>Is that for real? It feels like my will to continue writing keeps disappearing more and more. Maybe I should just get this series over with and go back to being an office worker. …Well, I guess I’ll aim for reducing one scheduled episode and finish it in the 17th volume for the time being!
Reddit fucked it up again. Why can't anything good ever came from that site.
Maruyama sad at Overlord overseas translation
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck japan, they don't want their shit pirated or fantranslated or whatever they should ensure there's a legal, easy way for foreigners to get stuff that isn't months or years behind the raw product
What's his problem here?
sasuga leddit
He's probably reached a far bigger audience due to free translations. Overlord is shit though so I hope he does stop writing
And another day reddit ruins everything
>have overseas fans willing to pay money to read/watch your work
>some of those fans are so passionate they will literally translate it for free
>instead of paying professional translators, instead of giving fan translators a pittance for their work, insist on dragging your feet for six months to a year
>act surprised when people just take the path of least resistance, save their money, and get the product in a convenient format months earlier
Why do they do it?
Wow I don't ever think I've actually hated an author before but this is just disgusting.
Has any Japboy besides Ryukishi07 actually worked with their fan translators rather than hate them?
Imo it's the publisher's false really.
Being 2 years late on everything and more often than not, having shitty sites that's hard to navigate as fuck with no E-Book option and shitty translation doesn't exactly make the product worth the money.
Fuze-sensei, author of Slime. He gave the ok
What exactly is his problem? That he has an audience that isn't paying for his shit, that he would otherwise not have at all? Why are Japs so retarded when it comes to piracy? It's incredible.
For some reason that's impossible to fathom publishing companies think that delaying books to be 6-12 months apart will somehow get people to hold interest in a work better and thus more likely to purchase it then releasing it quicker almost as if making people wait and forget about a work makes them care more about it then keeping it fresh in their mind.
>steal someone's work, do a shitty translation, and distribute it for free ahead of the legal release
>literally take money out of that person's pocket
inb4 a bunch of nobodies on the internet pretend to know more about international publishing and royalties than an author who has to deal with them
>. Maybe I should just get this series over with and go back to being an office worker
DO IT. Put an end to this pathetic series of yours that started so strongly but has become trash.
Fuck that one nip for snitching
>literally take money out of that person's pocket
Again, you can't lose sales that you never otherwise had to begin with. Who exactly would buy the Japanese release if they can't even speak Japanese, and how the hell would they read it?
The publishing process and royalties are irrelevant to the consumer. If a better solution arises, it's what the market will choose.
Fucking based Ryukishi working with Witch Hunt to release Ciconia in English on initial release. We don't deserve him
Blame your overlords for not providing speedy translations to gaijin.
So if I keep pirating it over and over I can force Maruyama into horrible inescapable debt?
and now he uses it as another excuse to quit writing the series he is already sick of writing.
>I-I'll go back to being an o-office worker!
what a fag
These are exactly right.
Not only are some publisher so shit at their official translation that some fan translation are better, their release schedules are such a fucking mess that nobody want to bother with it.
If any user want to see what a terrible publisher is, go and see Onepeacebooks with their Shield Hero translation. Absolute mess, I'm tellin ya.
Which is why they should improve and increase the speed of the legal release so people don't feel the need to fantranslate shit.
happens occasionally with doujin artists
I swear to god, if Ciconia comes out before the last two Higurashi books, or at least just Minagoroshi, I'm going to bomb their HQ Rena-style.
Overlord is dog shit though, he should be happy someone smart enough to hold an adequate grasp on the translation between two fairly different languages actually reads his retarded writing.
The problem is that the entire Japanese otaku media industry revolve around the concept of supporting the content creator. So readers are supposed to pay for products in order to support content creators so as to consume them and that's also why price of products in the market are higher than other comparable products in other markets. That is irrespective of how much the creator actually gain or will pirating actually give them.more or less revenue.
The only respectable publishing company is J-Novel club.
I met him. Got an autograph for a friend of mine in France. He was excited to hear that.
Then someone should tell them that they can go fuck themselves. If they're not putting in any effort in providing translated versions overseas, how can they possiby think that they're entitled to sales over there? How fucking retarded is that?
I'm gonna read the translation 5 times so I can steal even more money out of him.
>J-Novel club
They have a neat business model. And the price is not too high as well.
I wish every other publishers do the same tbqh. I mean, it's not that hard right?
What if I fucking pirate it because the translations are fucking slow?
lol, web novelists thinking their writing is worth shit. How can a web novelist have any pride?
Yeah well the Japanese should get with the times and realize we live in a globalist society. You can't expect people to pay when they feel like second class citizens.
Yeah, that element of respect for the creator is certainly lost culturally when we look at this through a western lens.
You are not supposed to question it. PIRACY ARE THREATENING THE LIFE OF WORKERS IN THE INDUSTRY according to Japanese government. That's why they bypassed their constitution just to block piracy sites from users, and get majority support for doing so.
is he mad because the sidenovel got translated? i mean how else can anyone outside of nipland could get it? im pretty sure all the avaiable copies has been sold already.
Barely any content creator in Japan think of their products globally. That's why you see many websites even specify that they are only serving or shipping to Japanese customers and reject mon-Japanese mailing address or credit card
>globalist society
One of the charm of Japanese media is that their products are jot that much globalized. If they are globalized then why won't the audience simply watch something from Hollywood instead?
Anime/manga/otaku culture is not necessarily created with a global image in mind, but the global market is huge and keeps growing. However the appeal of this media to the global audience partially lies in that they are so distinctively Japanese, so I don't see any Yea Forums tier fears of media being changed or watered down for wider appeal coming to fruition
Japan should just learn English, like the rest of the world.
Hey, I don't know who he is but this guy is pretty based.
Spot on observation as well. If I looked at it this way then piracy is suddenly not so bad all the sudden. It really is like a friend lending another friend his favourite book.
Some argue that because he (Neil Gaiman) is famous and well-renowned (I'd say he's fairly but not mega famous) this logic doesn't apply to smaller, unknown artists.
This is false, of course it fucking helps. Almost especially indies, who can't advertise their shit.
>passive-aggressively announcing you're going to make yourself less money on purpose because you think some people who can't buy your shit not buying your shit matters
Oh Japan.
Yeah, then why are you complaining when they treat their works with Japanese cultural value?
Good. Japs only exist to make me entertained with their anime/manga/lns/vns. The only appeal of these media is that I can get them for fucking free. If I was forced to pay for all the stuff, I would just drop it. And let's be real, most of the shit japan releases is fucking trash not worth a dime. Not to even mention they don't even care about sales in other countries, and don't do anything to make their works more available for people there, but instead choose to cry when someone who would probably never even hear of the author's works in their life if not for fan translated shit reads their stuff. Also Overlord is fucking garbage and he should stop writing it indeed.
To be fair.
It's on twitter and he's probably taking a shit while not thinking too much about anything replying to that tbqh.
who said i'm complaining?
>entitled piratefags are at it again with their mental gymnastics
Can't wait for the copyright reform.
>muh laws
Yeah that will change everything.
Yeah, its pretty sad.
I buy the books legitimately cause they look nice and the art in them is great. The translations leave a lot to be desired though, comparing them to the fan translations I'd already read for the same books. Nigel's stuff is equal or better usually. Yen Press should've just let him do the TL and then did a sensible release schedule instead of this bullshit of making people wait forever. I'm willing to wait cause for me the books are a collector's item, but not everybody has the cash for that.
Can you take your retarded bait shit to Yea Forums?
>Implying fan translation doesn't exist anywhere on the internet
>Yea Forums giving a shit about "piracy"
Sasuga noone knowing how the fuck the industry works as usual.
japanese shit wouldnt be nearly as popular in the west if fan translations didnt exist
official translations wouldnt exist without the fan translations
people only buy the official translations because they've read the fan translations
some series have been on the brink of being cancelled until fan translations gave them a huge boost in sales
piracy never hurts sales, but it sometimes increases them by a large amount
I buy things when there's an easy way to and I feel the service is worth it. If the Japanese won't treat me as a proper customer then fuck them.
>Fucking ungrateful faggot has a God damn dream job and still complains about it and wants to go back to being an office worker instead
The never on these fucking japs
kek poorfag
I'll make more copies of the translation to get more shekels from him then.
I didn't choose the poor life, the poor life chose me.
I bet you think making anime is a dream job too.
I mean, being an author when you want to write books is a dream job. I don't really know of any author's who are being forced at gunpoint to write instead of having any other job.
That's Twitter, not Reddit, you dingbat.
Fuck reddit though, isn't this the fifth time this happaned because of reddit can't stfu and let it be a secret club?
