Why hasn't anyone married her yet?
Why hasn't anyone married her yet?
Plot reasons, she is there to make sure Yukino and Hachiman don't make the same mistake she did in her youth.
She has a gigolo habit
8man was born too late.
Looks like someone fused Yukino with Hachiman here.
she's creepy, dangerous, old, don't hang arround much so don't have occasion to meet people of the other sex. Basically she's bait for you to self insert.
She had sex with male prostitutes and goes to singles parties frequently. However, she is pretty much a one dimensional cake character.
Anyone over 20 not married has some issues
that's sad. I dislike when anime give me bad feeling.
Is the 3rd girl that is in Yukino's column, Haruno? I can barely tell because she never blushes.
yes. She's that whore.
>unwanted, allegedly tier girl in anime would be top tier girl in real life
Why is this world so cruel?
She's waiting for her true love to finish school.
I didn't know that 8man was part serb.
hachiman picking her at the end would be kino
Give me Rumirumi
There will come a day, when youth will pass away.
Get in.
That cake is expired.
*kiss her on the forehead*
you're better than that, please behave.
then i fuck her.
It would be shit
She assaults teenagers.
In this case, Hachiman doesn't mind her doing it.
Hachiman should beware such an old ugly whore.
because she smokes
She quotes Kazuma's moves from Scryed, too nerdy for the average dude
What a shame
Not really. Shitzuka a shit.
She may be physically attractive, but she is ugly inside.
Outside as well
She's super young!
She's super shit!
Kate please
Because I haven't been able to meet with her.
she only fucks dogs
Yes, this is dog.
No, I'm dog
>waste huge amount of money on some expensive car
>too old
None of those are actual negatives.
she is an ugly sack of shit and a physically abusive cunt. her fans are cancer
>physically abusive cunt
We're talking about Shizuka not your mother.
That was a perfect description of Shitzuka
I know, which is why I described Sensei
You call your mother Shitzuka and Sensei?
No, this is Shitzuka Sensei
Cringe and redditpilled
Based and Shitzukapilled
me on the left
>responding to yourself
Take your pills, schizo.
>calling other people schizo
Wew, seek help
Not people. Just one subhuman.
>not realizing you’re the subhuman
user, seek help.
>everyone who disagrees with me is just one guy
Nice nice
>Responding three times instead of the usual two.
Take your pills, schizo. It's getting worse.
Now it’s just getting embarrassing.
I agree. You should stop posting. Every single Oregairu thread is the same exact thing with your schizophrenic antics.
I feel like every thread is this shitty because of people like you
I’d take him over (You) any time of the day
Take your pills.
You should seriously seek help
Because she's stuck in an atrocious franchise
> read the LNs
They're shit too. You can lie to me but you can't lie to yourselves.
Nah, she is just a shit character
She's as awful as anyone else in Oregairu.
you aren't special, high-and-mighty-san.
not really, the main cast is well developed
No. People who enjoy this trash are the special ones
> implying
The only reason people watch it is the LITERALLY ME protagonist.
that's only the braindead underage retards, now fuck off and go watch whatever inane drivel you watch
>Why hasn't anyone married her yet?
Well she's a lesbian, I mean lesbians don't marry in Japan that's the reason.
> that's only the braindead underage retards
That's exactly what the fanbase is. And just like you, they all believe that this piece of shit series is sophisticated.
the fandom is pretty trash, but so are faggots like you. now fuck off already.
You can stop trying to fit in. Now go back to where ever shit you came from.
> SEETHING samefag
>trolling Yea Forumstard
you've revealed yourself to be a troll, feel free to leave
I'm just informing you that your franchise is terrible. It's a public service. And since I'm more articulate than most of the drooling retards ITT who can only express themselves via variations on "X a shit", "nah bro Y a shit" and so on I'm actually improving the quality of the threads.
>She had sex with female prostitutes
it's not even a franchise retard. go shit up some naruto thread
>And since I'm more articulate than most of the drooling retards
Hah, don't flatter yourself.
