Buyfag thread

She's in a pinch

Attached: D7YHx-iU0AAkH7m.jpg (2048x1364, 171K)

Other urls found in this thread:[]=frame_arms

Read the guide

Why is she so cute?

Attached: file.png (800x1200, 1.07M)

>Now I want to go take more embarrassingly autistic and dumb mug photos
>Nero Cupoche. Suggestions?
Try to replicate this pic with your Nero

Attached: 1558859695590.png (609x498, 227K)

Not him, but this would work better with the Nendo. It has a faceplate with similar eyes

Just stick the nendo head on the poche.

True, but the user doesn't have the nendo (as far as I know)

I'm fucking working on my diorama right now.
Yes, I said diorama because I'm quickly finding out that even though my shelf is large enough to fit a super large TV I don't have enough room to place all my god damn nendos in mugs and not have raisers. And considering this is only a temporary set up to show you jerks since I've been promising this since forever, I don't wanna hassle with raisers at 2:30 am.

Attached: 1558752162720.png (800x533, 726K)

Attached: DSC_8794.png (800x1200, 851K)

Attached: D7YrcULUwAIPH2R.jpg orig.jpg (1024x926, 151K)

>FAG sylphy in the concept
>DTA sylphy in the prototype

The mechs are cool

Attached: D7X_l1pU8AAr4vS.jpg orig.jpg (955x1175, 210K)

What kind of pleb doesn't have every piece of Nero merch imaginable?

Hopefully they'll be available for general purchase, instead of being jp kickstarter rewards

Maybe he isn't a Fatefag

I said this two threads ago, but you guys are really making me want to get DTA mecha girls to go with my faggot F/GO DTA girls

Attached: D7YRXLwVUAAuMGc.jpg orig.jpg (2048x1536, 315K)

Attached: D7YRfRaV4AAlf1Y.jpg orig.jpg (1280x960, 274K)

Do it

Attached: D7YVW9iUwAEn92a.jpg orig.jpg (800x800, 75K)

I mean, that's reasonable, but why get a cupoche of a Fate character when presumably he otherwise has nendos? Well, I guess they're re-releasing the Nero nendo so maybe he missed the boat to get it before and didn't want to buy it in aftermarket. But even that case still raises the question "why Nero"? Kinda really only makes sense if you like Extra, Last Encore, and Extella, if not GO, and you kinda have to be into Fate already to like those things because the games are kinda shit and I guess people hated SHAFT collab-ing with Nasu

But this is my own weird bias as a Nerofag, I guess. Seems more reasonable for someone outside the Fate fanbase to grab Arturia or Jannu first rather than Nero. I'm probably (read: definitely) overthinking it though.

After seeing this delicious brown () I', gonna have to. But takes priority. Do I need to get into FAG as well? Seems to be a bit of overlap between both lines. I guess FAGs are just larger, and require assembly?

FAGs are full on model kits
Megami Device are a slightly different kind of model kit, and Sitara (toasted mecha girl) is being released as one of them.
All are good.

Why are BLADE designs so fucking cute?

I can't speak for him, but if I have to guess maybe he just like the character design and got the poche because the nendo was sold out
But that's something that user would have to answer

>Why are BLADE designs so fucking cute?
Because he's based

How complex are the model kits? I've only ever had a Bandai kit of Kaworu's Mark.06 and it wasn't hard to put together but I didn't touch it up with paint or anything. I think I've seen people post about adding detail to FAGs with colored pencils and things, which might be interesting

Sitara is a really cute brown girl
Really tempted to get the her MD and this new DA

Attached: __kaneshiya_sitara_alice_gear_aegis_drawn_by_kawata_hisashi__4bc9b18e7b4a42f3bb5268e92e695942.jpg (701x1118, 93K)

Oh god I think I just found that Sitara kit on Amiami.
>peace sign hand parts

They're not too terribly involved, but they are koto kits and thus have some rather tight tolerances. Ask the /toy/ plamo and shinki threads for more information about the building part.
Most FAGs and MDs look good snapbuilt.

Attached: fag31_01.jpg (904x600, 92K)

Do i have to learn how to paint to join the gundam autism?
Kinda lame

Okay get ready for a Nendos in Mugs dump. It's 3 am and I've spent the last two hours setting these fucks up so once I've un'phone'd these pictures I'll post them.

Just checking in to say that I have something in the oven.

People who love her but are newfriends and repulsive secondaries who only know her from Last Encore and FGO. That's w-what I heard, anyway. I...I mean some people just preordered that new Sailor Moon scale and need a cooling off period before buying any more. I have all the Nero versions in FGO if that's any redemption probably the reverse. What's your favorite Emperor, anons? I have been hovering over the GS Bride, the one where she's in the rose idol dress on the chaise lounge, the "realistic" bishie one, or the nice, on-model umu with the stage three ascension variant (with the lion adornments).

I was about to get the Nendo but got offered the Cu the very same day, so I went with that because I liked it slightly more and had never bought a Cu and wanted to see what the fuss was about. I'll probably regret not getting both. Incidentally the first and only other character from Fate I have is mikooon~have her Nendo coming as well.

Looking at the Tamamo/Daishouri/Musashi DTA set right now and I have never seen any of those. How are they for the money?

I present to you...

Nendos in Mugs.

Attached: NendosInMugsSD.png (4039x607, 3.23M)

Attached: Lily.png (1228x1572, 2M)

Attached: BlueSteel.png (1432x1572, 2.33M)

Attached: Hotaru.png (1060x2160, 2.29M)

Attached: Kurisu.png (1204x2196, 2.73M)

Attached: Konosuba.png (1762x2046, 3.85M)

Attached: Futaba.png (1672x1788, 2.93M)

Attached: Hitagi.png (1084x2064, 2.12M)

Haqua's isn't finished. I need to make a custom top for her bottle. It's supposed to be a corked bottle like the one she's holding but apparently they are IMPOSSIBLE to find...

Attached: Haqua.png (1180x2040, 2.63M)

Attached: Rin.png (977x2064, 2.07M)

This is the stuff. Hotaru is one of the best designs in years imo and Hotaru in a Hotaru mug is ace.

Attached: 1527420171936.jpg (458x476, 33K)

...Hold on, I fucked up and don't have a picture of Asuka. One sec...

>that bullying

Hey bitch give me that Rin nendo right fucking now

Attached: 1548831267958.jpg (460x460, 46K)

And of course after I break down and buy fucking Race Queen Asuka they announce a normal one. FML.
Glad you like it.
I adore Rin so NOPE!

Attached: Asuka.png (1216x2436, 3.18M)

Attached: KemonoFriends.png (1564x2460, 3.77M)


Stop filling the thread with god awful oversized Nendoroid images you self-obsessed faggot.

Attached: ZeroTwo.png (1168x2472, 2.79M)


Attached: Celty.png (870x2028, 1.65M)

Getting a cup for Lina was next to impossible because they just didn't make any...

Attached: Lina.png (1108x2544, 2.68M)

Same with Marika. I refuse to buy bootlegs, even for a pirate.

