ITT: Female characters with noble laugh

Attached: Naga.jpg (1040x1350, 243K)

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Is this the Slayers thread?

Attached: late for being early.jpg (1000x1525, 1.72M)

Attached: ibqdawtdxrjfil.jpg (880x496, 296K)

Attached: ayeka.jpg (625x477, 49K)

No sign Kurumi herself did more then torture her either and plenty of reason to believe she didn't. What Nico gets up to with commissionermilf is their own business.

Control of a super dangerous enemy magic criminal without destroying her combat ability, independent action capabilities, etc.

Attached: utpny6nbv.png (800x476, 355K)

So how long has the haughty ojou sama laugh been a trope anyway?

Attached: ohoho.jpg (900x900, 106K)

No idea, but it did appear sporadically in Urusei yatsura

Attached: ohohoryoko.png (524x474, 344K)

Attached: 1472968119166.webm (960x540, 305K)

>black hair
>hime cut
>round-frame glasses
>opaque lenses

Attached: marisa_muku.jpg (335x241, 12K)

Attached: Kodachi.gif (521x388, 993K)

Attached: WoAAPxNk.jpg (498x310, 36K)

Do real women in Japan still do this in the present day?

Ohohoho Rika I've got you now desu wa!

Attached: 1558697515010.png (1600x1000, 1.91M)

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I seriously doubt they ever actually did it in the first place.

Bump. Come on.

Attached: tumblr_n2d14mAHgy1qdk3r4o1_1394689270_cover.jpg (500x500, 44K)