What will Yuusha's new class be now that they've rewritten the laws of the universe to remove heroes and demon kings?
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Rona's cum dumpster
But princesses are the ones who are supposed to carry their hero's baby.
Rona's housewife
The same as the fairies, onahole
She can feed me with her milk
>any of the endros
>having the coordination to dance
Even if there are no demon kings, there will always be evil merchants and the people will need a hero to save them from those avaricious fiends.
Yuusha will always be Yuusha.
Jiggly belly.
Kaotic Good
Never ever ;_;
Currently occupied.
Why is Mao such a womanwhore?
With no demon lord powers she is forced to sell her tiny body to make a living.
Capital is the true demon lord.
Will the endros fight capitalism next?
We already know Yuusha doesn't believe in private ownership.
upside down mao
Rogue, since Mei is the Mage, Seira is the Cleric, Fai is the Fighter and Yusha stole my heart
Fallen hero
What's this whore is like?
Yuusha the Government Agent
Where would the show even go? I thought it was nice and contained but even then it struggled for content
see: Seiran's episode
I could watch the Endros have random low key adventures forever.
Seira's episode was fun.
delete this
That image is a crime. Seira is perfect the way she is.
Chibi chan ate the concept of a second season in general. What's your favorite anime you say?
Truly titty elves are the best elves.
It's not fair lads: how come Yuusha's VA is getting quite a few main or supporting roles these days, but Momo's VA's career failed to catch fire once Spyce ended?
How come Hikaru Akao has a successful career but Yukari Anzai does not? Is it because Anzai went to AFA and Akao hasn't?
Rona will be busy with the peasant rebellions due to her frivolous approach to laws
Without the Demon Lord adventurers become glorified pest control, so our heroes try to escape poverty.
They become Milky Holmes basically.
Meteor crashes down and alium bugs start attacking everyone, it's up to our heroes to stop them.
Cute girls going on funny aventures.
>Yuusha & Co.'s Cat Catching Service
I really like the art style, it's super cute.
Character designs are super sexy, too.
Turn her into a big fairy?
A second group of new Endros appear and take all the focus.
Indeed. Specially the elf.
Namori is God's gift to humanity.
Onahole spinoff when?
Cartard butt on the BDs!
He already ate it.
Forgot the pic.
My wife Mei is so fertile.
After rewatching Milky Holmes I realized that the Neko Sagashi episode is even the same number as the one were Kumaboko gets kidnapped by Mary and Kate.
FUCK chibi
My wife Meiza is so cute.
Mei is everyone's wife.
Dumb hat
What a slut
Very tempting
Tel me more about Yusha why is she so fat?
So you can blow raspberries on her tummy more effectively and listen to her cute laugh.
Nobody wants fat protagonists, what was Namori thinking?
Thinking with her clit as always.
She has a very wise clit.
Yuusha is fat! FAT!
But Endro flopped.
But her clit didn't and that's what's important.
Princess's onahole
Why are these little girls so developed?
>little girls
They're young adults, user.
How young are we talking about?
How can one OP be so good?
The names of the four main girls as well as Rona and Mao are hidden in the lyrics, see if you can find them!
>I'll be taking this
Are there any Endros with black long hair?
Only the lady they robbed.
This show was so good
Yuusha has functional strength.
Endro Nedro when?
I'm so tempted to get the DOYA figure someone save me
Do it
Do it, faggit
The fucking butt window, the see through inner skirt, the slit
Engineered for my dick
That's my wife you're talking about.
Oh god. How can you even resist hotgluing that?
Of course, Yuusha will be a Hero (self proclaimed)
>The cycle is completed
>This causes an new evil to spawn, void netherrealm demon ancient evil take your pick
>The new crew has to spend a season solving this issue
make Mao the mc shes cute
>not making Mao the tsundere former villain that reluctantly helps the hero
If you are going to have the hero and demon lord team up you have to do it properly.
