Last time, well in a sense not a lot happened. The ZEROS marched on Gokuraku and a massive fight ensued. Takashi, Manion and Mitsu found the guy whose beatdown started the whole mess. Kuwahara more than held his own until being hit with a weapon. Andou was ready to use his sword but Kazuya arrived with a timely assist thanks to some molotov cocktails.
Meanwhile, holed up in Karen's and bored Yuko started schlicking only for Saeko to catch her but she did tell Saeko that she liked someone... though that person had a girlfriend already (gee, I wonder who).
Andou? He's the head of Gokuraku. The head of Red Emperor is another character who doesn't show up until much later. The guy who beat down Takashi in the first chapter, Ishiguro, is in Red Emperor but I don't think he was the head.
Luis Rogers
Ah, I checked again and yeah I was confusing Gokuraku with Red Emperor, I have always had the image of Emperor being the biggest, baddest gang, but in the manga later on Gokuraku seemed to be like that since Andou is pretty hard headed. I guess I was mixing the real Black Emperor gang with Red Emperor from the story.
Mason Diaz
Yeah, Emperor's probably #2 to Gokuraku with the ZEROS being #3.