ITT: Pictures you saved from Yea Forums but never get to use

ITT: Pictures you saved from Yea Forums but never get to use

Attached: 1552606735389.jpg (1079x588, 81K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 8b8a84e26a9e2013ec5afe307d20a72d24ac634c.jpg (794x792, 103K)

Attached: wtf.jpg (850x1200, 282K)

Attached: It hurts.jpg (1000x1092, 489K)

Attached: 1493870670499.jpg (543x251, 31K)

Attached: MaleParentOccupyingThePremises.png (292x417, 155K)

Attached: 1536574118439.jpg (960x696, 46K)


Attached: 1538878300829.jpg (719x960, 98K)


Attached: 1514790460941.jpg (1182x886, 55K)

goodnight sweet prince

He died for Yea Forums's sins.

Attached: Dojyaan.jpg (750x522, 74K)

any story?

Attached: 1491054105165.jpg (1000x1343, 85K)

If you made that you should really consider suicide. I know you didn't make it thou. Your filename says you saved it in 2019. Imbecile please do everyone a favor and stop posting.

Attached: 1540231315920.png (853x915, 585K)

Attached: 1526495400965.png (1280x720, 1.2M)

>newfag doesn't know accelspammer

Attached: 1368809296950.jpg (384x384, 45K)

Attached: 6847834574568.jpg (500x546, 117K)

Attached: 1553472731720.webm (640x360, 204K)

Attached: 1370055498868.gif (480x320, 1.26M)

Attached: 1370058572920.gif (360x240, 1.81M)

Attached: 1418762892459.png (500x342, 91K)

Attached: 78783452568129.gif (320x180, 1.92M)

Attached: 1449695598966.png (651x768, 416K)

S2 never

Attached: 1552872289028.jpg (1280x720, 80K)

Attached: 1464650809715.jpg (766x1042, 115K)

Fuck I am old.

Attached: 1512120254125.jpg (300x155, 6K)

I'm genuinely curious if this is the original or not

Attached: matureanime.png (1015x569, 52K)

The webm is superior.

Attached: quality posting.webm (1280x720, 1.6M)

let me guess: shadman.

Attached: 1256192488908.jpg (1280x1440, 714K)

Did they make an anime about Lina the slayer?

Attached: 1392864816210.jpg (960x759, 122K)

Attached: ------------------.jpg (806x570, 54K)

Attached: 1511081843588.png (1280x720, 1.42M)

Have sex

Attached: comparison.jpg (567x709, 294K)

Attached: 02d46a9f341e531d771e7d2a9e3b8a42.jpg (600x428, 57K)

Attached: xfglo.png (682x505, 327K)

Attached: Kyubey Universe.png (910x712, 71K)

Attached: berzerker saves some bitch.png (383x4000, 1.59M)

but why

Attached: 1558375343199.gif (240x160, 901K)

R/a/dio should be allowed back here, it sucks that they got kicked out

Attached: catgirls for domestic ownership.png (837x1203, 479K)

Attached: 1469657075169.png (395x395, 174K)

Attached: 132151215.png (800x800, 272K)

Attached: hardcore.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

2010 isn't old

Attached: 1532976965463.gif (480x678, 580K)


there was no one who could remotely control him

Attached: ssj Yotsuba.jpg (1365x906, 154K)

Attached: mugimug.jpg (755x663, 94K)

Attached: lovecraft.jpg (466x657, 90K)

Attached: )).png (231x237, 71K)


Any of the party hard gifs honestly. 2013 New Years threads were great. Then r/a/dio got the boot because of some fag mod.

Attached: the pleasure of learning Japanese.jpg (713x681, 84K)

Attached: 1520895558780.jpg (447x589, 47K)

Attached: white hunt.jpg (700x525, 42K)


They have their own imageboard

Literally the only thing I get is the age bonus. Guess I'm a normalfag.

Attached: 1521738184326.jpg (960x949, 74K)

Wasn't this in Fairy Tail?

Attached: Every day.png (525x550, 289K)

This would honestly make me more depressed.

This picture is perfection.

I don't like it.

Agreed, there should be no cancerman on Yea Forums.