Attached: Marika.png (1216x2448, 3.04M)

Enjoy your ban.

Attached: Tachikoma.png (1564x2424, 3.72M)

>Banning someone for posting OC
You're a smart one.

Attached: Kino.png (1228x2508, 3M)

This is an authentic JAXA mug. I couldn't find a better one because they only ever made one mug for Robotics;Notes and it looks exactly like the Blue Steel one so I had to get creative...

Attached: Aki.png (1300x3108, 3.8M)

Where do I buy Love Live Sunshine decals? I want a pink "ラブライブ! サンシャイン!!"

>draw loli
>post it and get banned
>w-woah but it was OC!
You're a smart one. This very clearly falls under spamming/flooding.

Fun fact, this mug cost more than the Nendo...

Attached: Holo.png (1199x2430, 3.87M)

Like I said, try it. Loli is banned because it's loli ya dummy.

Attached: Mikoto.png (1072x2220, 2.17M)

Siro is on her way and will be joining these two in this giant official Youtube mug. Hinata will be below in her box playing vidya.

Attached: Vtuber.png (1360x2292, 2.97M)

Attached: Nanachi.png (1324x3000, 3.8M)

>Dispatch from outward office of exchange
it begins

nice nendomugs user

Attached: 1540343118209.gif (480x640, 738K)

Fuck off nigger. It's better than the same old shit that gets posted over and over in every buyfag thread.

Bullying? I mean yeah, shoving them all into one small mug is bullying.
Wait a second...
What's that in the corner?

Attached: Chio.png (1204x2136, 2.51M)

Suck my cock faggot, was decent and creative.
Flooding the thread with shitty closeups on the other hand is not good content.

reddit tier thread

God dammit Yunyun, get out of there! You don't belong in this picture, shoo!

This is by no means how the final setup will look. For one thing I'm gonna have a tiered display with raisers and spend more than 5 minutes posing them, but you get the idea. I'll also try to take some non shit pictures of each one solo when I buy a stand so my fucking shakey hands don't ruin every picture. And this isn't even my whole collection. Yotsuba/Danboard and Platelet are incomming, Aria has a mug waiting for her when they make her, the Potatoes also have a neat mug waiting for them, and I have all three Little Witches but their "mug" is a fucking fishbowl and it's unstable as fuck so I have to figure out how to stabilize it.

Thanks for indulging me.

Attached: Yunyun.png (929x2508, 2.25M)

Actually I had an user ask me specifically for closeups, though yes, they are shitty. Anyway, I won't be posting them again, just the big collage. Sorry for the shitty hamhand photos. It's 4 am and I can't be assed.

Does anyone want to buy the first 8 volumes of watamote? I bought them gradually since 2012 but in the past few years lost interest in it. I thought i might learn japanese one day but probably not now.

Theyre all in perfect condition except they smell like carbolic soap (cos of what i stored in the same cabinet)

>b-but one (1) guy wanted it!
Upload them to an online album and then link it then you retard, like literally everyone else does.

Attached: Ram or Miss_1.webm (1280x720, 2.67M)

Meh, it's done now. Like I said, I won't post them again.

Kill yourself.

My wife is cute.

>faggot spamming shitty reddit tier pictures
>autist sperging out instead of reporting and ignoring
>literal facebook memes
Worst thread in a while.

Pretty fucking envious of these two desu, shame I got into GitS so late.

Attached: hisomaso self-hate.jpg (1280x720, 401K)

Ah it's you as usual. Go fuck yourself, non-contributing cuntrag. You have no power, no influence, the mods are more likely to kick your ass off of here than humor you (as usual) and you shit up everything you touch. You're not part of the problem, let alone a cure. You're THE problem. Trip up so everyone can ignore you. Don't bother trying to get in a last word and save face, either. This is the last time anyone's humoring you. Take your fucking meds and get offline. You'll never be a mod. Cunt.


Stop fuelling its ego. Anyway post more. I am a little sad now because I don't have matching mugs other than one pairing. I've just used whatever cups I had handy that worked out ok. I hope this doesn't arouse something because I collect enough nonsense as it is.

Every day until you like it.

>autist sperging out instead of reporting and ignoring
user, I...

You seem angry.

Attached: 1351531804230.jpg (473x477, 35K)

Little bit.

Attached: 1558763823841.jpg (1536x2048, 263K)


Cheer up.

Attached: 1369520726050.jpg (500x500, 125K)

I didn't know you needed a gun for cleaning

That sounds cool, but they're called risers, not raiders.

made for autistic weeb white cock

Can I still post in these threads if I don't buy anything?

No, to be able to post you need to provide a receipt or invoice for anime merch you bought that has your name on it along any form of ID so we know you didn't just pull it from google.

You need to post your amiami account, receipt and anime butt to be able to post in this thread sorry.

Preferably also your full name and credit card number, security code and expiration date so we can verify you aren't a poorfag.

I don't even know her name.

Got a link to the mug?

That doesn't look like FAG to me, what is it?

It's over bros. Our days are number

No one complained but you, and pics like those are standard for a buyfag thread. Run along and finish your homework.

You're dead, Hiro. The dead cannot speak.

Yeah, people almost had fun here. How awful.

Attached: Agon1558845031.jpg (1365x2048, 356K)


How do you make them stick out of mugs this much? Do you prop them up or hook/stick them to something?

Why are you fucktards complaining about nendos? it's always the same shit, at least he's being creative much better than usual shitposting or those retarded questions which have been made a thousand times.

Buy figures, not CGI.

good but too many photos you should have put three nendos in each photo

Forget that. Notice that she has a serious-business tier of mop with the spring loaded release and shit. Sasuga best saber.

You just did.

Attached: ram-sake.png (900x1049, 818K)

These are pretty good.

All taken care of, user-kun!

Not him but I rig up all manner of things depending. Sometimes you can wedge them in, sometimes you can fit their armatures in a way that will hold them without showing. Other times I put a smaller cup inside for them to stand on, like a shot glass or a cut-off end of a paper cup.

Pic related.

Attached: large-nee-sama-btfo-You.png (650x865, 957K)

This user is cute

Not bad. >should have put three nendos in each photo
Wtf are you talking abo-
Oh, yeah that's a lot of single shots and redundancy.

Attached: 1334671366738.gif (184x184, 140K)

>This very clearly falls under spamming/flooding.
No it doesn't.
That's like saying someone dumping a manga for storytime is spamming/flooding.
This is an imageboard.

That said, Resize your shit.
Just touching this one up reduced the filesize.

Attached: 1558867972871-01-01.jpg (870x2028, 501K)

>I won't post them again.
One guy does a little bullying and you're done? That's sad. This is 4channel, toughen up a bit.

Who the fuck would have something like this on display in their home unless you are Chris-chan

Other version.
>save file for web
Never again.

Attached: nee-sama-btfo-You.png (450x450, 338K)

Oh, well that's convenient for us, then.

Attached: hisv.jpg (400x489, 35K)

Insurance companies cover the cost of regular checkups as part of preventive care and dealerships service free oil changes while under warranty as part of preventive maintenance.
Stopping someone from making a mess means less to clean.
A big ass gun might be an effective way of preventing messes.

