What's Yea Forums's opinion on this goober?
What's Yea Forums's opinion on this goober?
the most based man in the world
Second only to Kon.
a true visionary
one of my gods
>Reading booklet that came with Wings of Honneamise
>Anno is simply known as 'that guy that can draw great explosions'
>The staff had to find excuses to add more scenes with explosions to justify his existance
How can someone sleep through an apartment fire?
He is another one of "those" anime makers.
He's a normalfaggot. Because of this, he brought in new fresh ideas from the outside world. He made realistic characters based on his interactions with real humans, not inbred ones based on other anime characters.
But because he is a normalfaggot, he also values money more than anime. So ultimately he sold out his art.
I don't hate him, I understand him. But I don't like him.
he cute
Pretty cool guy
Anno probably is more of an otaku then you give him credit for, but he absolutely did sell out.
Does he really hate his fans?
A cutie
I think every creator who cares about their work hates their fans just a little bit. There's no evidence he's nearly as annoyed all the time as his mentor, though.
He thought it was raining but that was actually the apartment being hosed lol.
>Hideaki Anno
How retardedly pretentious to you have to be to think this?
It's objectively true. He is a normalfag who likes anime.
He hates what he is, user.
he's literally autistic
Remember that one interview between him and Tomino where Anno kept bringing up unrelated shit like "muh patriarchy"?
Anno has always wanted a female audience. He knows where the big money is. Women become cultists for the entertainment they like.
he's a goofy goober.
Anyone in any kind of management position in any industry is a normalfag. They got there by normalfag networking. Anime isn't an exception.
No, and considering the way this board has somehow turned fake Miyazaki quotes into ones most people believe, I think I'll need source
would he even consider working on a new anime series after the rebuilds?
He also kept on sperging out about how anime should be self masturbatory for its creators. Anno is a pretentious retard
Anno is probably the most otaku anime director ever.
He isn't wrong about that. If you try to make anime that appeals to other people instead of making the anime that you enjoy, it won't feel genuine. It will feel like shallow pandering... because it is. The only way you can appeal deeply to people's interests is to appeal to your own and hope you have an audience that shares the same wants.
I would kill for that but he's probably going to make a godzilla sequel
That's not even remotely true. Jesus christ, where does this "Anno was a hikki otaku loser!" bullshit come from? He's been a socialite all his life. Did you actually buy that "Anno is a depressed hikki!" garbage he disseminated in PR interviews?
Excerpt from May 1998 issue of "Evangelion" magazine
Source eva.onegeek.org
On Anno’s severe depression, his “crisis of the soul,” as a motive in the development of Evangelion.
YAMAGA: Well, I think Anno may have appeared in the Japanese media as you suggest; he’s made comments about wanting to die, and so forth, but at least from my perspective, things were never as serious as they appeared in the press. [LAUGHS]
As expected from the hackster, mr. Anno
I find it incredibly ironic that he calls the anime industry incestuous and derivative when considering his most famous work is derivative of earlier mecha series
I hope he does the new eva right. It's going to take a fuck tonne of work though... which explains why it's 3.0 + 1.0 and not just 4.0. The conflict is now with this repetition of rebuilding, not merely angels v humanity. We've stepped into matrix territory.
You're going to be very disappointed if you expect things to be wrapped up nicely.
Someone drugged his water.
it's so weird that he pushed Rebuild for years but didn't seem to have a plan.
Still sad we'll never see Eva 3.0 that was shown in the previews
I don't even think this is the last movie.
It can't be. Now way can it be finished by this move.
happy boi
Asuka VA said she's done after this next movie, good luck making people watch Eva without one of the principle characters.
It was the interview they had about CCA. Some guy on Twitter translated and posted the full thing, but it was taken down or some shit.
I'll see if I can find anything on it from /m/ archives since there was a thread about it before.
I think he honestly had plans up to 3.0 but hadn't quite worked out how to finish this.
3.0 is the first true rebuild movie for me, the rest was recaps.
it's been so many years since the last movie, user
he just wants to be free to make more godzilla movies that are basically new evangelion episodes
>Asuka dies
I'll finally be able to get off Mr. Anno's wild ride if that happens.
