ITT: non-anime references in anime

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Other urls found in this thread:

Cowboy Bebop E11 ('Toys in the Attic') is entirely a parody of the movie Alien.

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Have to post

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So was it like a mold monster or what

No its a parody of Lily C.A.T. which is a mashup of 2001, Alien, and The Thing

Attached: Lily-C.A.T._VHS_Cover[1].jpg (509x842, 249K)

80s and 90s anime were LOADED with movie shout outs and references.

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other GuP references:
Sergeant Oddball, Kelly's Heroes

Anime with plenty of references:
* Hayate no Gotoku (first season)
* Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
* Hayore! Nyaruko-chan

Also plenty of idols/music groups references (even in Haruhi, ENOZ -> ZONE). Too lazy to dig out pics.

Well, I didn't expect that.

now post the undertale one

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Nyarko-chan is probably the only anime/tv show to reference an RPG other than D&D or Sword World.

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I was pretty fond of 1941.

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Couldn't find a screenshot of this scene in the anime on the internet so there you go.
Is it any good?

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>Is it any good?
It's pretty standard 80s OVA schlock. If you like that kind of thing.

It's actually pretty decent.

Megazone 23 and Bubblegum Crisis took cues from Streets of Fire. It flopped in the US but it was a hit in Japan, inspiring many anime and videogames of the 80s and early 90s.

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.50_[2018.09.19_21.30.27].jpg (1280x720, 379K)

horrible, horrible, horrible game
How can anyone compete?

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Millennium Actress has a ton of nods to Japanese cinema.

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is that Grave of the fireflies

Shame really. It was a pretty alright film. Soundtrack alone was worth the price of admission.

Nobody does!

>Is that anything but what the guy literally said it was.

Are you for real?

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Millennium Actress

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I remember this, wish I could find the archive of episode 1, it'd be very fun to see reactions.

Fun fact. Some of those arrows next to Mifune?Totally real. Mifune was pro as fuck.

He was so scared of doing the scene he couldnt sleep, cant blame him.

Attached: bubblegum-crisis29.jpg (650x488, 27K)

>stealth games are dead
Fuck don't remind me

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Surely all the hints Ubisoft has been throwing means we might be getting a new splinter cell right?

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Toguro was Stallone mashed with Schawrnegger Terminator.

Attached: Long-Goodbye-Gould.jpg (620x372, 46K)

GuP is loaded with references, eg. Yukari is playing Battlezone here, a 1980 video game

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>Is it any good?
its a bit of a mixed bag. I'd reccomend watching it drunk with company, either IRL friends or some kinda stream

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka - 12 [720p].mkv 00_02_10.504.jpg (1280x720, 154K)

Is Elite Dangerous any good?

It's good for an hour or two, until you've figured out all the game mechanics. Then it turns into a boring and repetitive chore.

>How's the cold, vastness and soul crushing bleakness of space treating you, Nomy
>Eh the wife's okay.

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fun fact: the archetypal "two samurai draw their swords, there's a beat, and then one gushes with blood" was born of a technical mishap. practical effects for simulated violence were rather untested at the time, and head of SFX was inexperienced and eager to make a good impression on legendary director kurosawa so increased the pressure on the pump for the climactic scene and overcompensated. the shock an awe on the spectators faces was genuine as they didn't expect it at all, and the sfx head was mortified that he'd ruined the take and wasted precious production funding, but Kurosawa liked the result so much he kept it in rather than reshoot for a more realistic take. and that has become one of the most influential moments in eastern cinema

Which movie?

Everything I hear something about behind the scenes of a Kurosawa film I am honestly just amazed. Man, to be even so much as a caterer on those sets.


Die Hard appearing in Seto no Hanayome

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Gundam Build Divers - 19 [720p].mkv_snapshot_12.09.jpg (1280x720, 136K)

Sabagebu had some good ones

Attached: Sabagebu! - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_15.32_[2019.02.06_05.20.26].jpg (1280x720, 155K)

It's fine. People spend 500+ hours on it just to realise it's wide but not deep. You'd have to love space to keep playing it beyond initial "get the biggest ship" rush of credits grind.
Still, it's an actual game of space flying/trucking/fighting and not just a pack of promises and concepts, and you can get it for very cheap on a sale.

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.31 (2).jpg (1146x645, 63K)

Boku no macadamia is capeshit from usa

This sort of thing happens in western stuff too. After this movie, of course.

