Houseki no Kuni Chapter 79: Two Hundred and Twenty Years

New chapter is out

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>another 4 pages of Aechmea and Craig this chapter

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But in all seriousness this is probably what they did

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Phos has been through far too much.

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And that's all for this month.

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So Phos is literally overclocking Sensei right now?

holy fuck this chapter is slaying me
i've never seen phos brought this low.

I can't believe those cunts forgot about Phos!


This is amethyst, right? Am I the only one confused by her huge make over?

that coat and those pants are sick

Yeah to both, I love the new look. I wish we got some more time to find out what she's thinking though.

She finally got out of bumfuck island to go to Moon College.

Should we migrate to this thread now that the chapters out? I just checked the other one and that schizo user from a few days ago is shitting it up again so it seems like a lost cause

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What was that weird gem monster sensei was building?

sensei can’t be worried that phossu will attempt to hurt him, right? This expression appears to be from concern for phos’s injuries suffered or from self-defeat for having a corrupted prayer.exe right? please tell me phos is put back together next chapter and is happy

What are the odds phos is gonna be the guinea pig for the memory extraction project?

>aechma kept phos head and they extract his memories

leave schizo / akemi posting to the containment thread

I realized Phos got interrupted being broken apart in chapter 77, and in 79 he continued saying "Please". That's pretty neat.

ok quick analysis of the chapter and specifically the moongem's progress.

It seems, like was previously alluded to in the wedding chapter, that just the moongems arriving on moon caused a small renaissance.
Just by being there they forestalled eventual boredom and renewed moonie culture.

The moongems seems to have made a lot of changes, mostly "positive", but I'm unsure if this is truly a good thing. They adopted the analytical and logical nature of the moonies, but still can't read into or understand the subtle workings of depression in yellow's case.

All that knowledge and researching equipment will not gain them the power they seek, or any real true knowledge. They will probably be stuck in the same position the lunarians found themselves in, with no tools to help them.
Note in the chapter how even though they're trying to fix yellow, none of them have any outbursts of sympathy or sadness. They're straight to the problemfixing part, of looking for solutions and gaps they can fill.

Yellow and paddy were the most in tune with feelings and empathy, so their loss weakens the culture of the moon. Not to mention phos, being the most supreme being who they tossed aside.

basically moon society is still rotten and is missing crucial parts is my guess, and WHO KNOWS how much earth society has degenerated.

Aw fuck how can she take a month off after that
the meta suffering continues

Those cunts.

I doubt earth society has degenerated, just stagnated. With the raids gone they have even less to do, except endlessly patrol on the off chance a moonie shows up like shitsha used to.

concern for phos, and probably shock. phos is being forceful as FUCK

>sensei is the only person who cared and remembered about Phos
What the fuck. This is actually super messed up. Phos was prepared to make Sensei into an enemy just to help the gems out, but in the end all the gems betrayed her, but Sensei did not. What a bunch of pieces of shit.

I think without firm leadership and enemies to fight, the whole binding ligament tying their society together is going to break apart, if it hasn't already.

>No raids
Holy shit, poor bortz, just after he got his whip too

Who the fuck is this Phos everyone is talking about?

Potential that the earth gems have gone full existential crisis now that their "purpose" is gone? Sort of how Phos was at the start of the story but x10. That seems like the logical outcome, with gems like Bort being hit the hardest by it.

Also, gem restoration confirmed stopped - no gems coming back at all via that method. Beardy is best moonie.

earth society probably didn't change. The goal of the earth gems after all was to resist change, but Euclase asking sensei to pray shows at least he has changed his mind. As for the moon renascence, we have yet to see what's going on with that since the gem restoration stopped for currently unknown reasons, maybe related to the slugs


as i said, who knows.

>Also, gem restoration confirmed stopped
I keep being shocked at just how terrible every single gem outside of Phos is. They simply lack all compassion for their fellow man and aren't worth being loyal towards whatsoever. Phos should seriously just abandon ship and live with the jellyfish.

Will Phos get a full body again or will SkelePhos be the new hotness for now?

>I keep being shocked at just how terrible every single gem outside of Phos is. They simply lack all compassion for their fellow man and aren't worth being loyal towards whatsoever
yellow and pads cared but they are still fucked from the raid. Alex at least cares about his partner but he's MIA, and the earth gems STILL dont know about the restoration because Phos never told them

*forgot to add
you are right that the other moon gems don't seem to give a single fuck about the restoration, especially if they think turning into lunarians is more important

Paddy being nowhere to be seen worries me a lot desu.

I can't believe Shinsha dumped Phos as soon as literally anybody else starting paying attention to her. What a cheating whore.

what even is the endgame anymore

Did you pass?

Seventh Impact.

Enlightenment through suffering

Will be revealed once Phos breaks sensei like the retard he is. I feel bad for Adamant, no one can save him from a dumb gembutt


it's a nice touch

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What the fuck is Phos' problem?

>the slugs are alright BUT FUCK THEM ANYWAY

then phos becomes maitreya and either recreates humanity by killing everyone or causes the 7th impact kills everyone

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These are the best pages

It was phos after she was broken apart in the last chapter

>this version of phos dies
>aechmea revives phoshead into a nuphos
>eventually collects her remnants on earth and forms a nuerphos

Revenge, then enlightenment when Phos realizes the gems aren't worth even that much effort

Really though the gems are worthless

I never thought I'd say this but after this chapter I don't want the gems to be happy anymore. The earth gems can fuck off after last chapter, and after 200 years of the moon gems doing literally nothing they can fuck of as well. Phos and sensei are the only one's I'm rooting for at this point

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If 220 years have passed have any new gems been born? Someone who won't abandon Phos?

How long since the last lunarian appeared?

I think this was the plan all along. Like, at the start of the series we assumed the reason why everyone was unhappy was the moonies. Then we got further in and we began to think it was Sensei's fault, but at this point, it's because literally everyone is terrible and lacking in empathy other than Phos and Sensei.

Does this song still represent Phos?

220 years, I bet.

It's a new Phos.

It only took 220 years for you to forget...

Don't even fucking joke

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That'd be pretty cool actually.

>I've been scarfing down asparagus
what did she mean by this

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At this point I think this song works better:

This whole moon arc has felt aimless and meandering, I hope Sensei praying allows for a more focused story again.

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>phos stopped more gems from being taken by going to the moon
>earth gems don't think it was because phos did something
Fucking retards. Imagine if earth gems would get in on it. They could all be traveling up and down to figure out how to best solve everything and not split the gems into two with no progress.

no, it only represented genki phos and he's long gone

It's still too early for that, since Phos still has her chest intact. Once she loses every original part and becomes a full ship of Theseus, that's when we'll meet another Phos.

>Moon arc felt meaningless
Nah. The Moon Arc was meant to humanize the Lunarians more, while dehumanizing the other gems.

As we started from Phos' perspective, we inherently believed in the goodness of Gems. That the Gems were GOOD and the moonies are BAD. The entirety of the Moon arc was make us realize just how unsympathetic the gems are. How they don't think like actual people. Like I know you joke about pedo Achema, but I think the intent there was more to show the difference in cultures and how Gems even perceive stuff.

Yellow and Pad getting SHITBAR'D was a deliberate act, to remove the most human gems besides Phos.

If only we still had based Ghost, the most loyal gem

All the gems that seemed to have some degree of empathy or drive to improve things get killed off.

i think this works much better

Teach me about Buddhism, Yea Forums

This seems to be very reminiscent of Tantric Practices. If Phos attempts to assimilate himself into Sensei, there is a chance he will achieve his goal. Especially since Tantric Practices involve to individuals coming together to complement each other and achieve enlightenment. I believe this is the only way forward for both Sensei and Phos. Sensei only looks scared here is only because he is startled by Phos' sudden actions.

I want to kill Phos to save her from further suffering!

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Read the compilations!

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Holy shit, I had an aneurysm while writing that post, let me try that again.

This seems to be very reminiscent of Tantric Practices. If Phos attempts to assimilate himself into Sensei, there is a chance he will achieve his goal. Especially since Tantric Practices involve two individuals coming together to complement each other and achieve enlightenment. I believe this is the only way forward for both Sensei and Phos. Sensei only looks scared here is only because he is startled by Phos' sudden actions.

Who the fuck is Phos? I don't remember any gembutt by that name.

Honestly, I don't get why Euc and Sensei just went along with the other gems so easily. Sure the gems were scared of what Phos might do but if their new leader and former leader made a case for at least hearing Phos out, would they really resist or care that much?
Shit, the whole reason behind Cinnabar wanting to scatter/hide Phos was to impede the Lunarians if they returned for Phos and it should have been obvious that wasn't going to happen after awhile.

It means "I want to show you what true hell looks like" or something like that

Jesus Christ what is this great wall of text.

I feel bad for Phos.

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Fuck bro. This right here. Fuck. This shit hurts. being broken was bad, but being forgotten?

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I just read it and I still dont know who rohini is

This. I loved how a while ago people were throwing sensei under the bus. Fuck earth jems. Phos did nothing wrong.

I always believed in Sensei. I also think Euc is still not that bad, just a doormat

Rohini = Moon Prince's favorite wife
Moon boy is prince, Cairngorm is his wife

Season 2 when?

2021 at the earliest.

Euclase I assume it's because Gems go with the flow of a situation. It clearly wasn't that important whether Phos was alive or not. She followed the will of the group.

Sensei, it's more likely that he couldn't bring himself to fight any of the gems and he felt he did not have the right to exercise authority over them anymore, so his only option is subterfuge

Sensei is seeing some real shit.


I actually forgot what happened to Pad, can someone spoonfeed me the chapter of the event?

Got mercuried by Shinsha in ch. 70, current status unknown.

