Looking back 5 years, did Kill la Kill save anime?

Looking back 5 years, did Kill la Kill save anime?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>only 24 episodes
>still manages to go to shit half way through

didn't even save trigger

it proved one of the most fundamental truths of the universe, that sisters should love sisters

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Fuck you, Yea Forums. I liked Kill La Kill.

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Yes it was the last good trigger show.

This. Just a few more flops before they close down forever. It's disgusting how they blatantly advertise here whenever Tattun shows up and somehow no one seems to mind.

It was the biggest disappointment of the decade.



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this isnt a ditf thread

Ninja Slayer was miles better and came 2 years after.

>To go to shit halfway through
It didn't go to shit, it blew a wad meant for a later too soon. If they had just let Ryuko have her earned fight with Satsuki without throwing in le sociopath tailor to bend the direction it would have been fine.

>they blatantly advertise here whenever Tattun shows up
the fuck you on about?

I'm with you, mate. Fuck these f/a/ggots.

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>less fanservice anime than ever before

Sadly no

I enjoyed Ninja Slayer but you are a full blown Good Gaijin if you accept a parody of budget saving techniques as being legitimate animation.

>see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil are represented as spikes on his belt
>one spike is broken after he goes blind

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No. But Trigger has saved anime several times.

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Not when you realize western cartoons started doing that technique en masse to be cheap

Trigger would have saved OPM S2 if they had worked on it instead of JC Staff.

What, you don't like calarts sameface flash animations?

Yea Forums is like any other board on Yea Forums, they hate anything considered popular among the casual viewer whether or not its actually good. Kill La Kill is to Yea Forums as Lord of the Rings is to Yea Forums, or as D&D is to /tg/.

That's not the point, the point is Ninja Slayer is fun but the joke gets stale.

Was this scene really necessary?

They could have done more with this than a few panels of them having fun.

yes it was now fuck off back to RetardEra retard

Hiro knows Tattun and lets him come on here with a special tripcode to talk to Yea Forums since he speaks English

This flusters faggots because their favorite anime company will never notice them

yes i know, i was in a lot of threads where he showed up but i've never seen him advertising.

It didn't fundamentally change anything about the industry.

Raised my expectations for villain themes desu.

It was okay but because they did Franxx afterwards I'm going to shit on all their shows retroactively.
So yeah, it was total garbage.

Talking about anime on Yea Forums is advertising/shilling if you're affiliated with the animu in an official capacity, apparently

Reminds me of years ago when comic creators would still go on Yea Forums lel

>remember speculating in the early morning in february 2014 before class what the lyrics meant

2013/2014 was a magical time. Mid-decade best decade.

Finally someone who knows what's up.

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no, it was good, but it left chinese entertainment industry in a dark place

Goddamn, I wish Ryuko was my girlfriend

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i need more sisterly love even if its more from sushio doodles

Quints of truth

Blessed quints.

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nice quints

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no it was shit

The Ryuko "period rage" moments ruined it for me. The part when she wears Satsuki's clothes felt unnecessary, and forced yurishit belongs in the trash.

I rewatched it recently. It's an absolute joy to watch, but it didn't save a damn thing.

Our only hope is the game

>KLK saved anime
>only for LWA to kill it again
What went wrong?

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KlK is trash.

I'm just not a fan of Imaishi's style


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Ryukou Matoi: saving men from impotence.

The only anime I've ever dropped

>5 years ago

I want to go back

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Nobody even talks about this shit-awful show anymore besides crossboarding ironic weebs like you, so no.

Goddamn, I wish Ryuko was ______ me _______

what, you wish she was a smelly neet?

It saved it but moeshit killed it again

No but it was a masterpiece anyways.


It really died quickly like many other shit seasonal meme shows. I really feel sorry for those who actually defended this trash. And to answer your question, no, it didn't even saved itself.

5 years later, still best girl

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Dumb faggot

300% Hell Yes

It really wasn't forced,it was just sister's reuniting.Unless you're talking about Mako,but Mako belongs to Ira only.

2014 was where it all went wrong, but fall'12 to fall'13 was quite a streak.

Naked Monkey was the best.

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im so glad my rewatch opened my eyes, she truly is best
>110% peerless guts
>only grew stronger after being molested
>synced with 2 kamui without any life fiber advantage
>told the fuck out of nui and saved Christmas
>loving leader and neesan
the facts are facts, she is the best

How hard is your ambition?

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>it's been 5 years since KLK
Fuck. I still feel like it was only a little while ago. I still think of KLK as "one of those recent hype shows".