Who did this to her?
Rona's Royal Guard
It would be somewhat challenging to pull of tsundere after what happened but its possible i think
Good plan tho let her stay somewhat mean
Mao never did a single mean thing in the whole series.
She stood up female warrior that one time.
Mao acting all cool and chunni because she was the demon lord and no one taking her seriously could be fun.
Maybe give her a scarf or something.
With Chibi around is there even any danger? Chibi could erase the concept of evil or just gobble up any threats. Chibi pretty much did that already with the ancient evil octopus god and erasing Mao's demon lord status. But now knowing what Chibi's capable of they could rely on her too much.
They could make it purely SoL though.
She was somewhat heartless to her servant at first but mostly because she didnt understand it was a person too
Why the scarf kek
Chibi becomes the villain.
The villain turns Chibi-chan to her side with yummy candy
i want her to sit on my face
Id like to remind you all of that card festival episode and that annoying ass song they sing the entire episode
I liked everything but that entire episode was cancer
>Id like to remind you all of that card festival episode and that annoying ass song they sing the entire episode
Thank you.
I liked everything but that entire episode was top-tier.
mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu mu
Is it weird that I want to be that fairy
I want to fuck the fairy.
Squishy baby fat.
>The man with no taste
That song was stuck in my head for weeks
And those things should be genocided with their retarded songs and dumb card burning practises
mu mu mu mu mu
But for me, it's gotta be Seira.
more like a ryona housewife
Why are these girls so erotic?
damn that fairy is THICC
Namori's clit.
Stop talking about Namori's clit.
And start imagining it in your mind.
Do you think Namori's clit starts throbbing when she's drawing?
I can't even comprehend the idea of being small enough to jump on a bed and not have it collapse and then break through the floor.
What do they make beds out of where you come from, peanut brittle?
I think the beds may not be the issue for the user...
I can't believe we never got to see Seira's titty monster elf family.
This is still one of my most favorite scenes in Endro. Chibi-chan is so cool.
It directs the entire process.
Remember that this creature is quite likely the strongest anime character ever.
I really hope Endro gets a Western blu-ray release. I'd love to have it on my shelf.
inb4 importfag autistic screeching
This is the most important moment of humanity
But that group is only 60% human.
I can hear it
>tfw no yuusha nendo
I hope it's belly dancer.
Did we even see any other elves that Seira? I don't remember. Would have been nice if they were all tittymonsters with her the only flatty.
Wait is this up for preorder yet?!
They fucked up her face why damn it
>no slutty elf
Seira is already slutty enough as she is.
Too tall.
Yulia doesn't have a seductive personality though
My cute young wife Mei.
Is there anybody who actually wants to pay for her tiny body?
This show needed more quests
I miss this fatty and her fatty tummy so much ;_;
Soft gray golemanko
Why is she sitting like this?
I was disappointed where they did that episode with Fai and Rona and it looked like Rona might have accidentally been falling for Fai despite her obsession with being the hero's princess but then they did nothing with the two of them again after that.
I did not finish drawing her...
Giant pink sword
Giant pink pubes
No pubes.
Certainly her imbalanced diet has accelerated her pube-growing process by at least three years.
You have to go back.
Don't give up user.
Maybe her cute and funny hurts.
shut the fuck up
Why purple elf can't clean?
just want to say, FUCK RONA. SHE RUINED THE SHOW. thank you.
We all already agreed on this
She is too used to her maids doing everything, so she can't do any real housework.
The room would end up messier than before.
Why yes I will.
Rona wasn't nearly as bad as i feared.
>this awaits Yuusha every night
I agree with that.
Post the pregnant mao
By me.
you better keep her happy
namori character designs are a blessing
God I wish Milky Holmes sequels had been good.
Yuusha will annihilate you for talking shit, faggot
What kind of maids do elves have
this is my waifu DOYA
Probably other elves, but i hope they will hire me as butler.