>nips can't provide goods to consumer
>are pissed when someone else does
Anime industry could be so much bigger it really is a shame nips can't into globalism.
you chose to be salty about it rather than just do the sensible thing and start a class revolution
>uses the word dingbat unironically
you're a massive faggot. also the jap was linking to reddit on twitter.
These people don't make nearly enough off of writing books. They usually work other jobs simultaneously to make ends meet.
Do you buy brazillian books?
Serbian books? Russian books?
French books?
Ever hear of a foreign author that is not japanese bitching about fantranslations? No?
Well guess what faggot, every other country works with competent publishers that find a way to translate the books in as many languages as possible in order to make most money possible.
Fuck retarded japs, they deserve everything they get.
He doesn't give a shit about that anyway. The only value is in it being "free".
sounds more like an excuse for him to end this series asap.
but a rushed end would also sucks for this series.
>Ever hear of a foreign author that is not japanese bitching about fantranslations? No?
How many other foreign series are so widely embraced by people all around the world? The anime and manga phenomenon is something that is unique to Japan.
Isn’t the big problem here that he spent time writing the side story as a bonus to boost the sales of a shitty anime second season and even a normal Japanese user would have had to fork over 300 dollars to get access to it, whereas the stinky gaijins bypass all that?
Wow yet another creator who had no intention to ever bring their works outside of Japan crying when someone does it for free.
Blame the speed of the licencor.
actual idiot, thats not how that works at all
Nigga should go back being a salaryman to write better.
How can japanese be so open to doujin and copyright infringement in fandom but be so unquivocally against fansubs?
Then why are they doing it if they don't want to do it and it's just a money and time sink?
I was looking for this. Seems like a no brainer.
>paying for LNshit
H.. he's just joking, right guys?
Doujins are semi-original works at least (not taking someone else's art/story and rereleasing it). It's far harder to argue that for a straight translation.
>harry potter novels
>twilight novels
>lord of the rings novels
>game of thrones and HBO in general
If he'd quit writing because of that, then he should quit. What a fag.
he's just trolling ahahaha
American companies just need to step up. Chinese/Korean localization never have these issues and they're pirate central.
I bet the French even have better models for official translation.
>writing one of the most popular low effort LN isekai shit n°8282
>not a dream job
Lets see:
Tintin, Asterix and Obelix, Lucky Luke to name a few comics.
When it comes to books, you have to be retarded to ask me this question.
Dostoyevski, Lav Tolstoy, Bulgakov,Alexander Dumas, Albert Camus, Emile Zola, Victor Igo, Charles Boudelaire....
The list goes on and on...
>actually thinking he's serious and not just looking for more excuses to quit so his editors don't force him to keep writing
Brainlets, all of you.
Why do you even post on Yea Forums if you could be doing something real with your life?
Not even being facetious, everyone's drawn to do things they like even if it's illogical.
The French buy more manga than Americans so I wouldn't be surprised. There are tons of series that have official French translations that will never see the light of day in English.
The nip publisher can threaten to pull the series from the licensor if they don't do translation in reasonable time.
But they don't give a fuci about gaijin.
the french do not. in fact no western country has a good company that quickly translates and sells japanese literature and manga.
the overlord english fan translation is actually done by the chinese. kaguya-sama and many other manga leaks on Yea Forums are usually done by koreans.
i have never seen an early leak come from a western nation.
That's for japanese authors to do. But no, they instead blame consumers and fantranslators.
That must be it.
Sure is.
No, you're the actual idiot.
To be fair, manga in Europe is mostly reasonably priced, so people actually buy it. American prices for some reason are twice as much.
who was the author that stole the translations back and started selling them? That was pretty kek worthy
Maruyama's novel is one of the most successful LN's right now, there's absolutely no fucking way he's not making a living off of it.
yeah can't wait for murder to become illegal hahaha
Then explain it to me, clearly you know something I don't.
>downloads= lost sales
Actual low IQ post. What's sadder is that most nips are brainwashed to think the same
That's not how licenses or translation works.
The real problem here isn't that Overlord's publisher does this, it's that most publisher do this. Even if Overlord offered a masterful, constantly updated translation in convenient formats at low prices, they'd still be fighting for a demographic that has gotten used to piracy, and has developed a culture that makes piracy internally acceptable and incredibly convenient. It's incredibly hard to get people to pay for something they expect to get for free; just look at the market for videogames in Eastern Europe.
I think it's less of a lost sales mentality and more of the "supporting the author" type thing, even if it's "symbolic" and has no material value.
Nips are super collectivist and are obsessed with formalities.
Still dumb though, because we're on the other side of the fucking planet.
Based. We should pirate more so that they stop making garbage like Edgelord.
Yeah I can see the similarities to cheeki breekis.
How does go so well in Asia though? Is the market just so massive that it offsets any rampant piracy?
They are not that rampant as you think in Asia.
i've always thought about this when i was playing on steam. one of the ways steam managed to capture eastern europeans was by offering mods and online play.
the equivalent of doing that for a novel would be to allow users to upload their own fanart alongside the official novel and maybe we'd be able to illustrate every page that way by sheer manpower. people would certainly pay for that sort of thing over a pirated version that only comes with text.
Yes of course, which is why they deserve everything they get.
Asian people just don't do fan translation at all man.
Most of them are not even aware that piracy is an option. They didn't spend as much time on the internet outside of their social media I supposed.
That's a bit silly, but something like an English audiobook version might be more enticing.
Yeah, nobody translates to Chinese or Korean, ever.
wouldn't that just get pirated like music does? fanart gets new additions every day.
I think the early translation companies tried that and ended up failing since they need an established fanbase to turn a profit.
Companies are still translating too slow, but translating at warp speed means the books come out too fast for our side of the market to even get word of mouth out while the companies are still bogged down with the expenses from publishing so many books.
japan officially serializes their manga in china and korea. they get what japan gets the same day it releases.
What a faggot he does not love his work he just want to make cash out of it.
Why would anybody want to have fanart crammed into the margins of an already illustrated book?
These aren't foreign. They don't have problems with fan translators.
They have the fastest fansubs/doujin scans/rips though.
Do they have problems with fan translators taking away their money?
The same reason people read picture books. Also Japan makes really lewd high quality fanart.
Are you a brainlet? Have you looked at a China? They're the masters of pirating. Even Overlord was fan translated to English from the Chinese TL.
slavs started buying on steam because it became much more affordable with regional pricing
>Overlord's writer is a whiny entitled hack
>Log Horizon's author is a law-breaking dipshit
>SAO's author is a greater evil to all anime than 4kids in their heyday
Light Novels were a mistake
I admit if it wasn’t for the fan translation I would’ve bought the books by now.
Yes but these are light novels, these ARE illustrated. Leaving aside every other problem with that idea, fanart would just be redundant.
They are no longer popular in Asia, even certain Chinese licensed video sites claim that fansub are now so insignificant that it doesn't worth their effort to try fight against them
>SAO's author is a greater evil to all anime than 4kids in their heyday
Slow down there user, there are already plenty of works with good female characters and no rape like how the fuck does he make a difference.
>Complain about people wanting others following the law
>Complain about people not following the laws
Make up your mind.
Overlord is garbage and Maruyama sucks dick.
It's incredible how garbage like this can become popular and inflate author's ego to this degree.
MMO Isekai is a blight and SAO is what started this terrible spam.
>I think the early translation companies tried that and ended up failing since they need an established fanbase to turn a profit
How is it different from late translation?
Also the cost of publishing should be a lesser issue if the early translation was primarily spread through e-book format, which is what people are used to anyway.
Still tons of badly done lowest common denominator pandering in those LNs.
Tax evasion is a graver crime than pirating shitty books
That's because China gets super fast official releases. They don't need fan translations.
every time he releases a volume he becomes #1 monthly seller in japan. he was top light novel seller of 2018 in america. maybe he's getting too comfortable in his position but his books are definitely good.
When does someone actually make an attempt on that piece of shit author's life? Or at least a large group of people harassing the subhuman author on Twitter till he flees? I'm kinda bored complaining for the 50 millionth time about SAO's writing sins
there's so many shit eaters on Yea Forums that like SAO anime and light novels.
>shitty translation
I've had a look at the official Overlord translation and its vastly better than the clunky, overtly literal fan translations. The former actually reads like English rather than a polished version of Google Translate. But I think some fans have gotten used to these shitty translations and consider them to be normal and don't like decent translations.
more its omnipresent and being cheap enough that buying a weekly manga won't inconvenience your wallet.
the majority of manga sales are impulse purchases by people buying other things.