Attached: the code gayass slowpoke that everyone knows.jpg (1194x650, 87K)

i still remember the days of Eden Radio before some fag mod replaced them for r/a/dio and then even they got banned too

Good times

Attached: 135132151.png (626x348, 76K)

Someone used to get tired of newfaggots so spammed Yea Forums for weeks.
I was one of those newfaggots. Now I'm not so pissed off by it as I finally understand that burning rage.


Attached: 1394583960824.png (900x1200, 23K)

because Kirino is shit taste

i think i don't have to explain

Attached: 1557034203208.png (1355x1625, 702K)

Attached: 1546708665986.png (1920x1080, 2.62M)

Attached: 1471840138379.jpg (640x640, 194K)

I don't mind it

Attached: 1547092001915.jpg (703x830, 322K)

This image was fucking cancer at the time and is a prime example of why the "reddit boogeyman" exists now. Real oldfags don't want this juvenile LOOK HOW IRONIC I AM brand of humour shitting up this site.

Kuso thread

I wish I had the year by year board highlight images on this computer. I never get to post those.


84 plus or minus.
Pretty good if I do say so myself.

Attached: 1256317751256.jpg (900x780, 163K)

I still see the occasional thread.

I still remember that fucking thread.

Normal wojak is fine.
Onions wojak is absolute cancer though.

Same with pepe. Old pepe was good. Smug pepe (early) was ok. Shill pepe was absolute cancer.

Attached: 1547823242230.jpg (158x225, 7K)


Attached: 1428503008083.png (360x270, 89K)


>every dollar spent on the war on drugs
>is a dollar not spent on getting drugs
Such a waste.

I watch the whole thing, every time.
A true fucking classic.
Stay golden, lil' cheetus.

Attached: Bobobo.jpg (629x354, 34K)

Attached: 1501276286066.jpg (960x649, 133K)

She's a decent character with a great arc. The best in her own series to be certain.



You mean my entire folder?

Attached: Absolutely Disgusting cheetos.jpg (286x357, 71K)

Attached: 1423411319088.png (736x438, 98K)

Depending on how you interpret the 'friends' bits (I took it to exclude friends not in the immediate area) I just broke 100. Hooray?

I have too many to count

Attached: 1485927258954.png (1200x720, 522K)


Allow me to provide you with the full image, user

Attached: smuginator.jpg (1000x7500, 1008K)

Now that's vintage 2011.

I only get the age bonus.

It was a lot of fun, tryhard autist.


Ah... when pepes were actually half decent.


35. Could be worse I guess.

Attached: StoleUrWaifu.png (800x450, 867K)

I'm not sure how I feel about this

Back to plebbit. Please.

I'm honestly surprised.

Attached: 1458233866179.jpg (1000x977, 549K)

Attached: 1475277476813.png (797x810, 418K)

I never get to use any images because my IP range is blocked from uploading files for some reason. Living in the third world sucks.

Attached: 1387960932873.jpg (3785x2760, 3.48M)

Attached: a - Anime and Manga.jpg (750x1049, 296K)


It doesn't need one, the story wrapped up

Attached: 1286404710343.png (600x600, 146K)


Attached: santa_yui_zombieland.png (1920x1946, 2.04M)

Reminder he was shit, SHIT

Attached: sticky about spam and a dying anon.jpg (1024x768, 467K)

She isn't there

Attached: welcome.png (2560x1440, 890K)

64 if wizardry multiplies everything not just the age part (48 if not)

Attached: 1536221593465.jpg (2048x1577, 511K)

Uh yeah...

Attached: dragon slave.webm (576x432, 2.07M)


>goal is the the complete death of Yea Forums
Why do so many people make that their goal?

27 I think


boposting should become a thing

Attached: blackbobo.jpg (1028x640, 87K)

Death is an escape to many.
Life is also an escape.

You can't win.

Wow, that was awful.

Attached: 1549927357449.png (944x4013, 596K)

I saved this one in one of these threads.

Attached: squid.jpg (1200x832, 290K)

Attached: 201301221446224202.jpg (298x347, 30K)

Every day I miss it.


Attached: max powerlevel.jpg (540x960, 94K)

I've met weird cute chicks like this. They do exist.
They have issues though.

Is that a tuk tuk with hentai on it?

