
pony tail Jashin-chan best Jashin-chan

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Other urls found in this thread:


Snek is cancelled, in case you missed it.

Dumb snek

don't lie, user

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Snek extending to three seasons in case you missed the announcement. You probably didn't hear about it because it came after the fake cancellation.

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u baka
its got a second season

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I want to rape pekola in her cardboard box

If you could, would you marry Jashin-chan?

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I doubt two people can even fit inside that small place

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I want to anally rape Pekola, location not important.

Stop! That's immoral and degenerate. Rape should only be done to cunny as god intended

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Post or pre Yurine training?

just get more cardboard, duct tape, another couple empty pallets, another tarp and build an extension

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I'm not sure if it would be worth getting drop-kicked every time you go to sleep. But I could use some decent food every once in a while. Tough call.

>good food
like mayo on curry

Snek thread?

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That's Yurine's disgusting habit.

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don't you mean

And who taught her how to wear a bikini if she didn’t know how to wear the upper garments?

Snek is smart. She figured it out on her own.

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She is literally and figuratively a snake.

Exactly, no surprises after getting married.

Post scientist snek

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Genius snek died. ESP snek killed her.

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Nooo she was so cute. I fucking hate ESP snek now.

Here is a picture of your daily married life.

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>she makes that face every time you have marital sex
oh my

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Why won't Pekola just beg for money on the street?
Surely a cute girl would get a lot of money in such a busy and crowded city
Much more than her illegal jobs at least

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She has no mouth but must hiss.

Pekora is canonically ugu

Peko is cute.

>two people
Why would I share the hole?

Then why isn't she idoru? She would be good as a methadone clinic greeter.

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Idols are filthy creatures, Pekora would never lower herself to such an existence.

oh fuck you poporon

Perfect for Pekora then.

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Minos milkers.

Guys, I want to marry Yurine, will she be a good wife?

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How many untranslated chapters are there? Manga translations need to be picked up regardless.

As long as you don't want kids.

There are around 148 chapters so far. And around 46 of those are translated. Sort of sucks.

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That needs immediate fixing, then. Where the fuck are all the translators?

I want an entire football team with substitutes included!

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We talking American football, or soccer football? Hell, is there a difference in team sizes between the two?

Back to your duties, bodyguard slut.

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Fuck, there is scanlation activity, but it will never catch up.

That's a good question but I can just fill the quota for both!

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You wouldn't survive giving birth to that many babies.

Well you are SOL, buddy.

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Oh yes we would.

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Back to suckin old man producers, slut.

We should learn Japanese.

You mean the old men you suck off to get your bread crusts.


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Last Marifag on earth

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Anything is possible if you do it for Pekola.

best girl

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at starving.

every thread is a snek thread

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>pure as snow
She's perfect wife material

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cute slut

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Snek mind

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Take her hair off pls

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Getting mine soon.

Medusa is a fucking qt!

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She weighs hundreds of pounds considering she is an ATM.

My little gorgon can’t be this cute!?

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Not as heavy as a fatshin chan.

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dumb snek

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She's just preggo
Imagine all those small snek eggs inside her

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Yurine should cook them.

Who got her pregnant?


Then,is she topless just because she prefers it?



Yurine, but don't worry
She's fixing it

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and zoboomafoo

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Not really.

Kill yourself already, shitposter.

Why are you giving him a (You), just take away the arrow signs so you don't feed his addiction

Jesus christ OP, sorry for doubting your ponytail fetish.

b-but I'm the OP

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dumb snek poster.

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feels good to be ELITE

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Dumb poopfag

Behead those who insult Noelle!

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Who did this?

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Would you have pity and let this dirty, smelly hobo live with you Yea Forums?

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hehehe, her name is peepee

Sorry, pony tails are great but I'm a fan of twin braids myself.

Post more lewd Pino, you lazy bones.

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So this angel isn't her or Pekola is just conveniently forgetting her massive pinos? That would be deep.

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>Pino is a slut
>her seiyu is also a slut
based producers

Maybe she got her boobies as a goodbye gift from heaven, or something? Or she did the boobjob and then got punished by being sent to earth? We just don't know!

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Artist/Source of image

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Why does Pekola need organic food? Shouldn't angels subsist off of holy energy alone?

A pure maiden saint like Pekola never gives any attention to vulgar body parts like breasts

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She’s cute but fuck she’s a bitch.

100% best girl

We don’t get to see her cute pointy ears often.


Man, don’t remind me. ;_;

>S2 cancelled
Is it?

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Isn't the new promo art already out?

Where the shit do you think all the Pino lewds are coming from?

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The anime should be on air 10 years earlier. All the lame jokes, the precure-like artworks have made the anime gone downhill, let alone a WTF episode 1.

suurely you must be joking. RIGHT

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she is actually pretty cute

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How long will this thread last?

Good night sweet thread~

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What a cute gobble snek


An animal that rolls in filth? Sounds like perkele.

Also eats scraps of food, quite fitting.

I'll have you know that pigs are actually super clean animals that tend to take good care of themselves.

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they also don't complain if you slip your dick in after you give them a head of cabbage

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just saying, Pekola is the same

Pekola is the bestedtestestest girl. She takes over snek's youtube channel.

Don't use beef or else people might try to eat her.

maybe years.

She gas a nice set of handle bars.

>if only you knew how bad it really is

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to be fair Japanese mayo is a food unto itself that goes well on everything savory so I can see it going well on curry

Lolisnek is super cute!

and honest and nice

I'm not sure I'd go that far. I think Jashin was born with her personality traits.

Any better quality? Might make as patch.

Best I can find.

Jashin is so tsundere for Yurine

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Sometimes I forget that the cute, flustered and pointy-eared ponytail Jashin-chan is in fact the same as the one extorting Medusa.