>Let's see, I need a new lightbulb for my lamp, and I ran out of scotch tape the other week, may as well get a drink while I'm here, oh hey Jump is out I guess I'll read that on the subway home
I thought based on all the normalfags with pseudo standards + e-celebs being a thing on Reddit more edge and hate would be aimed at the author. He's basically Al Kahn/Carl Macek MK-III in terms of evil
Then again I don't think most of SAO's hatedom want to become the Sons of Kojima
Piracy is a service problem. See: how dead fansubbing got once a half decent licensed alternative happened.
If people have a choice between releases 2 years behind the Japanese raws or 2 days behind the raws do you really think they're picking the latter because its free?
Japanese publishers don't think there's a market outside Asia. You literally cannot kill piracy with digital products but by making a product affordable and easy to purchase you can turn some of the would be pirates into customers; the issue here is the lack of care and interest by these publishers to make their product available to the western market. If we got everything legally we would have to wait 6+ months for anything to be released in at least english and Japan still does the retarded exclusive content events where either you are phisically where the event is being hosted or you're fucked.
The Otaku industry as a whole is living in the last century, we live in the age of digital media and shit getting done as fast as posible and these fuckers can't wrap their head around that fact.
No because they made sure, even in their time, to have their books translated in english.
The only book from a famous foreign author that is not officialy translated in english that i know
about is "200 Years together" by Alexander Solzenytzin.
And that again is the fault of the publishers because some influential rabbis that have ties to major publishers in america refused the translation to be published.
So yeah that book is from 2004 and only has fantranslations because the publishers are retards.
I guess SAO is a masterpiece.
So the problem seems to be localised to Japan.
You churn out a book and you have to pay all the associated expenses. You churn out 20 books and you have to pay the expenses for 20 books while even your speediest customers have only got to book 3.
If you publish it too fast, the customers won't have enough money to buy the books as they come out if the publisher didn't manage to grab the series while they're only 1-2 books behind or the customers won't have time to realize the books were for sale.
Ebooks fix at least some of the old problems but ebooks were not remotely as popular or viable back when all of the original translation publishers went bankrupt.
It's like maxing out your credit card with all of the debt you'd be expected to have for the next 5 years within the first month instead of buying at a pace you can afford.
Sure, because tax are good, right?
Yes everyone should be forced to purchase a Japanese copy for the low low price of $150 because otherwise the emotional wreck of a writer will ruin his own series just to spite his fans.
If i liked the book i would have bought it just for the sake of having it, but now when i know the writer hates me and is intentionally ruining his book i honestly want a refund of my time spent reading this.
When it comes to books, yes.
No one would give a shit about writing if the artwork was shit, but his series’s artwork is mostly shit anyways so he should count his lucky blessings.
I feel like I'm starting to see this more and more and it really feels like a lot of the problem is both on the lack of translators and the lack of skill of existing translators. You could probably count on your fingers the amount of competent highly skilled translators that actually work on shit like anime or manga. The rest are amateurs at best who pretty much go off the minuscule language knowledge they learned in school. Yet professional translators are very expensive, amateur translators are a dime a dozen and retards who can't wait for TLs and end up making some duwang tier machine translation for a work are abundant. Makes me wonder how viable it would be to contact the authors as an independent and get rights to officially TL their series. At least that way I know their work will be handled properly and it won't take an actual eternity for other shit companies or fansubbers to ruin it. I'm mad.
It is, faggotron
>admonishing or justifying reading fan translations of a BOOK on an anime dedicated image board
Anyone with half a Brain would know better than Climb that mountain of shit in such an inappropriate place. Did someone seriously just Go Gin this thread and expected to see an adventure in the New World of Copyright?
What a whiny cunt. Someone link him this thread so he can see me tell him to go kill himself.
light novels =/= narou
Blame the american distribution system. Print titles need to be solicited a year. in advance
>You churn out a book and you have to pay all the associated expenses. You churn out 20 books and you have to pay the expenses for 20 books while even your speediest customers have only got to book 3.
We're talking about early or late translation. The number of books published per year will still be the same even with early translation, the difference will be that you get the new ones and not the old ones, so I don't see how the oversaturation argument applies.
Besides, when looking at stuff like Netflix and stream subscription I begin to think you have higher benefit if you have a larger pool of media that you can then bundle and resell or redistribute these days, so the risk of oversaturating the market with products I don't think is that large anyway.
here's your (You)
>retards who can't wait for TLs and end up making some duwang tier machine translation for a work are abundant
That's why I've stopped reading LN and WN fan translations. Their quality is almost always utter shit.
>bothering with overlord to begin with
He should be thankful people are giving his work any attention.
J novel club is pretty good.
No, fuck you. Do you see how short those arms are? Do you see it? It's terrible, fuck off!
>they should ensure there's a legal, easy way for foreigners to get stuff that isn't months or years behind the raw product
This isn't Japans fault, it's Yen Press.
JNC and SSE have shown they can catch up to series pretty quickly (4-5 volumes per year) while then keeping a steady pace behind Japan.
Yen Press for some reason likes doing 2-3 volumes per year. They've shown they can do 4 volumes (such as for Index) but don't for some reason.
LuckyDog1 translator and YURA.
Tennenouji/YURA gave her the okay to translate the VN, SS and manga provided she didn't make any profit off them. In exchange, if any were licensed she would be the translator for them.
Mangagamer licensed the VN and she's translating it. Now some are pushing for SSE to pick up the manga.
so instead of settling for speedscan or waiting for the official release, you just give up.
Anime/manga/ln translation pays pretty shit. If you know Japanese you'd probably might as well translate for Toyota or something.
It's not hard but you'd need to pull some strings like Fakku.
I'd rather read official releases because they actually read like English.
>who can't wait for TLs
It's not about waiting, there's simply too much stuff to expect them to be reasonably licensed in the current climate.
>that's also why price of products in the market are higher
Pretty sure that's because of the 1 million layers of dumb jap bureaucracy being so inefficient even with their usual 16 hour workday.
If this dumb nigger really wanted these dumb filthy gajins money he would just start a patreon account and get more money than he's payed right now.
I don't know how people stand translation by an ESL, or even worse ESL from a source that isn't even JP.
Light novel authors are mostly amateurs with tenuous grasp of writing in Japanese anyway so I see it as fitting.
Only reason his work is even remotely popular is because the art looks straight out of a shitty western video game company like bioshock or something
Yeah. The worst are the fan translators who like to insert "witty" comments inside the text they're "translating".
I remember the days when every other manga scan was like that.
noone reads light novels for the artistic prose and sophisticated ideas.
Nigel-sama's fan translations are of high quality, desu. Some say they're even better than the official translations.
People think language degrees are meme so it can't be helped.
>Maruyama going full Spoony
It's worse for novels, just imagine if scanlators inserted comments inside the text bubbles.
The book publishers need to have a rough guess on how many books will actually sell and get as close to it as possible. Anything over is a loss. Less time for data= larger margin of error.
And you keep on trying to input new formats when I'm talking about all of the first generation anime book translations that went bankrupt specifically due to oversaturation. Stuff from 10 or 20 years ago didn't have netflix models to reference.
The modern companies can all look back on what happened to their predecessor and it naturally makes them cautious.
Imagine being this obsessed with cock.
I learned Japanese.
No it wasn't worth it.
But nobody except small literally who publishers who have nothing to lose takes J Novel seriously. Kadokawa gives them expired leftovers that nobody else wants like Amaburi and FMP to shut them up and that's all.
This is hilarious when you can have americans selling 3000 books on indiegogo or gofundme for 200k. Learn to monetize, japan
>people still like Overlord
He can pull whatever he wants out of his ass with Ainz because he's a p2w faggotnplot armor.
It's impossible to steal information. You're insane.
The whole isekai concept is really, really fucking easy. In the time since I clicked on this thread I thought of a premise for one. The working title is "SOS. I Woke Up Trapped In An Infinite Dungeon". Also, fantasy isekai is the premise of the entire Ultima series.
>Being a whinny faggot.
I'm convinced now that Ainz is Maruyama self insert.
All taxes should be evaded. He should move to a real country that respects his rights and doesn't steal.
Check out the JIN manga, author decided to publish the english manga through Patreon, he's making quite a decent amount of money
The whole isekai shit is equivalent to Rob Schneider movies.
Coming up with a concept is far easier than actually doing something good with it, which is why almost every isekai is shit. Though of course their concepts are usually shit as well and typically get abandoned a few chapters into the story so that it can turn into the typical isekai drivel.
>All taxes should be evaded.
Go live in Somalia if you dream of some ancap utopia.
Yes, Kadokawa are old corporate greedy shits.