Manhandling Nonon

Nonon making fun of your small penis!
Someone post the ryona caption just so we can derail the thread again


Did Gamagori breed Mako?
Best elite 4

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>Did Gamagori breed Mako?

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i like the idea of the family here except not sure how i feel about them being poor, gamagoori might not be doing lucrative work doing metal working but i don't think it'd be that paltry either

The part where she wears "Purity" was foreshadowed and important, it wad always intended for a life fiber hybrid. Satsuki being a failure despite her "will" was a major motif, her mom would have tossed her aside for Ryuko betrayal or not for simply being a successful hybrid.

>5 years

Yes. If only for the music and Mom of the Year Every Year.

Her father would leech the money out of them.

Ninja Slayer is a version of Inferno Cop that isn't self-aware enough to realise its own episodes are too long to be funny all the way through.

Sister love is a blessing.

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All it did was save a studio.

More people killed than saved

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But Gridman was this year?

Space Patrol Luluco > LWA OVA > Inferno Cop > Kill la Kill > LWA Enchanted Parade > Turning Girls > SSSS.Gridman > Bureau of Proto Society > Sex & Violence with Machspeed > LWA anime > Kiznaiver > Power Plant No.33 > Inou Battle > Darling in the Franxx

no, the only decent trigger show is ditf. Imaishi is just a hack milking ttgl to eternity.

Post lewd Nonons

should have been a porn. I keep saying these dick-tease animes serve no real purpose when there's the completely viable option of just making it porn (hentai). besides, we need a hentai with good story.

Mako is the most annoying piece of shit character ever and ruined the show. Anyone who finds her funny has a single digit IQ.

That is what a nigger would say.

Only niggers like coconut head

I wish Ryuko was Satsuki’s wife.

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One of the most cancerous fanbase during it

I really hope the game gives us siscon Satsuki or I'll be very disappointed


>KLK came out 5 years ago

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I feel like the script has flipped completely on Kill la Kill and it's all newfags. The show got so bad so quickly and the ending was universally reviled. In what has become a studio tradition, it was massively hyped and then turned out to be a equally massive letdown.

Now all of a sudden there's a bunch of weirdos who think it's unironically a masterpiece. Where the fuck did you people come from? Give me back my Yea Forums from 5 years ago.

It saved anime just for it to die immediately after to something completely different.

>Yea Forums hates kill la kill
When did this happen? When it was airing, they were the best threads in town. Even Barakamon threads got super shitty in comparison when people were shit flinging over "naru will die" falseflagging.

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Newfags gotta be contrarian to pretend to fit in. Nothing new here.

You're totally delusional or you have an extremely limited view of those threads. Aside from the annoying explosion of no-reply reaction threads from people trying to force another Code Geass every episode, the threads consisted almost entirely of shippers, rabid Triggerfags, and then everyone else complaining about how bad the plotting was.

>sislove post
based and checked

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"Hype culture" is cancer and the threads were a disease on the board and full of memespouting retards devoid of any critical discernment. It's simply impossible to have a reasonable discussion in that enviroment.

And yes, the show was a masterpiece 5 years ago as it is now. I didn't change my mind.

KLK was kino. Great music and Satsuki best girl. That moment where she's slowly rising from the platform on the ship as the music plays still gives me goosebumps.

Yea Forums is 95% newfag zoomers. You can sort of feel it in almost every thread, but this one is just painful.

t. 2006 newfag

if anything it made it worse

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>no reply threads
Literally only the nights of airing. During the week in between it was all about who the best girl was, what's gonna happen next, ironic and unironic theory crafting, nani sore shitposting, and a general appreciation that there was a series that was actually fun to watch after seasons of garbage.
The only complaints came from fags from Yea Forums calling Ryuko shadow the edgehog and idol shitters bitching their threads were pushed off page 10.

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could mozart be still alive?

i understand if some faggots like this turd, it had its good points. but pretending sawano's generic pasta is good is just too much. this show had unironically one of the most unispired and repetitive soundtracks i've ever heard.

this is called shitposting

>discussing the show
>best girl competitions
>having fun
Better shutdown Yea Forums, because it's all shitposting.

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One of the most entertaining anime I've ever watched, far better than overrated trash like HxH and FMA:B

Gamagooriwould probably take multiple jobs as a construction worker or something since Mako would almost definitely become a stay at home mom.They also might move into his house,depending on how big it is and how much kids they want.

Did any of you play Advance Wars 1 or 2?

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They could have if they put nipples on the females.

Was young Ragio based off Sami?