Attached: [Hiryuu] Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai - 03 [720p H264 AAC][8259A147].mk (1280x720, 208K)

Well I used to play Privateer back in the day and was looking to scratch that itch lately

Urusei Yatsura has tons of them.

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This wasn't an edit?

Dirty Pair liked Trek

Attached: trek.png (640x480, 437K)

And Trek liked Dirty Pair

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This fucking show

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Does a MC being a fan of Shakespeare count?

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Honestly, this is the worst kind of reference.

Seriously. I love me some good shout outs but I feel like people just aren't clever or sneaky about it anymore. It's always just some instance of LOOK AT THE THING YOU KNOW!

Oh shit a fucking Sneed reference. Shaft confirmed for bros

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The movie had a jab at Prometheus with the rolling Ferris wheel.

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Akiba's Trip did that better. Although Shimoneta had a lewd Kumiko figure in the intro.

Attached: 218 snapshot_13.02_[2018.08.12_17.09.40].jpg (1280x960, 636K)

That doesn't change how great it is.

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Is that middle pane a Zelda OOT reference to the Forest Temple ghost paintings?

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Which was the point?
How can anyone still not realize poptepipic's humor basically runs on making everything so meta you can never figure out at what level it's being played. It's all it is, always.

Todd must be stopped

Attached: Crabing.jpg (3840x2160, 1.28M)

Is OP serious? 99% of all anime has non anime references. Goddamn son.

Or are they alive and well, but you just can't find them?



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Zoku Owarimonogatari has a Clockwork Orange reference in it.

Attached: owari.png (1351x761, 1.58M)

This was one hell of a reference.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Wake Up, Girls! - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_10.06.png (1280x720, 1.52M)

Can't believe Yamakan did 911.

No, that's from 1941

Attached: 1555209152344.png (1280x720, 1.14M)

No, it's from the chase scene in the first few minutes of The Matrix.


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Lowest form of content.

Attached: [RH] Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu - 02 [2F58E5A9]_0001.jpg (1920x1080, 362K)

>Akiba's Trip
Now that show ventured into few places otaku-culture-based shows go to, both reference-wise and not

kuranosuke is goals

>Even funnier when you realize that Steve Jobs died of cancer

The translation for manga for this just ended, and it was a ride for sure.

Why a German helmet?

Attached: mpv-shot0002.jpg (1280x720, 157K)

That's cute.

but post what the reference is of!
I have no idea.

>A bit of the old ultramoe

Attached: Ghost in the Rye.png (645x322, 82K)

A quote from Catcher in the Rye, as the Laughing Man explains at one point.

>Megazone 23 and Bubblegum Crisis took cues from Streets of Fire.

The world and dystopic company ecosystem of Bubblegum Crisis was very much influenced by Blade Runner. The actors in Bubblegum Crisis (except for one) could sing and some even released music albums BEFORE or after their careers with the BGC anime. They were good enough to have stage music video appearances too. Some of their best vocal songs are in the music video torrent below. Just set the anime episodes to "do not download" and get the music video files which are small enough.

BGC Music Videos

The actors were accomplished enough musically that each of the BGC episodes had its own unique OP and ED vocal sequence. It's important to remember that BGC was an OVA series and not a TV series. So the episodes had varrying lengths due to different plots. Episode 1 is 46 minutes, ep 2 is 28 minutes, ep 4 is 38 minutes , ep 5 is 44 minutes, ep 6 is 50 minutes, ep 7 is 49 minutes, etcetera.

BGC comes from the era of hand-drawn cel animation. I know most of you prefer CGI computer generated images instead. But do give BGC a try if you have been looking for a dystopian corporate-run Bladerunner type world.

Bubblegum Crisis anime (various series):

Picture shows the reason why the Knight Sabers have high heels on their powered suits. It allows the legs to have support on their motoslave type motorcycle units. I still wonder about that "poink poink" sound as they walk though.

Attached: High heel lock.jpg (956x720, 88K)

That's what happens when companies give a franchise to GONZO and pay beforehand.

possibly my favorite reference in anything

Attached: [Daman] Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt 11 [1280x720_Blu_Ray_Dual_Audio_AAC].mkv_snapshot_09.09 (1280x720, 106K)

bought the Hyperion Cantos volumes years ago because of Yuki. Still need to read them.

Lord of the Rings on the other hand...

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Cardinal, give the rack... oh no

My fav besides Monty Python are paintings and such stuff.