Atleast JNC is more open to their public and iirc they are planning on scaling up their bussines model soon
Too muzzie. I'll be in Somaliland, thank you.
Nah that's bullshit, I wanted to read up to date Goblin Slayer but the publisher refuses to publish it quickly so I pirate it. I am a legit person who buys these things on the regular too and they pushed me to this. There are a lot of people like me who pirate out of spite instead of cheapness.
That word again.
Nope. Specifically for discs like blu ray, they tried to lower the price, but the result shows that people who would pay for those blu ray doesn't care about the price so lowering the price only lower the sales.
Well now you get that with official translations, so we're full circle
And English isn't Japanese market.
9/10 company with great physical releases, would be 10/10 if the wait between the "preview" chapters and the official e-book releases weren't so long
Any examples?
Licensing a novel and then taking one fucking year to publish the first volume followed by another six fucking months of waiting for the next one is an insult towards the fans, no company wants to license LN series with +10 published books for a reason.
I'm talking specifically about anime & manga. I don't even know where I'd get an official LN here that isn't 100 miles away from me.
>Log Horizon's author was found dead and filled with the cum of Somalian pirates
and his solution is to write less and reduce the quality of his work to spite the fans? there are examples of manga authors who did this when they got the axe memo and they never worked in the industry again.
Which still ongoing officially licensed translation is the furthest behind the original manga?
I outright stated that they should be translating faster anyway and merely stated the reasons that cause the retarded delays. Does noone in this thread know how to fucking read?
>supporting the content creator
I'm willing. He can create a Pathreon, SubscribeStar or whatever and I will donate.
They wouldn't have a problem if they published outside of Japan for weebs and updated their archaic royalty laws.
So which manga is it? I've never seen any notes/comments except those stupid sound effects because they don't want to hire a redrawer.
based homeless neet
>They wouldn't have a problem if they published outside of Japan for weebs
So you're breaking the rule just because they aren't selling what you want?
>updated their archaic royalty laws.
No one talking about royalty here, just the gesture of paying
You've never seen any ""localization"" that makes out of place jokes only relevant to a westerner?
Not manga but Index is behind by like 22 novels
The only way for that to work is if everyone who read it are forced to give money to the author
>it wasn't worth it.
How come?
Fuck Westerners.
They ruin everything.
i think fukumoto said they are fine as long as they don't negatively affect the japanese sales
The manga is behind the novels by almost one and a half series now too.
So I assume you aren't?
Hard to.compete with a literal printer
the guy writing the anime and outlining the scenes is probably more of a dream job than the guys animating it
>isekai concept is really, really fucking easy
Most concepts are. It's 99.9% execution what counts.
Why? I'm willing to just give it away.
I want to support an author, but I don't need an official product of any sort from him or the publisher. Pirating is perfectly adequate for me.
Why do I need a middleman besides PayPal or similar?
he's probably a SEAnigger or a spic
and without culturalization of course. I wouldn't buy cenosored and culturized crap even if it was released before original Japanese release.
I mean, if there's a joke they can't get across without doing that, and their target audience are the average western weebs then there's nothing particularly wrong with it.
Well he went for meme translation with the side story. It got fixed a day afterwards or so but yuriniggers and the goal of all life is dick certainly weren't high quality translation.
>reddit ruining light novels again
Color me surprised, bunch of entitled faggots.
Yeah let's see you sell then.
I do memes for all the drafts. They're (usually) gone in the finished product.
>stupid sound effects because they don't want to hire a redrawer.
redrawing SFXes should be punished with sending to gulag for 10 years.
Overlord is shit, hope he never writes again.
Go away Nigel
>So you're breaking the rule just because they aren't selling what you want?
Literally yes, how else are we going to read it?
>No one talking about royalty here, just the gesture of paying
Royalties are important, it's how the authors get paid in the first place. Maruyama is throwing a bitch fit because his publisher is taking all his money and he doesn't know any better, probably because he's a brain dead office worker at heart.
>Does noone in this thread know how to fucking read?
You're on Yea Forums.
fuck you
I just went further and further down the rabbit hole.
Leave while you can.
$14 for a 200 page book also doesn't help.
Fuck I'd prefer something the size of an old paperback to this bloated crap with giant margins they're putting out. Put them in the real sci-fi fantasy section rather than in the manga section.
I want to, fortunately Maru is going to stop writing soon and I'll never have to touch the series again.
You better pick some good shit after he fucks off
spoken like a true yurinigger
Again, the point isn't how much money exactly he will be getting, but the fact that people are paying to read it.
Go away, Donte.
Now that we have an Evil Eye spin-off, we deserve a Zettai Zetsumei spin-off as well.
>Why? I'm willing to just give it away.
>I want to support an author, but I don't need an official product of any sort from him or the publisher. Pirating is perfectly adequate for me.
>Why do I need a middleman besides PayPal or similar?
This attitude demoted the status of the work from being a product for people to buy and enjoy to become something less worthy
>ahead of the legal release
>EEside story will get a legal release
What drugs are you taking? Not even the Japanese Release is properly available a real western release is virtually impossible.
I don't care, i will keep stealing and if i like the product i will support you
Depends on what comes up. Overlord was my first LN and frankly speaking S2 and S3 have killed most of my interest in it. The main storyline is kind of boring now, the side materials like the Human Understanding RPG were way more fun.
>Does no one in this thread know how to fucking read?
You're in an LN thread, what do you think?
Fuck paying for shit, and fuck reading books with 1 picture every chapter
Why? He sells something like a token which says that I'm a true Overlord supporter and I have a moral(and maybe legal) right to read volume №N in any way, shape or form.
Which one? I don't read paperback. And the cost of distribution for the digital stuff is virtually zero.
Or he can appease shonenfags and transport Nazarick back into his dystopian future. This could be an actually good arc, because most, if not all supreme ones are here.
Overlord books only sell like 10k copies in English. The author would be lucky to make $5k per book off of American sales. Yeah go back to working in an office faggot I'm not waiting 15 months for a translation.
>>reddit ruining LN shit again
fucking based
nip mangos are actually really cheap. it's anime that's overpriced through the ass
If I was a highly skilled translators I certainly wouldn't work on fucking chinese cartoons
This is why Overlord will always be second or third tier LN/WN. Unlike Konochadba
Nice excuses for wanting to earn more from the Mobage Maruyama.
I don't blame him though, the latest chapters were pretty repetitive and weren't as entertaining as the earlier ones. Its pretty clear he's written himself into a corner and has no idea to proceed. All these tweets are just to gauge the audience reactions for how far he can drag this on. Its a shame but he didn't plan his narrative well enough.
What the fuck is his problem? This side story will never have an official english release anyway. At this point he's just being an ass.
What's the story here?
so. redpillme on this "side story" is it good bros? whats about, does it have sex? would i fap to it?
Yen on release at a rate of 3-4 months per volume now, its getting faster for them catching up atleast, they've just got to speed up a bit more and then focus on speeding up on sorting the licensing problems for latest volume released.
He wouldn't be complaining about piracy if he made enough money. You think Oda complains about One Piece fan translations on the internet? Maruyama is either being a miser or a little bitch.
based privateer of japanese children's books
It has Ainz-sama, called Satoru Suzuki this time, so that should be enough for you to fap to.
A highly skilled translator would translate instruction manuals or work in foreign affairs and make metric fucktons of money.
It depends. Can you get off to the undead dragon covered in armour which mostly consists of rotting human corpses?
>These people don't make nearly enough off of writing books
So just stop doing it then if it's just a pain in the ass. You low end people can't fathom people doing something for any other sake than useless greed.
Yeah, I guess Twilight was also a masterpiece.
Isekai is trash for suicidal salarymen. Overlord is still a terrible MMO gary stu garbage even if world building is a bit better than average LN trash.
The rezero author literally works as a butcher
If they did exactly what you said then we will have 0 anime in the world.
To be fair, if one adjusts to the population size, I believe it would be "The Common Sense".
I've skimmed through it, it's actually pretty good.
Overlord being #1 has more to do with LN sales dropping.
It did 800k in 2018. In 2015-16 top LN would have around 1.5 million sales. Isekai shit is fucking killing the LN industry.
>they don't even care about sales in other countries
can you blame them? even the shittiest flavor of the month battle shonen/isekai/harem usually sells more than 100k copies/volume. i don't think even dragon ball in spic countries can achieve that.
>Writing books doesn't bring in enough money
>don't do it then if money is all you care about
>b...but muh anime would not exist with that mentality
You are retarded aren't you?
This is complete bullshit.
Chinese/Korean scanlation sites release faster than western ones. Often it's easier to find chinese translations than raws.