It for now.

"Nee-sama is always great." -Unattributed

Attached: nee-sama-mug.png (467x700, 517K)

Most likely saving as jpg reduced filesize. png for pictures is retarded.

I, for one, think she looks great.

Attached: BadWolfVindici1558751136.jpg (800x800, 105K)


I preordered her figma, might get too.

It is.
I didn't even realize they were .png.

Attached: 1427321883656.png (800x1000, 152K)

It looks like there was no light in the room either. They have a bit of the ol' "dimly lit horror movie shot for tv with bad lighting" thing going on. Just have to use indirect sunlight my dudes and use a piece of white paper or two just out of frame leaning against the wall, maybe on the table, to bounce light up underneath and brighten up the shadows. Modern cameras on a phone can take incredible pictures but not without light. It's also tempting to get really close (since they're small objects) but most cameras fuck that up if you don't know how to tweak the settings. A good modern phone will autofocus even on a Nendo from 2 feet away with good results if you have steady hands (rest your arms against your chest or preferably against a wall or table). Then don't run them through 100 stages of processing afterward.

Attached: aho expertize.jpg (996x720, 98K)

Take your meds and thanks for your very telling contribution.

nice meme

Fuck off, dead weight. Back from your ban so soon and already trying to pissy passive-agressive bitch behavior, I see. No need to reply, you aren't saving face, stopping the thread or getting in a last word. Bye, sweatie.

Attached: advice-umu.png (550x762, 479K)

>calls people "dead weight"
>posts Nero

>literally memeing

>still no news about WA2 Hobby Max scales
The wait is killing me.


Be patient user, it’s not June yet. I’m waiting for Springfield and WA-chan too.

>phoneposters are mad
That's what you get for being a normalfag.
Fuck them, post 4MB pngs.

How do I convince myself to open the box?

why so mad?

Do you guys prefer hard pillowed Dakis or down pillowed ones? I prefer the ones that are easily hug able, never tried hard pillowed ones though.

So he should retake all the pictures using your advice and re-post them? Sounds good to me.

>cost more than the nendo
More like almost 3 times as much


Why do you have an Elsa figure you fucking faggot?

4channel's shitty servers are the issue.
Also, regular buyfag etiquette.

Even with resting my arms against something, my hands are not steady at all. No idea why, but any picture I take without a tripod looks like a fucking earthquake.

You're shitposting, but hopefully they'll remember for next time how to not be retarded.
Newfags can also learn from this.

Drink less caffeine?

We still get faggots who don't resize shit and post sideways photos. But i do hope it gets better

I only drink one cup of coffee a day, that's not the issue. I think I'm just fucked.

Nobody can learn if nobody says anything.
Keeping it constructive helps.

Attached: 876018607_1974845.gif (400x300, 732K)

We're almost at Heavens Feel part three and yet there are STILL fuck all good figures for Rider.

What the fuck, Japan?

Attached: Rider_Face.jpg (1211x1275, 172K)

How come you're the world's number one black?

>someone actually owning this
You don't even need porn or doujin anymore when you have a life sized figure like this.

Attached: 1558859119121.jpg (3072x4606, 1.53M)

might as well get a sexdoll so its actually soft

Why are you surprised? She’s just a servant and not even a massively popular like EMIYA. HF has barely gotten any figures just like UBW. It’s all F/GO and the usual Saber/clones.

the figure where she is down four is pretty cool

>declaring you reported someone
>back seat mod’ing
>against on topic OC
>trolling outside of Yea Forums

>>declaring you reported someone
He never did tho, read again, slowly.


This is off topic (sasuga buyfriends) but control your damn breathing my man. 10 (ten) deep breaths, then try again. Obvious but true.

CHECKED. Yeah, even in FGO she’s kind of neglected and lame. A sad state for the OG rider to be in.

He does it pretty much every thread, including the one a few hours ago. Which you probably know, because he is probably You.

Pic is my recent loot. I love that the Goddess is back but a sad because I love the Ito version, but I’d sure love some scales in the anime style with current year quality.

Attached: 037D78C6-B1E4-4401-B83F-37486D2A9726.jpg (4032x3024, 3.49M)

>He does it pretty much every thread, including the one a few hours ago. Which you probably know, because he is probably You.
Wow, wow, slow down with your retarded assumptions.

>He does it pretty much every thread
Are you paranoid/schizophrenic by any chance?
This was the first time I've complained about Nendoroids, and I literally called it decent and creative here , I just objected to flooding a thread with poor quality, oversized Nendoroid images that added literally nothing to the panoramic shot he originally posted.
It's basic buyfag etiquette, why is this so hard for you faggots to understand?

Ah ok. See, the same jackass keeps getting b& for this shit. He’s worse than fujoshitters in that whining about his direst of concerns is always exponentially worse than any problem he decrees. And as you can see, there are some kuzu bugs back at it again. Ignore and report.

If you’re the user who just bitched once about the huge filesize Nendo pics one time, my bad. Although to be clear, as concerns file sizes, that’s still autistic as fuck unless you’re paying for bandwidth by the byte. But yeah, it’s true and people definitely make the same easily avoidable mistakes over and over. If only there was a guide of some sort that we could link that’d cover this.

Taking pics of things this small is a skill. Gaming miniatures companies like GW or Privateer have staff just to do it. It’s tricky and often counter-intuitive. The things you and myself have tried to point out are pretty bare minimum, though. If anyone legitimately cares as opposed to the bored summer shitposters and low-effort trolls, then look up “gaming miniatures photography”. Anime figs are much, much easier and forgiving but all the information applies. I don’t expect NEETs to go outside with half naked dollies to take sunlit photos in nature to throw up on Yea Forums, but lay white paper or a sheet near the thing, stabilize your camera, use a light other than your damn bedroom lamp, and if you feel really feisty, resizing your pictures shows you put in some effort.

Is she cast off?


Attached: 1558740371877.jpg (2400x3200, 1.67M)


nope retard

Then what's the point

Attached: 508.jpg (750x696, 62K)

>third worlders and phone posters have issues with big img size
I’m going to artificially make all my images larger from now on.

enjoy your ban

What extremely high quality posts.

>Although to be clear, as concerns file sizes, that’s still autistic as fuck unless you’re paying for bandwidth by the byte.
Have you considered that some people might not want to wait seconds to view a shitty picture, when it could've been less than a second?

I'm guessing you're new? The file size thing has ALWAYS been about dealing with Yea Forums's god awful image servers and this is pointed out every fucking time someone goes
>h-heh third world internet
>h-heh phoneposter

Attached: 1374771355561.png (400x400, 164K)

I'm guessing the irony of your post is lost on you.

Stop trying to fit in, stupid newfag

What an argument, you sure showed me user.

Attached: 1418670697394.jpg (636x574, 36K)

Works on my machine.™

>t. hiro

Works on my machine, spic.

digits confirm lmao

Whatever you say, Alejandro.

I’ve never had to wait more than instant speed for a image. Sorry your internet sucks?

You're either very new or you don't browse a lot.



