Golden Kamuy 199

The latest chapter is out. Noda has outdone himself again.

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So are they really russian agents or another keikaku doori on Tsurumi's 4th dimension chess board ?

We won't know until the next chapter, that pastry could be a red herring.
Knowing Tsurumi he could just easily use this opportunity to make Koito indebted to him.

>Golden Kamuy 199

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Nvm I'm retarded today, posting the actual chapter.

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Nanomachines, Tsurumi. They harden in response to physical trauma.

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That's it for today. The Russian translation was so-so but the plot has more than made up for it.

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God, I love this fucking manga

I can't believe Tsurumi is dead

I want them to get out of this boring Koito backstory. 4 chapters...really?

>Koito Sr. going ham to get his son back once he knows where he is

Nice. I'm actually hoping that this is a Russian plot and not just another one of Tsurumi's Game of Thrones impressions.

No, it doesnt feel right if it wasn't Tsurumi's Keikaku

They are all Japanese Army under Tsurumi. One of them is Ogata.

Attached: Ogata.jpg (800x600, 108K)

That would break any father's heart

>breathe in, breath out, you've got this
>just tell him to die for his homeland and it's done
>dad, sorry for being born

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>That close shot against white hat kidnapper and his hand
That's Ogata, right?
definitely Ogata

It's clear at least one of the kidnappers knows Japanese damn well since he was comforting Koito after Koito apologized for not being his brother. Maybe Tsurumi planted a mole in the russian kidnapping team and likely said mole was the one that pushed for the kidnapping to happen just to benefit Tsurumi after he saves the rich boy hostage.

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This page is odd, there isn't any blood. I think the guy on the horse was another of Tsurumi's men and he played dead. Koito's dad seems suspicious. Maybe the twist is that the regular army was aware of Tsurumi's plot.

There's a good chance Ogata is among them since we know he killed his own brother and reacted to Koito saying that.

The sympathy one of the kidnappers shows to their hostage and the way Tsurumi supposedly gunning down the guy on the horse was portrayed (complete with a lack of any visible blood in a series unafraid to show wounds) seem to point at something more.


It looks like something straight out of Don Rosa's Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck.

>runs unfazed by his bike crash
Great manga. I hope he keeps up the quality like Q Hayashida and Ryōko Kui do.

The delivery of that line is great. We already know what his dad was going to say but Monkey interrupts him and apologizes before initiating his own action out of his sense of duty. Then he goes full papa bear and rushes out to save his son.

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This is why I fucking love this manga

>when you put the shadows on low

I know you spoilered it but I feel like you should have made the effort to wait until the page was posted

Ogata would never console somebody

the kidnappers could also be wilk and kiro, they know japanese and russian and aren't manlets that could be instantly clocked as not russian

>white hat kidnapper is a manlet and understands Japanese since he tried to comfort Koito
>black hat does Ogata's signature sniffing

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Haven't kept up in a while. Is this set prior to the rest of the story or has Tsurumi somehow unfucked his face? He was more handsome with the plate

Yeah that's a flashback. I dunno from how long ago though, probably 5 years or so ?

He befriended Ienaga and she told him the secrets of cannibalism, so now he eats handsome young men to regain his beauty.

that was fast

Fuck off 3DPD.

What is it that drives idiots like you two write posts like that?

Has everyone forgotten that Tsukishima exists

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you thought there wouldn't immediately be art of this

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Don't you have some 12 year old girls to get shot by, Ogata?

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fuck off sperg

>and aren't manlets
White hat is as short as a Japanese teenager

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Nigga there was fanart like 30 minutes after Nip midnight when the digital chapter released.

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The chapter has been out for days user

Gay fan art of those two new guys in Tsurumi's group that showed up a few chapters ago hit pixiv pretty quickly after the chapter came out too

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>tall brown guy with weird eyebrows
>shorter pale guy with a huge dick
>one of the pair is a huge Tsurumi fanboy
>other is very straightlaced

>mfw Noda introduced Kikuda+Ariko so that team Tsurumi has a replacement once Tsuki+Koi turn traitor

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The prevailing theory among the Japanese fans is that Koito is either going to puke or shit himself while reuniting with his dad next chapter due to the spoiled anpan, like what happened with the Golden Shower.

An user in a previous thread was talking about how there may be something fishy going on with Ariko at least. He might be connected to "the Ainu plan" Tsurumi mentioned back during Tsukishima's flashback arc.
Also once Nikaido finds out that Tsurumi allied with Sugimoto he's probably going to leave Tsurumi out of asshurt too.