Based, if true...
They need to make a new AW game.

They unironically come from reddit. KLK was universally praised there.

No. But it was still miles better than the lifeless schlock they're dong now.

First post best post.

You have brain damage. They can't even fucking animate. Shitman and Promare are full of cost cutting 3dcg.

Moe is what's truly saving anime.

Shitman should be at the fucking bottom.

I played the first one but I found it boring,should I pick it up again?

KLK delivered, You could tell how much thought and effort went into the show it was a well crafted unique show, Nui was the fucking best and brought much needed craziness to KLK.

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Sanageyama was my favorite character. Fuck, I wish his seiyuu got more hotblooded roles nowadays

Just like DitF

FranXX was shit from the beginning while KLK never went to shit, sorry.

nui, the discount nonon, which as already a one trope shit. worst character of this complete shitfest.

Nui has nothing to do with Nonon, are you daft?

klk started decent and became shit
ditf started shit and became good
also comparing a failed ecchi to any semi-decent anime is a joke


>only 24 episodes
That's twice as long as normal anime.

>188658967 (le you)

Didn't watch it, so i couldn't tell ya

yes, nui is best girl.

First half was shit too. It’s full of pointless episodes where the plot doesn’t advance at all and none of the fights matter.

There isn't a single pointless episode in KLK. Even 4, the most self cointained joke episode, adds the detail that regular people can't wear Senketsu.

>KLK was FIVE years ago

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4, 7, and 8 are all nearly pointless. They introduce like one plot point that could have been introduced in better ways than wasting an episode on unfunny bullshit.

I mean,the fact that the vast majority of people can't wear a kamui was present very early on,even before that episode.What I got out of it is that Ryuko shouldn't rely on senketsu so much and that's she's more prone to helping people than people thought.(If she wasn't,Nui wouldn't have wrecked her before the tri-city raid trip and that whole subplot wouldn't have happened)

I already addressed this.
Are you insane? It's the episode where Ryuko, as a result of their conflict in the previous episode, opens up to Mako for the first time, and we learn of how she really feels about her father and what was her life like before arriving at Honnouji. We also get the first half of Gamagori's flashback, and a great bit of characterization when he helps out Ryuko and Mako outside of the school, which is the first step in "humanizing" the Devas in this arc. And obviously all the events in the episode lead into the Natural Elections.
The fight with Gamagori, the second half of his flashback, Aikuro being concerned about the danger of Senketsu going out of control foreshadowing what would happen later, Ryuko learning to change Senketsu's form for the first time, and I'm certainly forgetting something. It's a packed episode.

7 is the “Mako’s family gets rich but also becomes jerks episode” a shit episode concept that comes straight out of western cartoons.
I actually skipped 8 on my first watch through and I never noticed, which shows how important that episode was.

So unsurpisingly, you didn't understand episode 7 either. It's maybe the most important episode of the first part in how it showcases the themes of the show into its microcosmos, and in doing so also demostrates first hand how Honnouji works. There are also many bits of important characterization, Ryuko opening up to Senketsu for the first time after the events of episode 6, the conflict with Mako leading to the stronger bond of next episode that I mentioned, and the underlying details regarding Ryuko's selfishness, which would come into play much later.
>I actually skipped 8 on my first watch through and I never noticed, which shows how important that episode was.
Without episode 8 you don't have the first part of Gamagori's flashback, Ryuko's flashback and her conversation with Mako and the introduction of the General Elections, all things that the characters mention later, so if you didn't notice it that speaks only about the degree of attention you were putting into watching the show, which is also evident from these posts.

It's actually universally accepted that you're projecting faggot.

No. Its a puzzle game pretending to be a strategy game

The Bikini edit threads were great.

>muh themes
Buzzword. Go defend Kanto Bight while you’re at it.
>Ryuko opening up to Senketsu
She does this in nearly every episode. Also who gives a shit about Mako? All she ever does is be unfunny comic relief in a show that’s already wacky and comedic without her. What a waste of an episode.
>Gamagori's flashback
The only important part of the episode.
>General Elections
Some bullshit tournament that doesn’t affect the status quo in the slightest. Just an excuse for Ryuko to fight the elite four, something she did in previous episodes.

Yea Forums loved Kill la Kill, the threads were great

the delirious meatshielding and obsession over a brainless fun show about naked girls is just... i'm out of words, a newfag would believe this is a troll. it's hard to imagine someone can be so autistic as to memorize absolutely each moment in each episode and struggle to rationalize that they are all in fact very well thought and meaningful and this is actually a masterpiece. i know you'll just get triggered by this comment, but please, for your own good, try also watching/reading more intelligent things and maybe get out of your house sometimes. having a guilty pleasure is ok, living in an imaginary world is totally not ok.