Attached: 20190526_095927.png (215x384, 134K)

Attached: you must be new.jpg (538x305, 30K)

serious question, how do you take a photo that long?


That's a lie. Yea Forums's servers upload speeds are terrible.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting user.
Unless you didn't know were being ironic.
If that is the case, then I apologize.

Literally every day since I was 12 and what is this. Only time I had issues were pre 2010 when I still had a 56k modem and lived in buttfuck no where. Perfect speeds on current wifi, you should look into your ping or upgrade etc.

This emphasizes rather than refutes, senpai. But then, I don’t live in Cambodia and have not waited for an image to load here in a long, long time. Neither have you, have you?

Ironically phoneposters are less likely to have this phantom issue. I cannot imagine thinking this is a thing in 2019. Yeah it’s cute that you remember that it was once an issue in ancient Sumerian history but just admit you’re trying to police the most irrelevant non-issue possible due to OCD/control concerns you have. It’s moral outrage on principle and for the sake of it. Call it what it is. We’re all little girls here and we’re all autistic fucks who moan when somebody’s table in a photo has a speck of dirt on the edge in some rando’s house you’ll never be in.

Got ‘em!

Actually, the universal truism “whoever smelt it dealt it” is ironclad here. The first one shrieking autism/phoneposter/reddit/newfag is the redditor etc. no exceptions.

So, does anyone else collect older stuff? Say 10 years or more? Pic related. Scored the Lucky Stars. Not sure if I want to get any of the others but maybe SOS Konota.

Attached: 8EF6083F-D321-4BC2-AD3E-9A57C605899B.jpg (1107x1967, 476K)

>you should look into your ping

Attached: 1486414529407.jpg (350x383, 54K)

>He doesn't use 4chanx
>He doesn't use the alternate image servers

Attached: 1558711949116.jpg (771x771, 88K)

>and have not waited for an image to load here in a long, long time.

I’m not a /g/ guy, why all this image posting shit is off topic trolling. It’s not important. Get better internet.

Those are still shit, just not abysmal.

>it’s a lie because it doesn’t work on my machine!
come on man don’t be so anally retarded.

Attached: hurr durr.jpg (274x321, 26K)

>spics and australians capable of anything

Not him, but I'm actually surprised you've never had issues on wi-fi. My folks switched ISPs recently and for a few weeks I had to use wi-fi because I was too lazy to remove the shit blocking my ability to run a cable to the new modem, and Jesus Christ, I wanted to tear my skin off, it was so bad.

>using the same image macro every thread
Nice avatar fagging.

No, everybody's machine. Need third party proof?

Attached: hurr durr.jpg (274x309, 31K)

I live on my own. Ie: works on my machine

>do I need third worlder “proof”
no? I had no issues with the images, so get fucked spic.

Are you projecting by any chance?

Ok, Australian. They are the only two groups who ever complain about connection to Yea Forums issues in the decade I’ve been saving porn from this site.

>America is third world
>1 second for 500KB jpg, could be compressed further without image loss
>3 seconds for 1,5MB png, 3 times as long
It's shit mate.

But yeah, just insist your anecdotal evidence is proof.


Attached: 2783648792325.gif (220x220, 41K)

>I’ve been saving porn from this site
What a shitty LARP.

Attached: 1487028329163.jpg (715x683, 84K)

I wish we had IDs so we could see the same 2-3 pathetic people who nonstop argue every thread
How lonely are you?

>my internet is shit so everyone’s is
Got em’.
I miss /l/.

Attached: projecting.jpg (770x513, 53K)

IDs and flags for every board!

Why do you LARP so much user?

Bullshit. Sorry. I browse this abyss daily from 3 different machines (including a godforsaken Mac from 2009), a phone and a tablet and never, ever wait for anything to load. Including /wg/. I have ok but not great internet.

Everyone is well aware that the site uses tin cans and a string to network but it’s a goddamn image board. If you can’t open all pics in a thread in a second or less with one click, with at least 10 threads open and some webm’s playing...your shit is retarded. It’s on your end. It just offends you that a lot of people dgaf about file sizes because 2010’s megabytes are 2000’s bytes now. Probably the whole site is Scotch taped together but it’s irrelevant because normal people can go camping and can either not connect at all, or else load endless depraved filth here to gag a goat in a second.

Do you, like...try to read story times and curse your spinning IE icon while you wait? This mess functions fine in actual jungle in SEA if you can get online at all...been there and did it.

But yes to address the actual issue that exists, people who just leave every file as suboptimal in any way are being complacent in a way that almost definitely indicates a relevant problem. Like creating torrents that are 7gb for an episode of a show.

not everything is a shill or larp just because they disagree with you sweetie.

Thanks for these OC pics nendomug user
Don't listen to these statueshit elitists that haet nendos
My only advice is that next time save the pics as .jpg instead of .png as already said by & Thanks for these OC too, other mug user

From which figure comes from that effect part?

Thanks for delivering this request, user

Attached: 1512021811286.jpg (649x613, 151K)

>he’s waited entire seconds plural for an image to load


This reminds me of all the people who complain about bloat in releases. Like niggah get a job lmao, just shove it on a 10TB HDor burn it to a disk it’s not hard at fucking all who the fuck cares if it’s a gig.
It’s all interlets complaining. Just laugh.

Fuck off you mass quoting shitter.

come on poopiekins, I can me-me arrow too

Can we just nuke this thread and start over?

>first world

Attached: (You) Watanabe.jpg (360x360, 42K)

Better yet these threads should stop being made

I would also like to thank you for these. Cute! Saved them to repost later!

It comes from her. It’s her razor wind spell and it comes with three of them.

>mfw summer thought it was Elsa
No words.

Attached: E74E282A-FC0A-4A2A-BF39-786BB3FDC1E0.jpg (800x630, 149K)


Not an argument, pumpkin. Can your machine even open that (you)?

Well, I'm still here, was never banned.

Attached: 72333.png (1397x1440, 2.81M)

That's a third party site mate, with dedicated servers. It's better than your fucking PC, and you're claiming it's on my end?
You're fucking hopelessly deluded.
See , you're an idiot.
About as first world as you can get to these dipshits.

Attached: 4EBA26E9-5BA0-4A88-94B8-1C412C5F7CA0.jpg (680x385, 32K)

Sure thing, phoneposter.

Why’s your shit all retarded, then? Or more realistically, why are you hellbent on this larp of yours when you were given outs? Admit you’re full of shit and post pics (or stfu and lurk or close the thread).

Get mummy and daddy to buy you better internet, kid. No one cares your images take 3 seconds instead of 1 to load. Go back to instagram or something.

___seething post_____

I’d rather a phoneposter who’s internet can open images so doesn’t complain then some jungle monkey who uses a 90’s modem and complains about image load times.

Fuck off retards.

predicted the shitty thread 7 hours ago

ITT: seething incels
Cope the lot of you

They don’t, though.

At last!

Attached: 25DDB780-ABEF-48A8-9EEB-E9A3E7839912.jpg (3264x2448, 1.72M)

Kill yourselves technologically inept niggers.

blame the image size autist. What the fuck does “reddit image” even mean.