During the night raid, Cinnabar spewed mercury at Phos
Pad tossed Phos out of the way and got drenched in mercury
Pad briefly speaks in the following chapter, but thereafter wasn't seen or heard from at all except a character mentioning they were trying to extract the mercury which had seeped deep into Pad's body

>and is happy

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>waifu is NTR'd away by fucking Bort of all people
>husbando is ded for good
>replacement husbando is NTR'd away by fucking moonies
>murdered by the very people she was trying to save
>allies went full cultural suicide
>abandoned and forgotten by everyone
>the only one who genuinely cares for and tries to help her is also the source of all of her problems
>body has finally been worn down so much it's not even sexy anymore
>literally the only person across two whole civilizations who actually tries to make progress and inspire change

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I can't keep with this. Every chapter is a really heavy punch in my feels. I'm not kidding.

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>body has finally been worn down so much it's not even sexy anymore
Not gonna lie, I thought Phos still looked ridiculously hot this chapter.

user, why are you so sad? This is what we were waiting for, this is what Phos has been waiting for. At this moment, it seems like whatever Phos did is continuing the prayer, whether or not Sensei is doing it (I personally think that sensei is out of prayer mode and Phos himself is sustaining the process currently) Phos is actually moving towards his goals. There were no setbacks, nothing to get in the way between him and what he wanted to do,and this is depressing for you? user, this is hope! Something that we haven't had for a while. Phos being reconstructed is a good first step. If this work, Sensei may have Phos go live among the Slugs for a period of time, just so that Phos has a place to go where he won't be instantly destroyed. This is what we wanted, and even though we don't get to see whether or not Phos is successful, the light returning to Sensei's hands means Phos was already partially successful.


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Snapping the moonies away

You think Phos will get a nice ending if we pray hard enough? fuck is Phos' mental state even salvageable at all by this point

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No she's too far gone. All we can do is hope that she is able to give a happy ending for everyone else

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>happy ending for everyone else
This is worse than Jesus and we didn't even cared about the rest since long ago.

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I don't think she even registered the fact that there's been (another) timeskip while she was dead. The only silver lining right now is that all the other gems are asleep and can't fight back when she genocides them. I can't believe Yellow is only the second most mentally unstable gem right now. Even if she manages to succeed at this point, it'll all be for naught because all of her personal motivations like saving Antarc and giving Cinnabar a job have become impossible and she's just carrying on out of a sense of duty. Even her relationship with the other moon gems was tenuous before the timeskip, at this point it's safe to say that Phos no longer has a meaningful connection with anyone besides Sensei, who she herself made into an enemy.

Phos seriously needs to just go live with the tittyfish for a while and get away from all this gemshit.

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I mean, in a analogy way,
>sacrifice himself
>nobody cared about him after except followers
>only be remembered by the religion
>the rest don't recognize his effort
The shit with Phos is
>sacrifice himself to the gems
>they backstab him
>only people who remember him is sensei and amitas (or whatever they are called)
>the rest don't recognize his effort

so what happened to paps? i forget

>who she herself made into an enemy
If Sensei believed Phos was an enemy he wouldn't have put him back together. Phos has only setup Sensei as an enemy in her mind much earlier because she view him as the reason why every single gem was taken away, but recently he has even shifted away from that mentality. And Phos has always done things for the sake of the other gems, since he is the one who feels the most empathy out of all of the gems.

We've had this same question three times in the same thread.
Is it really that hard to go back a few chapters and skim though them?

well yeah obviously just answer the question you little nerd

Yes, but Phos is forced to look at Sensei as an enemy because of the position she took up as the moon gem leader. She knows he cares for her, but she can't allow herself to be on his side or accept his affection. That's what makes if even worse.

If someone had told me this handsome angry boy would turn into a cute girl I wouldn't have believed them.

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I feel like Phos isn't just exploding here, I figure even if Sensei didn't pray correctly, something happened that will change Phos into something else, even if it isn't immediate.

Also holy fuck it's super creepy seeing how the moon gems have just completely adapted to living with the lunarians to the point where they want to become them, I didn't even recognise Amethyst when they first showed him. And FUCK them for never fucking trying to regain Phos and just calling the whole gem recovery effort off, even if they wouldn't have their memories why would they not still want the dusted gems to be able to live again? Or try to rescue the one who allowed them to live on the moon in the first place?

Pads was granted the sweet release of death.
jk of course we all know that's not true lmao

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Accept, she relied on it the entire time already for the entire sequence of his second time trying to see him. Pads already showed Phos why he can't consider Sensei as an enemy but someone to work with. Your argument doesn't follow Phos' character, as it is now.

>I figure even if Sensei didn't pray correctly, something happened that will change Phos into something else, even if it isn't immediate.
Phos resumed the Praying process as seen with the light returing to illuminate the scene, a light that was missing only a couple panels ago. Phos himself is either forcing sensei to continue the praying process or is finishing the process themselves without sensei's help.

I haven't been to these threads in a year, when did ack start posting in gem threads?

It was fairly recent, between now and the last chapter.

Guys, Look at the difference of when Sensei Stops praying between chapter 77 and 79, there is something different happening here than before, either Phos is able to see something they weren't able to before, or something else happened to sensei, but when Sensei shut down before the thing he was holding faded instantly, this time though it faded away slowly, so slowly that he started to bring his hands down before it even disappeared, where as last time he didn't even move his hands before it disappeared. And the fact that Phos was able to restart the praying process as seen by the reappearance of the light in the scene on the last page, means that Phos is somehow able to more distinctly see and interact with whatever Sensei is interacting with, which means that Phos could end up learning to pray himself in the coming chapters.

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>jk of course we all know that's not true
Ichikawa doesn't.

I think we can assume that the dusted gem restoration project was halted by Aechmea after Phos's second trip failed, and since not one moongem even mentioned Phos's name it seems likely that among the entire cast, only Aechmea, Barbados (maybe), Kongo and Euclase still remember who Phos is.
This means that most of everybody has lost the plot and the only allies Phos has left around him are either defective (Kongo) and can't do much or just has a vague sense of what he's trying to accomplish (Euclase), and getting Euclase to help him includes him reporting everything he's seen on the moon. Unless the pearl eye still works (or if Aechmea still even cares anymore) there's nothing Phos could use as bargaining chip.
Also going by how Pads didn't show up at all and how the moongems were talking about him and Yellow I think it's safe to assume that he's certified dead.
Would Rutile really forget the gem that stole his bf away?

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>Would Rutile really forget the gem that stole his bf away?
220 years is a really fucking long time.
Hell I wonder if even the slugs remember Phos anymore.

>long time
For us, not the gems. Remember that Rutile will be reminded of Phos whenever he heads to his operating room and see the stacks of red gems he's collected for Pads. I don't know how often he goes there anymore now that the gems don't need much fixing but just once every few dozen years will definitely trigger him.

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Dia is so fucking cute, jesus hitler christ.

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So, what happened to parappa the rappa?

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Rutile keeps meticulous records of all his medical experiments, there’s no way he’d forget about Pads. He’s probably gone spergy like Alexandrite did.

Also the last time Padchad was unconscious pre-moon was 231 years, weirdly close to this timeskip?

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He's dead. If he weren't Yellow wouldn't be this fucked up

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If he doesn't pray after this chapter, I'm 90% sure we get evil Phos. I really want evil Phos

Ya this is the only time I've actually considered something in this manga to be a big mistake plot wise. Phos is literally the gems Hitler.


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Yellow doesn’t understand what death is, and the last time we saw Padparadscha he was up and talking, I don’t think he’s dead. Pretty fucked up probably, but not dead.

Since the gems have integrated into monied society so well, what if Crapworm isn’t the only one to end up with a husband/lover?

>last time we saw Padparadscha he was up and talking
The mercury probably hasn't seeped deep enough at that point, or the moonies fucked up while operating on him. I refuse to believe that he's never visited Yellow even once over the entire span 220 if he's conscious at one point.

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Ame x Barbata when?

I was several months behind. Finally caught up. Fuck, guys. I miss genki Phos. Can we go back to the way things were? Bullied, ignored, neglected...forgotten. I just want that dumb gem to smile again.

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Seeing everyone so settled and happy feels so disheartening.

The dramatic irony is that this seeming "peace" only came about through Phos's actions which inadvertently created a ceasefire of sorts, and yet before this we had both sides harboring their own share of antagonism towards Phos (Aechmea/Candycorn primarily from the moon's side, and most of the gems on Earth).

I can see Phos and Sensei's actions creating a shakeup in the current status quo with how everyone seems so settled right now.

You are aware that by this point Phos must be some kind of deity for the slugs. She met with two of their leaders, the one who founded their new home and another who was still young and wanted some advice and direction, flawlessly helping both of them.

>Can we go back to the way things were? Bullied, ignored, neglected...forgotten.
That's still happening, except now it's 100x worse than before for Phos.

Something lighthearted

>slugs had an industrial revolution and are building spaceships to invade and eliminate the filthy lunarians
>they elect Phos as their immortal god-emperor to lead the crusade


When I first picked this up, I posted this pic here and said how fucking adorable she was making a smiley face out of the rocks, when she was trying to be a strategist. Then everyone responded with how sad they were looking back at that page, and told me to fuck off before I got spoiled. This page gives me real feels now.

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meanwhile yellow inclusions

>that careless dumb Phos living out her blissful days
Now I'm even more depressed.

Don't die.

Just give me that Phos back and I'll be happy. Or at least let something good happen.

Through suffering
we find enlightenment

>please tell me phos is put back together next chapter and is happy

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What about the jellyfish?

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Phos is acting pretty out of character in that panel, I think that's mainly why he's shocked.

>please tell me phos is put back together next chapter and is happy
He'll get pieces of Pads for the first part, but the latter's a no go.

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That's him moving his hands away. That's why Phos put them back together.

That's not what's happening at all. Phos was just able to get through Kongo's authentification and command him to pray.

She did it before, nothing new.

