What went wrong

what went wrong

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>anime adaptations are trash
Water is wet

No "This shall not stand."

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>implying it's not trash since source material

The whole vol 2 was rushed as hell. Vol 1 was adapted in 7.5 chapters while vol 2 only 4.5 and they last almost the same in the novels and manga.

It didn't sustain the edginess that put it on everyone's radar to begin with.

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Not enough elf, and still no elf nipples.

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That hat is unacceptable.

mostly doing shit out of order, having the bed moment before his partial face reveal kindof ruins it for example.

The things that could've been...

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Too much focus on the boring parts of the early parts of the series. Also not being able to matchup to the style of the manga or its art. Animation and art being average and pretty bland. CGI slayer ruining every shot and being so jarring.

That has was always unacceptable.

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That is just a head warmer. A true hat is part of your identity.

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This pic sums up everything that went wrong with the anime. I was so fucking pissed when I saw that chapter.

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i dont get this. isnt it more difficult to animate this part instead of getting a still image exactly like manga with glowing red CGI eyes and some aura shit behind it. how did they even managed to fuck this up.

this, as controversial as that was.

Your mom didn't swallow.

God damn rapefags. You need to get gobbed by a knife to the throat.


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why did shield hero get the good adaptation and not goblin slayer

it's not fair

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Not enough rape.
Meat shield scene was butchered. Priestess should’ve been bitten twice.
Fucking up the timeline by putting the farm battle at the end.
The whole anime was soulless.

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Does shield hero have rape

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>Priestess whoring herself in the Guild party event

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Best part of the entire series.

Maybe because shield hero is part of kadokawa isekaishit and GS isn't.

You mean carry the series.
>完売/Sold Out.

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I am not even a priestessfag but I hope this means they will put some effort during the dance in season 2.

Goblin's Crown was confirmed for 2020

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Nothing about a second season.

no, but it has rape accusations

>Water isn't wet by itself, but it makes other materials wet when it sticks to the surface of them.

I'm no rapefag, friendo. Quite the opposite.

But search your feelings. You know what I said is true.

If they'd animated the fate of the Steel Rank female team, more of Sword Maiden's past, and the meat shields during the Farm Raid, viewership (and feedback) would've skyrocketed.

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Erufu strip scene confirmed?