Same daddy issues and rivalry of sorts with his brother

Wonder if this fiasco indirectly got Hanazawa and Yuusaku killed because seeing how far Heiji went to save his son made Ogata's daddy issues overflow.

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that was my first thought, he had lots of gags with vehicles disassembling mid-ride

Is that a monkey screech coming through over the phone?

Ogata is probably the one going ...

>White hat = Ogata
>Black hat = Tsukishima
That's probably wrong, Tsukishima is the one who would console Koito while Ogata is too much of a sociopath to do anything nice.

While I doubt Ogata would console anybody like
said, I bet he was sure that Koito wouldn't be saved and had a moment or something. Perhaps at the time he wasn't entirely apathetic
Noda is full of twists though so who knows, I think there are equal chances of that being Tsukishima's hand (or maybe not even those two to begin with)

We are sure Ogata is among the hostage takers since this is probably the entire point of the flashback that was shoved in during a confrontation between Koitus and Kot

And the horse guy who faked being shot is Usami

My nigga. Roughly close timeframe as well.

>Koito's flashback is the rest of the manga

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>Next chapter is 200
I hope the payoff of this nearly 4 chapter flashback is good.

>implying this is Koito's flashback

Maybe I have a skewed view of the average flashback length but I always that GK's were rather short. If this ends next week it'll be like 3 1/2 chapters total since 197 was half Ogata shenanigans.

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Notice that he put on his officer's cap between using the phone and getting on the tricycle.
Even after that collision, it's still on despite the rest of his outfit getting wrecked.

He's gone full NMOSU

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Fuck off, catfag. Is monkey time and is the best of the times.

I can think of something else Tsurumi is about to hijack.

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>Monkey's flashback starts in 197, exactly 100 chapters after he's first introduced in the manga
>mfw Monkey becomes the new MC in chapter 297

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>talking about remarriage in front of her grandson and son-in-law's grave
Goddamn, her mom is such a bitch.

Unfortunate but look at it from her perspective. Their village had a deadly disease outbreak that they thought took out someone close to her daughter, her son-in-law died in a war, now her daughter is a widow with a child and slowly going blind in a manner that could be treated if only they had the money.


>that could be treated if only they had the money.
Is that even a possibility given the technology of the time or did Sugimoto catch a flier of some American quack doctor?

Umeko's husband worked out that transport to America + treatment would equal 200 dollars. I don't know if he showed his calculations to Sugimoto but I assume he aimed for a bit more than what it could actually cost.

Why is Koito such a good boy? I want him and his dad to meet again and hug each other.

That arc was amazing.

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She probably has cataracts which was treatable even back then. They just performed the surgery by hand instead of with lasers like today. America having a skilled surgeon to perform that kind of surgery in 1907 wouldn't be too far fetched.

Fuck this is always such a good manga.

That's not the point. The point being that she talks about it in front of his grave and grandson is very rude. Her grandson might take it the wrong way and talking about remarriage in front of her dead husband is disrespectful to the dead. I know she's worried about her daughter but there's a time and place for these things and financial future is all she's thinking about when visiting such a place.

>Tsuki+Koi turn traitor
it kind of feels too soon for that to happen right now. also didn't tsukushima's flashback basically end up with him finding out he was manipulated in some way by tsurumi and yet he still instinctively jumps to his aid because because tsurumis claws are already in too deep.

>S3 never
>or a S3 that cuts the circus and banya arcs
Not sure which would make me madder

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Hey you can never tell what will happen with Noda. I never anticipated a chapter with Tsurumi and Heiji playing Mario Kart either.

>it kind of feels too soon for that to happen right now.
I'm pretty sure we're in the final stretch of the story now honestly.
I don't think either Koito or Tsuki will turn traitor though. Koito will probably die a samurai's death against Hijikata or something and Tsuki will probably stay loyal to Tsurumi to the bitter end.

Hijikata will die to Koito, you mean.

I just can't see it, Hijikata seems like way too much of a total monster compared to Koito

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Has Koito ever lost a sword fight in the manga ? He's physically powerful enough to kill his opponents by the sheer force of his blow. And he's younger too. Won't be an easy fight, but if he ends up against Hijikata or his old buddy in the climax, I'm betting on him.

I don't think either of them have ever lost but Hijikata's general feats have been more impressive so far (though he's also been around within the story for way longer so there's that)