worst country in the world.
The Breath of Fire IV manga was pretty good. I'd like to see that animated.
Vitamin Quest.
This would be the best. It only goes downhill from OP.
Deen’s Umineko adaptation wasn’t that bad
Are you actually braindead? Umineko's anime was pretty bad.
>Dark Souls
It’s already based off of Berzerk so why not
>Gravity Rush 1&2
I get motion sickness from these games but the design and style is wonderful
>Red Dead Redemption II
Just one more big seasonal anime Arthur, and we’ll be picking melons in Okinawa. Farmers! TRUST IN ME. I have a PLAN!
The Wonderful 101 would be pretty cool.
>tfw no Mega Man Zero animu
A Mega Man Zero series would be better.
Use Tachiyome
>mfw im one of the few to own all 3
Tachiyomi * sorry
I see you're a man of culture as well
Her game has to come out first.
Imagine if they made a good adaptation of the Jugdral games
An actual adaptation of the first main events of Sengoku Musou, beginning with the Battle of Okehazama up to Mitsuhide's betrayal would be neat.
there is, it's called Casshern Sins
at least i get MMZ vibes the entire time watching it
Stole the words right out of my mouth. It was practically MADE to be an anime. It screams 90s saturday morning anime (in a good way).
>cute roll/rock moments
>Bonne family shenanigans
>digging adventures
>serious overarching Master System plot
Imagine the soul.
I agree with you friend
it could also had good side stories..
But you know how capcom works
>cross over game animes
Marvel vs Capcom
Namco vs Capcom
DC vs Mortal Kombat
Blazblue cross tag
>DC vs Mortal Kombat
Have some standards my dude
>Mortal Kombat anime
I honestly would never want any adaption of the first one. For some reason, I feel it would just taint its name.
>tfw Tales of Xillia 2 anime never
I want a better ending so bad
First game is "complete" in some sense as story isn't much dependent of side material or other wankery.
Second game is more anime but complements the first game well as having torna stuff.
As material for adapt, first one way more straightfoward.
The Maverick Hunter X OVA could've made for a solid first episode. Too bad.
Danganronpa 2
have some standards
Well when it comes to the west I'll take anything since everything sucks outside of things like archer/ricknmorty.
Dragon's Dogma
SMT:Nocturne featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series
>he doesn't know
fuck you
So.. where I can read this masterpiece?
Metal Gear. It's basically a movie already.
Netflix isn't anime
I want a comfy Kero Blaster anime that's secretly just an adaption of the old Ame comics with the occasional high-budget action episode where Kaeru runs around deleting shit with his janitor gun.
On a scale of light acid trip to ripping out your eyeballs for no reason,how trippy would it be?
It hurts, user. It hurts my heart that this will never be a series.
Kinda gone full circle then since Megaman is based on Casshern almost as much as Astro Boy
I know it's not a game, but I would kill to have Studio Trigger make a Transformers anime. Of course, half their staff would probably even suck Hasbro's dick to make one anyway.
I know the feeling bro
All Mega Man incarnations has so much potential for series and games
but Capcom doesn't care
tony hawk's american wasteland
Especially with the Heroes VAs.
>Sigurd: Morikawa Toshiyuki
>Deirdre: Inoue Kikuko
>Arvis: Hayami Sho
>Quan: Suzumura Kenichi
>Ethlyn: Kakazu Yumi
>Eldigan: Majima Junji
>Lewyn: Koyasu Takehito
>Jamke: Hiyama Nobuyuki
>Ayra: Orikasa Ai
It's cool that they mostly cast vets for the first gen.
Big Bass Fishing. It's about a bunch of cute girls in angling club, learning how to fish. No, wait, strike that, reverse it! All the fish are cute girls avoiding getting hooked!
So Muromi but with gore?
Came to post this. The original SMT would be the best imo.
Dude with a bunch of old stuff getting remade, it would be perfect. SMT 1 would actually work really well as a 24 episode anime.
Did you not watch Danganronpa the anime adaptation and Danganronpa 3? Do you go early think they can make Danganronpa 2 good?
fuck off
Make a decent Anime without Chris or Elise or any Human Besides Eggman
This. An anime adaptation of the sonic adventure timeline that also introduces characters and concepts from sonic riders, sonic battle, sonic rush, etc. The comics managed to half pull this off and those ended up being really good once they got handed to a decent writer.
I read the Mega Man Zero manga. It was not what I expected.
This comic is a guilty pleasure, it's so bizarre it becomes fun to read and I've re-read it heaps of times.
Zero series would be kino, tho
I would religiously watch this, no joke.
That's supposed to be Roll???
Not with that shitty zero aesthetic.
>brazillian politicians
isn't this manga the one that was written by brazillians back in the 00's?
Shenmue would need a proper live action TV series or at least a movie trilogy.
zero is gay
That's a bit off model, just saying.
Alter Milla better be alive at the end. That's the only reason I haven't played it again since then. Fuck, she was so great.
Look at these bluefags
not him by why? I mean 1st game storyline seem pretty straightforward, and after playing 5, I don't want to say cliche, the stories seem pretty standard, well except the demon teacher who says being nice is delinquency(haven't played it) so it could be pretty fun
oh btw disgaea's 5 storyline was boring for me, the characters felt like cutouts except maybe usagi and she was cute
skullgirls. if beowulf is the mc its a romcom pseudo-harem.
if its any other girl then its ikki tousen
Epic Seven
Golden Sun.
I would genuinely like to see an Animal Crossing anime, this time with episodes focusing on different villagers in different towns.
Also as much as I enjoyed the Kirby anime, I would like to see one where he isn't a baby.
Jumping off this, I loved the Sonic OVA. I thought its world looked really intriguing and I want to know more about it. So somehow, more episodes of that.
I was going to say none because game adaptations almost always suck but then I remembered that the BN and SF anime are actually pretty decent.
This. Also, Stella Glow with Hilda (aka best girl) winning. Radiant Historia would be great too.