You wake up in the morning to be greeted by this beautiful sight. What would you do?

You wake up in the morning to be greeted by this beautiful sight. What would you do?

Attached: good morning violet.jpg (2496x2226, 1.85M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Invent the telegraph
Patent it
Become billionaire

wake up again

sleep again.

Immediately look into that world's age of consent, if such a thing exists.

tell the cripple to stop blocking the view.

Attached: 1522643565986.gif (368x640, 3.91M)

I'd freak out because I'm not in the same room I slept in and there's a girl in the room

Ask her to join me in bed.

What are you gonna do on the bed, Super Satan?

I want Baioretto to kidnap and rape me

wasted but checked

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Attached: 54C44F68-1820-4E76-9B00-3330D0839007.jpg (640x466, 26K)

>satan breeding with Violet

Attached: 1549806846335.jpg (163x203, 17K)

Sell her hands and invest in oil.

Okay Lucifer

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Attached: 1549686774604.jpg (252x249, 22K)

Id ask her wtf happened to her arm and what shes doing in my room

Put me in the screencap

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Attached: checked 6.jpg (250x250, 6K)

She looks sad so I'd ask her what's wrong

N-nice digits.

Nice sext!

We did it again Evergardenchads! We got another sext! what a great day!


wrong mention, meant to go for
>it's been 10 months since the announcement and all we have is a teaser so far

How long till we get a proper trailer already, god damn? THE WAIT IS FUCKING KILLING ME!

that background art is as gorgeous as ever

incredible digits

That scene where she puts on that fake smile for the princess was goofy as hell. I liker her most when she was roasting people.

Sex demon.

>Not chaining her up and licking her stomach until she cries

What makes it worse is that there is still no information for a new KyoAni TV show.

But there is. They confirmed their next anime to be Electricity 9 months ago. Here are the CMs for it.

No PVs yet for though, for this either. Kyoani already make the rest of the industry look like a joke but they're taking this time to train their animators to be even better still. Teaching them to draw without the restraints of tv anime. This is a special year for them.

Attached: mv017.jpg (800x400, 129K)

Very nice

Check to see if that sight has a penis. Cannot be too careful since anime traps are almost everywhere these days.

Hello, just another archivefag here.

Rewatching Evergarden for the 4th time right now. I feel like absolute shit. Literally have tears in my eyes after watching episodes 8 and 9. WTF, this didn't hurt me as much last time. Is it like this for anyone else? Reminds me how shit my life is and how i keep ending up losing the things i love.

Attached: gil02.png (1920x1080, 1.17M)

Thank God I didn't wake up next to one of the ugly bitches from Snora Yori instead.

Attached: aBetterAnimeThanYoriMoi.jpg (729x660, 169K)

>losing both her fucking arms trying her hardest to protect the Major

Fuck. This has to be one of the saddest scenes in anime ever.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Violet Evergarden - 09 (2).webm (800x450, 2.43M)

This but with me.

Attached: nice.jpg (1280x720, 118K)

Tap that

yes. violet has had a hard life

>live with my mother
>good for nothing father is in jail where he belongs
>watch this episode again
>start crying
>realise that if i was an orphan like Ann i would long for a mother i could spend time with
>too much of an awkward social retard to talk to my mother for extended periods of time

Help me out Yea Forumsutism? I'm literally a Hikikomori who never leaves his room and can't talk to normal people. Don't normally want to either because of past embarrassing social experiences. What the fuck do i do?

Attached: a10.png (1920x1080, 1.6M)

Ask her what's up with the hand.

ask mu daughteru why shes wearing such revealing clothing

Attached: Sleeping babi.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

>those digits
here you go

Attached: 1526255292829.png (986x551, 873K)

god i wish that were me

Wrong place to ask. You're here forever

Attached: Bull-e.png (1920x1080, 219K)

top tier episode

Attached: VE ATD EP10 #2.png (3840x1080, 3.98M)

When Luculia was talking to Violet about her brother the scene cuts to this image of a smashed glass bottle. I wonder if that was symbolic of the state of her relationship with Spencer. Or maybe even the the state of peoples lives after the war. This was when Violet meets her back at the school after the training programme was over. Luculia wanted to help Violet write a letter but Violet didn't know what she wanted to say and the conversation ended up going there.

Attached: 0219834239849232.png (1920x1080, 2.17M)


This, honestly.

Ok satan.

Sasuga Violet CHAD!

Tell her to get out of my house



Attached: 1555569811738.png (775x768, 704K)

I see it now too. Should also note that green is the color of both Luculia and Spencer's eyes, same as the bottle.

Latest SnK has been really good. Levi fucking destroyed the Beast titan. Holy shit.

Attached: 0192824910282390843234.webm (800x450, 2.79M)

[X] genuflect

Attached: Saberclone a shit.jpg (800x595, 68K)

Levi should be the MC.

Not enough violet lewds.

You can't fuck an autist. That's morally wrong.

>6 6s
We've Got Giga Hyper Satan here.
Gonna get Violet pregnant with super demon babies

>What would you do?
Die, because she is an assassin that came to kill me for putting her and her friends out of a job with the spark gap telegraph.

Ask her to join me on the holy grail war

Porn LN Porn LN Porn LN Porn LN Porn LN

Based chad Satan

>Your Violet for the evening sir

Attached: 67773166_p0_master1200.jpg (917x1200, 501K)

All went downhill past this episode.