>try to post a more kino final boss scene
> pro tip, you can"t
Is there a more kino final fight
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Pack it up guys, thread's over.
I think he meant final fight of the show.
What do I get?
Faggots, all of you
I don't know what "kino" means..
that's s-cry-d right? I remember watching that as a kid on toonami/adult swim.
Does the one against Legato counts as a fight?
legato's not that great in the anime though
manga legato is amazing on the other hand
kino is just Yea Forums slang for artful
scenes worth of a kinoplex
Why is this so intense but also so hilarious
Mein niggers.
Just did easily
Nah, nomu vs allmight was better
Torikos Full Course of Rage and the White Appetite Demon been a fantastic final beatdown.
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