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I think this is loosely based on some Dali

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You liked Sora no Woto then.

I recall the OP (or was it ED) but it's better for comedic purposes.

Attached: [Coalgirls]_Yuru_Yuri_Season_3_-_07_(1920x1080_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[3542D1F9].mkv_snapshot_06.39_[2016.09. (1920x1080, 294K)

is nobody gonna mention avgn being in one

I dropped LotR for being boring on book 1.
the first 2 Hyperion books are stellar however. I liked the last 2 (Edimion) but the opinions are divided.

thanks. as for the series i watched it a while back so didn't remember.

In which Kurosawa film did this originate?

I liked Hyperion in late 1990s when a teen.
You know, violence and lots of sex. Had a lots of plus points, but it's nothing particularly genial, one of the strongest ideas besides all the sex being ripping of the people tell stories structure (decameron but also others). Just a thrilling paperback-grade sci-fi. The second book was immeadiately weak when the author had to wrap things. Endymion was living on the legacy I'd say, it was forgettable meh stuff, this time peppered with pedoshit and "real Jesus was different" meme.

Lord of the Rings most likely will stay a classic in the future, despite it being less able to impress teenagers (or inflict hardons). After all, Tolkien put in much more time, so duh.

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The original guy with the fuzzy hair?

Had that on one of my old desktops as part of a collection of vintage arcade programs. I was incessantly undone by the inability to turn while reversing.

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>Which was the point?
We KNOW what the point is and we get the humor. It's just not funny. Unless you also think Family Guy is funny.

What's being referenced?

How new are you?

I'd still like to hunt down whoever was responsible for that and give them a scathing lecture about suppressing their power level while beating them to within an inch of their life.

Source? Ive read books about Kurosawas films and this detail was not there.

I don't recognize top left, middle right and bottom center.

Urge to kill: rising...

Boiled leather.

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Top left is Silence of the Lambs.

Just answer the question, smartass.

Most likely "Silence of the Lambs", "The Rock" and "Robocop" movies.
Sabagebu references "Predator", not sure about Build.

Sorry, that should've been top right and middle left. FML...

Attached: KMPlayer 2013-09-21 08-17-52-38.png (640x480, 276K)

Attached: KMPlayer 2013-10-20 00-46-10-35.png (1268x720, 734K)

Middle left is "Die Hard", the "Ho-ho-ho, now I have a machine gun" scene. Do not recognise top right one.

Attached: [Winter] Onii-chan Dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne! 06 [BDrip 1280x720 x264 Vorbis].mkv_snapshot (1280x720, 68K)

Attached: Nadia The Secret of Blue Water E33 1080p BDRip x264 FLAC-DECAY.mkv_snapshot_05.16_[2017.10.02_18.29. (1440x1080, 214K)

Attached: [Beatrice-Raws] Owarimonogatari 10 [BDRip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC].mkv_snapshot_22.30_[2018.05.06_03.47. (1920x1080, 930K)

Actraiser? Really?

you could find one in every other episode of monogatari. gintama too, for that matter

I think you are full of shit. Hyperion, at least the first book was pretty well written, much better than most scifi novels. The author being ultra gay for Keats was tiring a bit but still it's a great book.

Yuru Yuri referencing Ringu

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>SS Buckaroo Banzai, commanded by John Whorfin on a mission to Planet 10 in the 8th dimension

>"I am Ulfric Stormcloack, true ruler of Skyrim, king of the Nords"
>"Ah, you are the motherfucka!"

>"Hell, I like you. You can come to my house and fuck my brother"

That's not a joke

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This thread makes me wonder. Certain anime gets really fucking popular in the West, to the point the fans are pretty much spergs. What's an opposite situation, where Japan got super into something Western to such a level?

South Park

A"One Hjerim, please"
B "No, no."
B "Skyrim belongs to the Nords!"
A "Ah, you are motherfucker?"

The anime came out years later so it kind of counts

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>muh secret animes

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Oh mai goddu

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Second one is Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040's ending?


We need more kanis

>tl notes explain incredibly obvious reference

>incredibly obvious reference
People aren't homogeneous..

>>Even funnier when you realize that Steve Jobs died of cancer
Brix shat.

I don't get it.

Looks more like it was intended to be "Heeeeeeeeeere's JOHNNY!"

Sure they are, that's why providing sauce is condemned as spoonfeeding and arbitrarily deemed verboten!

