Samurai 8

Ch. 3 today, thoughts?
Shading seems to be a bit better than before. The baddies were just "look how strong hachi is" punching bags. Curious how the worldbuilding will turn out. I imagine a feudalistic type society with little to no central government given that bandits were able to have such large weaponry.
I like the twink boy. Shy, a little looney, cute, if he took a shower he'd be my type when he grows up

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Trash series

it's ch. 3 don't be so hasty. It's only trash so far

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Something about his style of shading still bothers me, even with the Jump scans. He doesn't seem to use enough screentones (pic related, the characters are lost in the picture) and when he decides to do hatching, he does it in a way where there's too much space between lines, so instead of creating the illusion of a shaded surface, it just adds more noise to the linework, like with the boar thing on page 1 in this chapter.

As for the chapter, cute but nothing special. I guess I'm curious to see whether he'll turn Nanashi into a girl next time they arrive, or whether he'll keep Nanashi undecided genderless with some supplementary antics, similar to the one character from UQ Holder. Still need more worldbuilding to make a decision about liking the setting or not. We still know next to nothing about the setting itself. The casual transhumanism in S8 interests me though, and I'm curious if Kishimoto will do a bit of actual scifi as to what defines the body and yourself, or whether it'll be just a backdrop and never come up in a significant capacity again. I like that he goes for inventing a new universe off the beaten paths though and hope that he did the groundwork to actually establish a breathing world instead of just throwing new setpieces at you when the plot calls for it (like for instance Mashima usually does). E.g. territories, a sense history, events and politics happening with or without the presence of the mc, etc. To early to tell so far, on many accounts.

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I still have no idea what this is supposed to be or what it's about
Sure it's only 3 chapters so far but everything is so messy both writing and art wise

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forgot my fucking image

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>Sure it's only 3 chapters
Page-wise it's like 5 chapters compared to any other Jump manga. I don't know what the fuck is Kishi doing.

how hot will nanashi be when they show up again as a girl

If im not mistaken the first 1-2 chapters of any given manga are longer than usual. early chapters of berserk were like 100.

Agree 100% with your comments about the art. Just feels like hes just a beat off from what hes trying to accomplish and it feels too busy. The world building has a lot of potential, Kishi does a great job at tthat kind of thing so I doubt he'll flounder here. He said he's been wanting to do this for years so I hope he doesn't gloss over chances to enrich the story and impact of the manga


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He's either a girl, trap, or twink. No matter what I'm fapping

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>If im not mistaken the first 1-2 chapters of any given manga are longer than usual.
Both first and second chapters of Samurai 8 got more pages than jump manga usually get. Yes, they're always longer than usual bet not THAT longer. And there also was a preview chapter.

well who knows, maybe Nanashi will be a Crona kind of deal where they just never reveal it

>gender dysphoria
>muh friend
>doesn't follow the protag on his journey
>promise to meet again
He's the final villain and long term rival, isn't he?
Well, that is only if the manga doesn't get axed first I guess.

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>nanashi ends up konohamaru 2.0
So we now get backstory and then reveal of his rival? Hopefully no saske 2.0

I don't get why he made the MC a samurai already. Feels like there was maybe something to build on in regards to the VR game thing, the constant isolation, the cybernetics and his dad basically being Dr. Light but nah it was all thrown out the door in 2 long chapters. I'll stick with it maybe another 2 or 3 chapters but it's not got any hook whatsoever

generic looking protag

it's not like he could've done anything hooked up to a machine

says the s8fag

I don't like S8 so far.

you got to rush the first few chapters to get readers hooked

Probably could've had a clunky exoskeleton or maybe the VR game thing could've led somewhere interesting. Just feels like a mistake making him "the one" so early

It does feel somewhat light on the content, given the pagecount we've gotten so far. As far as the story goes, I still need an anchor that'll keep me invested. Hachi is pretty nondescript so far. His main trait, having a broken body, has just been fixed and I don't see any further issues atm that he as a person would have to overcome to grow. Hell, he's been navigating the outside pretty effortlessly, considering he never left his house before. And the world so far is still a mystery to me, 3 chapters in. Solely based on the color pages from chapter 1, I hope he'll go full pulpy scifi, like some Franco-Belgian comics of yesteryear. I'd love a fantastical setting like that, paired with long-term storytelling as manga are wont to do. I want to follow something again where the unfolding world is as much a "character" as the actors therein are. That's just me projecting my hopes, but I do at least expect Kishimoto to have come up with something substantial if he really wanted to do something like this for a long time. But as I said, he needs to provide some hook or anchor for my continued interest soonish, for instance, establish a goal that will make me want to root for Hachi or a mystery that I'll crave to see resolved (e.g. "what is one piece", "I wanna be pirate king", "I wanna save my sister from the dragon", etc.). He can't tell a story if people loose interest during the setup and it gets axed beforehand.

