Is this the era of /ss/?

Is this the era of /ss/?
Because im liking it.

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Solid Snake?

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/ss/ is for microdicks

God i love this series so fucking much. healing and comfy

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Shotas are supposed to have small willies.

GTFO. Sunohara is blessed by the gods

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This. It's one step behind trap shit.

You are gay.

No rebuttal.

Face it. Women, especially Ayaka and Nana, would all jump to the biggest cock that could actually satisfy them in a heart beat. The shotashit is just them toying around with a little boy's feelings like he was some sort of pet.

The show would be absolutely perfect, if it were not for that whiny, jealous, tsundere (90% tsun) seitokaichou loli ruining everything.

y'all clearly missed out and never got molested by your baby sitter when you were a kid. /ss/ is the hottest shit in the world. even the baby boomers love it with songs like "hot for teacher" or movies like "mrs. robinson"

getting sexually assaulted by a big tiddie blonde as a young boy is as american as baseball, apple pie, and mass murder.

What's the context here? Why did she look at the kid's dick?

I'd the doujins are correct Aki has 3 legs

i mean in real life yeah of course they would, but isn't that the reason we all watch anime? to see some cool shit we can't see irl? it's like when women read 50 shades of gray, it's a nice little fantasy you pick up and enjoy for an afternoon than move on with your life. i see no harm in it if men wanna self insert in a carefree feel good series that reminds them of youth when they didn't have the same responsibilities and more often than not had some schoolboy sexual fantasy toward an older woman that is so common it's cliche. i mean who didn't wanna fuck their hot teacher/family friend/sisters best friend?

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The dark haired girl with the fringe is literally perfect, I love her so much bros

Regular penis inspections is an onee-sans duty

Attached: [HA/ss/] Sunohara-sou no Kanrinin-san - 06 [275B8A2B].mkv_snapshot_15.27_[2018.09.10_23.09.05].j (1280x720, 112K)

It sold like shit, it may have killed shota trash for good

she should have been one of the main girls. such a cutie

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Did any of the girls actually touch his little wiener though?

And nothing of value was lost...

they should give us official subs and steam it on a major platform in the west. i NEED season 2 of this show instead of garbage like isekai quartet


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i want to hate your comment, but i love "the critic" reference too much, carry on.

Time at fucking last.

I hope so, by the way OP sauce me up, can’t find it.

There's less than 25 posts in the thread and one of them has the showname in a screencap while another says the name of the show. You can try harder user

> can’t find it
But it can, you fucking incompetent.

Attached: Uchifuji ear rape.webm (1280x720, 1.05M)

so everyone hunts this poor girl?

I happen to have a thick sausage in my pants thank you very much

this era sucks.

>literally "muh dik"

What a fucking nigger

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