G*gguk praised KLK as saving anime, now the normal kinds just parrot that opinion. Pretty much most threads praising a piece of shit are started by some cuck who let YT scum do their thinking for them.

The most recent anime that saved anime was Guilty Crown.

No, sorry. As I mentioned the episode directly showcases how Hounnouji works, and in doing so makes precise points, that are then elaborated and expanded upon in the rest of the show.
>Kanto Bight
>She does this in nearly every episode
No, episode 6 is the first time when she opened up to anyone and talked about her true feelings in the series, and the first time she realized that Senketsu is an actual person. No way around it.
>Also who gives a shit about Mako?
The things she talks about with Mako are extremely important for Ryuko as a character in general, not only for her relationship with Mako. And the relationship with Mako is indeed extremely important, as she was the one capable of bringing Ryuko back to reason in episode 12, moment when both the episode 7 fight and the episode 8 conversation are directly mentioned. If you didn't even realize that you didn't see these facts that were being referenced and shown, you weren't paying any attention, period.
>The only important part of the episode.
Far from it.
>Some bullshit tournament that doesn’t affect the status quo in the slightest
The point was that you didn't even realize that the episode explaing what was going on was missing, because you weren't paying any attention. And the status quo did changeas a result of the elections, obviously. Or do you want to claim that the show is the same after episode 12?

Mako is frugal and knows how to sniff out and save money. No way would they be as poor as Mako's parents.

The status quo changed because of Nui not the tournament. She could have appeared at anytime to make Ryuko go berserk.

By saying "justify kanto bight", the faggot is saying "hurr durr you think star wars episode viii was a good movie too"

Sorry, I can't hear you over the lack of arguments. If you want to debate over the show not being well thought-out, feel free to go into the specifics.
I'd also be curious about what you would consider more intelligent things, but deflecting to it would be cheap.

No, people try to justify Kanto Bight with the same “muh themes” argument. It even still has the “RICH PEOPLE BAD” moral.

I couldn't even bother to finish it.

I think the point was that even if Nui didn''t appear,she would have most likely fainted from blood loss when fighting Satsuki anyway.Nui appearing at this exact moment ensured that she would be able to see Ryuko's and Senketsu's power for herself and gauge if she's a real thread or not,with minimal risk of having her hands cut off due to her weakened state.

>The status quo changed because of Nui not the tournament.
The tournament was made in the first place as a final tuning of the 3 star uniforms for the upcoming invasion of Kanto. The staus quo would have changed regardless of Nui.
Oh, I don't watch nu-Disney movies.

Yes, because only people who hated TLJ justify kanto bight. Bringing up a completely different topic and claiming they're related makes you look like a fucking retard.

I can't wait for its video game to come it

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I don't need to give you examples of more intelligent things than ecchi, they represent the majority, it would be more of a challenge for me to name something less intelligent. Same about what's wrong with this show, I don't need to explain why Steven Seagal movies are bad and if you don't understand this probably any argument would be in vain.
My point is, in your head what you write probably sounds smart, but for every functional human being it's obvious there's something wrong. If you haven't already, go see a doctor. Best of luck with waking up!

>I totally could tell what's wrong with it, but I won't
Like clockwork.

It saved cosplay.


It was so ridiculous that it was good and F U N.

Sorry, your shit taste won't influence anything

Stop projecting, mongrel.


What other shows were made much more fun when watched with Yea Forums?

VVV s1.
What a ride that was.

Well it was one of the only noteable 2010s anime originals with stuff like Madoka, Tiger and Bunny, and some others.

Oof. never realized how real this meta is.

I remember when the trailer came out Yea Forums made fun of KLK saying it was going to save anime and everything. Then for some stupid reason faggots outside of 4chain thought we were being serious and started to believe it. That is the true story of how KlK got so big on forums.

Sad but true
It was fun in a dumb way for the first half. The aliens reveal on episode 16 or 17 killed my interest

This. Fuck Yea Forums, KlK was a masterpiece. And it had the best girl with the most majestic voice.

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A masterpiece of what? How to kill your momentum with poor pacing?

Best uniform. I wish I got more screentime.

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>poor pacing
You've got quite an imagination, user. Its pacing was great. One of the best things about the show. Right after how creative the visuals are.

What are you on about? The pacing is consistent and amazing.

No, but it was a fun series.

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>I wish I got more screentime.