>I'm some how better than these other shitposters because I have a such a narcisstic opinion myself, I don't care if I'm breaking a global rule of the site
You aren't fooling anyone.
Take your pills, schizo.
Ah, I see. So you're the same retard as the one that was shitposting before. That explains a whole lot.
I'm not. Like I said you people are barely functional. Even the shonentards are better.
Rules exist to protect the quality of the website. It doesn't matter if you're not actually doing any harm. It's like how you're not allowed to shit in public unless you're shitting in a public toilet.
Are you another one of those mental retards that thinks they're so much better than everyone else? Get over yourself.
and yet your posts aren't here to discuss the anime, manga or the LN but for meta shit.
No, I'm just better than you retards.
I'm discussing how Oregairu is a terrible series with no redeeming qualities, and is only liked by brainless children who love the MC for being just like them. It's you people who keep trying to spread some crazy talk about trolling.
While not even bother to read the LN or even want to understand the main series at all, you are trolling.
> r-read my YA books! I-I swear it gets better
Fuck off.
>No, I'm just better than you retards.
It's sad, because you're probably ten times worse but you don't see it.
Commit suicde faggot
This is exactly my point.
What's sad is that you have to talk back like a baby instead of accepting criticism. You know, this is the first time I posted on an Oregairu thread in a few months now. I've seen the anime a couple of years ago and since then I usually open these threads and lurk a little when I see one. And guess what? They're always shit. Every single time. The same garbage "Yuckyno a shit!", "Irowhore!", "Sensei fucks dogs!" and so on. All the time. And It's not because of shitposters. Shitposters can't deliver such consistently abhorrent quality. It's that the fanbase is horrible. You people can't do anything more than what I've described. Notice how all this thread has been is just you faggots responding to me. There's nothing else here. Because you retards aren't capable of anything more.
And yet you're the one bumping the thread even though it's shit, why is that?
So you decide to spread more cancer in the threads. Seriously get off your high horse and realize that you are part of the problem.
This, why not just let the thread die then, aspie?
Because it will die when I decide to go to sleep anyway. What difference does it make whether it gets bumped while I'm here
At least it's fun this way. As I've pointed out there's nothing going on here except us.
>At least it's fun this way
>only when I shitpost it's fun XD
Get your head out of your ass
At least half the posts in every single Oregairu thread are made by one schizoid. All the quotes you posted are literally his posts.
I'm pretty sure most of the posts are by cancerous fags like you.
Now I understand how you like the LNs. One can enjoy any novel, no matter how terrible, if one has awful reading comprehension. As I've said, the quality of Oregairu threads is atrocious not because of shitposters, but because regular posters are semi-sentient children. When I shitpost, I get to enjoy myself without actually lowering the quality of the threads and breathing a bit of fresh air by breaking away from formulaic shit-slinging that you faggots indulge in. It's a victimless crime and a public service.
That's great and all, but you're just another cancerous shitposter with nothing of value to add.
Nonsense. Thanks to me, this thread has seen more coherent conversation than the last 3 threads combined.
Not really. Anyway imagine how pathetic you have to be to go to an anonymous message board and claim how much better you are than others.
Imagine how pathetic you have to be for a claim like that to be true.
It's a true claim though. Your sentence doesn't even make sense.
Your abysmal reading comprehension is showing again, underage-kun.
Hiratsuka should just daterape 8man. It's the only way.
she is a dogfucker, that is her destiny
Yeah ok. You’ve derailed the thread for long enough. You’re not interesting anymore. Feel free to fuck off.
t. schizo
>proving his point
>referring to yourself in third person
Keep replying, schizo.
Don’t you have a school to shoot up or something?
>projecting your schizo tendencies onto others
Nice cope.
>>projecting your schizo tendencies onto others
Oh the irony
>schizoid doesn't know the meaning of words he uses
Looks your schizophrenia got you booted out of school.
>Looks your schizophrenia
>booted out of school.
Learn how to write proper sentences please before accusing someone else of being dumb.
>latching onto typos
Oh, so you're a teenager?