Nah. And I’ll be here every thread like always. Deal with it. ;)

>they don’t
Then why complain that they do? Your phone seems to be working fine

This is what happens when you don't follow the guide.

i agree, if you can’t even manage a image to load by clicking it on Yea Forums you really shouldny be posting here. or using a computer at all. imagine can they even use youtube?

None of this shit would have happened if you faggots just adhered to this:

Attached: .jpg (495x490, 46K)

“Stop liking what I don’t like” but with extra lying slathered on top to try to hide it. Plus projection and OCD.

Only reddit cries about reddit. Period.

Wh-what’s that, user?

Are you so new you weren't here last thread?
There was literally people reposting shit from there completely unironically.

Can you even post images on reddit? I thought it was all that incompressible chat chain.

Good point. When I live on my own, I get a good ISP. I have lived on my own several times before, I'm just at home now to make certain things more affordable and save for a down payment on a house. It's been a real boon for buyfagging too.

Only fake oldfags and underage bans care about image sources or filenames. Full stop. Ever, ever. And I was taking photos last thread and you have no point due to the above.

I’d love to know how and why the cunts who get salty and fake-arrogant about fucking image sources fell down that mental-emotional hole. I get that tumblr is right in the file name (regardless of whether you googled it up or what). Do “people” unironically pay attention to this and much up on cues to try to figure out where a picture may have been saved from? Then attempt it and...try to dredge that out as a truly, deeply pathetic dumbfuck ammo for a failure of an ad hominem attack? That level of sad desperation. Imagine.

And no, you’re never, ever doing anyone a service, never will get to be policing quality somehow (plus you don’t actually care and never have), as if file source gotcha is an actual issue.

Comments on file sources should get bans. Would palpably improve posting quality instantly. There is no counterpoint.

>hurr retard reddit new derp booga booga

Attached: 8B27C1D7-8B82-40F0-B3F9-DD912A86F299.jpg (800x534, 295K)

>reddit spacing
>this entire post
is this podracing?

didn't read lol suck my dick

He's been unsuccessfully busting with his filenames until just now. Nice work.


Thoughts? Overall I like it, but I’m not so sure about the way the throne is fitted toward the back.

Attached: 71359068-3AFA-4555-ACB1-9AB0E795B4C0.jpg (750x800, 619K)

>j-just pretending

Attached: pretending.png (436x406, 3K)

Talk me out of getting this.

Attached: Agon1547781484[1].jpg (600x800, 78K)

>male figure
typical faggot

>g-give me attention please

>kalmia project

These guys have so much unreleased stuff. They just keep adding more to the backlog.

Sure it's early summer in here.

Would be cuter in slime form.

Attached: D7fVzekUIAAAqho.jpg orig.jpg (1000x1000, 71K)

Attached: 1509588953630.jpg (576x618, 113K)

Miku with a shorter lifespan.

You have to use tinyeye or whatever 2007-era external host. Source: there are /tg/ games where your options are there, leddit, facebook or nothing and nobody can post basic things on leddit without lame external host hassles therefore nobody does.
I put them on the nenrodoid stands and position them so they're nearly vertical. The arms are behind them.
It was 4 am sorry.
My phone has a panorama function on it. I just drag the phone in the direction I want to take a picture of. Doesn't compensate fully for my shakey hamhands but oh well.
Glad ya liked em!

The coat looks boring and plain. You can find one that you like more in 3 minutes tops. There, how’d I do?

damn thread is extra shitty today

I would really like to know what algorithm credit card companies use to detect fraud. I just had an attempt to pay for one of my orders blocked as it was flagged as fraudulent, but like, how can this fucking thing not see all the transactions I've done with Amico and think gee, maybe this might be legitimate.

Attached: 1558652149192.png (733x1200, 565K)

It's mostly the same ten people talking to each other.

>replying to bait

>replying to bait bait
Extra crispy kek.

You can get an ok tripod for $20. Or just set the timer, put the sucker down on a stack of books or whatever, and get your sausage fingers off of it so it’s still when it shoots.

I also saved yours by the way. I’m not bullying, just trying to give easy pointers I had to learn that are simple ways to get big improvements. I figure if you spend the time, money and effort in setting all that up then it’s worth taking the best photos you can wrangle up.


Yeah I'm going to invest in one. This was literally a "It's 2 am and I have been promising to do this for a long time and fuck it, we're doing it live!" sort of thing. The help is appreciated.

how many of the people on Yea Forums click on this thread?
how many of those lurk and how many post?
how many of the posters actually /buyfag/?

I'm sick of jealous teens and yuropoors niggering out over the quality of threads and the content other anons are posting while never posting or buying anything, if there weren't actual buyfags willing to take photos of their purchases and displays all you faggots would have nothing to do but jerk off to the fantasy of one day owning a daki

I'm so glad this thread descended into autistic screeching about file sizes, now it's totally not reddit in here
for people that never go there you fags talk about it so much

Attached: 1543622879025.jpg (804x720, 96K)

im so happy with my anime north haul

Attached: cute.png (1632x1224, 2.84M)

Do it fgt.

I buy FAGs and MDs.

t. yuropoor

literaally no one was still talking about it until you brought it up again you absolute fag

Cute plushies.

I feel like this is just more bait.

what the fuck is going on here

What do you mean by "fitted?"

Damn, I thought she was younger. What a waste.

99% of “bait” here isn’t. Easily triggered whiners don’t get a say in anything and whether or not they like a filename is unrelated. Kids can decide to be fake outraged if they like that larp but it’s not bait. They can eat shit. Everything’s not about them. Nobody cares and it is as the other user said. The same 10 noncontributing wastes of space screeching at each other only it’s more like 3 of them.

Don’t become that, user-kun. Post loot pics with no remorse and an open heart! even if it’s Sent From (You)r iPhone 5s.

I’d get those but my cat who doesn’t touch models for 8 years, or even table food, cannot abide stuffed toys. He would slaughter them unless they were behind glass. Feelsbadman.png/jpg

>anime north
How much did you get ripped off?

Assembled, built, put together. It seems uneven as if not molded exactly enough.

Nice plushies.
How much were they?

sometimes using your credit card somewhere, then immediately using it at amico can trigger it if both places aren't japanese stores. I've noticed just using paypal has a middleman works to fix it and it also fixes any issues you run into with 3d secure shit. There is an option to charge your card without conversion on checkout so you don't have to use paypal's shitty conversion rate.

It's not bait but the standard of posts in this thread now

Don't be hyperbolic and try to look like you know what you're taking about in the same post.

>Post loot pics with no remorse
Why not put just a little effort into making your posts less shitty for the others.
Or post garbage and be treated like trash.

honestly not that much, plushies were 50 each

Attached: gayelf.jpg (1920x1080, 273K)


>con haul
>resized, renamed, but .png format
>not bait
C'mon user.


Attached: 1522646143253.jpg (240x240, 16K)

What a cute cup
now I want one too!

Attached: 1533326095682.gif (500x655, 299K)

If that's CAD that's p. decent for a con.
If it's USD though... well, as long as you enjoy your purchase it's fine.