She's literally forcing him this time. That's new.

i dont know user..maybe he's talkinga foreign language...maybe we should ask him again

Huh? No he didn't

Nah we all know Barbata is giving Alex “cooking lessons”

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>forcing Sensei's hands together
If that's not an attempt at forcing it, I don't know what is.

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It's an attempt, it literally didn't work

I think forcing sensei to pray will work. We KNOW that he still has the capacity for praying, since we saw him pray the dog and doctor away. The only thing is that maybe he's restricted to only praying away people in front of him.

Have you read the next chapter then?

user, that's literally what Phos is doing in the last panel grabbing his hands and forcing them back together.

Are we to ignore the light bursting from his hands?

Why don't we just wait until the next chapter

because nothing bad happen in it?

Why don't you just eat shit?

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Your point was that Phos "forced Sensei to pray" which is false since he didn't pray.
You mean the light left over from the previous praying attempt?

...Are you trolling or just an idiot?

It's ok if you don't understand the question user, take your time.

>Your point was that Phos "forced Sensei to pray" which is false since he didn't pray.
It's not actually me making the argument, but
>She's literally forcing him this time
This is exactly what Phos is doing in the last two pages. Whether or not forcibly initiating it will work or not will remain to be seen.

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user, time for bed.

Remind me how please, I'm bad at this.

>You mean the light left over from the previous praying attempt?
>It's ok if you don't understand the question user, take your time.
It's BRIGHTER than this page you ignorant fuck!

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There's something hauntingly beautiful about Phos here. Like a banshee.

i'm with you bro.
i cant think of anything but how i will make resolutions in this story if i was writting it. probably nothign original, but at least not this painfull

>go live with the tittyfish
She wouldn't be able to bear living with beings that die a lot.

Stop it Phos... Please stop...

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At least they care about her. Everybody else doesn't even know she exists.

That's worse.

Agreed, that user just wants more Phos suffering.

Next Chapter is going to be fucking nuts.

Phos' suffering is the best thing about the series. Everyone should want more of it.

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so, im not this guy but i kinda greed with you, but lets be honest, if everything is going like it did so far, the very next panel will be Phos instaBroken again, put in a more(if possibily) miserable condition, and casted away for...i dont know....more 100 years?

anyway i think the sadness comes from us by have emphatized with phos (the main protagonist) and just see her fall dow, deeper and deeper in sadness, stupidity and been basically considered garbage from her people

sayng that, Phos ACT like an idiot, because she IS an IDIOT. Phos had a forcefull upgrade in strenght...but she never have time to grow in personality and mind.

i stop you right there! "she's ggot a new head!", yes she did, but she dont get a new brain, and also she keep loosing a big part of her memories everytime(just remmeber you that)

"the moon people says Sensei is the problem...ok i just go back and broke sensei and force him to pray!"

istn this souns just a liiiiitle dumb to you??
she lied to everyone and poisoned theyr mind on pourpose. She thought was a good idea...but we can clearly see that it was NOT

no wonder that every gems hates her.

i agree that the gems lack in emphaty...sure, but after a friend comes back from the enemy lines, and the first thing he doees is backstabbing would YOU react Anons? be honest

his arms must have good heat transfer properties

Faggots were saying shit, but Euclase turned out to be best gem in the end!

just press Ctrl+F and search the word in this page you little disable

anyway, he get cover in poison, get into treatement on the moon and since now never heard again

literally me

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is it just me or is the passage of time also major source of terror for anyone else?
Hundreds of years can pass away in a blink of an eye, it somehow makes everything even more horrible

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is this the new way to troll?

years passing by in the blink of an eye
it's just so relatable haha

>hating on gemmilfs/gemcakes
underage gems like cairngorm or newgoshe shouldn't be allowed to post on these south african mining industry forums

sure...because become the main anthagonist of the manga was not Evil enough.

the gems almost stop on complain of the moon people and start worring abouth phos

..."take off your shell"

If user was a gem, and read this chapter, he'd crack in half.

if its gonna happen i would say that this manga has reach a new level of disappointing

i dont get it...

I hope Phos goes into the sea to learn something from the slugs, and when he comes back, it can be a repeat of this scene but with a non synthetic pearl eye as well.

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>years pass by in the blink of an eye
>still stuck in your own misery
>everyone seems happier for some reason
>you keep trying your best but everything more or less stays the same for you
haha so relatable ahaha

>(almost) everyone is perfectly happy with the new status quo
>(almost) everyone's forgotten about phos
>there are still some problems, but (almost) everyone is content to just ignore them
>phos comes back, still in PANIC MODE from 220 years ago
>forcibly changes everything, ruining it for everyone
>phos is now considered MEGA SATAN
The only question is WHAT exactly he'll do. I don't think just praying away the lunarians would be enough, the earth gems don't give a fuck about that and the moon gems, while they might care more about it, seem to fundamentally accept their desire to die.

i think Sensei CAN pray..he kinda dont want to.

in the very beggining, while meditating(dreaming) he was STARTING to pray

and he suddengly wake up sayng "it was just a was close this time"

since he's a machine he's FATAL difect could be that he can choose to do NOT follow his program and dont pray for the Fuking lunars for some reason he decided

I think the prayer at the end of this chapter won't work. This chapter is obviously building up an attempt to turn moon gems into lunarians. She's more than likely going to eventually make sensei pray after they'e been turned into lunarians, thus killing all her moon gem friends, and probably being ostracized from the Earth gems for doing so.

The more you think about this chapter and the possibilities that come next, they all seem extremely bleak, this is the just the tip of the suffering isn't it anons.

Phos goals are probably still largely the same as before
>pray the lunarians away
>restore the dusted gems
We can probably add "rescue the admirabillis on the moon" to that list, so Phos will be trying to get the moon at some point. Maybe the Admirabillis on Earth really did figure out a way to get there.

Sensei's praying right now seems more likely to turn the gems on the moon into lunarians than pray the lunarians away, so something interesting might come of that. Someone like Pads as a lunarian might be very helpful to Phos and would also free up his body for Phos to use as replacement parts

yes, and i think is made it on pourpose. for us such time will be like losing everything, so put and even more depressing light on all Phos work

and after like300something years...Shin still NOT getting a new job XD
what an actual fuck

>he learns how to make big meaty tits

Was anything important mentioned in the pages with Cairn and Aechmea? I'm in the habit of just skipping over those pages.

Cairn wants to become a moonie, is still a complete cunt.

Fine by me.

Aechmea tells Cairn that he can continue with limited experiments on gems, and indirectly says that the current situation is where he wants it to be and is just waiting for something new to happen. Being in control is more important than seeming wins or losses.

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This fucking guy

What if Cairn gets taken over by Ghost as a result of her meddling? She was the dormant personality after all.


220 years of punishment down the drain
fuck this is painful
will sensei hide phos from the earth gems or will they have completely forgotten about him?

Ghost and all the other gems aren't going back since nobody on the moon cares enough, so they stopped the project.
Phos likely won't return to the moon.
The moon gems might become lunarians or FUBAR themselves in trying, either way, none of them except maybe yellow and alex can go back home seeing as the least traitorous (phos) in the end got fucked up as much as he did.

Despite what Sensei says I don't think they've completely forgotten, just where they buried most of their boxes.
Euclase and Cinnabar at least won't have, possibly Rutile and Bort too.

>first thing yellow does is try to die

they likely haven't forgotten about phos herself but they probably did forget they ever cared so i think his reception will be very minimal and cold

It's winter right now, Phos isn't going to stick around long enough for the other gems to wake up or Sensei will at least move her somewhere where they won't find her. Unless Phos disguises herself as another gem, which is possible but would seem pretty pointless, plus Phos surely doesn't want to be around the others anymore.

Phos has nowhere and nobody to go to. Will he become the new cinnabar? Except for Aechmea and his keikaku no moonie actually gives half a rats ass over Phos and the earth gems wanna kill him if they're not super hostile and apathetic first.


why does everyone keep saying things about the sea??

What says, the slugs are still out there and that's the only group Phos hasn't spent a significant amount of time with, they'd probably appreciate him being there. Plus, I believe there's a link with Maitreya, the Buddha that Phos shares some symbolic aspects of, and the sea. Variegatus' piece of Phos might have turned into a pearl by now, that would also provide a nice counterpoint to the lunarians synthetic pearl eye.

Most kino panel to date

Cannabar is accepted and is happy now. Phos did well.

Yep, I would predict Phos going back to Moon next chapter or next two. There is nothing to do on Earth beside chatting with Sensei, what we will probably see. Maybe he will even uncover some valuable information.

wait i heard that if phos is made up of no less than seven elements, sensei will consider him human, does the synthetic pearl count or will it have to be a real one? also it does seem very likely that phos will go to the sea when put in this light

maybe he'll just go wandering off and become this wise man or something
more importantly: what does aechmea have in store for phos?

Or the end of this chapter is such an amazing catastrophe we can't even predict it.


why would Phos go to the moon, though?
there's nothing for him there either
it doesn't seem like anyone wants him back, especially not aechmea since a) they stopped harassing, they didn't organise a search&retrieve and b) they stopped the program, the sole condition phos had for his services, apart from the safety of the earth gems

i feel like S E A A R C H is the most plausible right now

i second the sea arc, fuck smegmea and craig

I don't think the seven treasures thing is a strict requirement, Phos is able to get Sensei to pray without all of them, but it's symbolic of his journey to enlightenment. A pearl eye from the moon and one from the ocean would be nicely symbolic of gaining understanding from all aspects of humanity, I'm sure the slugs have something important to teach Phos.

As for what Aechmea really plans, who knows, maybe an enlightened Phos is what he's after all along.