Yes he could, I'd read a mango where the mc is a cripple linked to a huge ball for survival. You could probably do something with a mech and the MC being a smart and crafty mechanic. But no, instead he becomes battle ready and powerful right away thanks to being a special snowflake.
It's like Kishimoto took everything I hated in Naruto and concentrated its essence even more.

but they did though. it's obvious Nanashi is biologically male for now, next time she shows up she'll have a female cyborg body

I think the series will get better once there's plot but damn this SOL early DB rip off is just laughably bad
I'm shocked this is what Kishi managed to produce with over a decade of preparing
It's so messy. Really disappointing.

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Stop using terms you don't understand


I don’t think it’s so much messy as it is rushed. He probably just wanted to get to the “good parts” without proper buildup. That and he isn’t drawing but is dictating so the art is just a knockoff if his style

yeah you are, go back to watching DBS kid

so this is the IQ of s8 fans

S8 is both too young and too bad to have fans. Why do retards have to push this “hurr sure ____ fans are retarded” shit?

I think the problem isn't the shading (although it could be part of it), it's the line weights.
Every line in these drawings is the same thickness, regardless of if it's the fine details of an object 50 meters away, or the outline of a character right in front of the viewer.
What makes it so infuriating is that not caring about line weight is such an obvious, simple beginner's mistake, it makes you wonder how such an experienced artist can just get away with it to the extent the he does in these panels.

Yea Forums is too fucking stupid to communicate in any way that isn't repeating the same tired meme phrases over and over again

how good will the worldbuilding be

It's going to be so awkward when he comes back as a hot chick.

I'm trying to give it a fair chance but it doesn't draw me in like Naruto did when I first started reading it way back in the day. Granted I'm not big on the sci-fi genre, so I feel like this manga is for a niche group. Naruto was more hardcore ninja aesthetics and shit, but this is all about space samurai with robotic bodies or some shit.

Just not my cup of tea.

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Will he be setsuna 2.0?

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This is 100% trash, even hero academia managed to pull a great chapter 1

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imagine being a worse writer than the authors you influenced

Honestly yeah. The only good shounen atm is KnY. I’m hoping S8 makes itself something good though I have nothing else to do so I’ll give it time

That series is bland as fuck, shit art too

>shit art
I’m anime only so maybe it gets worse, but thus far it’s interesting with a good story

>shit art
>I’m anime only
Then shut up, obviously, we talking about the manga, which has shit art.

>but thus far it’s interesting with a good story
Get some taste kid

>you don’t dislike what I dislike so you have shit taste
Unironically kill yourself for being a cancerous faggot.

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>le smug girl pic
Go home kid

I only posted her because she’s cute. Smug was a coincidence

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>Get some taste kid
Explain how and why its bad in detail

>It's like Kishimoto took everything I hated in Naruto and concentrated its essence even more.
This. There's nothing relatable with this MC and the 1 thing that would make readers sympathetic towards him was resolved in the first chapter. Pretty unimpressed with the series so far and I'm becoming convinced that Naruto will be Kishi's one hit wonder. He's a good artist but mediocre writer and he's doing the latter for this series. Doesn't bold well

>He's a good artist
he's not as bad as this assistant, but he's average at best

This. Say what you want about Naruto's later half, but the beginning is legitimately good. The first chapter managed to establish the main character, his personal conflict, and his goal. I remember rooting for Naruto since day one. The same can't be said for S8 protagonist, even after 5 chapter worth of pages.

>It's not generic safe moe art so it's bad
ok retard

>I’m anime only so maybe it gets worse, but thus far it’s interesting with a good story
It only gets better from here. The beginning part is widely considered to be the weakest.

>I remember rooting for Naruto since day one.

Same. Hachi's biggest dream has already been resolved in ch2. So far Kishi hasn't given me something that makes me want to see this kid succeed at "something".

Art does get pretty messy here and there, but the supporting cast really grows on you. And this is something that shounenshit really struggles with nowadays. The pacing is perfect, too.

*he's a better artist than writer