If Anno is not "otaku" enough for you, I guess you really are a complete hikki and you should seriously reconsider your life.
2.0 was very different from the canon. I actually thought it was an expression of his cured depression since it was an extremely positive movie that even had a big act of heroism at the climax. Then 3.0 happened.
Also I don't understand why he actually approved Mari outside of commercial reasons. She's feels photoshopped into the movies. Like someone made a fan character and used adobe premiere to include her
He has always been a highly social person. He was barely even otaku enough to go into anime. He wanted to do cinema instead.
oh gosh, this is gold
I can't find any images of the part with Anno sperging out and I don't want to put in any more time into searching through archives so here's Tomino being a Chad instead.
It's from the same interview so maybe if you reverse search for a bit you might find it.
Hottest take: Rebuild should have been a web-series. That way he can do whatever he wants without being censored, yet it can also be a longer format than a movie.
Sadamoto, I thought you were my nigga
Japanese are a different breed. I understand what accounts for their higher IQ now.
>he just wants to be free to make more godzilla movies that are basically new evangelion episodes
You don't say...
I wish westerners could be as sincere and shameless as the japanese
The funniest part of this image is Anno pretending he knows what the fuck Tomino is talking about.
>expression of his cured depression
I think 3.0 brought it all back by opening wounds.
>You will never have your own action figures
I honestly don't know if he made 3.0 because he was depressed or he got depressed again because of 3.0
The virgin Anno will never understand the Chad Tomino's speech about puffy pussy. At most Anno gets the "sad and tired out" pussy that Tomino mentioned.
Something tells me Mari is more than just fan service though... her role in all of this is about to unfold.
is this based in actual anno or the actor from aoi honno?
No he planned 3.0 from the start... so I think the depression came back after it was released.
Though 3.0 was delayed from memory, so maybe it was adjusted heavily.
I seriously doubt it. She's such a joke.
Anno has designed some of the sexiest characters of the entire medium you dink.
There are reasons why asuka is no longer Asuka Langley Sohryu..
Have you read Anno talking about his wife?
>My wife’s public image is that of a strong woman, but actually she’s very sensitive, fragile and weak. She constantly has to face her difficult past, and she couldn’t escape the reality of having to provide for her family. It’s just that she needed to don a piece of armor called “toughness” over her heart. I can sense that deep inside she battles loneliness and alienation and she is barely holding her emotional balance in check. That’s why I want to devote whatever time I have outside of work to my wife. That’s why I got married to her, and I want to protect her with everything I have, forever.
All of them had sad pussies. All of Tomino's women have puffy pussies.
Mari is probably a clone of the identical-looking (yet older looking) woman who was Yui's colleague.
My thinking is that she worked on the cloning technology that was used for Rei.
Incredible. Tomino-sama knew about the roast beef scale 25 years ago
Tomino was ahead of his time. I don't have a pic of it, but in the same interview Tomino tried telling Anno about how everything in society is manipulated by women and we live in a matriarchy. This is when Anno spergs out and insists that it's not a matriarchy but is a patriarchy instead.
baby shinji is the cutest
Tomino sounds like the reincarnation of Schopenhauer.
looking at him you can hardly believe he's gonna jerk off on comatose girls and kill the entire world
So she's possibly Asuka's mother?
I can't fucking believe Tomino is an incel
He hates us.
I mean, you could say the same about my baby pics but that won't change the fact that I fap to death bodies and once molested my friend's female dog
It's really obvious, user. Have you seriously never seen any of his interviews? He says shit like how he hates adults and shit. He's a literal manchild and it's great.
I don't see any reason to think so. It is technically possible.
>Shinji wished for people to deny him
And we call this satan.
>t. doesn't realize GAINAX was literally the only major studio that didn't come together from the bigger studio network
If everyone around you automatically loved and accepted you, wouldn't it feel cheap?
It wouldn't have any meaning in that case.