Prussian,not german

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Can't find the Maken-Ki one.

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The Downfall bit?

Rhea Gall Force.

I'm speechless.

If you are only talking about SC games yep, Stealth games are around. Styx was great

What is this a reference to?

Wow that's cool

>The Downfall bit?
I think it is in the Maken-Ki! OVA.

Pic semi-related.

Attached: c75546becb95b95b5b54a4cd8bf1f44447e755ccr1-720-504v2_uhq.jpg (720x504, 95K)

it's a pretty famous painting

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-05-26-18h26m55s761.jpg (1280x738, 265K)

I've seen it like 3 times. At this point i expect the spanish inquisition in any gag anime.



Why is this one painting the one they use?

based nips

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Speaking of which.

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The Shining


Attached: Ryotas.gif (540x300, 1.08M)

>Why is this one painting the one they use?
I'd start with arguing that's the most known picture about a Revolution in the History of manking.
People confuse the French Revolution of 1789 with the French Revolution of 1830, but still.

Attached: OK6W_koKDTOqqqLDbIoPAv7a9jtwBOO1ddcX8LXiuvk.jpg (1920x1080, 142K)

most people know of "The French Revolution" and have no idea the details or that there were actually most than one.

I didn't expect this.

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I unironically don't get whatever reference the OP image is making.
Is it Monty Python or something?

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Excuse the Portuguese subs, the only other video has a really obnoxious bumper that gives away the joke before the sketch even starts.

That reminds me I got a pretty good kek out of that reference to the Twilight Zone movie.

>the Maken-Ki one.

Attached: Maken-ki!_Two-_Takeru_Nyotaika!--_Minami_no_Shima_de_Supoon_-_1v2_-_OVA.jpg (1280x720, 148K)

>clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you

What's Billy Joel got to do with that?

Little Witch Academia referenced pro players from League of Legends.

Attached: C_WmD64U0AAl3LF.jpg (1280x720, 117K)

Prussian is basically German you nitpicky pleb. They unified Germany and most of the population were Germanic.

All of JoJo basically

Classic rock everywhere.

Attached: 1401079569184.webm (558x556, 1.58M)

Most episodes of Magical Shopping Archade Abenobashi revolves around movies references. Also you really can tell how the Trigger style was starting to develop apart from Gainax staff.

Attached: 51queEaDuLL.jpg (500x278, 34K)

That a book? Any good? What's it about?

The Hollywood episode was a comedy goldmine.

Now those are some og names


You're Under Arrest had a two part story line that was basically just Magnum Force

Yeah. I love how hysterical this series can be but overall it might be kinda boring.

Attached: Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi Hollywood World.png (852x480, 571K)

Oh, I love Wrongfully Accused! R.I.P. Leslie Nielsen

Build divers is referencing the Linkin Park gunpla.

Attached: s-l1000.jpg (1000x999, 181K)


Did he piss piss?

Buy my game

He was too good for us.


Because Napoleon just keep on coming back, even in death.

Oh fuck, I totally forgot Saki likes to read foreign book.
It makes sense after the not-so-recent reveal that she has quarter of foreign blood.

What sort of foreign?

Not mentioned yet, but the family name of her grandma is Arctander.

Back in the early 2000s, a ton of AMVs were made with Linkin park music. So Bandai decided to honor them with a gunpla of their own.

I know its r*dd*t as fuck but this meme always makes me laugh

Attached: dickjones tv.jpg (448x250, 16K)


>Did he piss piss?


That's an amazing piss scene from Shawshank Redemption (Stephen King).

Attached: Shawshank_Redemption.jpg (2037x3000, 1.41M)

Too bad the video quality for the film clip is so utterly feces in both videos it's virtually impossible to make anything out.

You cheeky cunt

Don't forget that HotShot was in Zettai Karen Children

Attached: file.png (1600x900, 1.39M)

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Top right most likely is Murakami's "hear the wind sing", his 1st book

Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei is a treasure trove of this kind of shit

Uh, which one?

Hyobu Kyousuke: The Unlimited

No, I mean which character am I looking at?

Attached: file.png (700x574, 403K)

I like how in the dub he went "Ah-ah-ah~!" while waving his finger.

The trigger style started actually with kare kano and I would dare to say some of its influences could be even traced back to Birth aka World of talismán.

Can you read Japanese? There is no point spoonfeeding you otherwise

Humanity is ruled by AIs, rebels fighting back, someone made a killing machine out of an orchard, author wants to suck Keats' dick.