DITF is a dumb show. All they literally had to do was a decent monster romance, progress the klaxosapien transformations, and make the fairytale relevant to the main villain’s past and bam, 10/10. But they thought, “what about our useless human characters and the batch of characters that didn’t do anything good for the plot except be Baby-making propergenda”.

I’ll say that episode 7 is a western animation trend that western animation fans absolutely despise.

FranXX was a poor regurgitation of themes and story beats handled better by virtually every Gainax anime before, that wasn't even ever enjoyable on a moment-to-moment basis thanks to the shitty characters and unsufferable teenage melodrama. Godawful show.

Why is the fan art for this anime so bad? Too much western/ahegao/THIICCCC garbage


God damn, i feel old now

It was an alright series, but that makes it a disappointment because it could have been so much better. That's doubly so because the leftovers from Gainax managed to do a better job with a car commercial.

Much like the Pleiades girls said about themselves, KLK had a lot of unfulfilled potential.

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Oh god, Pleidesfags are still alive, and as delusional as ever.

Maybe I should correct myself and say that Pleiades was a more competently executed and completed story, but KLK was slightly superior even in its rougher finished form.

KLK should have been better than Pleiades, a lot better, and yet it wasn't.

Kill la Kill had a lot of cute boys

Well, since I consider KLK a "competently executed and completed story", I obviously can't agree.

S-Season 2 any moment now.. hehe

Anyway, speaking of Gaina(x), Hulaing Babies was good and cute, even if nobody watched it. And I'd say that it was closer to no-budget Trigger stuff like IC and Turning Girls than to anything Gainax.

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Yes, it was AOTD after all.

1. Kill la Kill
2. The Tatami Galaxy
3. Space Dandy
4. Mawaru Penguindrum
5. Concrete Revolutio
6. Mob Psycho 100
7. Uchouten Kazoku
8. The Dragon Dentist
9. Space Patrol Luluco
10. Ping Pong hte Animation

1. The Wind Rises
2. Princess Kaguya
3. In This Corner of the World
4. Miss Hokusai
5. The Night is Short
6. Wolf Children
7. When Marnie was There
8. Colorful
9. Mirai no Mirai
10. Penguin Highway

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What’s funny is that the show brings up parenthood as an AFTERTHOUGHT, because the show is too focused on baby shit. When they literally have a motherfucking villain that is referred as Papa and present us his closest ‘children’, the nines. What’s funny is that Papa dramatically improves as a character when he’s presented as a father in the Mato comic. Why don’t they go on this direction with him? Because they wanna rehash gaimax shit with the goddamn VIRM!

The entire mindset of the guys behind the show is just wrong in every way possible. They hate monsters while their best couple and MCs are fucking monsters. They have an Origianl fairytale that references royal medieval humanity (which looks like DITF’s current humanity), the klaxosaurs, and 001, and they do fucking NOTHING with it.

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did reddit or MAL make this list?

yes it did

Why does Ryouko wear AF1's?

>The show got so bad so quickly and the ending was universally reviled.
I'd like to see the reason why considering the show starts out 100% completely retarded and ends up being slightly more "serious". Maybe, perhaps, was it the shows attempt at toning back its own absurdity by giving more realistic reasons for the motives of the school that pisses people off?

The biggest flaw in KLK's "transition" post betrayal was how there were perhaps a few more threads of conflict between Ryuko and the student council, Nue pretty much abruptly changes the direction of the show, though it's clearly intentional.

Just because it’s intentional, it doesn’t make it good.

kill yourself namefaggot

I feel like I have seen you before.

Stay on topic faggot. You can spam your deranged low iq franxx fantasies in franxx threads. This thread is about the failure of klk, not about you being to dumb to understand other shows.

Regardless, All Nui really did was cuck the viewer out of a fight with Monkey boy and another fight with Satsuki. It would have eventually been an inevitable lead in to the war with the life fibers anyway because in that hypothetical Satsuki would have caved to Ryuko, possibly even handing her a chair in the council.
As much as people might seeth about the entire council conflict being "pointless" it should be brought up that Ryuko was simply a confused chaotic element inferring with an impending war. Satsuki did not know who the fuck Ryuko was, this is often misconstrued because of how her personality makes her seem all knowing.

It's obvious that Trigger considered the reversal fight to be the foreshadowed grande fight between the sisters, they were going for some poetic shit by having their roles reversed.

>This thread is about the failure of klk
>the failure of klk

Despite the majority of the posts claiming the opposite.