Actually Anno
>If everyone around you automatically loved and accepted you, wouldn't it feel cheap?
love and acceptance are constructions in this reality.
he's a pedo, which is a good thing
>If everyone around you automatically loved and accepted you, wouldn't it feel cheap?
if I'm in a paradise where everyone is in a constant state of understanding and happiness, pain is pointless
the entire thesis of evangelion about the instrumentary is wrong. If ultimate comfort wasn't our goal, we would still live in caves, hunting animals in the savanna
The reason people rejected instrumentality isn't because they hated the comfort, it's because they wanted individuality. Some people like being themselves, they like the concept of privacy, etc.
Everyone I don't like is a pedo.
I want one
What do you mean? All of his characters are 13+.
>The reason people rejected instrumentality isn't because they hated the comfort, it's because they wanted individuality.
No it's because they had no say in the matter from the beginning. They can't wake up.
well, they're beyond stupid, because literal heaven is right there in their faces
>normalfags who grow up with teachers telling them to stop drawing anime still draws manga characters in the published school journal
>normalfags spend their college years being autistic Ultraman otaku, making shitty home movies with no expectation of profit
>normalfags stop going to class for a year in favor of making DAICON IV, a film for an autistic otaku get-together that wasn't even the main event and provided little financial incentive
Well shit, I guess normalfags are good and the only people who aren't normalfags are literal NEETS.
>He was barely even otaku enough to go into anime
You know there's more to otaku than just "anime otaku", right? Anno was a kaiju/Ultraman/Gundam otaku.
I don't really put live-action fans in the same category. There are many ordinary salaryman who are fastidious watchers of cinema, and keep track of everything and buy all the merchandise, but it still doesn't feel right to call them otaku.
"Otaku" is, IMO, about where your life is primarily: in escapism, or in the world (typically consumed with work.)
It's a prison.
Rei plainly says at the end that anyone can choose to return to Earth.
Choice is a construct of the universe too.
So is the idea of existence.
All illusions.
Anyone can choose to return - but will they be able to think that they would prefer returning over staying?
Also, apologies if this image seems retarded. It's just something like gnosticism... though that is not quite as disenchanted though.
I love him just for that
No, because why would the creator make resources that could destroy themselves when he needs those resources for some purpose?
he's pretty cool but Ikuni is better
why would anyone ever watch eva at the family dinner table?
Unless he want's doggos.
You're just using a retarded definition of the word. There are military otaku (Gunji otaku), train otaku (Tetsudou Otaku), idol otaku (Wota), etc., all of which can have little to nothing to do with 2D.
"crowd rule" definitions are shit. People are not linguists. Most are barely even literate.
he has weird influences.
As I said, it's a good thing you illiterate
You implying it's not pedophilic?
No, pedophilia refers to prepubescents. Girls hit puberty as low as 11, but definitely by 13 unless there is a hormonal problem.
I mean idol otaku get satirized all the time in anime and manga so I expected some level of self-awareness, but I guess that was too much.
ok ironic pedo. I need to fuck a 8 year old drawing
The rebuilds are canon, they come from Anno himself, they are just an alternate timeline, it was one of the main points of the original EVA. I loved 2.0 too (except for Mari, I don’t understand whats her point) and I agree that it showed that Anno was overcoming his depression, but then 3.0 came along and now I would rather not have high expectations with 4.0, I guess we’ll see in a year.
>The rebuilds are canon
>they are just an alternate timeline
2.0 was just the bait so that 3.0 could kick down the people that liked it.
When you're going through REM sleep, it's very unlikely you'll wake up even if you're drowning.
That's not true, lol.
Source and then we'll talk. Otherwise, eat shit.
Even if intentional I don't understand the Shinji being a self insert to Anno with the amount of success he had and skill he acquired at such a young age. Anno never seemed like the unsure type to push back from doing what he loved.
Why so mad? Anno is a confirmed feminist beta.
read the full thread retard
wtf I love Miyazaki now
You really don't know anything about this man
Is this Simbo Akiyiuki something?
Backgrounds in gatari made my eyes bleed.
Hi bait I'm dad
best animator of all time
Self inserts don’t have to be just like you, just an aspect of you.
That would be Vladimir Tytla.
Miyazaki is a man of taste