Attached: 1272061609326.jpg (417x407, 36K)

Still waiting for the "I've been watching anime since about 2007 (Gurren Lagann, of course)..." pasta

johnny would be an anime hunk

Attached: 1557275384846.jpg (396x382, 41K)

Attached: 1299937559463.png (742x640, 101K)

Attached: Karlsland night witches are sexiest witches.jpg (397x601, 65K)

Attached: 1495331295292.png (741x592, 77K)

Attached: 1339125963949.jpg (894x856, 400K)

When am I ever going to use this?

Hold on. I'll be right back Yea Forums there is some little girls knocking my door.talking about selling rock concert tickets and something about free beer.

Attached: New Code System.jpg (923x865, 346K)

Attached: 1285877472923.jpg (667x2000, 363K)

Attached: xj9tk1c6alh21.jpg (750x733, 52K)

sorce of this please!!!

I refuse to believe someone did this to themselves.


Attached: megumin tattoo.jpg (383x680, 53K)

That's pretty based desu.

Sasameki koto was so cute.


72. You mortal do not comprehend my power

>having a crush on a girl increases your powerlevel
Confirmed /r9k/ shit. Caring about 3DPD should be a negative.

Attached: 1549658925169.gif (266x219, 3.44M)

OH no

watch out, Chad coming through

Attached: 1556531862484.png (1214x1109, 1.65M)

Surprisingly I don't have so many that I wouldn't find a use for them
That said I don't remember the last time I used either this

Attached: justasplanned_ext.jpg (704x396, 314K)

I wonder if a tattoo artist has ever refused to do one of these.

Those oldfags are based and saved Yea Forums from degeneracy.

Attached: 1483698307216.png (960x499, 211K)

or this

Attached: bleach.jpg (900x885, 385K)

I miss typing niggers in the captcha.

Attached: 1422203253519.png (336x365, 88K)

18. I'm just guilty of the party thing and the single mom thing. I don't have many friends though, just a few.

Does anyone have any Yea Forums themed of pic related?

Attached: 1558319392685.png (552x858, 142K)



Why did this never take off when everyone spams other stupid words and phrases.

dunno where this is from

Attached: 1543486726945.jpg (863x960, 98K)


It's really a shame we don't have more occasion to post his works.

Attached: 26811510.jpg (1024x768, 328K)

Attached: jojo reference.jpg (500x600, 60K)

Yea Forums, probably.

Attached: 12.gif (370x330, 880K)


poo poo pee pee was great, fuck off.

Excuse me, my name is Bradon Summers.

Attached: 1339990451184.jpg (450x600, 56K)



>Tattooing what is legally CP in some countries

That's not what oldfag means you fucking newfag.

>I miss typing niggers in the captcha.
Same. Fucking google and new shitty 'pick 4 images 10 times in a row' trick.

Attached: lesbians+1508526483284.jpg (960x796, 222K)

only in Cucknada, Ausfalia and the Caliphate of Bongistan

Attached: 1532862990829.png (1061x741, 392K)

Is that why you know?

Attached: 1554127678068.jpg (600x416, 48K)


This should be bannable low quality content actually.

fuck the mods for deleting my post

Attached: 1558375343199.gif (240x160, 901K)

>reddit-tier pics
>Yea Forums

Attached: 1550035199035.jpg (676x673, 155K)

this place already have become plebbit 2.0 since long time ago

Attached: 1528713963253.png (1280x1440, 1.93M)

This never gets boring for some reason

17 it's all from age

I can't find the other one with 50 cent

Attached: 1413494183450.jpg (800x1350, 132K)

When did we start typing nigger into captchas anyways? that was around 09 right?
I miss old captcha

Attached: 1536092015953.jpg (1137x640, 92K)

Attached: hello.jpg (640x1440, 84K)

There were several.

Attached: 1414460216383.jpg (1000x2788, 480K)

Why is Mayoi there? Her show is far from ended. Monogatari will never fucking end

Have a better one

Attached: 1418921868809.jpg (1024x864, 100K)

Attached: mars.jpg (504x504, 23K)

Not anymore!