Too many shitposters pretending to be retarded.

yikes, that's just uncomfortable to look at


Hmm, I never read that rant about the exif orientation tag before. Interesting.

How nu do you have to be to think ‘kek’ started on /pol/?

>porn had a spoiler on it
>mods delete anyway
wow. those commie nazis.

Attached: 1558255953307.gif (330x300, 953K)


>blue board

starting the 9 month process gets you hard, but watching the end result gets you soft.
you weakling.

Anime porn?

Not a fan of creampies, so you are wrong.

I wish she was painted there

Attached: 1558750859547.jpg (1920x1080, 186K)

looks like a midget

Has anyone ever had issues with paying for something on AmiAmi?

I got an email saying that something I bought was ready for payment only for the "orders awaiting payment" section to have nothing there.

did you try a different browser retard

Hmmm joints

Attached: FIGURE-045033_06.jpg (700x600, 63K)

those look like aborted babies

This feels lewder than it should.

Yes dipshit, that was the first thing I did. All three I tried just say "No records were found for the information you entered. Please update your request and try again." despite getting an email to pay up.

nice meme


Attached: 1558880780383.jpg (1936x3440, 965K)

Broken spine.

That could be a normal spine for whatever sort of creature that is.

you and me both

Erikas are highly flexible


Attached: f4f24f54.jpg (1800x1200, 185K)

Why is her ass so unsexy?

because it looks fake and photoshopped

her face looks off, even as an erika fan i'm not sure i'll order her.

I feel like a dumbass, what event just happened that all of these photos are coming from? Some GSC event?


Attached: 470e6bfb-s.jpg (1000x667, 147K)

>butt weld
this is new

That just LeslyZeroSix's style

Attached: 74897342_p11.jpg (960x960, 533K)

not at all

at that depth, that's hot buttcheeks work

Idorus can get some nice scales

MegaHobby Expo

Attached: 1558845027892.jpg (1664x2496, 1.56M)

Is that a bad thing or a good thing?


Depends, if you like Leslie's style its good, if you prefer Raita's it's not.

Attached: Ah my fucking back.jpg (1800x1200, 177K)

Where's her asshole?

She's not finished, poor girl can't poop yet

Attached: D7axcxLU8AElr_U.jpg (900x1200, 103K)

Just got charged 5 cents from my credit card on native does that mean I'm ok once it is about to release?

Well, I buy Erika because of Raita not this Leslie person.

Well then I will wait until the finished product to decide if I'm going to buy it

Hifumi is sex

Attached: 1558881069744.jpg (2001x3000, 817K)

Then stick with Native's or the Bunny

Can't wait for her.


Attached: IMG_20180330_194458.jpg (1024x2162, 650K)

I'll still get her, love me some Erika.

I weep for Jannu Alter fags

Attached: 1558868315498.jpg (3840x2560, 1.74M)

Sounds like you're good to me.

worst ascension, who cares

you know that shit ain't fitting in a detolf

Leslie's sculpts are nice, I didn't know he already got a job doing figures.

Its not his first one, there are a few out already.

Because NSFW spoiler tags only apply to nipples for official works you dumbass.
That's /d/ tier shit.

To be fair, the art which it was based off of is not charitable to proportions.

Attached: xenoblade2-kosmos-3.jpg (1920x1080, 197K)

That ShindoL one looks pretty bad


The fact the castoff seams are that apparent for the displayed figure worries me how it will be for the regular ones.

What will be the scale size, 1/6 or 1/7? also any guess about price?, I'm guessing 21k at NY.

Its an early prototype, there's nothing to really worry about. Rocket Boy has done great so far

>early prototype

it's sculpted and painted retard
this is what full production will look like, if not worse due to QC and cost saving

you people know she's part of a set, right?

Attached: CENSORED IMAGE.jpg (575x925, 75K)

The slip on the dfisplay mentions is a fucking early prototype, retard. Its not even made out of PVC at that stage, thats just the color sample and is far from finished.

That's still an early prototype Tim, just because its painted doesnt mean its a final prototype

stupid raita fags fuck off your figure looks shit in every way

Nice backpedaling, kid.

Now go and tell your mommy people don't like what you like on the internet.

whatever retard enjoy your broken spine and balloon tits and retarded tiny head

Not him, that isn't the final promo photo but it's still wrong to call it an early prototype.

Sure I will

the dumb little head matches yours btw bc your brain is fuckin tiny

>btw bc
Oh, the irony.

to be honest the sculptor fucked up the faces, as other user said, Erika looks like shin chan laughing.

Attached: matthewn44441549830738.png (740x1036, 1.16M)

I've been dead for a while, but have we reached the age of post Griffon where the final products look better than the prototypes?

Having three raita figures is enough to be considered a Raita-tard?

Final prototypes usually look better than the ones displayed on events. And good manufacturers get the final product to a similar, if not the same, level than those stock photo prototypes.

That has been the case since forever.

Some pink haired girl that one user likes

Attached: 1558861397991.jpg (2001x3000, 833K)

I've been dead for a long time.
It sounds nice things are like that.

Here's a question for you
The figure of your dreams is announced, and it's perfect, but you can only buy it from TOM. Would you?

what would it look like if eyes were sculpted instead of decals? has a figure ever done that before?



Attached: 1558753111828.jpg (912x1368, 358K)

those legs are truly something

Attached: 1558753255997.jpg (1095x1642, 594K)

Damn why did they make her legs look so short?

They did kinda fix her in game model at least.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 80K)

>not for sale

So, how did you get it?

If only they had fixed the game instead.

How? That aside, yes. They're just Jews, not the devil.

I'm sure it's been done at some point. Not sure it'd help that specific figure since the mouth doesn't look very good.

Take it to Yea Forums if you want to bitch about a great game.

I only wish the Pyra figure had a better face, I say on it and the price at least doubled.

That's some disgusting shit.

Attached: 1389064427001.jpg (336x425, 22K)

Exactly. It's made for people with good taste.

There's nothing wrong with handsome fellows.

Attached: 01364.jpg (800x800, 75K)

I like it but not for that price. If he bins or turns up secondhand for cheap then I'll grab him.

Yes depending on how they look they will gey my money

no difference between them as far as im concerned

Attached: 1558834148997.png (600x600, 240K)

Alright lads, I passed my M2 course and I want to celebrate. I really like gunpla but want to try something a bit different. Right now I'm looking at
I'm still trying to figure out the difference between DAs, FAGs, DAFAGs, and Megami Devices.
Basically I'm looking for opinions on what to get, to get into these mecha girl kits.
Also are FAGs based off an FA mecha that already exists, or are they not based off anything. I ask because looks like they made a cool mecha, then made that mecha into a cute girl who's part mecha.

Attached: FIGURE-039020.jpg (600x600, 99K)

has anyone bought the recent senran kagura figures with cast-off?