>Phos is able to get Sensei to pray without all of them
only slightly so, it still falls short of actual praying
>but it's symbolic of his journey to enlightenment
he seems pretty far from enlightenment right now having been raped from all sides, but maybe that's why his ego is now gone and he can finally ascend
>A pearl eye from the moon and one from the ocean would be nicely symbolic of gaining understanding from all aspects of humanity, I'm sure the slugs have something important to teach Phos.
yeah i agree that this would be the best solution
>As for what Aechmea really plans, who knows, maybe an enlightened Phos is what he's after all along.
he is an egoist, he only cares about getting poofed

We've already been to the sea twice though, and there was fuckall new info the second time.

phos promised that she would see the slugs again sometime, though
also chekov's gun, they can't leave the slugs completely sidelined for the entire story

>enlightened Phos
considering the major ship of theseus/grrandfather's axe theme, endgame appears to be Phos becoming a reunification of the three separated aspects of humanity and becoming a new breed of human

Neither of those instances was for any siginficant length of time, we still have to see what the Admirabillis civilisation is actually like.

i know it's unrelated to houseki but this webm makes me feel instantly depressed just watching it

i find the passage of time truly horrifying and even more so than that, is the loss it brings
like in that webm there, everyone dies and the world itself too, starts to die over time
the finality and the irreversibility of that massive loss feels absolutely crushing to me

wh-what if phos aside from another pearl eye, gets an organic body part too?
also how would phos be able to procreate?

Euc remembers Phos right.

I would prefer an ending where the three races manage to live peacefully together, or humanity was only brought back long enough to let the lunarians pass on (which means only Phos becoming human, which means Phos dying for real at the end of the series)

I feel like Euc at the least remembers Phos. Someone like her who was willing to give Phos a chance and is asking for prayers now wouldn't be a threat to Sensei's rebuilding Phos plans

girls last tour is amazing
it's really something else, this scene, the contrast between humans daily lives and the unfolding chaos in the background, with that spider eating the butterfly as symbolism
thanks for reminding me of this gem of a scene, this show/manga hits all the heart strings just right

>Barbata has harem

>posting that scene
I was already feeling too much with the new chapter, why would you do that user?

>an organic body part too?
since gems are 'bones' then I think it would not so much be an organic body part but an entire meat suit, so to speak
>how would phos be able to procreate?
big meaty fish dick

remember this scene?

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>only Phos becoming human, which means Phos dying for real at the end of the series
I could see it playing out that way. Phos becoming human and then dying in a grand display of martyrdom that inspires the three demihuman breeds into accepting each other as kin

i am struggling to see what that would look like
maybe additional to the gold, phos could get veins everywhere that can move inclusions from one part to another

Pearl is pretty much organic.

So this is how the tears work.

if i have to suffer you have to suffer with me

i'm not lying when i say SSR is one of my favorite anime/manga
that short scene there was only a small snippet portraying the downfall of humanity and still, it's incredibly touching and emotional

How fucked up will Phos get in the next chapter? She's basically a gem ghoul at this point

Can you imagine how Kumiko sounds while screaming this?

Phos, who was originally kind and genki and cute and sweet and carefree has within a short period of time by gem standards become a screaming suicidal lunatic. Of course Sensei is shocked.

i started reading from when the anime ended so i missed quite some arch (like hometown) so i'm going to be re-reading and re-watching the entire thing from scratch
you could join me if you want
i thought the kettenkrad breaking down and chito burning her diary was the most emotionally devastating thing in the entire series

yeah sort of, we didn't get a lunarian body part on the moon either so this makes most sense, actually

it can only go better from here r-right??

user please stop

My fucking brain. Just when I think I've dissociated the meaning of "male" from "he" something like this happens.

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I hope we get a second season.


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is there enough material? they could adapt things from SS or archs that were skipped


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Did phos just honked

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Phos awakening into Maitreya, the 29'th buddha, the buddha of joy.

>it can only go better from here
>smug ichinigga.jpg


I just want to remind everyone that Phos caused this shit herself. The reason she and others are suffering is Phos.

Phos deserved to be buried, in fact Phos deserved the worse thats coming to her by forcing himself on innocent Sensei

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>t. Shitsha

Did they seriously just leave PTSD-depression Yellow in a room for 220 fucking years and expect him to come out okay?

Good chapter ruined again by cairn and aechmea

No, just a superior Bortfag

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No, it seems Yellow has been having these sporadic episodes of insanity ever since the night raid.

Sensei has light in his eyes here, for the first time ever in the manga.

This is Phos' first winter in like 264 years btw.

As far as we know Lapis was extremely manipulative, and there's nothing that points towards Lapis having empathy at all. All we know is that he was "curious" about the moon-earth conflict, not that he wanted to solve it to help anyone.

lol how does the absence of empathy feel my guy

Shinsha tried to cover Phos is mercury, Pad saved Phos and tried to break Shinsha so Shinsha caked Pad is mercury instead.

I miss Antarc

I feel empathy but Phos made her bed.

Maybe it will remind Phos of Antarc and invoke some mental shift towards improvement? Pretty please?

i miss antarc so fucking much
but im in love with an ever more punished phos

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Doesn’t matter if you value gem society or not, shit that happens now is sad anyway.
“It’s his own damn fault” is a very bort thing to say

Oh christ user I can't deal with Antarc sads on top of all the other recent sads

I was really hoping focus would shift away from the Moon as I'm completely sick to death of seeing chapters padded with 4~5 pages of CairnxAechea rubbish.
It needs to stick to Phos' PoV.

>people still hating in cairngyaru
pls get over it, just because you want the gems to be male doesnt mean that it's wrong for her to want to be feminine

>“It’s his own damn fault” is a very bort thing to say
Its also the correct thing

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Interesting. It's sorta mad to think it's been what 55? Chapters since Phos shifted to suffering. Maybe like said could be a good setup for another shift in the other direction.

I hate Cairn because her character has becoming insufferable since the change and has honestly slowed the manga down to an admirabilis' pace for no good reason.

But this is the nature of things.

I'm so tired of these two

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It's a shame Chapter 9 user was proven wrong. I don't think things have been totally retcons but it's clear there were changes to the overall plot since the start.

This is actually pretty good foreshadowing, if it's intentional. While the others are thinking of fighting, Phos wants everyone to be happy.

He didn't pray the dog away, and the professor was cut in half by Phos and evaporated. Fucking speedreaders.

He did absolve the game board of their sins or something tho

He does say something along the lines of "You'd leave me too?"
So I don't think he prayed it away. While it sounds completely stupid, maybe the gameboard finally being with it's owner, similar to Shiro was what made it pass on.
Despite being an object.

is now a good start for 220 puns?

Eh, I'm still here and yeah I'm a bit miffed that Chapter 9 was completely dismissed in a single panel.
Personally I hate how the Lunarians turned out but whatever I guess.

Yeah it’s a lot different from the active praying he did this chapter,
It’s some sorta spiritual thing anyway


So do people still believe or consider the whole Aechmea worked on the team that created Sensei theory?
It would explain his knownlegde about his inner workings plus how he knew about the Professor.

Chapter 9 was the chapter in which Ventricosus gave us our frist big info dump on the Lunarians and their grand plan. Considering Ventricosus was up on the moon and was the only one to actually escape while her kin were drugged or brainwashed.
I can't remember what chapter it was but Aechmea dismisses everything Ventricosus says when talking to Phos.

Those two stumps are what's left of the bell arch, then?
Guess they never needed to repair it.

What he says is more like “well, the admirabilis are jumping to conclusions”
Moonies might not even be able to change their constitution or something.
But we know they are doing experiments with human particles, and that this is never brought up by anyone.
Its secrets and importance are probably guarded closely

I don't give a fuck about him being a "girl", I hate him because he betrayed Phos and his fucking species after being manipulated extremely easily with obvious lies by Aechmea.

We don't know if Aechmea was telling the truth to Phos. Everything is still up in the air.

How do you guys interpret what Aechmea said about "controlling the entirety"? Is he more interested in maintaining the status quo rather than being prayed away now?

Don't care however way he/she identifies, the fucker turned her back on Phos at the most critical of times. The fact that she outwardly went back against everything that she and Phos went through when it was Phos who even introduced her to her Prince just rubs me all kinds of wrong.

This. We don't know how much Aechmea is letting on. He could be telling truth while omitting certain facts to work in his favor. It's not like Phos could force his hand either, if anything he had total control of the situation.

>Evil Phos
>"You all buried me for 220 years. Do you know what that's like? Trapped in utter darkness, alone, unable to scream or to beg for mercy?"
>"There wasn't a single hour, a single day, a single month I did not wish for death. But Sensei brought me back, because he understands me."
>"But... Sensei won't pray. Not for me, Not for the Tsukijin. Not even for You."
>"It's all your fault. If you weren't here this could have worked."
>"I'm going to take you from him. One gem at a time. I'm going to make him watch you suffer as I have. I'm done asking."

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he loses phos to the earthlings, he wins by capturing gems, but in the end he's in control of it all which eventually will result in what he thinks is him getting prayed away

I do love how the moment we lose Phos' prospective it just jumps until we get it back regardless of the time passed.

Camgreg is ... complicated.
On one hand, he is flagrantly fucking over phos and acting like a spoiled child.
Totally accepting the princess role and abandoning their partnership.

OTOH ... can we really blame him, and does the retarded facade hide his intelligence? Probably and maybe.
I think craig did the most for phos when the raid went to shit. And is one of the prime “movers” on the moon for (potential) good progress.

The only thing that stops me from hating corgi is the fact that he studies and wants to improve and doesn’t remain complacent.

Even though these actions(like the moon people as a whole) are not aligned with what phos wants

every time this manga updates i lose more of my will to live
i think ichikawa is feeding on my suffering and sucking out my soul
at least we get a break this month

I don't hate Cringeworm outright. It's an interesting plot development and one of the few genuinely well-written surprises in the story that has added new elements that no one could have easily predicted. He's also still supportive of the other gems which still counts for a lot. But that doesn't mean I can't dislike his purposeful ignorance and nonchalant attitude towards Phos ever since falling for Aechmea.