Do you have a link to this scene, please?

Attached: Screenshot_from_20190424_155850.png (1366x768, 489K)

Does anyone have the still from that anime that referenced Van Darkholme's "fuck you" pose?

Attached: Ansatsu Kyoushitsu v02 c16 - 182.png (906x1300, 428K)

So basically JoJo?

Because it has a girl flapping her breasts at the front, obviously.

Cant forget little green bag

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Thanks for the pics. Do you have more?

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Hoozuki no Reitetsu does it all the time, but in a clumsy and mostly unfunny "look we said the thing" way.

Is this some JAV reference?

Attached: 1386098010373.jpg (1280x720, 124K)

I'm sure there were other ecelebs in The Unlimited, must be the gooks they subcontracted.

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You remembered it so we wouldn’t have to.

Cowboy bebop is a western reference show as a whole

holy shit is that enrico pallazzo?

I miss him, guys.

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First rule about Project Mayhem
Do not talk about Project Mayhem.

Attached: don_quixote.png (841x951, 568K)

>Live A Live
>Kiki KaiKai
Those are some top tier references there.

Haado moodo, reference is not in a comedy show.

Reminder that references are the lowest type of humor

anyone know what the game with the flying witch(?) is from on the right?

No sorry, I found both online actually.

What the middle left? Lady Snowblood maybe?

It says right there, Cotton/コットン. More specifically, Panorama Cotton for the Sega Mega Drive.

All of them are from Throne of Blood

Fug, except the bottom one, its Rashomon.

its the black couch of japan pretty much

Attached: tumblr_ob7hlvYZER1vpnkteo1_400.jpg (400x313, 37K)

There's a Wing Zero in one of Linkin Park's music videos.


Someone post CARL'S JR

That's product placement, not referencing.

Attached: Eatitlikeyoumeanit.gif (362x199, 1.29M)

Did this actually happen?
If so I need to pick it back up.

loli love Carl's Jr and Snickers

Chiyo-chan references it too

Some of 'em can really catch you by surprise.

Attached: cb_george.png (960x720, 822K)

Tenchi Universe Ep. 3 - No Need for Worries
When Sasami's ship starts skywriting crop circles the BGM plays the Five Tones.

Is this same shot in the opening of Outlaw Star for like one second? I'm getting these weird half-remembered flashbacks

Yeah but they explicitly show her using Steam so it's to be expected

>* Hayore! Nyaruko-chan
My brother got incredibly pissy with me when I started pointing out how the Kamen Rider references run so deep that it's literally in the title

I don't get it.


Heck, that reference was actually a regular feature for Galaxy Express 999.

Don't forget the movie poster for A Bridge Too Far.

>All of them are from Spider Web Castle


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ueno-san wa Bukiyou - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_02.32_[2019.03.23_02.02.13].jpg (1920x1080, 299K)

I remember being annoyed watching Nyaruko because I was expecting more Lovecraft references but got Kamen Rider and JoJo references instead

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Fucking lost it at the SWAT turn.

I first heard about MJ's death from an Yea Forums thread with this as the OP.

You know, teenage friction.

Attached: New-Game-Hajime-Lightsaber-02.gif (540x303, 2M)

Laser swords are by no means exclusive to western media.

Is the bounce the reference?

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Oh that reminds me.

Attached: eva_jericho.png (500x375, 252K)


I also heard it from Yea Forums. Fucking amazing that it has 10 years.

Cause a large part of France decided monarchy was fine if the monarch was actually competent and let them conquer Europe.

Until the Prussians stumped all over them.

Anyone remember when Gate: Jieitai Kano Chi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri literally just copied and pasted the Ride of the Valkyries scene from Apocalypse line, line for line and shot for shot? Damn that was a cringy, shitty anime. But that is to be expected of a propaganda piece that was literally used by the JSDF for official recruitment campaigns.

I do. What's the source user?

Attached: 彼.png (571x543, 262K)

How can you live with yourself knowing that you are such a titanic faggot?

Skyrim intro

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Biblical references in NGE don't count!


Oh wow...


Damn, 5 hours too late. This one still shocks me. They're popular internet creators but they aren't popular enough to even get mentioned over here on western TV, and yet they got referenced in a foreign piece of media. The fact that whoever snuck that in there knew enough about AVGN to also know about his connection to Doug...

