Would people still give a fuck about Evangelion if EOE was never made and it ended with the last two episodes?

Would people still give a fuck about Evangelion if EOE was never made and it ended with the last two episodes?

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Probably. There'd be less casuals who only care about the visuals, and less DEEPfags, though. If only I lived in that universe.

To be honest, I don't think I would give a fuck about this series if it weren't for the music, and EOE's soundtrack is what got me hooked.

it won't make so much sense without eoe

Eva should have ended with Shinji throwing mad hands after he saw Asuka's Eva get ripped apart, and having a huge fight against all the EVA series in the movie. The entire second half of the End of Eva movie should have been Shinji fighting the EVA series, and after the last one is defeated, he pulls Asuka out of her plug and saves her. End of movie. None of that stupid new world bullshit, none of that everyone is sunny-D bullshit. Just one mech unit fighting all the bad guys at once, beating them all alone, and saving the girl. Who gives a shit if it isn't realistic; an entire hour of Shinji fighting the EVA series, putting them down one by one for good, and saving Asuka would have been the most satisfying shit ever, and would have been a much better end.

I literally unironically agree.

>Shinji doing what a perfect sync rate Asuka cannot
Deus ex Berserk Mode for the umpteenth time would be so boring.

What kind of question is this?
Yes, EOE is not even decisevely better than the original ending, it has some better points but it also introduces some really weak stuff, clearly below the level of the show. Overall, it's existance hardly makes a difference. For some strange reason, it just attracts more brainlets that where watching eva for mecha fights and dumb conspiracy theories.

Fourth. And Shinji already launches to fight the Mass Production Evas on top of a mile-tall pillar of light and arrives flying on Impact wings at the heart of a hurricane, it just doesn't matter because that's what the MPs wanted and what the Spear of Longinus had been waiting to counter.

We're talking about EoE without everything going to shit. Obviously none of that stuff is in play. Do you have autism?

They'd give more of a fuck dude. Eva's reputation is built in large part on those last two episodes, not EOE


>komm susser tod in the background while the world turns into tang

we wouldn't have the greatest moment of anime

It'd be like ME3 ending

It'd be a pity to not have EoE, it's very pretty at least.

Can someone explain the Hegelian influences on Evangelion? I don't quite see the connection.

Yes but not to the same extent. EoE had a massive impact not just because of what happens in it but because it looks fucking amazing. The pure spectacle shits on even most movies that were released after it. It's a movie you can FEEL while watching it, this isn't stressed often enough.

Like only 3 people on this board are knowledgeable enough to even know who Hegel was or what he did.

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He's wrong about it being because of the last two but is right overall, the ending of the series offers a lot of possibilities for fanfics and even for continuing the series as a monster of the week with new angels years later, EoE screws everything for canonnicaly destroying the world


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Watch Escaflowne for that

you completely missed the point of eva brainlet

>continuing the series as a monster of the week with new angels years later
The myth arc the show already had precludes getting more Angels, they had a predicted schedule, there was a specified number of them, and their origin was billions of years gone without any archvillain character to make them. It's why Yamashita's ideas for continuing NGE were all about what nations would do to eachother using Evas and the Evas getting their own ideas, and Anno's idea was drastically different, smaller and more animal-like, Angelish monsters coming out of the LCL sea to attack Post-EoE City for people to eat.

That's interesting, although they went with more angels in rebuild if you think about it

Yes, but probably not to the same degree. Regardless of EoE, Evangelion itself is an extremely influential franchise. I don't think we need End of Eva for the show to be achieve masterpiece, or even cult classic status, as that was already done within the first 24 episodes of the show. The original last two episodes of the show, while being significantly worse than End of Eva, stand on their own as a great ending to the show, although quite flawed in presentation. The fact that the last two episodes literally explain the show's point to the audience is probably the worst thing about them, and the reason End of Eva needed to be made.

If you want further poof of this point, look to Fahrenheit 451. That book explains it's point at the end and people consider it a classic to this day.

but with lots of 2deep4u imaginery that Anno don't know what to do with

I'm astounded that they were able to make EoE what it was in under 90 minutes, with such immaculate pacing throughout.

They backed up and went with the same Angels again. Some things are different about them, some were dropped or replaced, story with them is basically the same thing again. 13th was the last one and they're over by the end of 3.0, there's no antagonist left for the last movie but Gendo and his assembly line Evas.