I don't/didn't even ship the two, wherein I always had reservations about the PhosxKaren ship due to the very nature of it mirroring their past attachments in depressing ways (Antarc and Lapis respectively). Even then, what Candycorn did still stung and the fact that it was such an organic "betrayal" instead of something clear-cut like you'd expect from any typical anime melodrama is what makes it so convincing.

it means imagine what her piss smells like right now

Compilanus here, where is my assistant user to point me the good posts?

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Welcome back

nice try ichikawa. come back when you make phos genki again

Only degenerates are on right now.

Don't browse these threads often but I assume you're related to that compilation thing mentioned earlier in the thread. What is it?

Sounds like the past 5+ chapters

I don't think he knew the time that has passed. He didn't the last time lapis was placed on him.

it's just pretty

too long

this guy makes them
thank him

user, that's not the fucking point, look at the difference between the two panels. When Sensei first prayed it disappeared instantly, while the second time it was there until he separated his hands.

There is already proof of it working, the fact that the light that was gone before returning after Phos intervened is proof enough.

People are saying there's gonna be a newborn Phos, and I can see it happening, but what if there's a newborn Antarc?How the fuck will Phos react?

This fucking series, I swear. This chapter was one gigantic example of a car crash or some other kind of momentously impactful event where you can only mentally grasp what's going on when it's already half over. The way the story doesn't just jump ahead again, but doesn't even bother to emphasize that it did and how so much has stagnated gives it a certain hard to describe feeling.

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I want to sexually fuck Red Alex.

Sensei made the light too, in the page before that. Maybe she just made him do the same thing and it fizzles out again. Who knows.

Based and literally redpilled.

When o get home to draw it!

>those dubs and trips
Areki gon' get fucked tonight

I could see this happening more. Phos might stay for the winter before SEA ARC SEA ARC SEA ARC

It fizzled out before Phos intervened, and with the presence of something that wasn't visible the last time sensei prayed, Phos was able to intervene and force the process to continue.

>inb4 Phos and Sensei sexy time

We call them "injections" user, ask Barbata.

>In b4 Phos and sensei sexy time
>user now remembers Tantric Practices
It's more likely than you might think.


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Dear God, please just make it stop.

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Kek. I was mainly thinking of the original winter arc and their closeness in grieving over Antarc.

Yo sweetie
Understandable, have a nice day gemfriends
I'm compiling lore/buddhism rants so everyone can read them

I need a fuckton of coffee anyway, amazingly kino chapter overall, I'll look if there are worthy posts in this thread in a minute.

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What's that crop cropping?

I think Ichikawa tries to portray it that way because it blows more minds.

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I dont wanna get banned.

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Good morning Earth gem.

whoah, i- uhhh.... i dont know what to feel...

Gross big nipples.

Anons! This last image is not a bad thing. It's actually Phos and sensei being able to finish the prayer together!
Guess what also need two people to pray/meditate? Tantric practices.
But don't see this in a sexual way. Its mind and compassion working together to reach enlightenment (Sensei being compassion and Phos being the mind, or possibly even the other way around, but you get the idea.)

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>Phos break Shitsha and lost his gold in the process

I think it's less that anons look at it as a bad thing and moreso that anons are horrified at how mangled Phos looks over being so done with the whole thing. But yeah, I had a feeling that some shit's about to go down and I recall either you or someone else previously posting that exact image in the leaks thread.

How many times are you going to post this? I don't mind but still.

I'm going to keep posting it until people stop with the whole "Woe is phos" thing even though this chapter shouldn't have elucidated that kind of response.

I think there is enough for a movie at least. 12 episodes might be a bit too much, but it's doable. The problem with unused material is that it happens on the lower layers of the city.

All sensei wants is to live in harmony with his gembutts why does Phos and the moonies keep trying to ruin it for him?

>everyone, presumably including Cinnabar, forgot about Phos
>just wants to die
>if Phos ever succeeds all the other Moon Gems will have become something else entirely anyway
Damn, there's something so sharp and grim about the way this series uses timeskips. Really details how the passage of time can damage someone, rather than just allowing for healing and growth.

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Scientist Ame looks like my laboratory partner and she's fucking cute

>>everyone, presumably including Cinnabar, forgot about Phos
Sensei doesn't know much about their relationship, of course he would assume that Cinnabar forgot too.

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is your lab partner a girl(male)?

She looks like me

God, it is so fucking obvious who you are, !Akemi.
Seriously. You don't even try to hide it.
Just to make it insanely fucking obvious how little the mod cares about the rules, and how he doesn't actually enforce them at all.||184478914|||184463346|||184468222|||184483898|

!Akemi got those four bans within a few hours of each other. And he's clearly ban evading, but he's getting warning and 1 day off topic bans, while not even getting all of his posts cleared. But off course, if anyone at all tells off !Akemi for shitposting, they are met with an almost instant perma ban for evasion.

>durrr /u/ /u/ /u/ faggot durrr!!!!
Is not discussion of anime, that's meta posting. Which is off topic.
You, like always, are trying to play stupid and pretend it's not obvious as fuck who you are.

How often is winter in gembutt world? Is it once a year, or once every hundred years or some shit like that.


Attached: disgustedphos6.png (77x106, 11K)

Once every year, its the same earth after all.

Its once every year, just like normal earth seasons.

Schizo user only got me 3 times this time. Nice.

Attached: schizo.png (1164x404, 32K)

it's once a year, we just skip a lot of them

well chapter discussion was fun, I'm out

>I'm going to keep posting it until people stop with the whole "Woe is phos" thing even though this chapter shouldn't have elucidated that kind of response.
Most anons even making that reaction are just reacting to the events of previous chapters and the resulting fallout shown in this current one (mainly, the idea that Sensei had to wait 200+years for everyone to forget Phos).

Talking about how hard Phos has had it throughout doesn't take away from the potential good that this cliffhanger seems to promise (which many anons have already pointed out in previous threads). So really I don't know why you're so insistent on it, it's not as if no one's paying attention.

Dia a cute
So they stopped the gem restoration project because the restored gems will be fucked up in the head or something and thus they need to extract their memories?

my exact thought ^^

Why do you even care if you're right user? You're the only one who cares, I'm sure tons of "generals" have at least one autist same fagging. It's the price we pay for having a non-cancerous platform like reddit.

Is this ACK/!Akemi poster just a spambot? Its type of posting makes it seem extremely automated and fake.

Ignore, hide and report user.

fuck he jumped to this thread as well

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Thanks anons. I think sensei probably just meant it was the first year that no one mentioned Phos inbetween winters.

user don't post images, he might decide to touch more threads

Schizo has become a fairly common /pol/ meme fren. The shills use it all the time, so we use it ironically now. That's probably why you'e noticed widespread use of the word recently.

Why are you replying to posts multiple times, !Akemi. Everyone knows it's just you. And the sheer irony is that you're the one from tumblr
>No actual response to the points made in my post, just repetition and mudflinging
As expected of a shitposter. Why did I even bother writing more than a paragraph?

So I take it you are completely and 100% unbiased when posting? Sure.

You are replying constantly first, because you are unable to avoid things you dislike.

You do the same thing over and over, endlessly. You accuse "me" of doing it, but you have been stalking people for years. You can't read social cues over a screen, you dipshit.

No, I don't mean geniunely, don't put words in my mouth, you illiterate. I guess you must not have a vendetta against !Akemi and Troid, considering you are constantly on the lookout for them and are trying to convince everyone to hate them and shitpost against them too, while ruining threads for others.

Prove to me that he's a mod, take a screencap of IRC right now, otherwise it's bullshit.

Also, I hope you get hunted down by someone as obsessive and paranoid as you, and they gut you like a fish while smearing your entrails on the walls as a warning to your coddling parents who enable your degenerate lifestyle of shitposting 20+ hours a day getting anything you want.

My disappointment is immesurable, and my day is ruined.

literally why hasn't this mentally ill faggot been perma banned yet

>Sensei prays for Phos
>Phos becomes human
>Bortz wakes up and whips humanPhos to death
>Sensei just stares in utter horror

Attached: 1543590782868.png (792x713, 319K)

Hahah, aww. Look at how upset you are by that post, !Akemi. I love it when you get so blatantly upset.

And no, !Akemi. You never make anyone mad. Seriously, just think about it. If you were actually making people mad, why do you think they would still be coming here?

You have never once actually addressed how you don't make people mad. You refuse to even acknowledge it. Because literally you WHOLE LIFE is here on this website. And if you admit you're not making anyone mad, you'll end up killing yourself.

it's a girl(female)

why can't we just have comfy houseki threads again

I'm genuinely impressed, I don't think it's a bot. His replys are so fast and large though, that he must be typing furiously.

Janitor, you stupid brain dead mindless fuck tard. Look at the name he is posting with. It's "?Akemi", because you literally can't post with "!Akemi" as you're name. He's not only ban evading, he's avoding posting filters, trying to "troll" and attacking people as well. Do your fucking job already.
You are the only person who posts with this name. You are trying DESPERATELY hard to pretend you're some "epic troll" and that everyone wants to copy how brain dead and retarded you are.

And as always, you just calling other people shitposters doesn't mean they are. And, you calling other people mad doesn't mean they are. Look at how much YOU reply to people telling you off. You reply more than anyone else.

O wait, never mind. I kind of think it's a bot now.

No, seriously, how does someone end up as mentally ill as you are, !Akemi. Please, for the love of god, get a life, or at the very least, get medical treatment.

And yes, like always, it's obvious all of these posts are yours.
You are the one who acts like you have schizophrenia.
Here's where you tried to "diagnose" your boogieman with it and you ended up get getting totally blown the fuck out.

And of course, your insane obsession in refusing to accept you don't make anyone mad. You can't accept otherwise, because shitposting on Yea Forums is literally your whole life. You don't want to admit you're bad at it.