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She is also the one who attempted to end all life on earth with a drop-kick. Her cuteness caught you off guard.

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Jashin wants the PeePee

>attempted to end all life on earth with a drop-kick
it was for the greater good, faggot

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Literally every girl in this show

Peresphone the Second is not a bitch.

You got me wrong. I never doubted the False God Jashin Chan.

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Is that you David Cameron?


Just watched episode 1 and then read the early chapters of the manga for comparison.
Why the fuck is it so different? Did they just fucking skip chapters?

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RIP best jash

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Read until Minos is introduced then watch the anime

She was too good for this world

Cute leader and I.

Skipped the slow introductions so you can enjoy all the characters at once.

When does Pekola resort to prostitution in order to feed herself?

ESP Jashin was smart to eliminate her first. But that attack will never work on Original Jashin. Not enough in the noggin.

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Anime only here. In retrospective, I can say this was clearly the right decision: to immediately jump into the show, and the very best episode to begin with, the one where based snek ends it all. The rest of the episodes are basically just highlights. Worked out just nice.
I just would have preferred it to have that introduction clip too. You know, the one you find on the youtubes with he prologue.

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The anime is just a advertisement for the manga

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This is a goofy looking beef. Wonder if she was starved, would she become 100% Jerky?

I want to making a big Catholic family with Pekora!

I wonder how may Latin half breeds she could birth at once.

None, because she eats them.

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Sorry but Poporon it's the only official half breeder machine

She's too scrawny to have children
She probably wouldn't even survive giving birth

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I can confirm from experience it is nice with curry

>they cut off the pantsu scene

A hamburger and a pint of milk three times a day and she'll be a succubus in notime.

Minos breastfeeding Pekola.

This whole scene turned me the fuck on and I don't know why.

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Cute pero snek.

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Minos breastfeeding Yurine.

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Nobody breastfeeding Jashin-chan.

Me cockfeeding Jashin-chan.


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I’m not a drawfag so this is the best I could do.

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I am cum

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The OP is meant to be all the introductory information you need. Then it just jumps into the fun, very 2000s-esque

Same style like robo clarion dorks.

Yes because I could do every fucked up thing I wanted to her and nothing bad would happen due to her regeneration. She's the perfect wife for a gurofag.

Like she wouldn't crush your head in with a rock the second you look away.

Don't worry, she's just airing her guts a bit.

She fails at killing Yurine all the time, so I imagine it would be pretty much exactly the same, just with a lot more R18 scenes.

Are you supposed to put mayonnaise on that?

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Yeah, yeah. But still, they could have aired the prologue with big, bad snake and dumb urine too. What is it? Like 3 minutes?

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What did he mean by this?

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Kill yourself.

Yurine breast feeding Jashin-chan

Yurine breastfeeding Pekola.

Minosu fucking (you)r mother with a demonically enhanced penis from the hell shopping network.

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Oh yes.

That's my fetish.


ch. 127

Shut up shit devil

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Medusa’s a bitch because she’s weak willed and lets Jashin bully her, jashin probably bullies her sister too
Yurine is a sadistic bitch
Minos can get overly physical in asserting her strength classic dyke bitch move
Pekora initially came down to exterminate Jashin and yurine and was a genocidal bitch
Poporon is a treacherous bitch
Mei is lecherous bitch who abuses her power
Jashin is the ultimate bitch
Yusa and koji are frosty bitches
Beth is a female dog and therefore a bitch.

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>Minos can get overly physical in asserting her strength classic dyke bitch move
pls don't talk that way about my hetero wife

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A reminder that Pekola is cute, cute!

Her voice actor is easily the best out of the cast

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>t. Minos’ shota pals
You have to be 18 to post here.

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never look up Yurines seiyuu
Yurine has a sexy voice
but her seiyuu is a pig
Pekola is ugly but her seiyuu is the hottest out of the cast, that includes the additions for season 2

Aina is autistically cute.



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Shit, you got me

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Is jashin chan a good self insert

That's a man.


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>another day passed
>another day you faggots didn't post any Pino lewds
you're all literally the worst

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Pekora is literally now Samoan tribesmen tier now lusting after Ningen shaped refrigerators.

You should post the Pinoy lewds.

That's absolutely not what we all agreed to, faggot. Post Pino lewds!!

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What a whore.

Jashin-chan is so cute.

Just like her VA!

The jumping vampire chink going to have best frankxxx shitter voicing her. Absolutely kawaii voice.

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Jashin's song in the last episode still doesn't seem to have been released anywhere.

Don't post that here. You are going to start a fire.

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Oh, man. This boobie monster can't appear soon enough in the show. Season 2 fucking when?

So who's going to win the Jashin-bowl in the end?

based miku poster
oh boy, season 2 is gonna be fucking awesome


I don’t think that’s her.

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Jashin. She only loves herself.

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This snake almost made me forget my waifu, but that's not gonna happen! I been in a healthy relationship for 6 years already! Go away you sexy snake!

Tell me who. I promise I won't kill her.

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Now erase those layers of makeup

You might be sexy but I won't fall for that one!

Huh it turns out she was a little anime girl this entire time. I don't think she appreciated me taking her makeup off though.

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Nope. Just nope. Yurine is ugly anyway.

>page 10

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That's something nobody wants to do with snek.

Satania curse. snek toddlers btfo.

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>Devils cut
The age of snek is over. the time of the satanichia has come.

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Satania has a smelly butt

Who told you that!!!???!!!!?!?!?! That's not true!!!

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Don't you dare to come here and just lie like that!!

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Why doesn’t Yurine follow safety guidelines?

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Can we just skip the long wait and start having chapter translations again? That should be a thing.

Go away.

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Fucking smother me with them thighs

loli versions are best versions

Is that supposed to be some kind of chainsaw