Why are all recent mecha series such failures? Other than Gundam entire genre seems completely dead.
Even when they try making mecha shows about cute girls they are always horribly written disasters.
Why are all recent mecha series such failures? Other than Gundam entire genre seems completely dead.
Even when they try making mecha shows about cute girls they are always horribly written disasters.
Mecha is a bad genre.
How do I get somebody like pic related as my rival and archenemy?
Two most iconic anime series of all time are mecha.
Suicide and hope you are born in a better universe next time.
MuvLuv anime will make mecha anime great again!
Fafner is still on-going and is pretty strong. Overall, the lack of pandering in a typical mecha show to the otaku mass pretty much lowered its financial potential of high BD sales.
There were Muvluv anime and they sucked.
Yes, Code Geass and Franxx.
Main trilogy MuvLuv anime will be different!
Gundam shaped the old anime industry, NGE started the modern anime industry. You may hate them but it's truth.
You may argue that WSJ biggest hits or Sailor Moon were bigger internationally, but nothing shaped anime industry the way Gundam and Evangelion did.
I can think of a couple of good things from the anime.
It will be amazing!
Your robots for toddlers are absolutely irrelevant for the industry and will never be listed as classics.
Skin-tight bodysuits are god's greatest gift to mankind
IDK what you're on about cause Shinkalion is doing amazingly, toy sales are strong and a new seasons started airing just last month for well over 60 eps total by this point. It's basically a train-themed Braves show.
So are girls to fill them in!
>Look mom I'm so contrarian!
Macross is not dead.
>Why are all recent mecha series such failures?
Shinkalion is selling gangbusters in Japan.
We do seem to be in the middle of a drought though. Used to we got one new mecha IP a year from sunrise, occasionally something from Bones, etc.
Not so much recently.
So good!
Macross is only alive due to idols. Nobody cares about Delta mecha.
>Used to we got one new mecha IP a year from sunrise
The BNP/Sunrise split heavily cut down on original series by Sunrise. It's mostly focused now on established IPs.
Because aside from Gundamn, no one makes 50 episode mecha anime anymore.
Sumika is best MuvLuv, if people didn't notice.
Route when?
>all these people claiming to be mecha fans
>they clearly haven't seen Shinkalion
>drooling all over shit like Muv Luv
It is you who does giant robots wrong
What makes you think she deserves a route? She's a really good baddie anyways.
Wow nice potato art
>BNP/Sunrise split
How did happen
>It's mostly focused now on established IPs.
In other we may see old shows coming back like Mai Hime, City Hunter and others right?
Fafner the Beyond literally just aired the first three episodes of its theatrical release.
This. She may be sexy, but she's the biggest cunt in Muv-Luv. I like looking at her and fighting her, but I would never want her as a romantic option.
guys if you just want bodysuit lewds the Taimanin series is right there and much more honest about it
She's just stupid tankie chud Axmann's flunky.
She doesn't even do anything interesting. Her only appeal is her "muh sufferin" backstory.
Axmann was taking cues/orders from her though, especially at the end. Backstabbing Iris and the rebels was done under her orders. Axmann kicking off the revolution may have been Beatrix's suggestion too.
high IQ post right here
I like Kannazuki no Miko.
Because humanity has lost the dream of a better future, where we expand to space, and retreated into a virtual life of decadence, content with mentally masturbating until we die out as a species.
Attack on Titan is mecha.
Literally nobody sees it that way.
Its terrible, I know!
1. Merchandise. Casting girl statues is cheaper than models for assembly as well as statues.
2. Lack of fashion. Mecha is not rad enough for modern kids
3. Lack of sensible social commentary, that would make the story more interesting. Even when mecha was mostly a toy commercial, it had some sort of social commentary. And after the fall of USSR mecha genre has faded in quality, as well as most of the sci-fi. This is not a mere coincidence. Even gay frogs are better at being social than modern mecha.
>EfP was 5 years ago
Space fantasy is slowly coming back.
Drink bleach, all of it.
What’s the best retinal projector/jaw piece design?
OST is bomb
Your food tastes won't change the fact that mecha is a bad genre.
haha ballsack
He's not wrong. Gundam with space fighters instead of stupid toy commercials would be far better.
Looks like shit desu
Your mother looks like shit.
Fuck you, Hiroshima!
Okay but Shinkalion is making a ton of money, kids love it and its only real social commentary is "communication is good and friendship is better".
I can give you 1 and 2 as a fact and a trend that were definitely there but 3 is reaching way too hard and also you're in denial because mecha's always a toy commercial.
How dare you?
Stop posting that pig please.
Mecha is dead.
Don't really know why but the genre feels done, like there's nothing more to do other than more Gundam and Eva ripoffs. Also giant robots feel like a relic of the past since irl technology keeps getting smaller.
It is truth!
The genre is dead because it isn't moe enough. We need more mecha musume, Strike Witches season 3 can't come soon enough.