>expect people to constantly say different things to him
>!Akemi has been trying to force the idea this means "bot" for multiple years
>!Akemi will never answer anything at all said to him
>he thinks this actually makes him look smart

the anime got half way through to volume five
im certain we could have another 12 episodes at least

This question sounded really weird, winter can by only once in a year, by definition of the year. You probably meant if year in hnk has the same length.
I think it`s not necessary 365 days, but should be close to.

Why do you think it's a bot?
You, !Akemi, never react to anything anyone says to you, you just shit out the same garbage over and over. Not having a reaction is what's bot like.

>Someone replied to a post I think was made by !Akemi
Imagine being so mentally ill that you see no shame in samefagging this hard and spending this much of your life shitposting. You get literally zero personal gain from this. You have no friends, no family, no job, no life. Literally nothing.

!Akemi, this site existed before you. You stand out when you try to lie like an autistic retard.
And of course, like always, Troid is protecting !Akemi while he ban evades and shitposts every single thread he can find.

I have no idea, someone must have used a triggerword like...

(test: shizo)

It's the typical never-give-up attitude of a good hero/protagonist, warped completely into the deepest grief.

Because nobody wants to be saved. Because nobody understands what "saved" means. And even if they were saved, they wouldn't appreciate it.

Imagine giving happiness to a sad person, and their reaction was "Wait, this isn't how I usually feel. I'm supposed to be sad. You must be evil and trying to manipulate me."

It's obviously just some idiot trying use Akemi (who was very much a notorious Madokafag way back) trying to shitpost this thread into oblivion by larping old arguments surrounding Akemi.

This faggot clearly has something against Houseki threads so just ignore them.

Maybe it's that one Nanachiposter who kept trying to shitpost? After all, he couldn't ruin threads easily with his shitposts so might as well just ruin the thread by force

reasons i've been banned on Yea Forums
> posting literally just the word cunny
> posting futa horsecock art on 4channel
> criticizing the mod who hates strike witches in a strike witches thread
> asking what milky holmes torrent i should grab

why aren't the mods doing anything about this fucking retard?
it's a grave injustice if you ask me

>winter can by only once in a year, by definition of the year
Ya that was dumb. I guess I was thinking the "winters" were more like ice ages.

!Akemi, you getting told to kill yourself in no way means there's nothing else in the post to address. And you are the only one who's screaming and spamming.

>meaning that you must feel some kind of emotion
No, it means that I'm logical, like a sane human being. Do you think normal people foam at the mouth with rage when they see a candy bar wrapper on the sidewalk?
That's what you are, !Akemi. Garbage on the ground, and people want you cleaned up.

>When you reply consistently, nonstop,
And how are you not replying constantly? You realize you are replying as well, right?

> I don't see what autism has to do with anything
Because, you do the same thing over and over, endlessly. You can't communicate with anyone, and you can't read social cues.

You mean "genuinely", you fucking retard. And no. No one has a vendetta, other than you and Troid. Everyone else just wants threads to be good.

What the actual fuck?

Attached: QLjeqnExxn.png (461x229, 28K)

Holy fuck this has to be the absolute bottom right here.
Imagine Phos situation, desperately trying to bring back the lost gems that are already gone for houndreds of years, giving everything up for what you asume is the greater cause.
Yet every earth gem (except maybe euc) hates him, like he caused it himself.
Every Moon gems doesn't take him serious at all, adapting the moonie mentality of an easy live and just forgetting about Phos because it's convenient.
Cairngorm got everything he has now because Phos brought him to the moon, yet he's glad Phos got shattered because it's convenient to him.
Even Cinnabar that stupid tsundere was given the chance to solve his poison problem and chill with Phos on the moon, instead he stayed on earth and probably forgot about phos the second he got along with the other gems.

Currently Euclase is the single half decent gem. He still didn't get shit done, but i'm pretty sure he knew about Senseis plan to put him back together and is ok with it. We got to the state where literally doing nothing makes him a better person then every single other gem.

I hope Phos starts slicing through them like when he first got to the moon next chapter. It really fucks me up how all these gems i liked turned into this.

Poor Phos.

I wouldn't be surprised considering how massively asspained they sounded last time.

You can easily tell that some of the posts and greentexts are copy-pasted. I remember seeing similar responses because I was actually there when Akemi was a blight in Madoka threads. This user is just larping by using old replies and sometimes modifying to seem like they're new and in response to posts here. The sad part is that they're actually going out of their way just for an elaborate shitpost.

I wish I knew what this !akemi guy did to him, so I can learn from it and apply it to /pol/ I've never seen anyone this upset.

I thought it was an elaborate meta comment on how Phos' mental state has been decaying over the course of the series.

Yeah, since their efforts weren't working it makes enough sense and it's very clear they're just taking the old posts. With that last post being one of the few changed things I think it's definitely him.

I was surprised at how quickly they managed to hate Phos, but forgive Lunarians.

Blaming the savior for even trying, and forgiving the villain in a bout of mental gymnastics. It's remarkably human.

Tell me, !Akemi. Why do you think replies mean so much?

You're literally one of the lowest tier shitposters to ever use this site. You have yet to actually fool anyone about anything, and haven't done a single actual troll. Because everyone knows what you're doing from the get go.

Someone replying to you doesn't mean they are mad, it doesn't mean they are "triggered". All it means is that they aren't autistic and know how to talk. Unlike you.

such amazing accuracy

Attached: yqOMKC5.png (142x130, 4K)

>he is unable to answer any questions and he literally never stops replying
This is literally you. Everyone addressed what you say, but you never address what anyone says to you.

Say this, !Akemi :"I am not making anyone mad, just because someone replies to me does not mean they are mad."

Get over you insane freak obsession.

>Anonymous Mon 15 May 2017 23:52:24 No.157256618 ViewReport
>that fucked copy-paste
Holy fucking kek, how embarrassing.

But it`s admirable how many good this guy could accomplish executing this perseverance and autism in a right direction.


>Anonymous Mon 15 May 2017 23:52:24 No.157256618 ViewReport
Amazing quality shitposting, I love it

is this finally the crucial piece of evidence needed to expose this shitter for good

Oh look, it's the boring repetitive monthly circlejerk thread, where the same boring replies are posted, the same boring shitposters appear and the same boring !akemi bot replies are posted.

Last season he tried doing that shit in spec ops asuka threads and in some other mahou threads before that, seems like he targets shows with yuri shipping potential.

>gets get deleted
>INSTANTLY starts meta shitposting again
>doesn't try to talk about the series
>instead just tries to start more spam and flaming
>tries to blame "ack" and say that "he" is the problem
You are so fucking lucky that you have Troid sucking your dick and protecting you.

Seriously, the fuck do you realize to yourself acting like this? What the fuck will make you stop being obsessed with "ack"
Why will you not accept that just because people reply to you it doesn't mean they are mad?

Why are you replying to your own post, !Akemi? Seriously, what's the point? Don't you feel retarded?

>He's a self-admitted
I actually find it hilarious how you are so literally autistic. What's you're saying was never self admitted. You on the other hand are just copying "self admitted" from the post talking about Troid before. You copy people because you're autistic.

Why did you delete your fuckup here? Just to look clean?
It's obvious that you've been copy-pasting old posts anyway.

Attached: pussy actually deleted it.png (957x299, 20K)

>xddd lol xd i say lol so that changes me posting style lol u no tell who i am
!Akemi, you've made over 300 posts all by yourself this thread alone. Who the fuck do you think you're fooling when you say you don't care?
You put all your effort into samefagging and trying to pretend you're more than one person.

Stop replying to his posts, he didn't delete it, someone else did.

This show has no yuri shipping potential though

>replying to your own post
You should have used that one for the posts actually talking about you, Nanachiposter. The second post is replying to you meaning you are me

magine being so pathetic that you spend this much effort posting multiple times in the same minute just so you can pretend you're more than one person. Look at how much effort and time of your life you put into trying to "troll" over Yea Forums.

And notice how YET AGAIN, you tunnel vision on the fact you're called out on samefagging instead of address anything and everything else that people say to you.

And everyone is everyone. As in, people other than you. Why would anyone think that there's some shitposting group that's obsessed with "ack" when people have been telling off shitposters for years. And you're the only person to ever respond this way.

>a loud and obnoxious crowd
It's literally one person who tries to shitpost with "shipping". And that's !Akemi.

There's no crowd. It's just one guy trying extremely hard to "troll" and ruin threads.
You just don't get it. There is no "shipping war". That's just what !Akemi is trying to fake. He's going to ruin threads regardless of what anyone else posts.
>d- durrr ur shzio 4 think all posts me
No, you're the one who's insane for making so many posts. They're all low effort spam shitposts that take no time or effort to write, so there's no reason to think you're not just shitting out as many as you can.

See all deleted posts in the thread here.

Also, !Akemi. Please explain to me your obsession with anal. Like, why are you so obsessive with everything you do.

Anyone with a brain can see what !Akemi (Austin) is doing. All you have to do is look at his posts and see that he does nothing but make claims and never backs them up with anything. It's pretty much the easiest way to tell which posts are his.

who the fuck is akemi and why is this schizo obsessed with them

>delete all rule breaking posts in this thread
>a few seconds worth of work

>obsessively stalk and harass anyone and everyone who tells shitposters to stop ruining threads
>six years and counting

It's actually a fucking joke how retarded Troid is and how much he clearly doesn't give a fuck about the rules at all. Because he sure as fuck doesn't care about ban evading. As he gives !Akemi warnings when he ban evades and tries to ruin threads, or, he does literally nothing at all.

It's just some butthurt idiot spamming old posts about Akemi (a known Madokafag from way back) by copy-pasting them as replies. Ignore them and move on.

Even with all the deleted posts in the thread, it's actually insane how !Akemi manages to be over 50% of the thread all by himself.

You can also easily tell that it's always !Akemi starting shit, because even after posts were deleted and the mod "tried" to clean up the thread, he almost instantly makes this post attmepting to start causing problems against. And he went out of his way to make this post in the same minute to try and look like two people.