I fucking doubt it, EOE was a fucking unironic masterpiece and it takes a fat dump on the baby-ass last two episodes of the original series.

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>EoE is 90 minutes

watched Eva for the first time week, pretty much watched everything, including the theatrical movies.

My favorite moment is without doubt Asuka vs the army and the Evas. I was a bit pissed about Shinji being such a brat and sitting the entire time and only decided to help at the end.

>Implying any amount of "POWER OF FRIENDSHIP" bullshit could thwart Yui's master plan.

Oh you sweet summer child.

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Don't mind if I do.

Eva-01 could have broken free at any time, but Yui sat on her ass waiting for the moment that suits her plan.

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There is as much Hegel influence in eva as Hegel's influence on Freud and psychoanalysis in general. Also, interpreting everything as a Hegelian is so last season.

The Eva can break this and finally does when it feels like it. Shinji doesn't have a way of trying harder to go through the plastic cement poured over the Eva in its dock and filling every gap in the restraining wall locked around it.

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It's because Yui is a massive cunt, one of the cruelest and most selfish characters of the show. If that doesn't make sense to you then lurk another two years. She clocks in at S-rank with Ritsuko as the worst human beings by far, with Gendo and a few others being in A-tier after a big power gap.

At least Gendo has the excuse of "muh hedgehog dilemma"

oh, thanks. it makes a whole lot more sense now, apologies.

That is pretty much what puts him below Yui and Ritsuko. His ending scene in eoe felt a bit forced but at least it was something, but even without that his motivations were a weird mix of selfishness and selflesness that I can't really blame him for. Yui cranks that shit up to 11 and abandons everything it means to be a mother for her ridiculous plan. Ritsuko is just a bitter cunt that enjoys tormenting the people around her and dies like a bitch.

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Manga does something interesting here - Shinji does shout to his mother to move, and Unit-01 does move sooner, allowing Shinji to make it to the battle on time to help Asuka.

But then reviewing that scene, it wasn't necessarily because Shinji called her - rather there were also JSSDF troops entering the room at the same time and Unit-01 crushes them to death to protect Shinji. So Yui probably would have just remained still if it was just Shinji shouting but the reader may believe she was responding to him.

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Fucking literally based trips of absolute truth and chadness

>based Kaji is the only decent guy in the whole cast
Him having a bigger role in the rebuilds would have been pretty cool, but Anno was too busy trying to fuck with his own fanbase and cashout as hard as possible at the same time.

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Do you guys really believe EOE is better than the last 2 episodes?
Are you legit plebs or are you just pretending to be retarded?

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>legit pleb pretending to be enlightened

I don't get it either. The last two tv episodes are what made nge so iconic in the first place, and eoe wouldn't have ever been a thing without them. Eoe is just some kino or rehab for people who just got out of the tv ending. Also reminder both endings share the same canon with the tv events happening during the tumbling down in eoe.

>Also reminder both endings share the same canon
No, they are clearly seperate

>t. brainlet
They fit perfectly with each other.

They contradict

It would have been a generic mecha with a by-the-numbers ending without EoE, fag.

Get the fuck out of Yea Forums Michael Bay, with that basic bitch "muh heroic patriotic good guy gets the girl and rides off into the sunset" ending.

EoE only works so well because NGE built up everything up until that point. Everything in EoE was already in NGE basically

You have to be over 18 to post here.

>i throwing mad hands
ghetto teenagers need not post here

no, it would be shit
don't @ me

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I don't know if I like it. On the one hand it is fun, and Shinji knows 01 moves on its own and has responded to his voice before when he made demands of it, and he can be heroic, those extend from his character, but he's supposed to rise up like that right after it sinks in for him that Misato's dead?

Manga Shinji is less of a whiny bitch and Misato made him promise to help Asuka so he is more focused on an objective than EoE Shinji was.

I watched Eva for the first time last week and thought EoTV could easily stand out on it's own, but left way too many questions about what happened to Asuka and the others. I got the messages that Anno was getting at but just wanted to know more of what actually happened. I guess that's kinda why EoE was made back in the day.

For EoE, it's a great supplement for EoTV. I was quite surprised with the live action segment. With all the imagery and messaging Anno was doing prior to the segment, I was thinking it would be so fucking cool if he tied in real world footage and then it actually happened. The soundtrack was great too. While EoE answers what was left out of EoTV, it still leaves many questions and fuck Anno for his whole 'ambiguous' bullshit. You can still conclude a story and tell a message with it.