I just find it hilarious how retarded you are. I also didn't call you out on a type, but for not including an entire word.
>another word he doesn't understand
I'm not the one with a legitimate mental disorder. Although you being a teenager (ignoring the schizophrenia) helps explain your unnatural obsession with such a shit series.
Seriously seek help. It's baffling how mentally diseased you are without trying to do something about it.
It seems you mistakenly replied to my post instead of your own.
Nah, but seriously, get help.
Why would I take advice from a schizo?
It's better than following your own desires and shooting up schools.
Sometimes I forget what anime fans are really like.
You're posting your schizo thoughts again.
>schizo! schizo! schizo!
It honestly makes me wonder if maybe you're the one with schizophrenia.
I'm sure you'd know since you're familiar with the symptoms.
You can google the symptoms, however I'm sensing a major amount of projecting coming from you.
just fuck already, losers
>haruno turns out to be genuine the whole time
plot twist
Shit taste
A shit
Fuck off Yukinonigger.
Haruno is a soulless whore only for fat old man cock
I'm sure your schizophrenia makes you sense many things which aren't real.
Fuck off cancerous faggot. Haruno is a turd.
Don’t be mad at the truth. Haruno a shit, A SHIT!
You seriously have some kind of mental issues. Either end your life or fuck off.
You’ve stopped being funny ages ago. Fuck off.
yukino is looking up with her new future with chadyama
Haruno and Hayama are soulmates and they are staying pure for each other.
Name one character hotter than her
Only being a smoker is negative about that.
Everyone. Haruno is ugly as fuck
Get better taste
There's nothing tasteful about lung cancer.
I’m saying that the other things about her are shit as well.
Bro... That's the teacher not Haruno.
same shit
You bad taste no like hot teacher, name girl hotter
Why are these threads like this?
24/7 generals are always like this
You, caveman?
Because Hachiman grew a crossdressing fetish and is now gay.
Fuck off faggot
if i want to watch an actually good anime i'd watch LOGH, people only watch oregairu because they self insert as hachiman nothing more.
Yukino losing more clothes to help fund S3
Me sex teacher
because as a girl in a harem show she needs to be available for the self insert protag
>Actually mixing up Shizuka and Haruno
I didn't think anyone could be this retarded.
I actually find pretentious melodrama fun at times.
Not good, certainly, but we all need to enjoy the occasional bit of trash so the good stuff is better.
i'll be frank, i am here for the lewd
yui best girl
best for highschool gf, easy to fuck easy to date, not easy to further the relationship
this. FUCK YUI
fuck Yui if you love her, pamper her in the way she like the most
Yui is fucking shit
i am shit
you are shit. Yui is adorable and best girl.
nah, Yui is worst girl
Talking about best girl...
a fucking shit
Original? Very nice either way
Says the actual faggot
fuck off cancer
I would pat, tap and dab
Nobody cares fag
Anastasia is cute CUTE
Why are you replying WHORE?
>wanting to fuck a cute girl with a penis
no u!
You guys should commit suicide
(You) are pic related
I have always seen myself more as Kaiba
He's great for that one chapter where he talks about how he hates being a trap, and how much he hates it makes certain type of people act and even Hachiman feels bad about it and decides he's a terrible friend.
doesn't make up for him being shit for the rest of the time
that danbooru pic where her mom's getting fucked her brains out is better tho
Nah, Totsuak is fine, and the bits we see of his personality around Hachiman's overt sexualisation makes him at worst plain.
The mom is just a cow
nah he is a shit character
Nice thread you guys have here. Also just letting you guys know that Meguri is best girl.
Based and Meguripilled
Fuck off cancer
Okay, let me guess. I should have said "Yukino is best girl" instead, right?
no, you should have fucked off and let the thread die
You don't have to reply to everyone schizo
I always felt like sensei's "I'm a lonely horny Christmas cake" shtick is fake. She is actually happy with her life and just acts that self-deprecating way to get past her students defenses.
>he’s back
same goes for you
Nah she is a miserable cunt
This. Smokers aren't human.
am i late to the oregairu party?
She shouldn't.