Hahah. Troid is literally sitting in this thread and spam refreshing it as fast as he can to delete posts as fast as he can. And he's not deleting any of the posts made by !Akemi. He literally doesn't give a single fucking shit about the rules. He doesn't care about ban evading, he doesn't care about anything other than harassing "ack".

Troid. You're disgusting and vile.

>Yellow Diamond is literally trying to kill himself
>Pho has finally snapped and lost his will to live

Attached: 1554263991342[2].png (1024x1024, 262K)

I want off this ride

Attached: punished phos.png (825x466, 545K)

he's shitting up the thread

Attached: 1542489776374.png (160x230, 27K)

You are just OBSESSED with shitposting and trying to lie.
You can't seriously not see that's !Akemi, can you? It's so fucking obvious.
>!Akemi is blatantly shitposting and trying to cause problems in the therad
>is spamming and ban evading
>constantly breaking the rules
>nothing gets done to him save for maybe an off topic warning
Don't you just love how the mod, Troid, is literally refusing to enforce the rules fairly and thus threads will always be ban and you can't talk about the series.

I wonder what thought goes through !Akemi's head when he thinks "Yeah, I'm going to go make a thread and even if I have to make 500 posts all by myself, I am going REFUSE to let this thread die because it's literally all I have in my life".

I also wonder what goes through the mod's head when he thinks "Yes, I see that this thread was made by a ban evader, but I refuse to delete it."

I like baiting this guy into Madoka threads and I haven't been in these threads for a while; I feel like this is a concrete example of karma, I'm sorry everyone

Awesome. Now Troid is baby sitting the thread and defending !Akemi while he ban evades and spams threads with meta posting to try and "trigger" people.
How to spot !Akemi:
He refuses to reply to anything anyone says to him.
When he gets proven wrong he ignores it.
Tries to pretend he can tell "posting styles" but really just accuses anyone who tells him to stop shitposting of being the same person.
Pretends that his shipping shitposting "triggers" people.
Tries to pretend he gives a shit about the rules while constantly breaking them.
Five more posts by you, !Akemi. Seriously, you're fucking obsessive. Everyone in these threads just wants you gone so we can talk about the series is peace without you constantly trying to "troll" with "shipping" and spamming low quality posts. No one is obsessed with a children's cartoon. People are trying to get you to act like a normal posters so there can be actual discussion in these threads.

You don't want to discuss anything, you didn't even watch this show. You want to pretend you're making "on topic" posts while you just really use it as a preface for "downvoting" "ack" posts.


>totally ignores what's said in the post he's replying to
>desperately says anything at all he can to try and "trigger" people
!Akemi, say this: "When someone is desperately trying very hard, they are unable to make anyone mad."
You are Austin, !Akemi. Everyone knows you're real name. You are not even fucking close to as smart as you think you are, and you never will be. All you will ever be is an insanely obsessed pathetic retarded loser.

May sensei have mercy on your soul, user

At least Paddy's okay, right? They haven't shown him, so he must just be relaxing by the pool, maybe playing games with Goshe.

Just imagine knowing you are badly beaten and proven wrong about everything you say you constantly reply to your own posts over and over to try and make it look like you're such a pathetic failure.

The only person who ignores things like this is you. And the only person who begs people to think you're not still here is you as well, !Akemi.

>durrr ur insane because you think !Akemi is here even though he's not using his perma banned tripcode
>im perfectly sane because i think anyone who tells me to stop shitposting is the same person
This is how fucking stupid you are and how everyone knows you are still here, !Akemi.
You didn't expose anything, !Akemi. Anyone with 4chanX (which is nearly everyone) can see the posts you linked were two different IPs. So even your retarded "IP count" shitpost doesn't make sense.

The issue is Asimov's laws wouldn't allow Sensei to let that happen.

The moment Bort makes an attack on Human!Phos, Bort would get fucking dusted.

This is like that Yea Forums stalker guy but completely unfunny.

Look at you, !Akemi. Look at how sick and fucking obsessed you are. You try to pretend that you're "trolling" people, but you're really just obsessively trying to harass people to make yourself feel better about your awful your own life is.

That much is obvious. I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same Nanashit that got butthurt in an old HnK thread and started spamming like an ADD kid. Just ignore, report and hide their posts.

hey so what do you think about the new chapter, genuinely curious

Imagine being !Akemi and sitting in a thread you made yourself for 17 straight hours just so you can try to "troll" what you think is a single other people.

Imagine literally your whole life revolving around what you think is a single other person over the internet.

I can't even imagine being this pathetic.

At least we know for sure now.

>thread is about to die again
>!Akemi is fucking autsitically consumed with keeping his shit thread alive so he bumps it, himself, again
>with more meta shitposting
And no, !Akemi. Unlike you, normal people have control over their thoughts and actions. It's easy to tell what you're trying to do. You didn't condition anyone, and you don't even know what Pavlov is.
Recognizing what you are trying to do doesn't mean you associate the two cases together. Just like no one thinks of you when they see a canon pair just because you try to false flag with them all the time.

You're just so mentally ill. How did you get this fucked up?

Like, your life is just such a joke. Look at what a pathetic loser you are.

!Akemi, you realize you're not supposed to put effort into shitposting, right? Trolling is you supposed to be making other people work when you do nothing.

You're literally the exact opposite. You spend literally thousands of hours of your life trying to "troll" and you put in extreme effort. You're a failure at literally everything, even 'trolling".

Shutup user, my Yellow isn't suicidal, he just forgot he wasn't a Lunarian. It happens alright, perfectly normal, now go back to discussing gems.

Paddy lost his will to live before the story started. He's probably still in his box

Paddy's body is probably still fine, Phos needs his last treasure after all.
That way maybe Rutile just kills himself for good.

>!Akemi has been posting in and bumping his own shitposting thread for 14 hours straight now

Attached: 1483698925528.png (531x604, 97K)

Clearly false. There is no any evidence Sensei obeys Asimov's laws.

fantastic! I thought the same!
I'm glad you liked the chapter as much as we did

that's cool and all but what do you think will happen with Phos now that he's been forgotten

Attached: 4110fdde9c82d158c5f8da668c0a19d8bd3e428c.jpg (499x276, 24K)

Why do you try to pretend that you're not still here, !Akemi? Who do you think it fools? Anyone with a brain can see that you are lying.

>it's paranoia to think everyone is !Akemi because he doesn't post with his perma banned tripcode anymore
>it's not paranoia to think everyone is "ack" even though "ack" was never real in the first place
Do you see the blatant retardation you constantly try to force? This is why it's so obvious who you are.

Is this what schizophrenia looks like?

A Lack of evidence isn't proof of evidence..

SHINSHA, Bortz and Rutile probably all remember, for reasons.
Rutile, at the very least, can't have possibly forgotten the guy who took Pad.

You don't need to convince me that you're a homosexual !Akemi.
>xdddd so "ack" what do you think about the chapter? do you like phos shipping with sensei?
You need to try and find different wants to change your "posting style" other than saying nigger and alterations of lol. And of course, you need to stop trying to lie over the internet.

!Akemi. You are literally a single person. Easily the most obsessive and insane person to ever use this site.


why did you reply to my post twice in a row? Couldn't it have just been in one post?

More likely, it's less that they literally lost any and all memories of Phos and more like she's been out of their minds for a fair while now.

These three posts are made by the same person. You've obviously been posting with your pass in this thread all along, and you just turn the pass capcode on to try and and look like a new person.

No one actually thinks Phos and Bortz are official. You are just saying that because you think it will "trigger" people.

!Akemi. You are literally a single person. Easily the most obsessive and insane person to ever use this site.

Imagine being !Akemi and sitting in a thread for 17 straight hours just so you can try to "troll" what you think is a single other person.

Imagine literally your whole life revolving around what you think is a single other person over the internet.

I can't even imagine being this pathetic.

>xddd lol based on mod EPIC uPBOAT EPIC LOLZZZZ
You know how it's obvious you don't give a fucking shit about the rules? Because you are meta psoting and spamming. You know you ban evaded to make this thread.
You are doing literally everything you can to try and slander and harass people. And of course, you ignore how you always always right admit you're trying to ruin threads.

All of these posts are made by the same person. He's trying to make it look like everyone wants his crack shipping cancer in these threads.

Sure is funny how how many, many years before !Akemi showed up in these threads no one at all posted like this and no one talked about shipping cancer like this.

Pretty fucking obvious given the radical change that it's all just one person talking to himself and trying to force an agenda. A newfag who thinks he can hide with anonymity.
Look at the literal fucking begging he does to try and look like more than one person.

don't take the baits, post more gems

I dont think we can really tell how sensei works until we get his full background, what we know is
>He was made artificially from an alloy of diamonds
>He was there to see the last humans die
>He has a deep connection with "professor"
>he was made to pray, the last humans probably already knew they needed to be prayed away
>He became unable to pray either willingly or unwillingly
>He cant disclose some information with the gems so he most likely has a protocol that forbids him to tell things to non humans

Mods = Gods

I hope he finally acknowledges Phos a human so we get a SSY-tier infodump on this shit.

So can a Buddhanon explain to me what the significance of 220 is?

Roger that!

Attached: zircon.jpg (250x250, 43K)

I'm hoping that we at least get new info next chapter now that something's actually happening.

Based mods.

Thanks user
>John Wick
Eyy, I hope you enjoy it

Buddhanon is dead user

Still I will thank you, but be more careful with your screenshots.

wtf is happening in this thread?

Attached: 1521812781203.jpg (1535x1500, 813K)

Just ban this retard jesus mods

yeah but there's got to be some people who have learned since his passing
I wish I was one of them

You think they haven't already? The guy a known ban evader because
>the mod banning me because of a personal vendetta doesn't count

why did they stop the gem restauration proyect if Red Dia was just ready? does Red Dia actually in the moon but in a zombie state?