I recon they should relax rules for awhile
Stop moderating as hard and maybe even make all boards red for half a year

Gorefags and pornfags will flud boards and people truly care will stick to their threads
revengeposting will be a thing again

frontpages of gore and porn will likely scare away normalfags and underage tards and then they cant easily link their 4chinz posts and make screencaps of their own posts anymore and we can start all over again

not 100% sure but Yea Forums being the frontpage, a particularly disgusting one at that was what kept normalfags at bay in the past

Attached: 1549457403922.png (597x899, 229K)


Attached: 6F147505-BBA6-469E-84FD-C809FBCA97B6.jpg (1280x720, 91K)


Attached: the nose knows.png (1280x720, 611K)

yeah but 4chinz is for profit now

I guess I was the normie all along

Sayonara, Yea Forums, I can feel myself slowly fade away

Attached: 1481802792709.jpg (640x720, 259K)

Attached: kei.jpg (500x499, 72K)

Captcha was added around July I think of 2010, it was after Cornelia and box spam, so around that time.

Attached: mycaptcha.png (843x1200, 401K)

jesus christ i'm a normalfag compared to all you neckbeards

88. That's only because I'm including online friends.

Only two more years and I'll shoot up to 100+ damn.

Youre right it was 2010

Attached: 1539630154035.png (300x600, 88K)

Attached: Chocola.jpg (500x742, 59K)

I have -8

Attached: 460.jpg (504x1200, 188K)

> having crush
> being a manlet
> points for age
> kiss worth more than a hug

Attached: 1540489459156.gif (203x225, 114K)




Attached: eva_dj.png (864x706, 652K)

the highest point of Yea Forums

Why would anyone commit something like this?

I love this shit
also KoG vs Light era was the best era, I miss that stuff

Attached: 1254590197199.png (1656x2324, 667K)

the fuck are they gonna do?
Confiscate his arm?

I browsed for 8 years before giving anime a try
use this information as you deem necessary

Attached: 1529223981030.png (480x480, 415K)

That reminds me. Did we laugh at zetsubou?

Attached: Slowpoke_vulgarius.jpg (225x245, 15K)

>goddamn bro Im so horny but my battery is dead
>rolls up sleeve
>here you go mate

Attached: Your average swede.jpg (768x432, 72K)

Attached: anime toast.png (1232x1519, 1.15M)

Deny the entry?

Jesus Christ. Where do you faggots even come from?

Attached: 1335492754960.jpg (628x819, 113K)


how do you know the floating toast doesn't enjoy getting eaten by nothing?

Attached: 1338929800024.gif (312x346, 1.45M)

Even your family?


Attached: 789.jpg (480x480, 74K)

Reddit is that way my guy

Attached: 4985E73A-6656-4922-B973-6B871360A1CC.jpg (1280x960, 229K)

this is what people mean with Yea Forumstier

Attached: 1541661631763.png (800x800, 57K)

Attached: 4chan Catalog - -a-_1315251762399.png (1423x2115, 2.94M)

im frequent 9gag, memebase and reddit.

Attached: racengan.jpg (640x676, 60K)

We did, but we fucked up by a day due to not accounting for a leap year that happened in the meanwhile
Or we didn't, because why would that make a difference?

and are the threads from back then

How is this old hag more attractive than 90% of recent animu women

Yea, it was pretty fun.

Attached: hidan-no-aria-doujinshi-1.jpg (480x854, 77K)

what was Yea Forums like from 08-10 during Yea Forumss best years?
I remember it was popular to raid Yea Forums because of its status as the most baitable board back then (things have changed)

Any other cultural changes worth posting about?
>less shounenshit
>more lolis
>more serious discussion


>right wing drumpfters be like: its mocking you libtarders!
>left wing libtarders be like: its mocking you drumpfters
meanwhile im here slonking
now yuo see

Attached: asuka gang (2).jpg (700x525, 71K)

Attached: 1359771646917.jpg (786x1039, 451K)

More time has passed since we remembered to laugh than how long we spent counting down.

Attached: 1538716361624.jpg (1920x1080, 239K)

Based mikanposters.
I hope you all still use the neet catalog over this shit joot gave us, I'm sure gonna miss it if it's ever shut down.

Attached: 51946549_2681483695420704_4385431608040095744_n.jpg (720x540, 46K)

Attached: 1358086704652.jpg (1920x1728, 1.37M)

Attached: high trust society.png (390x398, 215K)

Holy shit HunterFujos blown the fuck out

Mostly because of how oldfag this is.

