Fairy Gone

New episode soon. Shit is about to get real.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Fairy Gone - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.54_[2019.05.19_19.53.56].jpg (1280x720, 109K)

>Shit is about to get real.
are they going kill off the shitty main girl?
because only that would redeem this show

Noone cares.

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what the fuck is going wrong with PA Works recently

Blessed time of the week.

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Fairy Aoi is great.

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It's time nigger.

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>they steal the black fairy tome
>flashback to Sweetie's past
>black fairy tome gets stolen from them while they're on the train
>flashback to Ver because why not?

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I thin they want to die so they are making shit series on purpose.


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this has slowly become my personal aots

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See you guys when the subs are out.

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more like irredeemable trash

Don't stop modorenai flashback.

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Fairy Gone - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_12.59_[2019.05.20_19.11.22].jpg (1280x720, 381K)

the ed is better

Every time.

>waiting for hs
Should be soon
>waiting for erai
Pic related.

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not better than SnK, so only second for me

waiting for erai

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no one fucking cares, stop shilling your shitty rips

> "let me just watch anime with shit subs"
why are you so retarded

I'm glad sweetie didnt turn into a bigger asshole.

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she actually has nice tits

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Blowjob lips.

Holy shit, people are still watching this?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Fairy Gone - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.34.999.jpg (1280x720, 416K)

And they're watching terrible horrible subs, not Erai-Raws.

So I guess this was the other part to Disse's plan. Either the prime minister dies or he gets to look like the "hero" because he was in on it and Ray Dawn the opposite

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Bitter Sweeto officially confirmed older

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I want Sweetie to look at me that way

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>it's a staring contest episode

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Guess I'm downloading HS this time.

Got me laughing real good, reminds me of software backdoors in critical devices.
The moss stain or soot on the background this episode are great, shit makes me want to pressure wash them.

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The gui carlin mafia seems like a decent faction now.

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Time for shish kebab.

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why there aren't more shows with ED being played during the episodes? it's comfy as fuck.

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A real human bean.

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The face expressions are top notch.

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Bitter Sweet, that other dolled up slut, and the commander with the long face are fucking eyesores, god damn.

>my face after each episode

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Might be too comfy for some.

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He did nothing wrong.

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he got caught

Damn nigga.
Its complicated but a good feeling to be honest.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Fairy Gone - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.06.314.jpg (1280x720, 413K)

Because if the subs are shitty, the show must not be that great either.

the subs are only shit because HS's ripping bot is shit
Erai does not have issues HS does

Good shit, looks like next week's episode gonna start in the middle of an operation, dope.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Fairy Gone - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_23.21.249.jpg (1280x720, 395K)

The best.

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I think I'm lost because I can't help but think 'Why does any of this matter?'

I was almost sure that old models would be those of Arcame production, but it seems they were just taken from military warehouses and modified by hand to restore the override function. Wolfran met Ted in ep 7, and the person who did initial sabotage performances on new model isn't Ted, so Arcame is still involved somehow. Now, the question is, what's the big plan? Schwarz Diese seems to be plotting something.

It was just one of their department job with the same actors involved in the bigger picture.
I think its a simple power conflict but needed to be made complex by both ray and schwarz so they appear better for the public and to distance themselves in case of fuck ups.I dont know which arcame or gui carlin betting for or maybe they just want to destabilize the country for a bigger plan that gonna be unveiled later seeing its a 24 episodes series.

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What the fuck, they stormed his house anyway after pretendind to do a covert mission last week.


The hunk.

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Cute couple.

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Yeah, there was some good effort put into the last minutes.

What's her master plan?

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Too many names. Do they want to write a new LOGH with this?

I'll need to make a conspiracy wall. With pictures and lines and stuff.

do people just turn off their brains or something when watching this show?
they made it very clear that the guy is connected and they can't go in on just the word of a known criminal like Sweet, so they send in 2 agents, guy confirms it to their face and she makes the signal to attack

do it faggot.

>guy confirms it to their face
Even if he did, they have to prove he did. Like I said, if they were going to raid the place they could skip both talking and enlisting Bitter Sweet.

>they have to prove he did
They just did. They have a witness, based on witness they start a raid, raid uncovers material evidence. All of this is sanctioned by their director, who answers directly to prime minister. They have a huge jurisdiction over all things fairy-related and illegal, which are most of them. So they don't really need third-party testimony, their own plus material evidence is enough.

>Even if he did, they have to prove he did
they are the fairy FBI, when it comes to fairy stuff their word is basically law, her hearing it was enough to sanction the raid
and letting Sweet help them was the only way they got in

it's shit