Most of the fantastical tech we see in Gundam is slowly becoming more and more of a reality so it doesn't really seem like sci-fi anymore.
When you see virtually Gundam levels of tech in real-life shit like the F-35, it doesn't seem so special anymore.
Then the IP holders decided to go and censor them for no good reason whatsoever. I WILL NEVER *NOT* BE MAD!
Mecha was stillborn as the genre.
Votoms are cool though.
No, it's not.
>that pic
>fanservice suit
>ugly haircut
Yep, definitely EfP looks like shit.
Well Steam put the clamp hand on sexual content in VNs so they have to if they want actual sales.
>e mecha's always a toy commercial.
Not always.Mid to late 80s it was something greater, especially on the OVA market.
>Shinkalion is making a ton of money
Shinkalion like this shinkalion? en.wikipedia.org
Come on, how can anyone like this trash?
>communication is good and friendship is better".
As I said, Sarazanmai is better at social commentaries.
A near 70 episode formulaic toy commercial is not going to revitalize the genre. It will only stagnate it further and prevent it from being more than kiddy shit every again.
I'm waiting for Bubblegum Crisis to get a 10s reboot so we can finalize the renaissance of power suit anime that started with Tiger & Bunny
Why? What kind of a new dimension a new reboot will open?
IMO BGC is a finished story, no need for reboots.
What could have been.
I started watching the original Gundam and while the first episode was great it's become pretty repetitive afterwards because it keeps following the same formula of
>fight starts
>amuro is incompetent
When does it get better?
Because you lack imagination. Mecha genre has more to offer than just repeating those ideas.
They robbed us of the anatomically correct fortified suits YEARS before the KS campaign!
They pulled a Fate.
Once the franchise got popular they started making concerted efforts to distance themselves from the porn roots so they can have wider appeal and be taken more seriously.
This. Mecha musume is super successful.
They're still lewd as fuck tho.
I like how people who think like this probably also cal out people for being normalfags while stating the most normalfag opinion ever
No it's the fucking target audience that companies want look at the fucking OP image not a mecha not a cool as battle not a jet or war like shit it's a bitch in tight cloths.
You know what the first image you get with mechwarrior IT'S A FUCKING MECH even the west knows what the audience wants even Godzilla I don't give a rats ass about the humans I care about the monsters.
>How did happen
Bandai thought Sunrise was unfocused, so they split them into two separate studios with more specific focus.
Sunrise now is almost entirely focused on Gundam and Love Live, with a stated focus on other fan focused brands, although it wasn't very clear what they meant by that. Recently we did see new productions for Code Geass and City Hunter though, but both were movies.
Meanwhile, BNP (Bandai Namco Pictures) is focused on their other active franchises, like Gintama and Aikatsu, including new ones. However, they're mostly multimedia projects, which has mostly meant idol stuff and adaptations for their new series.
>>It's mostly focused now on established IPs.
>In other we may see old shows coming back like Mai Hime, City Hunter and others right?
It was specifically said to be focused on Gundam/Love Live after the split, although we've also seen them starting to do Code Geass again and there's also the new City Hunter. So, they seem to be slowly expanding back, although still just with old franchises.
Knights and magic was excellent. The issue is less that all mecha are bad and more that there are fewer mecha shows at all. There are dozens of shitty isekai and sol shows, but you forget that because there are so many of them.
>tl;dr: idols ruined anime
tell us something we didn't know already
the worst thing is that idol music is a huge pile of shit
Did everyone forget spaghetti?
The ones with the extra cheek bits.
Too bad all of them appear to have those stupid chin things.
I think SM had the suits.
Y'know what this thread needs? Needs more Geahs
why did they ruin that hot body with a retard head
Shinkalion is anime of the fucking decade.
I don't think they did.
The bodysuits were the series' greatest gift to humanity. Together with faceless/helmets, it's the patrician fetish you see.
A good mecha needs a hotblooded male MC and an overarching philosophical conflict to justify the widespread use of mechs to wage war.
Otherwise, it must be based around the use of mechs as tools. Anything else won't work.
>I'm waiting for Bubblegum Crisis to get a 10s reboot
You mean sequel.
>So, they seem to be slowly expanding back, although still just with old franchises.
There's a good chance Mai Hime returns but only in movie or OVA projects right?
That's not an example of an hotblooded male.
>A good mecha needs a hotblooded female MC
CG is why mecha is dead. It looks like fucking trash. Gridman did a good job, but that's the only example I can think of.
>but she's the biggest cunt in Muv-Luv
That's Yuuko
>and fighting her
Self-inserting redditors gotta leave.
>claim to be mecha fan and say nobody else is
>eat up CG trash because there's nothing else to watch that's "new"
nice! your next post is "i'd rather watch cg than shitty old 80's looking stuff like 0089!"
>look it up
>see a woman turned into a cube and scat
>this is supposed to be sexy
because real robots, are like 100,000,000 times smaller. or something
If they got popular then they didn't need to censor themselves to broaden appeal, now DID they?! This is why we can't have nice things.