Attached: 4chansummary.jpg (2496x1200, 1.43M)

based twitter /sg/ anons

Attached: megumin sg.jpg (2048x2048, 1.42M)


t. hunterchad

Attached: 1443676296867.gif (250x277, 3.88M)

Outdated, but still.

Attached: lolicon directory.jpg (2627x3648, 3.35M)

Attached: 1557978790336.gif (720x836, 376K)

24. Went better than expected

Mods were always faggot, when you think about it.

Whenever I think of how much Yea Forums's culture has changed, I remember that what brought me to the board initially was a tripfag who'd regularly write katawa shoujo and monster girl CYOA fanfics and people here fucking loved it.

Attached: 1326771926660.gif (340x450, 487K)

Well like that one user posted, mods were always trying to get rid of r/a/dio threads.

Attached: 1558096965989.png (1066x598, 377K)

This. He was faggot who spammed every thread he didn't like like Aria storytime threads.

B-but user everyone on Yea Forums is my friend ;_;

>same record
>same age
Are you me?

Does anyone have that manga edit where an old guy with glasses dunks a basketball and declares himself the super loli man?

Attached: you have to eat all the eggs.jpg (498x280, 19K)

>those digits
>that post
I'm thinking he's based

Attached: BASED.jpg (1111x426, 299K)

mmmm patas

This is the only variant I just can't fit into any thread for some reason

Attached: broccoli2.png (656x998, 375K)

That's still generally untrue even in cuckrope. Crime has still gone down and unless you very specifically live in an area with migrants or minorities you're unlikely to be affected by them. It's even more true in America, example if you live in a upper middle class suburb you're extremely unlikely to meet any blacks or hispanics. Depending on the state you may run into asians but they're the least likely to commit any crime. So the reality is most areas are safer than they ever were, and urban centers are still dangerous shitholes you should avoid if you want your kids to roam freely and safely. Although your kid might still get snatched up by some pedo, but he's going to be your ethnicity

I'm starting to see why these shitty reddit tier memes aren't used.

what is written on this tombstone

Attached: 1329300100185.jpg (660x509, 71K)

user, if anything gore will just bring underage edgyfags as seen on Yea Forums years ago.

Don't know why but I find this picture really funny

what else did you expect
this thread is supposed to be a dumpster for unused memes

Attached: derp.png (509x615, 453K)

Attached: 1327372378995.jpg (680x453, 94K)

Attached: 1558470335559.gif (267x170, 275K)

Attached: 8SgmK.jpg (600x4767, 676K)

Attached: top nani.jpg (640x720, 183K)

Attached: 1543522226670s.jpg (250x250, 6K)

could be better, could be worst.

Attached: 1530102866872.png (650x487, 571K)


Attached: 1024px-%E4%BD%95-oracle.svg.png (1024x1024, 20K)


Attached: 1541936276231.png (1280x928, 438K)

>less shonenshit
Not really. Only naruto was banned.

Attached: 1348099848690.jpg (848x480, 159K)

Attached: 1359383012459.jpg (183x274, 19K)

>All of those tripfags
Sometimes I almost miss them.

Attached: 1558469666347.gif (973x821, 2.22M)

I don't remember why I saved this image.

Attached: 1354485176326.jpg (900x888, 162K)

Attached: remove slacker.jpg (1280x720, 170K)

Are you me, user?
I recall making this exact post to this exact image a while ago.
I think someone made or at least attempted something

I don't.

Does being between jobs count while you live with your parents? Cause that puts me at 15. Literally the only points I can possibly get.
>tfw I am a daywalker.

Was he the same guy who spammed K-On threads?

I remember K-ON threads getting accel spammed, CP Spammed, Gore spammed, or whatever edgy Yea Forums shit you can think at that time.

Does this hold true?

Attached: 1362579351130.jpg (848x480, 101K)

I live by this a lot and it's surprising how well it works.

yes. naruto and one piece are killing anime and manga.

God bless you user.