>This thread is about the failure of klk

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I know but the build-up and narrative in this show makes this moment and the great episode leave a bad taste in the mouth.

Ok, fine, to each his own. But it would have all lead to the same damn conclusion. You all act like the show wasn't built from the ground up for it, for Christ sake you could tell they were sisters from the beginning.


The pacing is just awful and inconsistent as hell. They also leave in things that make it seem like they will progress some stuff but they abandon it. They left my favorite nudist beach member behind as a complete joke when he was a radical tactician, even more so than the elite tactician, but tried to make it some like he’s relevant with some stupid sister plot point that they quickly skipped over.

Pacing was fine.
>Things they might progress
The only thing they shorthanded was already mentioned several times in the thread, which is more sister love at the end.
>My favorite Nudist beach member was a joke
I don't remember a point where he was shit.

It's not that the "100% completely retarded" start is good, but at least it has an interesting setup, some funny bits and there is always room for a turnaround. The problem is that it dissapoints on all fronts, it fails to make use of anything in the premise.
>The school setup is completely forgotten, it could have been anything else and it would have made no difference
>The show starts with showing the big hierarchy and gives the impression that there will be a slow interesting progression towards the top and the 4 whatever they are called will play a major role. Then, by the end of the first episode, Ryuko already finds a magical plot device that allows her to beat almost everyone and in no time she defeats all the 4 somethings with little difficulty in a streak of completely uninteresting fights following the usual shounen formula: good guy has no chance of winning, suddenly finds some cheap trick and wins.
>All the characters are cardboard, they get 0 personality and progression and are used exclusevely for entertainment.
>Everyone gets a super-cheesy backstory with the only role of filling time.
>There's a lot of repetition. Every scene seems copy paste, even the soundtrack is very short and the same tracks play over and over again.
>The plot twist is way too obvious pretty much from the start, but they decide to come up with the usual alien bullshit which is really unfiting in this one.
>Ragyo is a joke.
And after all this comes the biggest problem. After the twist, the show doesn't get serious or interesting in any way, it instead turns into a big puddle of nothingness. Basically every episode just drags forever with low tier shounen everyone screaming and this is not even my final form. It was a legit pain to keep watching it hoping every episode that it would get better. But no, it kept going with the shit right till the end, when suddenly Ryuko just wins because it had to end. It still holds top spot for worst ending of any anime i've finished.

>The pacing is just awful and inconsistent as hell
The pacing is consistent and has been the show's trademark since episode 1, what are you on about? Something like episode 6 would have been a 3 episodes arc in any other battle anime.
>They also leave in things that make it seem like they will progress some stuff but they abandon it. They left my favorite nudist beach member behind as a complete joke when he was a radical tactician, even more so than the elite tactician, but tried to make it some like he’s relevant with some stupid sister plot point that they quickly skipped over.
Yeah, that was a red herring, to divert attention from Ryuko's true identity. And Tsumugu couldn't help to be made irrelevant in combat, since he was ever only effective against an inexperienced Ryuko who let herself be hit hundreds of times because she wasn't taking the fight seriously, and things only escalated from that.

Ryuko has the most bullshit OP suit on her. Of course he couldn’t leave a dent, the elite members hardly left a dent even when they fucking outwitted the bitch.


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>100% retarded start
But it is, the entire premise is a joke about how "powerful and scary" student council members of japanese highschools are. The first few episodes blend the line between violence and school activities in ways that seem completely surreal and impossible to take seriously. This lasts until the school invasions and only ends when Ragyo shows up and shit becomes "serious".
It basically starts out as a joke, but then tries to rationalize all that surreal bullshit as preparation for a full on serious war with alien parasites. I'm not saying this wasn't a jarring direction, but people seem to be flipping the concepts. It's the first half that is the weird "joke" compared to the second half which seemed to had been thought of first.

Well that's their fault for not having their daddies design a high quality revealing outfit.

Sanageyama destroyed her in the following episode, and notice how the moment Nonon showed up in episode 5 Tsumugu escaped. And this was before the upgrades started and Nui and Ragyo joined in. He simply had no chance of keeping up without an uniform, and this is an import point the show makes, both narratively and thematically: "Only life fibers can fight against life fibers".

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When you mention the ending, I have to ask this, “why did humanity bring back clothes without a second thought?” Sure it might be a weird outcome for the show to have a nudist planet but that will least follow the themes of the story, show progression from the need of clothes/life-fibers,
and cause humanity to be more independent on themselves.

