The Great Debate

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Gotta have to give that one to Fairy Tail.

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I'm not a gay pedophile.

"hunterchads" on suicide watch

One mangaka actually has work ethic, the other is a lazy fuck



Ironic shitposting aside, Hunter x Hunter.

Hunterfags nowhere to be found as usual

Fairy Tail hands down

I'm going with fairy tail

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What debate? HxH sucks cock

Fairy Fail is probably the worst of all long running shonen
the girl's are top tier tho

Fairy tail at least has cute girl, HxH is just painfully average.

They are to be watched for completely different reasons.

Although, one thing I will admit Fairy Tail has for it is Mashima has a ridiculous level of productivity. Does the man ever stop to take a break?

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This is now an Eden's Zero/Fairy Tail thread

So Xiomei wets herself when she cant predict anything, thoughts?

This. Hori has such a strong work ethic he regularly puts out double chapters in his manga.
Togashi really needs to just let someone else draw.

Do I need to say something nice about the Fairy Tail?
Let's see...
I prefer Oda with his impossibly thin waists, but Mashima is a decent drawfag.

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Fairy Tail: hot girls
Hunter x Hunter: shotas and trannies
Sounds like Fairy Tail wins

Sound logic

Having said that, Fairy Tail is the only manga so far which I've dropped.
Mashima needs to cooperate with an actual writer, Murata/One style.

Nice, but not enough to surpass best girls yet.

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Consistently great art
"What are these, dogs?"

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You mean Hiro, Hiro Mashima

B-But hunter x hunter is... *hic*
H-Hunter x hunter is...

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Both are better than Togashit

>Murata/One style.
OPM is literally only saved by it's art you fucking moron.

I wasn't aware of Murata's version when I was reading WN, and I was entertained.
So at least one person thinks that One is quite good at storytelling.

I hate how I agree with you. Mashima sure works hard to draw those girls, I wish togashi could do the same for his art in general

HxH is better written and has the better anime adaption.
But FT has Wendy.

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both dogshit

how dare you

Definitely Fairy Tail, fuck Huntercucks

Fairytail themes:
Testing how far loyalty and friendship can go
Forgiveness vs Acceptance of former enemies (gajeel joining in FT)
Slavery and its effects on children (erza and her friends)
God Complex and the roles between different classes and races
Moving on with life after world-changing events (edolas without magic / japan after the atom bombs)
Deconstruction of fan service

HxH "themes":
O muh pedo clowns
O muh war crimes
O muh capitalism
O muh over population
O muh Rubber Nen
O muh Painting RipOffs

Helps that FT's author actually cares about drawing too. Dont even try to compare CHADtail to shonen garbage like hxh.

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fairy tail unironically

yup, some top quality babes in that one.

I realize this is just a shitpost, but Fairy Tail is honestly shocking to me. I read it shortly before the anime came out, and kept reading it until the Edolas Arc began. I feel like back in those days, I'd read just about anything, but after 150 chapters or however many it was, it became so painfully obvious that Fairy Tail had no redeeming qualities other than sexy girls and, arguably, comedy - although I realized later that even the gags were ripped straight from One Piece.

I forgot to say why I found this so shocking: it's shocking because Fairy Tail didn't become so popular until AFTER that. This is probably the anime's fault.

High IQ

FT is a hetero male's manga. HxH is a thinking homo's manga.

Based and friendpilled

Reminder that these two spent a year scissoring offscreen

>Deconstruction of fan service
Is Mashima another misunderstood genius like Kubo?

This has to be a shit post right? Even Naruto has a better story than fairy fail

The entire thread is, retard.

Is as much as shitpost as a "hunterchad" post.


Based and true
>Tits vs gayshit
There's no gaybate

HxH has Hisoka

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It checks out

Hxh is my favourite book

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oh boy

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I think the real question is which one is worse black clover or Fairy Tale

Black Clover because it tries to take itself seriously


Damn you got it right on the first try.

holy fucking based Fairychad

Are you fucking kidding me, how can a wannabe DBZ-Naruto hybrid which came waaaay too late to the shonen party compare to a masterpiece like HxH?


The one with the cutest girls always win.

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>Helps that FT's author actually cares about drawing too
the evolution in his art in amazing

Dubs of truth.

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Now this is shitposting



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no chance for hxh

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>implying HxH can compete with this

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Holy shit imagine being this assblasted. Commit sewer side huntercuck

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

how mad and delusional do fairyfags have to be to think this? I'm surprised to see fans of this garbage fanservice series to begin with, HxH saved jump, its deep writing and willingness to present darker themes gathered alot of attention, not many manga were like it at the time. In contrast Fairytail is a dime-a-dozen "friendship is my power" shonen. Maybe if you stopped reading generic shonen you would actually understand HunterxHunter's story instead of attempting to shitpost. Fucking delusional faggot, I can't believe you were mad enough to bother typing all those lies out.

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>One artist draws the second most sexiest girls in SJ that actually do shit
>The other artist draws girls with a shitty artstyle that only look great in the anime and half of them were brutally murdered
Yeah Mashima is obviously the better artist and writer so Huntertards should hop their dicks on the superior series already.

I don't disagree with your opinion, but Fairy Tail was never printed in Shounen Jump. It was in a different magazine.

Things Togashi stole from Mashima:
>Mc is looking for his father around the world
>asexual mc
>Dark themes like torture, slavery, etc.
>tournament arc
>strong bonds of friendship btween characters.
>recurring character that appears in almost every arc (Jellal/ Hisoka)
>character with Electricity based power
>villain with the power to put bombs in people
>enemy group with 13 members.

Hunterhomos BTFO

Yeah fucked up on that since it's in Kodansha and I actually meant in shonen history.

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Now I'm curious what number one is.

>seething shonenfags have to pretend to like Fairytail of all things to make fun of hunterchads

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Zeref > Meruem.

I'm glad hxh has all that text to filter casuals out.

via powerlevel?
he falls short in every other category