Attached: 1556593611526.png (532x534, 305K)

It's just about fads, it would show an isekai show now together with them because that's what's hip, just like mecha, idolshit, magical girls and VRMMOs were
Though it's like this in all of art, an acclaimed creation gets mercilessly aped until a new hit piece comes out

Any SCP thread along with the Shitposting one

Attached: 1386927629311.png (241x963, 112K)

Attached: 1386927692392.png (241x963, 79K)


Attached: when the anger and rage is just too deep.png (836x1200, 125K)

I miss the lewds.


Is it still up to date?

Attached: 526203.jpg (917x960, 176K)

Attached: 1475859091143.jpg (1708x1436, 819K)

Attached: removenomus.png (1128x692, 1.46M)

Attached: lily.png (391x504, 203K)

Attached: ISIS! Euphonium.jpg (942x540, 191K)

I'm not even mad. How's Goro doing these days?

and I still don't know how to read these, did it sell poorly? I thought it was a great show.

Attached: 1353322345650.jpg (960x1280, 425K)

98. Do I get any further bonus points for being a lolicon?

Attached: 1392938160033.gif (444x250, 2.7M)

Attached: Heart Rocks.png (1280x944, 684K)

Attached: 1431465812989.jpg (1375x1040, 265K)

>53 * 2

Go find a Lobotomy corporation thread on Yea Forums.

Closest thing to a loli I've got in my run has wiped my facility multiple times.

Attached: 1558655316355.png (606x719, 280K)

I wonder if 4.0 is going to be as hype as 3.0, considering how unfun Yea Forums has become.

Attached: 1352582637481.jpg (768x400, 195K)

who's this?

never should have let quentin tarantino make goat simulator DLC


Attached: 123453445.jpg (405x454, 130K)

underage b&

Attached: 1355716980803.jpg (1280x720, 269K)

Attached: 1589610015612.jpg (540x675, 46K)

never forget yuribro

Attached: Screenshot (14).png (1765x468, 93K)

>>Normal wojak is fine.
not on Yea Forums


Attached: 1360218901108.png (1104x775, 125K)

Attached: 545132456.jpg (497x918, 81K)

Attached: 1453455159845.png (700x709, 188K)

Attached: Dont ReadJPG.jpg (776x707, 320K)


Attached: 1532227678794.png (1920x1080, 1.56M)

Spic mumi threads were the best.

Attached: 1360449885565.jpg (400x400, 43K)

Attached: Just the worst.jpg (760x677, 301K)

Attached: 1482346281679.jpg (1277x718, 355K)

Attached: The ride never ends..jpg (767x219, 108K)

pic related.

>Dumb 4koma about an American dude in jap highschool doing American things
>Funniest one is him just reacting to a japanese trope
I guess someone will have to post THAT

Attached: 1361935117298.jpg (800x600, 96K)


Attached: fixed.jpg (540x675, 119K)

Attached: Mark.jpg (748x640, 134K)

Fuck accelspammer I hate that faggot and always will.

Only 6 months until i get that sweet x2 wizard bonus.

Attached: 1544041618186.jpg (520x312, 102K)

Wtf? When did that fat japanese guy from Heroes become a turbo chad?

Attached: frontpage98.jpg (1428x1428, 534K)

Attached: Autistic.jpg (756x729, 99K)

Married and then divorced after doc discovered I couldn't have kids. Just a NEET now with trans friends I get to tease every so often if I want to get my rocks off; also over 30.

Yes, reply with your full name and address and I'll make sure you get those extra points mailed to your home.

Attached: new.png (443x199, 27K)

I once called Konosuba's Darkness a "sexual menace" and another user was inspired by it and made pic related. I never had a reason to post it however since I rarely browse Konosuba threads nowadays and there isn't really a good context for this anyway.

Attached: darkness_lewd.png (500x271, 121K)

No one on Yea Forums will EVER forget this

Attached: MtLKQtg.gif (834x1031, 1.89M)


Attached: 1362213449897.jpg (796x2712, 727K)

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Attached: MAC.jpg (721x292, 70K)



Attached: 1534413665203.png (489x378, 392K)

Attached: HNI_0032.jpg (640x480, 57K)


lucky for me this is for ants so I just saw the top part
also, 2007 fucking hell, that's from 11 and a half years ago

Yeah sorry it's too long to post in one .jpg

At least post a half decent image with your hilarious shitpost.