What suits?
This is why hentai is dead
FranXX had pretty fappable mecha designs
What happened?
Reminder that this is never ever happening.
Cuter than the others I think.
Because her body never matured.
I was talking more about the gear, but she’s fine too.
MuvLuv is needs to save VN industry before getting an anime again.
Is Granbelm going to save the mecha genre?
i like total eclipse or whatever it was called. just wish it would have gotten a second season or something
>I was talking more about the gear
>vast majority force their pissing fetish and/or scat into every episode
>horrible anatomy because lazy artists
>no, people with the wrong opinion are why hentai is dying
Stop doxxing terrorists
There is no confirmation that Theo will become the badguy.
I think they will make more mecha anime now that they bought Xebec's main studio.
Some of those will be movies like with City Hunter and Code Geass but those two properties will likely get other forms of continuation too, since the films sold well in Japan.
>thread still up
A evangelion knock off and a total train weck great pick
>random shitty anime whit some robot slaped in
>general pubplic >this is shit
>mecha fan >this is a masterpiece
They were GETTING more popular as in picking up steam and starting to gain real mainstream recognition outside Japan.
Obviously they don't have anywhere near the level of clout Fate has, especially with the entry-level dub-only normies. They were gaining some serious traction in that direction a couple years ago with the Kickstarter and everything though.
They wanted to continue to capitalize on that momentum so they towned down the lewd factor like Fate did but not as successfully.
The Sumika After story was so shitty.
Its like they actively tried to destroy Sumika's character.
Her character was already shit to begin with.
She is best girl in the trilogy.
Pump and dump Stella
What if we took the Muv-Luv formula (take a cast of characters and throw them into a war against aliens) and applied it to other franchises?
Would've done just as well to leave it unvandalized!
What is the best mecha pilot/bodysuit (and optionally helmet and other gear) and how comfy do you think it would be to wear it all day?
Blessed Kasumi.
Why does she wear the mecha bunny ears and the robot ear covers again?
Best and Super comfy.
Becuase the mechas themselves are hyper fucking boring and the characters are mostly unlikable.
Opinions on the series' I mention aside, their mechs at the very least have staying power and their characters stand out.
Gurren Lagann is a good example of neat looking mech design, and people around the world can tell you who Mazinger/Tranzor Z are. Getter robo is also a good example of fucking weirdos as characters with unique and cool looking mechs.
Everything else recently has basically just been different variations of Gundams under different names piloted by Amuro stand ins without the character development.
Xebec Zwei is the Fafner team and both they are the IP are still with IG.
I always assumed they had something to do with her psychic powers. Either amplifying them. Or maybe blocking her ability to read specific people, just like they did with Sumika and her ribbon.
>when the spares chromosomes kicks in
>how can anyone like this trash
Just because you personally don't like a series doesn't mean it doesn't count. If all you wanted was a successful mecha genre series that takes itself seriously and isn't aimed at kids just say that.
Kawaii ne~
>Some of those will be movies like with City Hunter and Code Geass but those two properties will likely get other forms of continuation too, since the films sold well in Japan.
What other Sunrise older IP's I heard Mai Hime is getting a new project announced soon.
Would she chill with a helmet on though?
What are the leg handles for?
The ear covers though are probably just themed ear muffs to match her headgear. But it would be cute if she could wear something like that all the time I guess.
Probably to lock her into the seat?
Or make it easy to lift her up and dick her while standing
>I heard Mai Hime is getting a new project announced soon.
I see you are a man of culture!
But I think she is so heavy even Alt Takeru would have problems with that.
>see pic
>flashes back to the weekend bodysuit threads on 2ch
>They were GETTING more popular as in picking up steam and starting to gain real mainstream recognition outside Japan.
Well, they REALLY screwed the pooch on that with how barely even half-assed their efforts are in delivering on the KS, to say nothing of all the material they've reneged on giving to us. All this and they seriously claim to aspire to be more popular? SERIOUSLY?!
Where did you get the high quality sprite of Beatrix? Can't find any CG packs that contain character sprites.
Don't remember. Been meaning to try and get the sprites out of the isos.
Pump and dump Stella
They aren't high quality, but it's better than nothing:
The absolute state of mecha
>lewd mechashit
>no Gurren Ange Jinki
Cat's Eye.
>isekai mecha
>that's not Escaflowne or that Tenchi spinoff
There hasn't been a mecha TV series that has sold over 10k average since Gundam 00. Not counting those HD remasters like Seed.
The closest that ever came to doing as well was Aquarion Evol but the sales for that dropped too hard
>toy commercial
fuck you retard
>This kinda Yea Forums tier normalfaggotry is Yea Forums in 2000 + 19
Hey, I know that the way anime becomes worse every year makes it hard to become seriously invested and more than a seasonal garbage eater, but please get a grip