No, but vintage Hollywood references do.

Attached: wackyraces_enma.jpg (1000x1686, 854K)

What? I don't get it.

Social rejects are social rejects the world over. Think about how PTE was popular in the anglosphere even before the anime. It's the same elsewhere. Reject culture circulates well, it's formed by obsessives who feel rewarded in niche interests.

Also, I think the green shirt guy is meant to be Benett.

Why do Japanese like KFC and the colonel so much?

He needs TP for his bunghole.

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First foreign restaurant chain to open in Japan.

Isn't that a one peice reference?

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No, because then it wouldn't belong in this thread!

Attached: [Exiled-Destiny]_Dirty_Pair_TV_Ep07_Subbed_(B588B00F).mkv_snapshot_19.09.000.jpg (640x480, 231K)

my favourite are the Django/original not the Tarantino faggy version/ (on mushroom samba) and Ted Kaczynski (Cowboy Funk) ones
Truth is CB is a fucking reference show, i was just yoo young to know at the time

Why the fuck did the japs know about that show?

I miss Leslie Nielsen so fucking much.

Attached: 99C5656C-B264-456E-B6A7-E7E60C6C612E.jpg (707x538, 110K)

One of the most underrated bands of all time.

oh fuck I see it

You didn't want to go with Dear God for Evangelion?
Also Songwriter is Harry Partridge's dad.
Hence why Happy Harry can manage to live off drawing one cell of animation per lunar cycle.

That panel must have involved some advanced PROGramming.


Attached: Using VLC in 2019.webm (512x384, 1.88M)

Bishop and Hudson look like chemotherapy patients

Brain... salad.. surgery?

Attached: 2 (2).jpg (1079x1535, 249K)

>only 6 episodes

Attached: 15.jpg (2048x1448, 504K)

Exactly that

Attached: 220px-ELP_-_Brain_Salad_Surgery[1].jpg (220x220, 16K)

Man he was such a good actor, I laughed thousand of times thanks to him.


Don't know if this already posted

Not sure if this counts, but it always got a kek out of me.

Attached: intel_outside.png (616x401, 205K)

neat. what's it from?

I seem to recall B&B making a one-panel appearance in a doujin. I thought it was a Yonekura Kengo one-shot, but when I looked it up they weren't in it.

Gundam Wing

I would think even today this would still apply.

Don't forget FLCL's south park reference.

oh fug

He also died of too much PC

They had an extremely successful marketing campaign decades ago and now it is traditional to have KFC for Christmas in Japan.

twintail Jimmy Page is cute

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-05-27-13h56m21s697.jpg (1280x738, 200K)

Isn't that a Naruto reference?



Ep4 of the original OVA was pretty loaded with references, most notably to Top Gun and Mad Max.

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This is what the reboot should of been.

Why Jack Sparrow of all characters?

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Attached: Oddman 11 - Vol.1 Ch.14 - 3.jpg (1263x1850, 453K)

>Why one of his famous roles

Dali's clock

Attached: 03.jpg (800x1136, 396K)

don't remember the painting's name

Attached: NxjZPJ1.jpg (838x423, 78K)

The light saber is definitely is, it's like one of the most iconic weapons in blockbuster films.

Attached: yes_we_can.jpg (480x360, 15K)

Yeah but Johnny Depp isn't really known for being eyecandy like Croft is, he is just good at being charming and funny on the big screen. But I guess that can be pull too.

copy paste face

Attached: brad_kidd.jpg (500x500, 44K)

The Kiss.
Sora no Woto also referenced some Klimt work.

Attached: [JacobSwaggedUp] Sora no Woto - 01v2 (BD 1280x720).mp4_snapshot_16.11.jpg (1280x720, 272K)

I don't get it.

I'll bet you think Edison invented the light bulb too.

Yet it has turned up in numerous anime titles that pay no homage to Star Wars.

The anime industry is not exactly known for it's originality

Baccano's OP is a parody of the movie Snatch's OP

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he should have plugged that brown childhood friend.

> no PPD
What the fuck are you posting here?

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Oh, thanks for reminding me.

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Attached: Urusei Yatsura 209.webm (600x450, 1.34M)

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Why do you know about Japanese shows?

R.I.P. Gunny [F]

we'll get it so you don't have to

There's a whole manga dedicated.
"whole" as in 20 chapters :(

Attached: x12.png (1114x1600, 773K)

I had thought Blue's House for Imaginary friends wasn't terribly popular even in the west, wouldn't have expected it to have been known there.

