Where in Ralf fucks up
KOF: A new Beginning 17-2
RIP Ramon.
Fucking Ramon
Ramon is KOed standing, so Ikari wins.
aww I wanted them to slug it out some more
I'm told this is Heidern chewing them out because Ralf was supposed to throw the fight so they could keep track of Angel.
Since Ralf disobeyed orders Heidern is on his way and orders them to stay put until his arrival. Leona and Clark ar fucking terrified.
So, see you in two weeks to see Heidern lecutring Team Ikari I guess.
This is a weird shift of tone to finish the chapter (and the arc) after such intense slughfests.
At least this setup is better than Ramon beating Ralf only for Ralf to say "I was under orders to throw the fight." Ramon comes off strong here, even if he lost.
Rare images of a spooked Leona. Commander Heidern - her adopted father - is no joke.
This is some nice art. Very Oh!Great-esque.
Azuma Kyoutarou does some good stuff. Here's his art of one of the newcomers in the upcoming Samurai Shodown.
Oh Ralf, you fucked up.
>Inmediately faints afterwards
Dang, Heidern is no joke
To his credit, Ramon ate a Galactica Phantom as a counterhit and was still conscious for a few more seconds.
The funny thing is, Azuma said that no DLC characters would appear.
And now we have a chance for Heidern with Whip as an escort.
And Vanessa tending Ramon's wounds?
>No Yamazaki
To be fair, it would be kind of hard to explain him.
Maybe he said that in the sense that they wouldn't participate in the tournament, but it's possible to insert them in the story interacting with other characters or observing the events from afair. I would love to see Najd appearing in the manga, for example.
Hope you're right, Najd is so fucking cool.