First problem I see with these nendo dolls is how awful the cuts in the joints looks (which I understand is to give them a decent range of articultation, but still) as the naked cu-poches bodies looks much better
Second problem is that I can't unsee the proportions of these dolls as a normal person wearing a oversized mascot head, but without the mascot outfit, that because the tiny hands and feets (pic related is an example) In this I think cupoches did a better job giving their figures more bigger hands and feets to keep the cute chibi look

Attached: file.png (407x717, 263K)

This, i wanna know the differences as well as the quality too because i kinda interested.
Some of the stuffs those user posted look cute

Nobody wants a figure of a tall uggo

>These knees
What the fuck

I happen to want many figures of tall uggos.

kek hello grandpa

there are several threads on for megami device/FAGs/DA/shinki/etc...might ask there.

DTAs are a much smaller scale, and as far as I know use mostly the same engineering. They come largely pre-assembled and pre-painted. Decently poseable, especially when you make use of their swappable joints.

FAGs are the largest of the bunch, they're model kits with a pretty good amount of variety in their main body builds. Come with pre-painted faces and sometimes a few other pieces, but will require detail painting and decals to look like their promo images.
Sylphy is a crossover between the FAG and DTA lines, with a very clever torso build, FAG-sompatible faceplates and a ton of articulation. Most other FAGs are a little lacking compared to MDs in terms of articulation, but make up for it by having more "solid" sculpts with fewer gaps.
Their designs are based on mechs from the Frame Arms line, with a few exceptions here and there.

MDs, by contrast, are a completely stand-alone line so they have much more varied designs, but they all use the same base body engineering so their builds start to feel a little same-y. They're generally more expensive than FAGs, but have better articulation (at the cost of a few more gaps) and come with more accessories. They may have a few more pre-painted pieces too, but you'd still want to do some detailing and decaling for them to look their best. Most MDs come with particularly massive decal sheets.

All of them use the same 3mm peg system, which makes them compatible with MSG add-on kits. Some FAGs and MDs also come with neck joint adapters for the other line, and some even come with Figma neck adapters so you can swap MD heads onto Figma bodies.

>I'm still trying to figure out the difference between DAs, FAGs, DAFAGs, and Megami Devices.

FAGs and MDs are model kits that you need to assemble yourself, they come painted in plain colors, but for a better looks you need to learn how to paint brush them, all these made by Kotobukiya

DAs are figures that are smaller than FAGs/MDs and comes assebled and painted, with some bits like parts of armour or a weapon that need to be assembled, but eazy entry level compared to regular model kits. these are made by Megahouse
The DA FAGs are FAG characters that Megahouse got the licence to made them in their line, same deal with the Fate DAs and LA DAs

>Also are FAGs based off an FA mecha
Yeah, Gourai and others of the girls are based of mechs that Kotobukiya introduced in their original mech line Frame Arms, pic related is the original Gourai where they based the girl Gourai design
The one you pointed in is an original Mech for the DA Flare Bunny sisters, but to be honest the Frame Arms mechs have a similar look


Attached: TOY-SCL-4890.jpg (400x600, 38K)

Came back from Akihabara
I dont give a fuck about mike, but the Christmas one is for a friend and the miku with the space invader is cute af
Spend around 15 usd each

Attached: IMG_20190526_194945-min.jpg (5168x3876, 1.28M)

What other figures do you collect aside from anime ones?

Attached: other figures.jpg (807x597, 103K)

I just got the Orchid Seed Super Sonic Nurse, everything looks good, if a bit fragile.
However the second pair of headphones she has does not fit. The black headband is to short and it doesn't fit over her head.

The first option is use a heat gun, but the black headband is pretty tough and thick, while the silver sections above it already malleable so I'm worried it will mess those up by the time I could stretch the black section.

And the only things I've seen online is that other people have the same issue, but they gave up.
Any advice or ideas?

Attached: 02aL.jpg (667x1000, 277K)

>And the only things I've seen online is that other people have the same issue, but they gave up.
why the heck you didn't check that first?

Because I didn't see it and the figure has been out for years.

Thanks for the boat load of info. I'm going to get the DA Sylphy and a FAG to try them out.

A few things, but this is Yea Forums.

I'm not a hamhands person but reading your description I wouldn't even try it.

Put the headphones in hot water, it will let the pvc be bendy for a bit.

Maybe they're designed to be held or hang around the neck, instead of go over the head.

Do you guys think it's possible to display this figure without the dildo?
This dumb dildo is a deal breaker.

Attached: slutmancer.jpg (534x800, 63K)

It's Orchid Seed, you shouldn't have to worry about parts not fitting on their figures, like with other companies like Mouse Unit where they'll say in the instructions you need to melt parts for it to fit properly.

This, just get some needle nose pillars after you soak it so you don't risk touch anything else, give it a few tugs to stretch it a bit and put it on.

Most likely, but its supposed to be the handle of the whole whip thing around her so you'll lose on plenty

Attached: 1558791607740.jpg (2400x3200, 1.63M)

If you like blonde, mandarake has sylphy with the kotoshop bonus

Attached: file.png (566x800, 1.04M)

Probably since it's a simple latch but the weld is the biggest offender imo.

>Japan will never make life-sized dolls like this that look fucking amazing
This is easily the closest way to obtain 2D greatness and they're still fucking around with the production.

The skindentation makes the figure worth it in my opinion
That's a good point. It looks tacky as fuck but I like the rest of the figure


do you think figma heads will fits on these? It's a 1/12 set.

Attached: _9115101888542.jpg (730x900, 479K)

Not a single Miku? I'm disappointed in you.

Skindentation is barely existant on that figure though, only the thighs, all straps are loose as fuck

Attached: 1545979237908.jpg (1088x1217, 344K)

I don't post pictures of my collection because all that does is summon hypercritical anons to bitch about the lighting, the composition, the quality of the camera, the presence of a dust speck, my taste, or all of the above.
One of them even tried to shame me for the molding my floors have, for god's sake. Fuck no.

Attached: IMAG1869.jpg (4000x3000, 2.15M)

"Not for sale" only means it wasn't offered for direct retail sale, genius.

Nice find on the Beast Illya if she's real. How much did you get her for?

There's really no generalization for if figma heads will fit, they don't really stick to a scale or consistent post sizes.

or you could, i don't know, ignore anything nonconstructive

The default headphones have a nurse cap like pic related. The ones that don't fit are Sonico's normal headphones, and they always go over her head.

Put it in warm water and it It worked, was able to stretch the black band enough for hte headphones fit. But the silver rails did warp a bit on their own though sitting in the water. Currently trying to fit them back in place.

Attached: [email protected] (667x1000, 51K)

>it's perfect
>but you can only buy it from TOM
Pick one.

A couple of different lines, which would be better suited for /toy/. Unfortunately, I'm having to cut back due to space constraints across the board.

Date Alive?

Most likely yes.
Also, is it me or does the face looks a bit weird?

I can't find her anywhere else, user.

Attached: file.png (350x350, 135K)

I love some sheen on a figure, but I'm not a fan of his style. So split on getting this.

How decent are the Griffon Touhou figures?

Most are pretty bad but there some decent ones sprinkled in. Just go on MFC and look at photos posted by users to see if what you're looking at is good or not.