Attached: 1553031218448.jpg (528x1600, 98K)

Attached: 1551662730611.png (1859x967, 324K)

Attached: Jizzed.jpg (640x480, 49K)

Said tripshit ruined the whole idea about it with his waifushit and people started associating his name with Niwaka. The moment he dissapeared the word lost its meaning here.

Attached: 1366699898393.jpg (1280x720, 156K)

Damn, which group was this? I remember (maybe) them doing Miritari too


Attached: waewae.jpg (300x168, 8K)

So when does the jumpscare happen cause I'm not seeing any?

Whatever happened to them? How did the story end?

Attached: 1395530628899.jpg (1440x810, 160K)

of course hunterchads had to be underage.

Attached: it became necessary ok.png (383x199, 10K)

Attached: You are a fucking retard.jpg (731x566, 56K)

Attached: an accident or not ch3 p10.jpg (582x800, 154K)

Attached: 1342614619272.jpg (800x602, 78K)

it doesn't

Attached: 77212.png (209x249, 59K)

reminder that yandere is not cute

Attached: D7eliulU0AA-SyQ.jpg (1024x1024, 91K)

Attached: 1367836439813.jpg (1024x768, 586K)

Marmalade is still writing Volume 12, I think.

Attached: 1520078260992.jpg (626x624, 68K)

not as bad as i feared, desu.

Attached: 1368088478956.jpg (1006x697, 170K)

Yes, but then again K-on threads were among the first general threads also started the trend of generals and Yea Forums was not going to have none of that shit so K-on threads were spammed by almost every spammer active at the time.

pic related

Attached: 2010shits.png (994x2500, 1.57M)

This one used to be posted all the time but I haven't seen it in ages.

Attached: 1368089351427.jpg (936x936, 545K)

> 24
is that good ?

Attached: a - yuri region.jpg (1023x597, 122K)

I never have occasion to post this, either.

Attached: keikaku olympics.gif (225x127, 2.66M)

Vi sitter här i Venten

Attached: 1303335885500.jpg (449x600, 56K)

Attached: 1369433552132.gif (252x140, 1.84M)

I'm none of those things and you assholes are all whiners.

I'm also an old fucker, so. 38, apparently.

Get off my lawn, ya babies. And learn to talk to girls.

It's easy, you start by treating them like human fucking beings, and then you continue to do that.

Attached: thirdtime.jpg (330x248, 41K)

Attached: 1554204032455.gif (1000x562, 1.47M)


That image is ironic, you imbecile. Ironic shitposting was one of the beat fads we ever had on this shithole.

>Get off my lawn, ya babies. And learn to talk to girls.

get off your phone and go back

Attached: 1525664445517.png (650x850, 509K)

This is old and nostalgia.

Attached: enough to destroy the moon.jpg (1000x1343, 164K)

Surprisingly little use.

Attached: what.png (1200x675, 897K)

Attached: 1370590029748.jpg (1325x1190, 307K)

I can't find better quality

Attached: 1558904554091.jpg (198x255, 12K)


Attached: gigachad.jpg (1242x1394, 156K)


Attached: 1372222216308.jpg (400x518, 116K)

meant for

things like this make my skin crawl
I mean they clearly have fun and that is ok and all but fuck

How does that even happen?

Attached: 1374028845333.png (960x619, 302K)

Attached: Gendouwaders_zps2b767565.jpg (480x709, 171K)

Fapped many times to that scene.

Attached: [131129][魔人]黒獣 ~気高き聖女は白濁に染まる~ カグヤ×ルー・ルー×マイ (720x480, 41K)

Attached: 1378195949283.jpg (3000x3000, 2.69M)

A couple of months ago I went to a small local con and wanted to try cospalying, I naturally have thick and kinda wavy dark brown hair like Joker from P5 so I just wore black, red gloves and made a paper mask.
Feels good to be skinny and able to cosplay your favorite characters without much effort

Attached: 1556435795907.jpg (1635x2400, 1.73M)

I feel you mon

Haven't posted this in a long while

Attached: domeintheass.jpg (527x1005, 198K)


An experienced baby.