>Ryuko just "wins"
Did you miss the part where Senketsu realizes that he wasn't just gaining power from absorbing life fibers but exponentially increasing his ability to absorb them?
Ryuko with Senketsu was the only being capable of facing Ragyo once she had her wedding dress, because Senketsu was the only thing capable of converting enough life fibers against Ragyo.

Life fibers have way too much weird bullshit attach to them. They don’t feel thought out on the grand scheme of things when bombs do nothing but stupid sound waves and oversized scisssors are somehow extremely effective.

I don't think you understood the point of the story. The moral wasn't "Anarchy fuck yeah, any kind of social role and organization sucks", it was pic related. Both Satsuki's authoritarian order and Ryuko's mindless rebellious individualism were flawed and fruitless, that's why both failed and they had to find a middle ground. The good guys didn't beat Ragyo by fighting naked, they used life fibers. Clothes are good, as long as you decide for yourself and you don't let them dictate who you are.

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It was great until, though it stumbled a little at the end, Nui should have been the final obstacle to overcome I think, Ragyo showed up too late to be built up properly and didn't have the same charisma.

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>They don’t feel thought out on the grand scheme of things when bombs do nothing but stupid sound waves and oversized scisssors are somehow extremely effective.

>those Nonon hips
Man I need to rewatatch this.

There's no Nui's Yin without Ragyo's Yang, they rapresent absolute chaos and absolute order, and they both needed to be overcome. And on practical terms, Nui wouldn't work as a final villain.

Nudist beach had a decent societal structure that wasn't very oppressive and they were very accepting of taking outsiders’ help. I actually imagined humanity being more like those guys in the naked aftermath. The lack of clothes didn’t mean a lack of order in the show.

>this entire post

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It's been a long time since I watched it, I can't remember every detail from a show which made such a bad impression on me. I've written almost anything that came to mind.
I'm not interested in ridiculous convenient explanations for "good guy is able to beat bad guy". This is Yu-gi-oh tier of bullshit. It doesn't have any meaning and Imaishi could have come up with literally any other explanation and it would have made no difference.

Bombs have a ton of energy and they can blow up your ear drums with their intense sound. They should work and cause drastic damage to life fibers, especially if the bomb was on it.

>And on practical terms, Nui wouldn't work as a final villain.

I don't see why not, Life fibers were the real threat and Nui was deeply connected with them.

I agree that Ragyo was an important antagonist, but I simply think she was more Satsuki's villain to overcome than Ryuko's. Nui was the one who she was hunting all along after all, and she interacted with Ryuko much more over the course of the series than Ragyo did. I believe it would have flowed better had Ragyo been defeated first by the sisters, than have Ryuko's duel at the end be against Nui instead.

The conversation in space would work better if Nui and Ryuko were the ones talking instead, as the mother didn’t feel redeemable at all and Ryuko would have a reasonable emotional reason to confront Nui with acceptance especially when Ragyo was gone.

Nudist Beach were thoroughly ineffective and unorganized. The lack of any hierarchy within the organization allowed any kind of retarded behaviour, like Tsumugu deciding that he wanted to destroy Senketsu, literally the only hope for humanity that the others worked hard to create. It wasn't until the Devas and Satsuki joined in and they started employing life fibers and act like a more serious organization that they achieved something.

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Dude, are you seriously trying to argue if ancient alien organisms should be weaker than bombs?
Only life fibers can damage life fibers, period. That's the premise.

I love him

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To me, the problem with nudist beach in the first half is connected to how the first half itself is just a mess of insanity that’s pretty much unplanned for the most part. It’s when the writers go, “time for seriousness”, was when the elites and the nudist beach leaders were actually practical in the story. We also didn’t had much time with the nudist beach organization as they were left untouched until the elites joined them.

I don't get where you're getting the "time for seriousness" stuff. The first half had plenty of serious scenes.

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>ridiculous convenient explanations
It was literally created with that ability by Isshin because it was what was necessary to defeat the life fibres how is it contrived?

Exactly, Nui is a great foil/contrast to Ryuko and everything she went through, a final battle that was nearly the same as the one we got but was simply between Nui and Ryuko instead would have been a much better payoff to the series.

What did they mean by this scene?

That’s a shit premise for anything. Because that could mean the nudist beach members would’ve just attached small bits of life fibers in their bombs and swords and then they cause serious damage. After all, they’re not a batch of random morons, they’re an organization established by Ryuko’s father. I’ll argue that this shit is a massive oversight.

Why are you tripfagging?

>that’s pretty much unplanned for the most part
It obviously wasn't, though.
And as , notices, some people seem to believe that there was a huge shift in tone at some point, while in reality it was pretty consistent all the way though. I think episode 5 has the least jokes and the most serious scenes in the series.