Truly, LN line should be 'Still needs to meet very low standards of edition.'
WN should be 'perfect'.
isn't demon king protagonist only in like 3 or 4 popular isekais?
I can only name overlord and that slave catgirl one off the top of my head but I'm sure there were more
>maybe i should
>for the time being
he is just trying to make people feel bad for him if he wanted to stop writing he would but he knows that this shit is vastly better than being an office worker.
>eop faggots ruin everything yet again
Wow what a surprise. Fucking reddit.
Learn Japanese already, scum.
>fortunately Maru is going to stop writing soon and I'll never have to touch the series again.
But why would Nigel-sama do it in the first place if he didn't enjoy it?
>Tax evasion is a graver crime than pirating shitty books
oy vey
>overlord #1 seller in Japan
Why are there so many westaboos in nippon now?
>it's a humiefag episode
Wait, how did Reddit ruin this?
It doesn't matter, most media that's 100% money and 0% passion is garbage 100% of the time.
Japan isn't the entirety of Asia.
Are they really dropping though, or just becoming more spread out now that there is more choice.
twilight undeniable supplied something that was more in-demand than other authors realized
>assravaged xenophobic nips keep shooting themselves in the foot
Fucking brainlet, neck yourself.
100% this. If some stupid niggers on the internet can release a translation (generally of better quality than the official ones) a day or two after its nip release, then they should be able to too.
Interestingly, you're describing anime before 2009 when simulcasts became a thing
Remember Code Geass? And again, light novel sales dropped by half in few years. It became a joke industry thanks to SAO and shit that followed.
The likes of Moshidora sold more than entire 2018 top20 combined.
Reminds me of that one big WN contest a few years ago where the Isekai genre got banned and the winners ended up being some good quality stories
Vampire smut was a thing for decades. Twilight just hit the teenage girls audience better than rest.
I did enjoy it at first, but now it's getting repetitive and the fanbase is starting to get really annoying (plus S3 ruined SPLAT, which was what got me into the series).
Seriously, ignore isekai and haremshit trash and suddenly LN industry is not even bad.
>oh no people outside this dystopian shithole where I live like my work
>oh no they like it so much some started learning my mother language to read my work
>oh no some of them are so into my work they created entire sites/forums/threads about it
>oh no some like my work so much they want a shitty fantranslation so they can read asap
>oh no real fans actually buy my shit once it comes out translated or even buy it in original
What's this shit mentality. Actual fans buy physical copies as soon as the official translations come out anyway, buy overpriced subpar merch, and often buy the original JP versions to support the author directly. I know I do.
The fuck am I supposed to do, buy something I can't read and then don't seek out a translated version? If official sources are literally years behind, I'm looking for something else.
Fucking hell, if I wrote/created something and I learned that I have fans all around the fucking world I'd be elated.
"""Piracy""" only gives visibility, I would have never come to know Overlord if it wasn't for it, I would have never had the pleasure of reading works from the likes of Hiroaki Samura, Jiro Taniguchi, Shin'ichi Sakamoto and so many more - and then BOUGHT physical copies when available/I could afford it.
I hope some 2ch user will translate this thread and my post for Maruyama to see.
I'm not into Overlord because of that disgusting piece of crap anime adaptation, I'm into it because some people dedicated their time to translate some obscure work all those years ago.
What do you think of Isekai Quartet?
I like it, personally. Episode 5 was kino.
Books and anime.and manga are all in same situation
Would almost-simultaneous publishing work in the LN industry?
This reminds me of Disgaea RPG, Nippon Ichi fucked up its release and it had to go for a month of maintenance with only about 2-3 hours of actual gaming time. They blamed the servers crashing on "excessive logins from overseas" but even after banning all non JP IPs the servers still crashed. And now Nippon Ichi is having trouble paying its staff (its stock price already dropped by 30% because of the whole fiasco).
>$14 for a 200 page book also doesn't help.
Seriously? Americucks paid 14usd for a copy of LN? They're like 600 yen per copy in Japan. Licensed LNs in Thailand also cost somewhere around 600 yen too.
At least SAO didn’t have shit art unlike these shitty western inspired artstyles.
>ignore huge market for decades
>treat your own domestic market like literal cash cows for decades
wtf?! why won't gaijin understand that IT CAN'T BE HELPED. our retarded corporate structures are TRADITION and CANNOT BE CHANGED.
nips are truly pathetic cucks.
It's still mostly shit, but slightly less.
I haven't actually watched beyond the first episode, should I? It didn't really grab me.
>just ignore all the good stuff and it’s not bad
Everything is mostly shit. Literally everything.
Think the Death March author went a-okay with the WN translation since it's apparently quite different.
The S1 anime was actually decent, but S2 and S3 were steaming piles of shit.
Imagine having taste this horrible.
Not to mention top selling light novels of all time are not harem or isekai.
LNs are basically books. Wouldn't work quite as well.
Imagine caring about shit other than how good the art and girls are and not self inserting.
Learning Zipanguese rots the mind.
I'm biased, since I like it, but I think you should. You're not losing much, since each episode is only half as long as a regular episode.
Tbh I went into Isekai Quartet with really low expectations, especially because:
>clearly Kadokawa shill show
>FOUR isekai shows meeting up together
>in a high school setting
>all in the chibi art style
However, I was pleasantly surprised.
There's conflict between Aqua and Ainz in the second episode, since Aqua fucking hates the undead
Well yeah, the price doubles because there is one more intermediary and because the japs also want to squeeze a bit more of money out of the filthy gaijins
Imagine if they included the LN bonuses that every single fucking popular novel has
If you enjoy video game mechanics isekai you are literally vermin destroying the industry and should be executed.
Overlord doesn't treat video game mechanics as you would expect it to. Unless you haven't watched it.
Remember when that jap developer was so mad that foreigners were buying his porn game that he added timed Kanji quiz tests all across the game?
Good times.
Meanwhile, Liru dev changed his twitter pic to some meme image made by western fans.
>Maruyama is disappointed that people are putting this effort in simply to enjoy his series while they got no other way to read it besides the first few volumes.
The japanese confuse me everytime, even if this is a bad excuse for him shortening it because he is scared of all the chekhov guns he loaded for Overlord.
Some series the authors are even happy to hear that despite no english releases they have a dedicated fanbase in the west.
jap autism never ceases to amaze me
>he added timed Kanji quiz tests all across the game
Fucking kek
>his face when there are weebs who could probably also pass those quiz tests
At the very least, it's dumb to expect people to pay even if you aren't even bothering to cater to them because they found a bypass on their own.
Racism. It's the secret club mentality applied to an entire nation.
We should do the same thing on Yea Forums
It applies to other industries as well. Look at how huge Starcraft got simply through pirated copies and word of mouth. Then look at how it bombed with SC2. They didn't even spend 1/1000th the budget on SC1/BW combined, but SC2 retains absolute jack shit no matter what they pump into it, to the point where they need SC1/BW remastered just to stay relevant.
Roughly, Yen Press started translating Overlord light novels since 2016, around the launch of volume 10 - the japanese release.
Yen Press roughly does 2-3 volumes per year for Overlord.
Maruyama threatens to wrap up his series because we have to wait for Yen Press for the next two years to play catch-up when his next volume is around the corner?
He has thousands of fans outside japan that are just as eager to hear the latest translations and spoilers, with a good average of said fans buying the official releases.
Fuck his faggot-ass attitude. Run it to the ground if that is enough to kill your motivation and passion for writing.
I'm not interested in the 'other' factors leading to it either, Maruyama choose to publicly get bent over this over anything else.
I hope his DnD group bullies him for getting cucked by a bunch of 9g*g retards.
Surely you're not that stupid?
I saw parts of that, but at least Kazuma has some fucking common sense. I guess I'll go DL and watch it then.
ah, yes
Was SC2 that bad? I only ever played the first and only pirated copies.
what a bitch. and him being such a crybaby over it, threatening the fans (are there any?) with series stoppage, just goes to show how arrogant he is. no wonder Ainz is such a shit protagonist: The author is trying to self-insert. honestly I wouldn't mind it if Overlord stopped being a thing, the series never explored themes that originally interested me in its universe. but threatening the fans and throwing that weak-ass martyr shit, "office worker", is unforgivable. I'm sorry you guys have to deal with a princess like that for a series you love.
By the way, is it true that you (assuming you are Nigel-sama) translate Chinese to English after it has been translated from Japanese to Chinese?
Why are you talking about hypothetical scenarios when Overlord has one of the worst translators in all of Yen Press working on it?
I always thought Genghis Khan would be a better Grand Rider while Lu Bu would be a good Lancer, since he was strong but was always saddled with bad masters.