Is she supposed to look like she's pissing that rainbow?

>shame me for the molding my floors have,
What the fuck?

I refuse to reduce the size of any of my pictures just because I know it's only phone posters who bitch about it. They can look at my 6000x4000 images and eat shit.

>I know it's
What's it like to know jack shit?

>t. phoneposter

Is there a good way to clean off a bit of paint?


Buy a magic eraser, you can find them in any super market cleaning section.

Magic erasers are way more abrasive than a regular eraser, they will strip mate finishing from skin and make it glossy if you are not careful.

Get it and report back

Desktop Army

traditionally the acronym used is DTA, not DA.

Only if you do a hard scrub, be gentle with it and you can take off the scuffs or paint marks and everything else is fine.

Magic erasers will remove the smooth silicon coating on the skin of new figures (alter, Amakuni) even a gentle scrub will damage it permanently.

Will buying a blacklight off amazon actually allow me to test for hotglue? If it turns out my figure was cummed on do I have any recourse with mada/amiami etc?

I think blacklights can pick up more than just "hot glue".

No fucking retard, I've used it plenty of times.

fuck you you fucking retard

It does, just look at the paint from an angle, it removes the mate coating.

Also why would you use it "plenty of times" on new figures?

not than user, but if I get a figure in with a minor paint spot I'd rather use a magic eraser than go through the hassle of trying to exchange it.

no and no

Attached: FIGURE-049134.jpg (600x600, 58K)

Just saying how is it plenty of times though, I have well over a hundred scales and maybe once a year I got one with a small paint transfer. And smooth silicon paint is relatively new

>they will strip mate finishing from skin and make it glossy
No it won't. It's true that it can remove the matte top coat but it will never leave the surface glossy, it will scratch the glossy coat and make it matte.
Source: Creos, they make melamine sponges specifically for that purpose. I can confirm because I use it.

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Don't worry about it. If you take a decent picture they'll just ignore it. I've improved over the last 3 years from getting shit on to not getting any replies when I post a pic.

This is silicon paint it's a layer of soft silicon on top of a glossy paint, it's not like rubbing abs or an injected plastic directly.

>It does, just look at the paint from an angle, it removes the mate coating.
That happens when you're rough, with ME you have to be extra careful if you're worried then you should use only a soft non greasy white rubber

>Also why would you use it "plenty of times" on new figures?

For many reasons, I've been collecting for 8 years, I've probably bought over two hundred scales.

Using it on a glossy surface will make it mate. Using it on silicon paint will even out the surface and make it more reflective, hence glossy.

Not fucking much may left

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In that case you can try chemicals like iso alcohol which won't damage silicone. Any mechanical means have a chance of damaging that coat no matter how careful you are.

dios mio

I've used alcohol before to remove ink, it's ok if you use it diluted.

Have you actually tried polishing silicone? The only way it can be glossy if it is cast into a super-smooth mold. Any rubbing will make it matte.

Again it's a thin layer of silicon as in micrometers thick. You are removing it and the regular paint Is under it making it glossy or at least more reflective than the surroundings.

When it's supper mate and you rub it off or even it out you make it more reflective though.

>rub it off or even it out you
that's why you do it very gently, i see no difference at any angle

A more fun color palette but face sculpt is still real bad.

I'm totally lost, so is a magic eraser good or bad? And what's the alternative if they're bad?

Soft white rubber.

from what I can gather they're only bad:
a) if you rub too hard
b) on certain materials and/or materials with certain coatings (not sure which as there seems to be some back and forth here)...

I've used MEs for figures before and they are by definition a mild abrasive, meaning you can take paint transfers off but want to be careful not to go too deep. I've never had an issue but it sounds like some newer figures might be more prone to damage(?)

Not bad for prize figures, the taito miku is especially cute.

What have you bought recently?
Not pre-order, buying it right away.

12-years old Shinobu and Alter Arcueid from Mandarake

A cute neko girl from Alter, should be here in a few weeks

Ryouko-chan no Harasuji

The instructions shows using a hair drier to get the shorts on since they clearly aren't fitting as is.
They can't be serious, can they?

Hair dryers are one of the easiest way to apply direct heat to something.

A bunny I swore I would not buy.

are you going to put it in the microwave instead?

I'm ham handed though and worried I'll fuck up something or break a peg.

Is there a better guide somewhere for this since I double checked the guide and there's nothing there and google search is only giving me a few youtube videos and they're pretty vague on the details.

A horse.

This tonk, some doujins, and discount plamo. Everything else has been preorders. It's kind of how I expect the hobby to be now.

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>discount plamo
Such as?

The Aoi Asra sisters. I even got the exclusive hair for Ninja for less than the price of the red versions.

The Aoi Asra sisters. I even got the exclusive hair for Ninja for less than the price of the red versions.

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Who the fuck will buy this? Anyone who want be arrested?

I want her

How do you feel about Christmas-themed figures?

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Why the trashbag?

Where else is she going to keep your brain?

why do people keep saying that flat-chest lovers are gonna get arrested?

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Good taste, especially if you got the kotoshop hair. Don't forget to show off samurai mode.

Your country arrest people for buy plastic toys?

it's to protect the fictional children depicted in the sculptur/doujins

I know, im still waiting for this to ship, hope everything's alright with it

Fuck forgot pic

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Don't visit Alabama.
Trust me.

I like where this is going.

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I have a problem with her because I like her design a lot and that's a killer fig imo. On the other hand, I don't care about her as a character and there are a lot of them I do care about, so I'll never spend money on her. So if one of you guys can just buy me a few, that'd be great and reasonable.

Generally good advice, but do they gaf about plastic butts? It's my understanding that they're fine on the federal level, although I guess states may work around that somehow. What was that cringeworthy legislation they tried to slip though a while back with the name with a bullshit insulting abbreviation? It was super duper tryhard and reminded me of how S.H.I.E.L.D. stands for some long, inane title but in actuality, "someone really wanted to to spell 'shield'".

this is amazing. japan is amazing.

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i want to worship this catgirl

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>no panty aqua is canon

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Federal law doesn't matter unless the courts intervene.

Sex toys are still banned in Alabama and one of those right wing judges upheld it. In fact, just avoid all right wing states since Florida just banned loli a few days ago.

see this loli doesn't look like she needs some serious food in her body like the other

damn, tanya is still ugly when turned into a figurine.
they should have used her manga or light novel design.

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this one isn't a loli, but she has some rib action going on.

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>just shipped

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I like ribs

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What a terrible fucking state.

You don't have to masturbate to your figures. Sometimes you can just like a design or art style....

Seems like more sex toys would result in less of those abortions they're concerned with amirite

Sodomy was illegal in a lot of states (or still is) and that includes getting a beej but obviously you're not going to get far trying to persecute that. I'd think sex toys are the same thing. I guess the real issue for us loliNEETo's is whether there has ever been a real prosecution that lead anywhere. I realize that just getting arrested probably ruins your life either way...but wouldn't that be true no matter which anime figures you had? You could have all charges dropped and get a formal apology engraved in stone from all concerned but everyone would still know about your Jack the Ripper daki.