That's if I'm being honest about the friend thing. I have two friends from high school who talk to me online about twice a year. People have told me that doesn't count as "friends," though. I've never been diagnosed with social anxiety, but I probably have it - nevertheless, I excluded it. People call me autistic often, too, but I don't think I have it, so I excluded it. I'm 5'11", though, and I actually do have a job - a monkey's job that pays minimum wage, but still.

Attached: 1361302882403.jpg (840x1400, 235K)

Same man, same. Also checked

Attached: friendly yoga eating sesh.jpg (768x960, 98K)

Never forget.

Attached: 1384327608670.gif (300x255, 2.83M)

nice blog, where do i subscribe?


Attached: just.jpg (1583x887, 168K)

Attached: 1391151632356.jpg (801x576, 115K)

Richter Bromont was pretty great. I'm pretty sure he's still around too, just not using his trip.

Attached: 1320978576208.jpg (1022x2275, 239K)

Not getting any reverse image search results that tell me what this is, help a brotha' out?


He's such a fucking faggot.

>That image is ironic
I don't know why you're saying this like it isn't completely obvious. I even used the word ironic in my post you fucking moron. And no, ironic shitposting gets stale fast.

>Hulk Hogan likes Pokémon and One Piece

It's okay, Hulk, just be honest with us. We're all friends here.


I tried every planet but i still dont get it

sylvester stallone's a fucking Baki fan, anything's possible

Looks right to me

何 - “what”

Is that why you still post on a pedophiles paradise of an anonymous imageboard for lonely suicidal NEETs yeah?

>Zac Efron
>Outlaw Star
Alright, he's a faggot, but he's a faggot with some good taste.

Source on the top right image?

'youre waifu a shit'

I had almost blocked this from my memory.

Oh god what in the hell is that


So did Kirby turn her into a star and vaporize them against a wall?


But he was OUR faggot.


Attached: DgfCUqoXcAAKR23.png (711x620, 261K)

Because its a joke to a series where the 2 main charcs are named after 50 cent and Kanye

>Ugly bastard

Fuck you nigger.

Attached: 1451717402712.png (534x400, 137K)

Attached: GiganticFag.gif (180x135, 137K)

I'm off to watch the new Attack On Titan episode, was a nice thread
Yea Forums seriously lacks fun threads, say what you want about Yea Forums but at least they have fun

politics arent fun

This was easy, what's next?


3+5+4+1.5(since i just graduated)+4+5+5

And what do you know, Misaki also has issues. Weird how that works.


Use it whenever you enter a thread.

3 points



To be fair you need to be a Yea Forums level otaku to even get half of these pictures



Let's just be grateful that it did happend

I don't want to be the step dad.

16 lol

>I tried every planet

I'm genuinely concerned that I still refuse to grow up because I want to live by/a/'s standard.

>kissless (3)
>hugless (4)
>virgin (9)
>friendless (17)
>no friends since 5 or more years (23)
>never had a female friend (30)
>diagnosed with social anxiety (34)
>age (45)

45. Shit.

>Yes mars stop asking

What's considered high and low?

Never mind, 44.


not bad

78. Pretty much entirely based on age.

Is there some joke there? Like "You know she fucked that dog." Or something?

64 mostly due to age.

I genuinely want to go back, everything used to be better a decade ago

started to laught harder than i should

I want this meme, its originator, and everyone who perpetuates it to DIE!

I can see that.

Attached: lol_serbs.png (1050x925, 441K)

Newfag here, what was this place like 10 year ago, wise ancient anons?


where did original with billions of views go?

Wtf is that stuff hanging out of his/her/its throat?


Somewhere between 43 and 51

Are the last three paragraphs somehow pertinent to the first three?

Attached: he hates it.jpg (1280x960, 163K)


I saved this but it's impossible to post or you get banned.

>POnOs Birth


Literally who?


you only pick 3 you mong that's why it keeps taking it as wrong. there's usually only 3 of them

54. I am becoming stronger

Context check.


Original content was still real. Right now 99% of memes made by twitter and reddit. VN discussions. And yeah we had shonens here. /pol/ was not popular

pol discussions I mean

This is literally the single most recognizable fucking planet, kys.

24 fuck

most of that original content were really shitty memes though

this was my favorite scene from KonoSuba

go fuck yourself

Why is "hugless" even a thing? I thought it was really common in north american culture, isn't it one of the ways to say goodbye?