Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?

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How often was Hestia in it?

If the saber clone has more screen time than Bestia than no I didnt

Can't say i seen it

Like 90% of the movie has Hestia on it.

Based. Are only cam rips out on the usual site?

Uh, not sure.
I went to my local cinema to watch it.

Asking the real important questions

Haven't seen it yet, but I spoiled the whole thing by playing the mobile game, which had an event where you play through the story.

I mostly just watch for Lili and Hestia, and this seems to feature Hestia quite a lot. The story seemed interesting and like Bell might experience some character development because of it...except that this story was retroactively added in. So unless they retcon some stuff for the new season in the anime, the movie won't have any lasting impact on any of the characters, which is a shame.

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>this seems to feature Hestia quite a lot.
It sure does.

I also wanted more Lili screen time since she's the girl that made me pick up this Anime but at least we got red hair Hestia for a few of seconds.

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Does the movie take place directly after the first season?
I didn't watch the Aiz spinoff.

Is the manga artist dead? Why are chapters so sparse? You get like 1-2 chapters a year even though it's a monthly manga.

Yeah, I think it does.
I haven't watched it either and I understood everything except for 2 characters in the end of the movie.
Maybe I am just missing something from the first season since it been a while since I watched it.

So when is the movie supposed to be released for streaming?

Ask crunchyroll?

Then it's shit. Give me more dungeon suffering.

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>Give me more dungeon suffering.
Well. Bell had to kill Hestia's friend

I'll give you a reply in like two months once it actually comes to my theater.

>I also wanted more Lili screen time since she's the girl that made me pick up this Anime

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Yeah, she's so cute and her hair looks so fluffy.

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Too much naked girls, no naked Bell so that’s a minus.

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Man, shes so sexy.

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She's cute, smart, rational, and has a good backstory and development. I like how she clearly loves Bell like the other girls, but doesn't obsess about him 100% percent of the time. She's also suprisingly nurturing and takes care of Bell in more ways than one. Anyway, I want to take her on adventures and show her how much she is worth, both as a supporter and a person (and as my waifu).

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If it has no Aiz then it's a 10/10
She's cancer in the series. There's nothing worse than the boring typical rapier girl.

Yeah, what the fuck is with her? Once in a blue moon she can be cute, but generally she’s completely monotone and vapid. It’s like we’re supposed to think she’s like this because of super special history, but they only ever tease what that history is. And we haven’t seen any development of her character so far (talking about the anime, btw).

Why can’t Bell love Hestia and Lili? Syr seems kind of one note, too. And Ryu has no reason to like Bell, so her whole “why do I feel this way around him?” thing feels forced and against her character.

Also, Anya and Chloe should get more screen time. They’re fun in Danmemo

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It does has Aiz, but she's not that relevant.
She appears a few of seconds in the first part then they focus on Bell, Hestia and the new girl, then when everything is about to end Aiz appears again but just for a few of moments and that's pretty much it.
Well, at least everything I remember.

Even Ryuu had more screen time than her.
>Those denim shorts, damn

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I lately feel like Familia Myth was actually a 9/10 in terms of potential that got JC Staff'd

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It was pretty bad, boring as fuck.

Story: generic as fuck, a literally who character we are unable to empathize with even when the characters pretend is "tragic"

Soundtrack: nothing stands out

Animation: from average to really poor, there are no memorable scenes and WTF with that ugly CGI...

The dialogue was appalling, some characters had no reason to be there

0/10, not even Hestia could save this dumpster-fire

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Too hyperbolic for me to take you seriously. I’ll just wait to see it myself.

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>0/10, not even Hestia could save this dumpster-fire

It wasn't that bad, I'd say 7/10 at least.
Ending theme was good.

Nice try, but you're not keeping all the Hestia to yourself

Should I watch this before the next season? Is it canon?

Aiz is the Emilia of DanMachi

It was so generic and bad.

The villain was just a shitty CG spider with no sentience.
There were no battle choreographies.
Artemis fell in love with Bell in literally a week.
Most characters were superfluous to the overall plot, both in dialogue and relevance.

Only "okay" moments are the rain of meteors, the dance on the lake and the last part where Artemis says they'll love each other in their next lives, and Bell decides he wants to be stronger but since this wasn't canon it won't lead to any character development.

>July 23rd theatrical release in Burgerland

How am I going to contain an erection in a movie theater for two hours?

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So people who have read the light novels: what can we expect in season 2?

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Get your girlfriend to- oh right...

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I can't wait for the BD release tho
since all I care about this series is my beloved goddess.

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>what the fuck is with her
25+ books in author is still very secretive to what actually happened in her childhood, we have a volume about how angry kid Aiz softened into autistic girl Aiz but that's it.

Picked up when the subs come out

This is the kind of cancer normalfags JC shit original contentrewrites have introduced to the series. Fuck off and die for ruining what used to be my favorite manga series.


I think the further along these books get the more I just get sick of Hestia. She's sort of just a cockblocker. Dungeon suffering really is the best part of it

So this is where the rest of Index III's budget went to.

The only thing it's guilty of is sort of speeding through shit and poorly explaining a few things. SO was pretty mediocre though

>This got a higher audience turn out than the Code Geass movie

If you want the actual summary for the parts they'll probably go through adapting...First Apollo declares war on the hestia familia in order to try and recruit/rape Bell, then Bell gets stuck in the red light district and has to escape from the entire Ishtar familia that wants to rape him and put a fox girl in a comatose state to do some magic bullshit. There's also small collection of short stories that they might fit at the end, skip, or just make into an OVA or something. But in general I'd say it was good despite the weird reoccurring theme

Lili is an onahole.

>reoccurring theme
Yeah it's like at least half of S2 will have someone after Bell's virginity, I hope they make the Amazon chase really funny.

Sounds like there might be some good stuff there. Is the fox girl prostitute going to be a good fit in Bell's harem?