Louis Napoleon was a hack who's only acts of note were pissing off the only people ideologically aligned with the 2nd Republic and being so inept at war he managed to get captured by the Prussians. Fuck Louis Napoleon, he doesn't count.

I've got a better idea: how about you enlighten me, smartass?

no way
didn't expect that


I approve of this post

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Thought this one was an edit for years.

Attached: klk pulp fiction.jpg (768x864, 158K)

whats this reference

>The light saber is definitely is
and gundam uses it too

what is this referencing?

Show me a laser sword with that design in anime before star wars then, I mean look at the fucking thing.

>pay no homage
that cuz they are afraid of being sued back to the stone age.

I'm pretty sure there were others I missed.

Attached: fukumoto is nazbol.png (1635x829, 1.4M)


First you tell me who invented stainless steel.

If that were so then there would be no such thing as pop culture references.

Todd-kun is kawaii.

Yup. But in the manga, it got hand waved away. Seems one of the higher ups had always dreamed of recreating that scene.

FKMT is a blessing from God

Flying Witch has like 2 or 3 Shawshank Redemption references, and a few more Western Cinema references.

Damn. that's a nostalgia trip.

>wasn't terribly popular even in the west
Fucking what? may based McCracken, eternal demon of sleeplessness, torment your dreams.

What's this from?

Prussian/German stumping all over France is a repeated event though ever after the 1st emperor of the French.

That is amazing. I didn't catch that one.

K-on. Theres a scene where Yui is trying to say something about how she actually doesn't know anything about guitar when asked who her favorite guitarist is. Actually is jitsu wa and she keeps stuttering so the other girls try to guess Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck, etc.


>Yeah but Johnny Depp isn't really known for being eyecandy
Of course he is, were you not alive during Pirates of the Caribbean? In media, sex roleplay referenced cosplaying as him.


>"Cameos were a mistake" - hayao miyazaki

how about we take you back to the past instead?


God I miss that show

Who's gonna be the next Leslie Nielsen?

Nobody. His comedy is from a era that the kids wont like these days.

Leslie Nielson was a classically trained drama actor. When people say Comedy is Drama with a different beat, it's not just a meme. Jerry Zucker, who wrote/directed/produced a bunch of comedies featuring Nielson (with his brother David, and Jim Abrahams,) directed Ghost. The problem with comedies today is that they're mostly written with comedy in mind, not drama and shifting the beats and tone around afterwards.

imagine not knowing

Blink and you'll miss it.

Attached: Childrens card games is serious business.webm (640x360, 2.3M)

Even better!

What an underrated show.

Looks like the movie "Tokyo story" made by director yasujiro ozu

I think it also made references to the Thing.


Is that Japanese for marquis?


Attached: shitnigga.png (128x128, 42K)


The Phoenix Wright parody in Haruhi that I’m sure someone has already posted but I’m too lazy to click through all the YouTube links.

Was Payday even that popular in Japan?

I saw Streets of Fire after BGC, and it totally caught me off guard.

>Wait, that's the same fucking intro sequence!

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mahoujin Guru Guru (2017) - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.35_[2017.09.19_21.43.13].jpg (1280x720, 112K)

Attached: 1553010476986.png (845x1200, 1.08M)

More of a parody then an outright reference, but no less funny

it's the penultimate duel in sanjuro

God bless Go Nakai for everything he has given to the manga and anime industries.

some unfunny eceleb dont worry bout it

>Satan is driving the car from Ambiguously Gay Duo

Attached: laughing rangas.gif (200x200, 742K)


Get the fuck out

To be fair it says Rick. So it's probably Rick Berman, who taste in anime aside, is one of the guys responsible for Voyager. Sooooooooo yeah.

The entirety of Panty & Stocking.

Because cartoon network used to be pretty good

Why the fuck did you know about their shows?

Abenobashi parodied Sharknado before it even existed.

Attached: 93bcad1bd1bf793ae2241fd47d7d32575560329a_hq.jpg (1024x768, 41K)

Kek, good catch

He got red on him.

Attached: Sankarea_Shaun.jpg (1280x720, 54K)

I don't get it.

What's to get?

wait what do people use now that cccp/media player classics dead?

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Highschool of the dead had this.
Made me think the show would actually be kino.

There is a The Usual Suspects reference from a show last, but I can't remember its name.

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