Is anime cartoons?

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Cartoons = American
Anime = Japanese

No. They're two different kinds of animation with very little in common.

It's like asking if a chanson is a song

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chinese cartoons to be specific

Is sportsman a athlete?

Despite what insecure Yea Forumsutists will tell you, yes, they are cartoons.

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They aren't cartoons. They have next to nothing in common with cartoons.

Is soccer sports?

What are the differences?

The correct analogy: is soccer tennis?

And who are you to say they aren’t cartoons?
Unless you work in the industry, fuck off.

Both are animated material

So? Yeah? Anime is just a term for animation itself

Everything. Pick any aspect and there are going to be major differences.

This has nothing to do with me, I am only stating a fact.

Cartoons and anime are different subsets of animation, and anime doesn't mean animation outside Japan.

It isn’t a fact, it’s denial of reality.

What exactly am I denying?

Yes, anime and cartoons mean the same thing. If you want to talk specifically about anime made in Japan you should call it Japanese animation, or Japanimation for short.

anime is literally japanese cartoons

Anime and cartoons are different subsets of animation. They aren't the same thing.

That anime and cartoons are the same thing. They are, no style or demographics will change that.

No, anime is a Japanese form of animation that's distinct from cartoons.

They are not the same thing and you can't argue otherwise.

Big surprise that "anime fans" always turn out to be self-loathing cucks who will never miss an opportunity to attack anime with baseless accusations.

Don't overcomplicate things. Your favorite anime is not different than Tom and Jerry.

Explain how, say, Attack on Titan is exactly the same as Tom and Jerry.

>self-loathing cucks
Can you try and communicate like an actual human, Yea Forumsermin?

I did communicate like a human, and I never said or implied that I'm from Yea Forums.

Using “cuck” in the manner that you did indicates you are from the aforementioned shithole, now please fellate a shotgun.

It implies no such thing, you are just trying to change the topic because you have no arguments.

Both are children's cartoons. Don't take them too seriously, okay?

I see no point in arguing with an idiot who has ACK-tier delusions

Attack on Titan isn't for children and isn't a cartoon. Again, big surprise that "anime fans" hate anime.

I don't know what ACK means, and you have no arguments which is why you're trying to change the topic.

Frame rate is important in anime actually.

Yet to see anyone say otherwise

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Shounen is for children retard. Anime for the most part is for kids just like cartoons. Manga on the other hand is a different story. Most seinen and josei manga is made into live action not anime.

I am saying otherwise.

I think what matters more is the distinction. If you say cartoons people think the shit they saw on TV as a kid no matter where they live but when you say anime it's specifically referring to japanese animation. Same reason why "anime" made outside of japan is something different as well. So in that sense no. If your definition of cartoon is "It's not real, they are fictional 2d characters, there are no real humans acting, it's not real life" then sure I guess it is but that's a retard argument made by people who aren't interested in anime in the first place. As someone who watched/watches both I feel the need to differentiate and would never collectively refer to both as cartoons.

Nothing but delusional shitposting is what you are doing

Shounen goes up to the late teens, and you are just being dishonest if you claim that you would show AoT to six year olds.

>Anime for the most part is for kids just like cartoons.
Children's anime is in the minority.

Yes, anyone that says otherwise is a weeaboo or just looking for an argument.

Will these posts ever not be shit?

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I have expressed no delusions nor have I shitposted anywhere.

They aren't the same thing because they have next to nothing in common, and people only falsely claim they are the same because they hate anime and want to attack it.

Who here says they hates anime?
You're just making up shit.

People who claim that anime are cartoons hate anime.

>You're just making up shit.
That's what you're doing.

You are in denial, there is nothing I can do to help you, sorry.

I am not in denial of anything.

It's a moving cave painting

Watch something else other than anime. You are fucking sick.

Well, you are.

How am I sick for stating a fact?

No I'm not.

I don't think anybody who calls them cartoons hates anime, I think they don't take them too seriously like you do.

There is no reason why anime should not be taken as seriously as anything else. People who claim otherwise hate anime.

Anime has a specific artstyle and tropes

Is doraemon an anime?

No, we're not playing this game.

They're moving drawings, why should they be taken as seriously as say, film?

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Why do we have these exact same shitposts, OP image and all, every god-damn day?

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Film is just moving photographs, why should anyone take it seriously?

Then that makes all anime a cartoon,t hanks for seeing the light.

No it doesn't. Anime and cartoons are two different kinds of animation. You just hate anime.

>specific artstyle

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Anime has many aesthetic traits that are specific to it and different from cartoons.

Yeah, no. All anime are cartoons, but not all cartoons are anime. The nips make no distinction between cartoons and anime, only people outside of japan do.

There are a lot of mature films, tv series, books or even video games but you'll be hard pressed to find an anime like Monster.

Anime and cartoons are different things.

>The nips make no distinction between cartoons and anime
Yes they do.

Anime aren't cartoons becauaw cartoons aren't real

Monster is an anime.

Okay sure, but to say that it has a cohesive or specific art style is inane

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It is cohesive to the point that you can almost always tell when something was made in Japan. You can also tell that 80s American shows that were outsourced to Japan were animated in Japan.

Okay Monster is an anime. I didn't say otherwise. What I'm trying to say is that you won't find many anime like that.