Shit Yea Forums tricked you into watching

When this trash gets good?

Last year could watch until ep 2 and now I'm giving a second chance but it is only 12 ep and I'm already in ep 6 and nothing ever happens.

Whats the appeal of the show? I don't know if it is the ugly models or the weird pacing but this show is not for me.

Attached: madoka.png (1047x583, 879K)

name three anime you liked

hxh obviously

It brought a lot of people into the medium, hence it was their first deep anime, or possibly first deep piece of art they've taken in that wasn't assigned in high school english
It'll leave a profound impression in cases like those, and you have to realize most people today have no familiarity with other literary works or themes the show borrows from. So though it's not original or new (the focauldian love dispute between Meguca and Homo, the Meguca dying/ascending for the sins of others and her love for others), to many anons it's an entire new level of depth and emotion from anime

Which hxh again?

Well I know nothing about what you are talking about but maybe my problem is that I previosuly watched utena and penguindurum that are much better shows so theres no novelty in madoka for me.

Some interesting visuals while they fight the witches but thats all, the plot is boring and the pacing is weird. I get a feeling that the episode is about to end but no we still have 7 minutes left. 7 minutes that go nowhere, the pacing is not slow, it feels stucked and weird.

At ep 6 I have no motivation to keep watching since I feel like nothing gonna happen but different from some dumb SoL. Nothing gonna happen in a boring way.

Any and everything

Yuru yuri, its ok but chitose just has the most delverable punchlines, hope season 2 is better. I liked the akarin and kyoko jokes but everyone else is eh


People calling this AOTD are rabid fans.
Drop anime as you feel.

Attached: 1556882073955.png (1500x720, 401K)


I saw Utena too, it's almost proto-madoka, if it was crossed with sailor moon and evil aliens
The madoka series goes pretty much how you expect it, but you might as well finish Madoka, so you can enjoy the movie and shitpost on Yea Forums about homura being a cunt

Feel free to go back to shonenshit anytime

>I'm already in ep 6 and nothing ever happens.
Why aint speedwatchers perma banned? Those in this thread too

I didn't like madoka but I watch no shonen

No way. Utena is 11/10 and truly great, madoka lacks the cool ideals and nice visuals from utena. Utena uses repetition in a clever way. Madoka just have weird pacing.

I wasn't trying to say utena and madoka are on the same level, utena captures with art is something madoka can only emulate to a fraction with their visuals

Utena is nothing like Madoka first off and it's also pretty mediocre. It does have nice visuals, but so does Madoka, more so in the witch labyrinths. I don't know what this whole thing of putting Utena in the magical girl genre is about but it needs to stop.

Are you talking shit about SHAFT?

Besides the visuals utena used repetitions in a good way. Recycling frames is considered bad and I started with the same idea but rapidly you see the difference and start enjoying the way repetitions are used. Another take for granted bad quality in anime are filler episodes. Utena is the best show that makes you wish for the next filler since they are better than the main plot episodes.

it's just fate/0 with idols

Lain. I think that's the only show I've actually been "tricked" into watching that was actually anywhere near that level of bad. I had average expectations but boy was that overshooting it.

Maybe you should have your head checked by trained professional?
I believe you have case of shit taste and retard.

Attached: __kaname_madoka_and_kriemhild_gretchen_mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica_drawn_by_misteor__77acad4eb7275d67 (2880x2880, 2.34M)

>Whats the appeal of the show?
Muh deconstruction of the mahou shoujo genre
And I guess Kyubey is a fun villain.

>calling others retarded
chill out user


post top 5

Reminder that Madoka is the greatest story ever told and OP and these obviously pissed off Utena fanboys haven’t even watched it.

I don't really think I've ever been "tricked" into watching anything. I might have heard about it on Yea Forums or maybe Yea Forums discussing it may have convinced me to watch it after having heard of it but I only really watch stuff that seems interesting to me. That being said I despised Texhnolyze and also heavily disliked Macross DYRL, both of which are pretty highly thought of on Yea Forums.

I learned my lesson after that and just look up pictures of cute girls/pets or whatever seems to be quality Waifu material from random anime compilations I watch on youtube. I find the character and then the anime and watch because SoL and CGDCT is my jam. I don't need no epic plot, no crazy twist, no World shattering epidemic or life changing ideas in my anime... my life is already full of unending stupid shit that I have to face alone.

He asked after watching only two episodes.

This is a bait thread isn't it? Yeah...

Fuck that ending

It's always Ikuharafags

The only reason anyone finds the repetition good is because they somehow have to justify having wasted so much time on this shit.

>this trash
>nothing ever happens
I can't tell if these posts are the result of brain damage or trolling or mental illness.

The first loli they off is an overconfident dits that wasn't even developed as a character. I get where OP is comming from.

>Judging others by filenames they didn't come up with.
That's new and fucking retarded. Nice job.

Yes, it would certainly seem that way if you didn't bother to pay any attention. This isn't a show for lazy people where everything has to be told to your face. If you aren't willing to muster up any energy to think about what they're saying, why'd you even watch in the first place?

>he doesn't organize his folders
>calls others retarded
Enjoy wallowing in misery, brainlet

I agree, I would put madoka in my top 10, but if it doesn't grab you by the third or fourth episode just give up, it isn't for you.
I'm not sure what the appeal of lain is for me. I suspect a lot of the appeal is entirely aesthetic. The sound design, the cyberpunk setting, how low budget it looks. I've researched plenty of times and enjoy it each time but I can't remember the plot, if there even was one. It's just a series of gifs with sound and I love it for that

>chill out
>gets offended

It's literally the only anime Yea Forums tricked me into watching, I go for the CGDCT anyway. Nothing is fucking profound or amazing about Madoka in the slightest, your life is just empty and boring.

Everything Urobuchi writes is, or becomes, trash.

Yes and if you didn't bother to think about it, that would be the conclusion you come to.

>no u

Lul, organizing FOLDERS by the FILE'S NAMES?

That's funny.

>and nothing ever happens.
I mean you can not like what happens, but I don't see how you can legitimately argue nothing happens.

That’s Madoka. It’s either the single best anime of all time or you hate it.

Which is it then?

I don't consider it the best anime of all time but I still think it's really good.


Attached: __sakura_kyouko_and_tomoe_mami_mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica_drawn_by_sagami_liars__7faa181137b8b1628c2 (600x757, 574K)