Then that makes it a masterpiece in vampire smut.
I don't disagree, but the proportions may be slightly different depending on the genre and the medium. Isekai WN might be the worst of it all as the medium is self-edited and thus has absolutely no filters, while the genre tends to crystalize the worst cliche.
I do. Usually I do my best to doublecheck against the original Japanese (mainly for the romanizations) and as a form of self-proofreading but in this case the raws are nonexistent. I have some Japanese experience but I don't consider myself good enough to go entirely from JP (and the baidu translator microbes are actually pretty good at their job too)
The author of Hyakuren (Master of Ragnarok) actually quit his job to become a LN writer so he could have enough time to raise his daughter as a single dad, at his previous job he couldn't afford the cripplingly expensive evening childcare needed for his long working hours and all the jobs with shorter hours were women-only, plus the financial assistance was single mother only and as a single dad he wasn't eligible. So he entered an LN contest, won, and got a publishing deal.
tl;dr if you're a single dad in Japan who can't afford childcare then it's a dream job
They didn't ask you to look at their work, and you did so, so it's your obligation to follow their rules.
>the baidu translator microbes
What do you mean by this?
Join the furry and finish TAS, it's literally Chinese Touch Me so just think of it as a side story.
So any user that has more knowledge about this world, how come he has published 13 books, has manga and anime and some other products (which I imagine he gets royalties for it) keeps bitching about having to go back to work a desk job? Didn't he make enough money already to just retire if he wanted?
That's an exaggeration, the worst translators in all of Yen Press are the random jokers they got for NGNL and Danmachi.
QA/TLchecking guys I guess?
He's just being an ass
Sasuga Japanese men. They don't screech about their problems; they go and get results.
I hope he didn’t make enough money to retire off of this westaboo trash.
The TL team call themselves translator microbes.
I'm sorry, I don't understand this.
Anyway, thanks for all the hard work, Nigel-sama. Your efforts have been greatly appreciated by this guy.
Either he got cucked by the publisher or he doesn't know how to invest/save money
Look at the image here Japanese content creators that create thing for sell doesn't like this model.
They even had to invest into the SC1 scene again for pro level play. Like at one point it was practically dead when SC2 was fresh, but lo and behold. It's like the NFL and the XFL, except I think the XFL pumped less dosh into it.
A truly based papa, I hope his daughter doesn't disappoint him.
JNC is based
>get a ton of money translating LNs
>use that money to find series that had bad translations or had issues in the past
>get FMP and crest of the stars
>work at a fast pace with accurate translations
>keep licensing new content all the time because their business is booming
I buy their shit just because of how well they respect and treat LN licenses.
Oh, I thought the Chinese "fan translation" scene imploded after the police abducted their servers and invited them over for tea a few years ago.
Now really, wouldn't it be easier to simply learn japanese, anons?
Apparently they wanted Overlord but Yen Press got it first. DESU if they had gotten it I would probably have stopped TLing Overlord because it would have been in good hands.
Yeah right, good luck finding people over baidu.
cut off a head and two more will grow, hail hydra. They're current team is still ~15 man strong iirc
Protoss braindead a-move shit race killed SC2 way more than anti-piracy.
t. watched sc2 for like 6 years
The simplest thing is crying like a little bitch, while saying the author is crying like a little bitch.
AFAIK any losses they have are because of RL stuff (社畜 didn't do the side story because of health and work problems, but leveach, 夜之无, 黑轮 and the other pillars of the team are still going strong.)
>Apparently they wanted Overlord but Yen Press got it first.
Not sure where you heard that from, I have it on good authority that it was Mahoiku they wanted but got sniped by YP over. YP licensed Overlord before JNC ever existed.
Genghis Khan's true might comes from his horde, not his own riding skills. Genghis was a true warlord whereas Lu Bu was this crazy peasant who had the grand idea that he didn't need to scam anyone in his path for hegemony when even Cao Cao constantly reminded everyone how loyal he was to Han and how he got fucked over early on. Lu Bu was the only guy who didn't want the throne but also didn't bother pretending he wanted anything but power.
And yet, he betrays almost everyone every chance he gets, just for immediate gains. Well, he probably wouldn't have needed to do such if he bothered coming up with a damn excuse like Liu Bei did or bothered to actually stay under someone like Sima Yi and worked towards the long run. No, this moron actually thought that just cause he's really good with a halberd and his horse runs fast he surely can conquer China and everyone would be a-okay so long as he proves his abilities.
A complete man child by today's standards, but I guess that's a peasant's education for ya.
ONE, author of one punch man, even worked with the cinese artist that made the fan comic GOD vs Saitama.
I said one of, but I can't deny your point.
Derp. You're right, it was mahoiku. Speaking of which has judenpresse released Limited yet? Literally anything would be better than Platfleece the hack.
in the process of learning JP and I gotta say their language system is retarded compared to CN or KN
based old guard, they'd TL themselves to death than to be silenced
Oh Nigel you haven't tried reading The Amber Sword yet? Try it, the MC is Chinese and he's essentially how Touch Me would be if Touch got isekai'd. It's really fun in it's own right, you'll definitely think over and over that "Yeah, that's what Touch would do".
Oh yeah and it was Average Abilities that they wanted but got sniped by Seven Seas. The only connection JNC has with Overlord is that they got the translator, Emily Balistrieri, to translate a oneshot book for them which was JK Haru.
Fair enough. That said I think Temujin would still get associated with Rider anyway because he's expected to be the most badass mongol warrior, who were all mounted warriors. Probably in the same vein as Cao Cao (who was actually loyal to the central government IRL and was a brilliant administrator).
I want to learn Jap to read manga and shitty LN. What's the catch?
Yes, they just released Limited part 2 in March.
Competitively but by the time Protoss got their a-move 90%+ of all casuals had long since stopped playing user. Most didn't even buy past WoL.
Battle.net and custom map limitations alone killed the casual crowd and the casual crowd is what provides the breeding ground for new blood for pros. You can't have one without the other.
Seriously what is with this new generation of Jap authors giving a shit about gaijins pirating their shit?
They used to only care about the Jap market back in the day and didn't give a fuck what gaijins did.
It seem to me that you're kind of misunderstanding the situation (no offence here). I'm not reading the books nor I'm knowledgeable about the author but I've read the tweet and basically the person says that seeing something like that be done (someone uploading illegal translations) really brings his mood down and reduces his enthusiasm for further writing. Then he mentions that he intended to wrap up the story with the 18th book but with this cold shower he might speed things up and end the series with 17th volume. He doesn't really imply anything about hating overseas fans, or anything about Yen Press. It's simply that he's a bit saddened that people are distributing illegal translations. Which is sort of understandable from my point of view.
Spot on. Make a product worth paying for and people will.
Hmm, good. I'm looking forward to Jokers personally.
user, you don't get it, Temujin shouldn't be Grand Rider because he's essentially the Merlin of Riders. So long as he's on the field you've won.
>have to wait 6-12 months for the pleasure of buying a product when others get it immediately
>get mad when people fix the problem themselves
>threaten to stop writing instead of actually doing something about it
Overlord is fucking trash and I'm not surprised the author is a massive faggot, probably better if he just stops writing.
>custom map limitations
I think this is the big one, but b.net also sounds like a major factor. It actually reminds me of the transition fro, D&D 3.x to 4e. Which means that Blizzard will have to go back to its roots for Starcraft 3.
Because they're autistic and entitled pieces of shit, who live in a society where inhumane monetization is not only tolerated but also welcomed, and people will gladly pay up like mindless zombies. They don't understand how their ridiculous mindset isn't shared overseas.
>in fact no western country has a good company that quickly translates and sells japanese literature and manga.
that's partly the nips fault tho. what with their "soree, this edition is not available for overseas publishing" or "please send a copy so we can approve your cover design. no, a pdf isn't enough, we want a PHYSICAL copy"
Fair enough, I'll give it a whirl then.
That's exactly how it works.
Kill yourself you fucking kike.
It eats up more time than you might imagine, sacrifices have to be made somewhere. Of course if you're a NEET and all you do is watch anime, this isn't a big issue.
Maybe I should just learn Japanese!
Makes sense.
Pretty much the whole point of this thread is that their rules are horribly outdated. The few who are aware of it and adapt accordingly have had their efforts rewarded.
Because the Japanese market is on life support. Buyer numbers are collapsing all the time. Were it not for the international market especially China, the otaku industry would have died already.
Gas yourself kike.