I can't believe Seira's family would be racist and own slaves
Elves are racist.
Subtle pitservice.
From what?
Damn it, a few pixels higher and Mei would look topless again
I forgot that I bought the manga when I was in Nipland.
That's Fai's thing
I want to fai Fai's fais!
>episode 13 out
>it's just a voice drama
I'm disappoint
Is Fai a jungle dwarf?
I saved it with the original file name and didn't notice. I'll change that though.
The team has to get back together A-team style to save Mao-chan from a fat otaku with magic powers that isekai'd over. The otaku is a lolicon.
Why is Nero such a bitch?
>demons cease to exist
She becomes a cumdumpster instead of a semen demen
Only if the otaku is also a girl and a lesbian.
What is going on here
So Chibi-Chan is a she?
I wasn't sure throughout the anime
Imagine if she had the DOYA face
Why is such a big deal that that thing is trying to stand up?
It isn't
It can fly
Show just likes to be silly sometimes
They were having a very serious conversation about who the leader of the party should be, and, jokingly, they suggested Chibi-chan. It got sillier from there.
No, just forced English pronouns at work. It's gender isn't specified in Japanese.
dark elves
Make it literally Namori getting self-insert isekai'd as the new villain.
Yuusha's hair clip is very cute.
Namori's clit might be a match even for Chibi.
Have you heard about the high elves?
That's a great scene too. Poor Seira.
Myanee would literally die within days if she was forced to live in a medieval fantasy world.
I would support myanee, with my medieval cock.
Fat people can't wear lingerie
>even characters were aware of the retardness
you're wrong
user didn't specify what she'd die of.
>That song was stuck in my head for weeks
Really? I like having anime songs stuck in my head, but for some reason I kept forgetting that one. Even though I listened to it everyday for a week.
Doesn't matter because I would still protect her with my medieval cock.
>Western release
I'm gonna destroy your boyhole with my anoncon dick I'll save myanee from 2incher
Dark elves with huge tits which is why Seira both loves and hates big tits?
>ywn be Namori
>ywn self-insert yourself into the Endro world
>ywn get your clit turbo succed by Chibi-chan
Will there at least be an OVA?
What happened to that thing, anyway? Wasn't it supposed to have started airing in April? Yet I haven't heard a single thing about it ever since the whining about it died down.
I think the backlash was significant enough that they are either revising it or shelving it. Similar situation to that calarts Thundercats thing.
I see, that makes sense. Shame, Rosemary was cute.
Imagine those tiny hands on your dick.
Mao's hands are for Meigo's dick.
Why are lolihands so erotic?
>Yulia Shartedt
Imagine how fun a Fai gf would be. You would play fighting games against each other, and she would wipe the floor with you mostly because she can't stop moving around and you can't take your eyes off of her tits flopping out of her dress. Then her tummy rumbles and she runs off to get some food. Then she sits on your lap and lets you play some games solo while her soft rump pushes against your already erect cock and your arms are wrapped around her waist, hitting her underboobs.
Imagine fucking Fai
Fai is ugly.
Her anus is ugly. It must took a beating.
Nice elf joke!
Your punny toothpick is no match for my Divine Large Club +10.
All she needs is a van
What would she use to lure little demon lords into her van?
World conquest.
Yuusha cakes, "juice" that makes little maou's feel funny, that weird smiling cotton candy
Dumb gyarus are for pump and dump, Mao will stay with her cute and loyal golem-maid.
That's why Mao has two holes down there.
Bunny Demon King.
>tags in english
No wonder i've never seen those, fuck that artist.
Useless hero only good for her sex appeal.
This but from the back.
I also hate those.
It's not too hard to just copypaste the moon tags. Pixiv provides latin scripts anyway.
I wish all western "artists" would tag in English only so I don't have to see their "art".
Why is Mao so incredibly lewd? What was Namori thinking!?
>What was Namori thinking!?
No thinking, just imagining.