This episode was hilarious.

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Ryuko would’ve felt bad for Nui, Nui was basically what she was supposed be, Nui was her sister, and Nui was very alone with no one to truly care for her.

I never noticed the cats were doing it too


KLK was fucking excellent until Nui showed up, turned to shit, and then it didn't recover until Satsuki rebelled against Ragyo.

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The side characters were by far the best part of KLK.

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If nothing else the backgrounds were excellent

I don't see any connection between those posts?

>Because that could mean the nudist beach members would’ve just attached small bits of life fibers
They used all the fibres they had to make their bullet

>in their bombs
Pretty sure that'd just randomly fling bits of fibre around

The only problem I had with second half was no straight Ryuji’s vs Satsuki. The switched clothes were neat but not really the same.

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Tags: All the way through

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>They used all the fibres they had to make their bullet
Explain the giant scissors.

What about it? You seem to forget that NB didn't have life fibers available until they found the way to extract people from COVERS. Presumably all what Ishiin was able to scrape before faking his death went into the creation of Senketsu and the scissors. Is that all?

She looks so innocent

This chick suit makes the whole “lack of life fibers” problem pretty stupid when you consider his abilities.

I see a lot of people shitting on Nui's part of the show, and I just have to ask: why? It's been a while since I've seen KLK but I remember her episodes, or at least the first few ones after she was introduced, were quite excellent.

Ryuko was way past Nui's bullshit in episode 22 already, as the unceremonious way she dismissed her made clear.
In the final fight, they're not just Ryuko and Ragyo. Ryuko embodies the will of everyone who was fighting with her, as rapresented by her stitching all their uniforms with hers, and Ragyo has absorbed Nui, becoming avatar of both absolutes.

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Yeah but Raygo is pretty boring.

Hey guys I'm a huge faggot

It's 2010+9. We don't judge.

All namefags should be fucking hanged.

I seen your ass before. Why are you still boring?

Because some people feel there needed to be a straight up Ryuko V. Satsuki fight with Ryuko as the victor before Nui.

Yea Forums is that way.

You've seen his ass? I thought this was a blue board.

>Bullying ESL Tripfags is suddenly not Yea Forums culture
Lelouch only gets away with it because he's been around years longer than most of the current userbase

What are you referencing?

Because she's an awful piece of shit character and the writing dramatically fell apart after she showed up.

Nui didn't do anything wrong.

Well, I don't remember the whole Satsuki vs. Ryuko conflict necessarily being then end-all be-all reason for enjoying the show, but again, it's been a while. I might need to rewatch it.

That's retarded. Ryuko was being totally manipulated by satsuki into doing her bidding until that point, why should she have won? Being humiliated by both Nui and Satsuki for being a dumbass was the only possible outcome.

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Extremely low IQ post.

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That's kind of vague, but alright.

I’ll tell you a horror story. I was not the one who posted it. It’s actually a false tripfag trying to seek attention.

Easily forgotten.

Not everybody suffers from amnesia like you.

>Easily forgotten.
Not many five year old shows could have such active threads

Shut the fuck up.

TV anime of the decade is Fate/Zero.
Movie of the decade is a toss up between Wind Rises, Kaguya, and Your Name (but Weathering With You comes out this year as well so we'll see).
OVA of the decade is Gundam Thunderbolt.

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I've always wondered why people prefer Fate/Zero over UBW.

>Your Meme

It went to shit after episode 1 and became the flagship series for anime redditors


Fuck you those threads were a riot beginning to end.

>Caring more about the fanbase than the quality of the show.
You're not in highschool anymore, child, learn to judge things objectively or nobody will care what you think.

but i did said it went to shit after episode one, learn to read first before trying to call someone out.

Yes but then you went on to bitch about reddit, which invalidates your taste. As I said, nobody cares about your opinion, loser.

LMAO get ass blasted kid


Anime is still here right?

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Panty's tits aren't that big.

How new?

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i still havent had as much fun in a talkback thread as i did with nui armsposting

Nui is best girl.

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man i just remembered how hard Yea Forums flipped its shit when isshin's transformation aired
good times

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Why don't any of the girls have nipples?

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Because they’re not sexy enough to deserve them.

Yea Forums can suck more dicks than usual. KLK was great. I don't know what it is about Trigger that makes Yea Forumsutists REEEE harder than normal, but it touches a nerve.

and now satsuki humiliates ryuuko by constantly buying her cute outfits and taking copious pictures

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