>when others get it immediately
You can buy the book and read it in Japanese like all those "privileged" people you seem to hate, you know. I mean, nowadays it's not even that hard. CDJapan or Amazon.jp ship nearly everywhere in the world…
They go hand in hand actually. See, both combined meant the ping/latency/etc was so bad that any attempts to create a customized control schematic using wasd or any other thing eventually failed because no map creator could account for what was essentially playing on a 56k modem. The map creator engine is powerful as fuck, hell even now, compared to say Divinity Original Sin 2 SC2's engine is STILL far more powerful. And yet it is also worthless and only the most simple gimmicks work thanks to how it's tied to B.net.
Oh but of course there's the occasional autist who designs single player maps and then has people also use the trick to play while offline outside of authentication (When SC2 first started there was no way to play offline consistently) but you can understand this easily stymied the vast majority.
I'm not even going to get into how early on the 2v2/3v3/4v4/etc stuff failed even worse than WC3/TFT Random Team ladder. And well, balance never even got close to BW 1.07.
Maruyama is such a little bitch it basically confirms Ainz is his self-insert.
I wonder if he's actually flustered or just looking for an excuse to not work.
He should kill himself so he could use his undead powers to calm the fuck down.
Why not both? That's usually how humans are, even if Maruyama knows his complaints aren't fair he just doesn't care.
>It eats up more time than you might imagine, sacrifices have to be made somewhere
I've already managed to learn English, so it's not my first rodeo.
I have a job(I'm formally in an executive position now, holy fuck my employer must be insane) but I have no life besides that.
>thousands of hours into learning Japanese to buy and read isekais
>when you could have learned something actually useful
>just read the fan translation for free
I wonder.
>The anime and manga phenomenon is something that is unique to Japan.
Few people even care about LN's and they rarely ever get translations.
Don't mix LN's with Anime and Manga(which btw only ever got big due to them getting shared on free manga hosting/anime streaming sites and you know it bitch).
what a loser.
Go back to being an office worker then I'm sure that's better than losing a small portion of your millions of earnings in much less stressing work.
What a greedy bastard
>ends in 2 volumes
>worldbuilding circlejerkers in general that spent years writing and discussing same crap are eternally btfo
what a glorious day
Is this sarcasm lost in translation? Lost for words how petty this sounds.
The dude has some pretty bad marketing sense. Even if he's assravaged about it, what he should have said is something like "I'm amazed at how enthusiastic overseas fans are. Please keep buying my stuff. Merch, books, every bit helps!" or somesuch. Or simply ignore it, if he doesn't want to give the appearance of condoning it. Globally speaking, it's all about getting word out, so you have a leg over the metric shitton of other stuff that vies for the attention of your potential audience.
This is why i only read Chinese/Korean novels on webnovel/asianovel and no japanese shit. None of japanese can write for shit anyway.
>Asian people just don't do fan translation at all man.
LMAO you are fucking stupid.
What is the Indonesian fanscanlation community?
Wat are all those early gook leaks that come out before even the official japanese version?
How soon after the Japanese release does the official Taiwanese/Chinese release of an Overlord volume follow?
speak for yourself, burger retard
Uhhhhh, a few months I guess? I never paid close attention to that because I usually just buy the JP volumes.
It is their works not your works. Only globalist would scream efficiency and eliminate any slight bit of cultural difference just because there are other model that could have better economic yields.
what a fag
Er Gen's works is the only good thing they have on that site, everything else is garbage, and they have a policy to finish what you start, so even if their translators have a good grasp on english they are stuck translating garbage for at least 2 years straight.
Pretty sure animation quality is one of the reason that reduced his will to write too.
that's what you get for killing arche instead of letting her teach ainz dancing.
It's the biological balance of humanity user. Like how westerners for some strange reason tend to chimp out at 2D acting like it's 3D, nips on the other hand are ass backwards and don't understand piracy is essentially free advertising and only the most shit stained products and services will lose out thanks to the increased word of mouth.
This goes back historically, like how chinks tended not to want to share/promote their martial arts nor medicine and keep it to themselves, monopolizing their existing region instead of aiming to compete globally. They are secretly insecure that they will lose out thanks to their lack of confidence, and this fits herbivore nips to a tee. Chinks have mostly gotten over it and usually the only 'mystery' behind that shit is propaganda by the government, but nips still harp that Yamato Damashi despite each generation getting more and more disillusioned, but considering you have an entire nation manage to never admit anything on something like Nanking, do you really think these herbivores lack that hidden pride and arrogance? It's the country of chuunis and otakus for a reason, that's because it reflects their people as a whole just on an extreme end for good or bad.
This. Can't believe Reddit was actually based for once.
Fuck LN's, whenever I think I've found an awesome manga to jack off to or some decent romance or whatever it turns out to be an adaptation of an LN and I don't do fucking novels and I can't jerk off to text.
Ainz can just whale2win if things get hard
>Divinity Original Sin 2
Is it good? I thought it's an RPG. So far the most advanced map editor I've seen was NWN/NWN2 one.
>Put them in the real sci-fi fantasy section rather than in the manga section.
Seven Seas has started making this happen with their LNs in some places. Toradora and Pancreas have been spotted in the YA section while someone on reddit found Lodoss War in the fantasy section. An user found Toradora at a school book fair a while back too.
You could use it for something cool like listening to cool obscure jap music or playing obscure jap video games instead of wasting your time with ranobe trash
Yun Che is the chaddest of all china chads though. What it lacks in Er Gen's unique story telling AtG makes it up with the most chauvinistic MC with lines as smooth as Bai Xiaochun yet are actually from the heart instead of meticulously crafted. The gook stuff is translated just fine as well, Toika might not be for everyone but he definitely has his own fan base.
The game? It's alright. The editor? It's nothing special, I'd argue it loses out to NWN2 in a lot of ways because of how open NWN2 was. But NWN2 was heavily limited thanks to the dog shit game itself, good lord you need a 3rd party shady program just to fix the damn camera.
why no one addresses this to him on twitter?
The Japs have this weird idea that you can treat westerners like second class customers and they'll accept it. Not how it works over here, if you don't provide, we'll provide our own.
No it's exactly because you have no life that your employer wants you.
They only ask stupid questions like "y u kill arche my pp sad" and so on
>Dude just waste 2 years learning a worthless archaic language!
AtG was great at the start but devolves into endless tournament and secret treasure realm arcs. Too many Chinese series on there are written by hacks who extend the series too long and nothing makes sense anymore, and the Korean series have too much video game system garbage. Maybe I've outgrown them but I still check back sometimes to see if the sneak peek series are any good.
>dude just keep begging for translations lol
IIRC the draggy chinese shit is because they get paid by the chapter so they're incentivized to release many short chapters that are more of the same. Or something.
Why is everyone blaming reddit. Reddit just had links to the translation pastebins, it was some random Eleven who tweeted it at Maruyama and asked him if he wasn't going to do anything about it.
That's sad to hear. Which part of the community is ticking you off?
Yeah exactly, but that just makes them suck. There's no reason to continue after the MC gets his revenge or becomes an immortal God or whatever. Just end it and move on to the next thing already.
Umu. Thanks.
Fair enough, I guess.
Now I've remembered how one of the Microsoft ex-employees said that they hired bright students fresh out college, then they moved to Redmond and worked overtime in a large part out of loneliness.
It's not about the overarching plot is my point. AtG has always been about Yun Che being a mad man and slaying pussy. Just look at the author's last work and how it ended. The core aspect is not cultivation, the cultivation is just meant to be a framework for everything else, which is Yun Che's passion towards everything be it his women, his family, his friends, his enemies, his goals, etc. He's like the exact opposite of Fang Yuan who sought to sacrifice everything for the dream of immortality, whereas Yun Che is willing to die at any moment and even fuck over everyone else he cares for simply because 1 person in his circle gets in a tight spot. It's that extremism that makes it special, like pointed out the padding is basically a given at this point and if you read Er Gen's earlier works it's very evident in that part too. Just look at how hard ISSTH padded the Immortal realm tier, it was like 1/3rd of the way whereas the other 1/3rd was Dao Seeking and below, and the last 1/3rd being everything else combined. Let's not even bring up the older works.
Nah fuck that shit. Plenty of authors far more unknown/far less popular in the past never bitched about what gaijins did.
Reminder that a single skit of Carnival Phantasm has more wit and soul in it than the entirety of Isekai Quartet thus far.
Fuck, I love Carnival Phantasm. And even PPP. Isekai just didn't grab me the way those two did.
Well that's how you mold the next leaders to your liking ya know.