I can't even fathom what goes through your head. Like, you are easily the most fucked up an retarded person to ever use this site. How you can waste your life like this is just crazy.

And yes, it's obvious that all of these posts are yours. Look at how you are dedicating so much of your life to just trying to pretend to be more than one person over Yea Forums. What a waste58

Maybe something went horrifically wrong and they aren't bothering anymore.

Now prove you're not sitting in front of your computer and using multiple devices to post. Oh wait, you can't prove that. And like always, !Akemi. You are the only person in the world who posts those screen shots. You will never make your behavior look normal.

>Alex is taking care of the unborned gems abominations

they made other friends so they didn't care about old dead gems

Here are another 5 posts by you, !Akemi. And you're not a "mythic shitposter", you're literally a brain damaged retard who can never fool anyone, so the best thing you can hope for is people replying to you and calling you retarded. You are never upsetting anyone, you are never making anyone mad. And you refusing to type !Akemi correctly, like any normal person would type a tripcode, doesn't "trigger" people. It just makes it obvious who you are. So thanks for that. Now no one has to doubt who you are and people can easily tell who you are. And it's funny how you can do nothing but copy people and what they say to you.

Alex is key figure here. Ame and Dia don`t care too much about fallen gems, they never lost a partner. Areki is a different story. Ether she is dead after operation, or gems had a very good reason to halt the project.

please articulate how any of those count as shitposting and off topic

besides of course those two posts which are off-topic

Makes sense especially with regards to Dia and Ame never losing a partner. Really curious of Alex and Paddy's current status.

and Benito?

Where do Amethyst(cientifica) and phos(demonio) fall in the power ranking?

Gem restoration should have been abandoned when they found out that they wouldn't have any memories.

Or ever wake up.

Any idea if this is close to being finished, I don't like reading ongoing manga so have been waiting?

Give it until Chapter 108 then we'll see.

found this post in tumblr about chapter 78 and 79
>chapter 78
Yellow’s pose is definitely that of Gautama Buddha
In theravada, its the pose he did when he returned from heaven. He didn’t die, he just went to heaven to teach dharma to devas, which is sort of angels, but they’re not the same as Christian angel. They are same as every beings since they are trapped in Samsara, they just reincarnated in a high tier realm where there’s less pain and suffering.
Gautama buddha is basically the guy who founded Buddhism. I think it’s possible Ichikawa tries to suggest similarities between Yellow and him. Personally, I don’t see Gautama Buddha as the holy, last incarnation or whatever, just a depressed guy who came up with really smart philosophy.
I’d say Ichikawa drew a comparison between his depression period that is followed by enlightenment with yellow here. In the past 5 or so chapters, they have been struggling.
So yes, you can expect some sort of enlightenment from Yellow in the next chapter. Or maybe they could just lose it. Who knows. Hnk is a deconstruction and criticism of Buddhism, not some religious text.

>chapter 79
And Ichikawa went with the second option, which right now is feels like giving the idea of enlightenment a finger.
It’s almost like calling Gautama Buddha nuts, and saying his method of enlightenment doesn’t work. I can’t tell exactly where she’s coming from or if she really wants to say fuck you to one specific part of Buddhism, but from the point of view of someone who went through years of Buddhist indoctrination, I totally understand if she wants to criticizes it
Also, it’s a ‘worst case scenario,’ but I’m not sure if that’s really the case for padpa? Their character arc just started, and if it ends now it would feel too early. Even Antarc still has some more development. Besides, we don’t know if the worst case scenario is a confirmed death, or just current moon technology not being enough to wake them up. Nobody ever experimented on gems until now, in which they just got permission.

is there some significance to 108?

Was not ready to see this. Introducing the moon plot was interesting at first but now I see its a mistake. Also I really wish this plot would progress so we can be done with the moon. Frankly Im sick of it.

>went to heaven to teach dharma
Yellow go to the moon
>devas are sort of angels, still trapped in the samsara but with less suffeing


we need more chrysoberyl art

>Hnk is a deconstruction and criticism of Buddhism, not some religious text.
Funny that they'd point this out, since I had inkling feelings Ichikawa isn't just letting her symbolism/parallels play out as straightforward as they might have originally seemed considering how the series is said to reflect a lot of her own experiences with going through a Buddhist school.

Somehow, I'm reminded of Gensomaden Saiyuki all of sudden.

there's plenty much dust in the world user


>Hnk is a deconstruction and criticism of Buddhism
I think we need to get a bit further in the series before stating it's one or the other, although I can there being a criticism if the question being asked is "if it doesn't work for immortal beings who don't feel suffering as do, what chance do humans have?"

Phos is strong enough to physically force Adamant into something he was pulling away from. Top tier.

Did you make this? I'd been thinking about trying to make something like this, but had no idea how.

>yellow anhero
>fixed next panel
huh so this is how you run out of ideas
>w-we become l-lunarians haha original!!1
I'm honestly surprised this is printed monthly.
With my comparison you can see the differences between the work of a pro and an amateur
meme depression manga that attracts the worst of Yea Forums as evidenced.
Look no further to a man who actually experienced death and how this translates into his manga.

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Take one by Aleki.

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Have a nice day as well.

it's a buddhistic coming of age story and it isn't for everyone

Eh, ONE and Murata already fucked the pacing of the manga anyway, and no god-tier art is ever going to fix such a blunder of that magnitude.

How many more mentaly challenged people are we gonna get in these threads? We're just missing the hxh shitposter now

How is that related to my post?

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>mentally challenged
that's funny considering you praise a woman that can't write anything consistent and praising a manga that is about to be axed
They are building up monster garou and GS and we will probably have a full arc by mid 2020

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>They are building up monster garou and GS and we will probably have a full arc by mid 2020
The webcomic's pacing was perfect as-is. ONE and Murata fucked the manga over when they started introducing all this fluff to pad out such a simple story. It's no fucking wonder why the series isn't as popular as it used to be. Grow up.

See you all in the next two months!

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I have to wonder why the gembutts trigger them so much.

I thought only shounen shitters went into each others threads to do shit like this. What does a shounen have to do with gem suffering.

what do you mean 2
is there a break next month or something

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Yes, then volume 10 in August.

Yes. So I guess it`s a last thread until July.
See you guys.


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>isn't as popular
Be chad ONE
>make a draft of some funny maymay manga about some bald dude one punching giant monsters
>somehow become popular enough to warrant the attention of Yusuke murata who easily eclipses anything Ichikawa ever drew and will draw, let alone write.
>post webcomic for free also make another one about a psychic autist kid and attract EVEN MORE ATTENTION
>get noticed by madhouse and have your work adapted to eventually become a massive success
>get a second season even though its completely shit and they literally trace art and animate murata panels
>still looks better than 2017 land of lustrous despite being a massive failure and considered disappointment by fans
>manga produces beautiful art and is consistent
>threads are almost always up
>swimming in money

Virgin Ichikawa
>begs for an anime adaptation by sucking off Orange executives.
>get a 3dcg mediocre adaptation that tries to improve despite horrible art
>art is absolutely horrendous
>all characters act depressed even though they have no idea what depression is
>it tries to takes itself seriously but fails
>main character is now a NIGGER
>plot goes nowhere
>takes a break
>low sales
>people never heard of other works
>never get a season 2
>dirt poor

plenty of other shows/manga that depict actual suffering and this one isn't even remotely close.

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We're on page 9 dude, I'm not even gonna bother reading your drivel when I can tell you're just a seething mangafag sucking Murata's fat dick.

you even make an effort when shitposting? Really?

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gems are too kino for they

Yeah dude I'm not like your schizo friend
I'll make sure you'll see it next thread

i'm gonna take the bait just for fun

You're allowed to like more than one manga user. you can even like one more than the other.

at least the thread is near its blessed death already

Don't bother you're just wasting your time since I can tell you're full of shit anyway. It's just hard to take you seriously when you're praising the manga that's literally become a shitty version of the webcomic.

>last thread until July
last thread worth going to*
threads with no chapter releases are dog shit

That didn't seem like the real ACK


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Yo user pls i need your help. basically i just got a couple of questions (no, dont worry, NOTHING about Pad)

-Why moon prince Aechmea is soo embarassed by his own name? i quick searched online and Aechmea is a kind of what? i dont think i get it, do you?

- second, where do you find all the update on the incoming chapters? there is an official site? a twitter account to follow?

thank yuo user

>shitty version
>is not even over
I mean I liked the webcomic better but manga is just expanding and generally improves everything.
Nobody hated how murata handled Garou vs king or garou vs A classes&genos&bang + bomb
In essence you don't have an argument and you can disprove a valid one with nonsensical shitposting.

1) Unknown.
2) Here is the best option.


Yeah that's right, shitty version. Good luck gobbling up Murata's shit for years to come, you're gonna need it.

Probably embarassed at the implication that he's no better than a plant, It might be something to do with how you can be reincarnated into different forms depending on your karma. Where he got his name, it hasn't been said.

Probably here, unless you happen to know the page where chinese leaks get dumped on weibo. This place also gets fast translations sometimes.

Question 1: If you're a shitbag of a human in life, you reincarnate as a lower form of life, like a flower or an insect. All the Lunarians are named after flowers or insects. Aechmea in this context refers to the Aechmea spear-tip flower.

You would be embarrassed too if your naming conventions were due to how much of a fucker you were.

1. There's been speculation about it since Cicada says the prince named everyone else, but it's unclear who named him in the first place. So it might be that someone else named him in ancient times. It could even be symbolic about what kind of plant the aechmea is, it's been discussed somewhere in this picture.
2. The manga comes out monthly on Kodansha Afternoon that usually comes out on the 25th, unless it's a Sunday. Next month there's no chapter though.

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your ability to reason never fails to surprise me gemfag

I'm glad you understand how shitty your manga has turned out compared to a literal doodle-filled webcomic.

Last for Ame

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