Calling out things for being outdated and unable to keep up with the times has always been a thing. The monarchy for example. Most countries have abolished it, and most of the few who still have it have the monarch be just a figurehead. Any team sport with a manager or coach who blindly sticks to his tactics even when others have figured out how to easily beat them. And even in Japan, the 我慢 culture, among others, is also changing, due to people calling it out, both within and without. Fewer companies than before are being black companies. Finally, 1history is filled with great civilisations and empires that fell because they failed to adapt their methods that had become outdated, Venice being a popular example. Do explain why the same shouldn't apply here.
He doesn't have to keep begging for translations because he's already getting them you worthless shitstain.
>and most of the few who still have it have the monarch be just a figurehead.
How many can there be besides the Oil Kingdoms? And I'm pretty sure the competition between the princes in those places are deadly enough that it banishes any notion of being a mere figurehead.
you'd be surprised how many stuff don't get translated at all.
the world of EOP otaku is extremely small.
Forgive me for asking but what's PPP?
>Like how westerners for some strange reason tend to chimp out at 2D acting like it's 3D
That's not westerners, that's purityfag otaku who were a thing in Japan and westerners only copied them.
Where do you think the whole "3DPD" thing came from?
Ple Ple Pleiades.
>He's probably reached a far bigger audience due to free translations
You mistaken my point. I'm talking about how westerners focus more on banning fictional acts of sex and violence instead of focusing more on those acts that happen in real life, and also how it's gotten to the point where even a UN director who wanted to ban manga cause of lolis ended up being arrested for pedo crimes.
Nigel, pick up sword dad wn.
Oh, of course it is. My bad, I was trying to think of crossovers.
We're talking about this series.
The issue in OP aside, this thread is really fascinating to me. It seems that people want light novels and subsequent media from Japan to be more global yet at the same time when that actually happens, those same people are angry and disappointed vouching for "undiluted Japanese feel". Kind of odd situation. For anyone even scarcely interested in Japanese media I really in honest manner recommend giving study of the language a try. It's honestly not that hard and most of all it opens a whole new world of fiction. What we get in the West be it from legal or illegal translations is only the top of the barrel, nothing but a surface layer of media (not bad media, by no means, but only the most prolific from each category be it historical fiction, battle manga, mystery visual novels, isekai light novels, mobage, artbooks, whatever). Learning the language will let you deep dive into various subcultures of Japanese media that you are sure to discover many titles that will never be translated be it legally or illegally.
>open a sandwich store
>everything is going well, sales are through the roof and customers are happy
>suddenly some faggot wizard appears and teleports half of my sandwiches to the other side of the planet
>ask him what the fuck is he doing and demand money for sandwiches he stole
>"Well it's your own fault that you couldn't teleport them there yourself and I'm not giving you any money because you can just make more sandwiches"
Why does it end like this?
If I had something I wanted other people to read/experience I wouldn't give a shit about whether or not they buy it as long as I could still survive somehow. I'd just want to move people with what I'm creating.
Oh you were talking about leftist SJWfags not western anime fans.
they go hand in hand
>It seems that people want light novels and subsequent media from Japan to be more global yet at the same time when that actually happens, those same people are angry and disappointed vouching for "undiluted Japanese feel".
There's nothing confusing about it. People here want the real deal with convenience, no strings attached and not to be jewed. That's exactly why it rarely happens.
>The white people that watch subs pay more money in manga/figures than nips do in 1 comic book sale.
Only tumblrfags and redditors.
>same people are angry and disappointed vouching for "undiluted Japanese feel".
Keep localization to a minimum.
Kodansha Comics USA does it right.
Except that he never lost any sandwiches because the magician just duplicated them with his magic and gave them away to people who never would've been able to eat the original ones anyway
Information doesn't behave like the physical objects.
For example, it cannot be stolen. It's a physical impossibly, like breaking the Newton's third law.
Hence you're insane.
It's not "only". their numbers are very big.
>muh food analogy
The wizard didn't teleport your sandwiches, he copied your recipe and made a similar sandwich with local ingredients and fed them to people in his country that would otherwise have never eaten your sandwich in the first place. Now, some of those people are even traveling to your shop and buy some of your sandwiches, because they were so good and they want to eat the original. At the end of the day, you now sold more sandwiches than without the wizard.
>magician just duplicated them with his magic and gave them away to people who never would've been able to eat the original ones anyway
He did it without sandwich seller consent which is immoral and illegal. That's like saying that shitting on someone's head is okay just because they can take a shower later.
It's like saying musicians still make money off mp3 sales.
Nah the music is free for anyone with half a brain, if your music is good though people will buy concert tickets. shirts..etc..
same fucking practice for manga/anime the japs are just so slant eyed to see the big picture.
Japs pirate too? You see them in the peers listings in your torrent client
>he copied your recipe
So he violated the copyright law and should be punished.
>"i'm totally going to stop writing my Gary Stu isekai written on a 5th-grade level because gaijin."
Honestly I've come to realize when some author says that it's because they've either lost any drive to continue their series or have to rationalize drooping popularity/sales in their mind so it must be the pirates! I mean how much does Japan even care about overlord when the animuy adaptation has been total garbage obviously nobody really cares
I dunno about that.
Even in Reddit only the most sensitive neofag-tier autists are really extreme.
Normalfags plebs are not as extreme either and us hardcorefags and other assorted casual who don't give a shit either.
I don't think nip musicians cry all day either. I mean weren't nips the ones who popularized idol bands in the first place?
It’s gonna be hard, long, tedious,and your gonna think it’s worthless, but if anime and manga is that important to you go ahead
So just because McDonalds makes burgers Burger King needs seller consent from McDonalds to sell burgers?
You two forgot that those kinds of people have already congregated to a hell hole called resetera.
So you do admit that nothing was stolen and you're full of shit?
lol what a fag
resetera is neofag
Holy shit, imagine unironically using a food analogy for piracy.
He's a wizard and can't be punished for it and the shop owner even profited from his actions, so he shouldn't be an idiot and yap to the local fishwives about it. Now the whole town thinks the shop owner is stupid.
The recipe was stolen, retard.
Is this even real? Checked both their twitters and didn't find this. Deleted?
Right, but the point is they have pretty large numbers and are constantly active, even here on Yea Forums let alone twitter and such. They may be a minority but they sure as hell put an effort to pretend they are the majority.
>He's a wizard and can't be punished for it
No one exists above the law.
He's just secretly trying to sue Jesus for pirating bread. In fact that's probably the real reason Jesus was killed.
Wizards in retarded food analogy world do.
Not him, but you should revise that into 'almost no one is above the law'
500th for Shalltear best girl
Information, unlike a physical object, cannot be stolen. It's a physical impossibly, not an opinion.
One can read an info, write an info and sort of destroy an info.
One actually needs a black hole to destroy an info, something like burning the only copy doesn't actually destroy an info, it merely makes it hard to read, but it's close enough.
>they have pretty large numbers
They really don't, not in the large scheme on things.
They're vastly outnumbered overall.
Maybe he's like Tanya and would try to argue semantics against a higher being. I wouldn't put it past him given he's using a food analogy on Yea Forums.
At the end of the day the 'lost sales' are just 'what ifs'. Pirates take away an opportunity that is very unlikely to occur. If WinRAR actually cost you money you'd just get a program that does the same thing for free.
I'm not saying it shouldn't be illegal but people also shouldn't be massive fucking pussies about it. Some people are always going to pirate and there's nothing wrong with it under these circumstances.
good, fantls fanbases are full of the dumbest ESL niggers alive
Maybe OP pic was an edit to begin with and now someone on 2chan has a laugh about it.
There is literally nothing wrong with food analogies. If you're too dumb to understand something as simple as a food analogy then you shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a computer.
Fucking retards.
Food, unlike the information, is a physical object.
See "Tweets & replies"
Books, computers, brains, etc. which is what said information exist on are physical objects therefore information is a physical object.
You confuse the information carrier and information. Information carries are physical objects. Information isn't.
Great design, shit character. Like most of Overlord cast.
Thanks. Seems the author really was stupid enough to post such a reply, but going by the thread there's already plenty of people to prostrate there and fix his damaged ego and motivation.
>leftist SJWfags
How did that enter into the conversation? The only predictor for opposing loli or not is how sheltered a person is. That means it skews towards old people, which means it skews towards conservatives. I seriously don't think I've ever heard a "think of the children" argument coming from a young liberal. Poltards are delusional as usual.
make a new thread
>Old people = Automatically Conservatives
Please, get the fuck out.
Old people don't even know what manga is anyways.
Grumpy Jii-san did.
It's always them.
We should have gassed them all when we had the chance.
Fuck you too Maruyama. I only read your shit for so-bin art anyways.
Why? This topic looks exhausted.
In what universe is age not the number one determinant of political beliefs?