When was the last time you had a genuinely good and insightful discussion about a show on Yea Forums? It's been so long...

When was the last time you had a genuinely good and insightful discussion about a show on Yea Forums? It's been so long..........
Nowadays it's just endless baiting and shitposting
>X is a fucking slut
>Y is used goods
>Z is retarded
>M a cute! A CUTE
>P is ugly
>What would anal sex with O feel like
The banter is not even fun anymore like it was a lustrum ago. Why did this happen?

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... shit I can't even remember. I think I've had better discussions on Yea Forums

Believe it or not, HxH thread have better quality discussion. Other than that you right.

It's an imageboard, not a discussion forum.

>wants insightful discussion
>posts klk image

Also retard OP there is one going on here brainlet. Sorry klk has nothing to discuss that show is hollow for kids >

Ok, but when was the last time you had a genuinely good and insightful discussion about a show outside of Yea Forums? It doesn't happen often here or anywhere, but at least here is entertaining enough to warrant sticking around.

What would sex with ryoku feel like?

Like wrapping your dick in a silk cloth.

yesterday on reddit

tofu posting in kf1 threads probably
i haven't been watching/posting much for a while

>Believe it or not, HxH thread have better quality discussion
what a fucking lie

What was the discussion about?

Real answer: houseki no kuni threads

LITERALLY on every place outside Yea Forums. Be it reddit, 9geg, youtube or tumblr
It's almost as if Yea Forums is full of brainlets. I swear [s4s] is the only intellectual board left on this site

>goes into seasonal/moeshit/ garbage thread
>'no one discusses anime deeply on awhy???'

>What went wrong?
>Why is she so perfect?
>Who X here?
>Would you a X?
>Everyday until X
>Daily Reminder
>You will never mumble mumble
>Mumble mumble Prove me wrong - You can't
>You have X seconds to mumble mumble - You can't
>What does X's Y smell like?
>How do we fix X?
>X a Y
>Which X would you Y?
>Yea Forums suddenly hates x
>Why is X the only studio willing to take risks?
>About to watch X what should I expect?
>Don't mind me, I'm just posting mumble mumble.
>There are people on Yea Forums right now who mumble mumble
>What the fuck happened?
>Mumble mumble when?
>What's wrong with VLC?
>Wake up, see this. What do?
>I'll just leave this here
>What's your excuse for not watching X
>X will save anime / I'm here to save anime
>What does Yea Forums think about X?
>What's the most boring anime you've ever watched?
>X is Love
>Haven't seen one of these in a while
>Is X worth watching?
>yfw x wins da y
>Mumble mumble thread? Mumble mumble thread
>What the fuck did I just watch?
>X confirmed for Y
>Best Key girl
>Why do you still watch moeshit?
>She sees your dick
>Why is this allowed?
>Which anime has the worst fanbase?
>What anime is this semen demon from?
>X becomes the MC of the Y. How fucked is X?
>Could X defeat Y?
>Your waifu's face when X
>It's time.
>Your waifu is now X, do you still love her?
>Was it rape, Yea Forums?
>Weekend waifu drawthread
>All your waifus are wonderful, Yea Forums
>You should be able to solve this
>Let's get a X thread going
>Do X if your waifu is posted
>ITT: overrated shit
>What an utterly useless power
>Date-a-live? More like date a slut am I right?
>I want to protect X's smile
>Why can't I hold all these feels?
>This is your X tonight
>Why did X fail/Why wasn't X popular
>what did he/she mean by this?
>what was his/her fucking problem?
>this is a japanese X
>Do you like girls (male)?
>Say something!
>Say something nice about __
>Describe Rin in one (1) word.
>What are ___ for
>My wife ___ is so cute

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I think you're being intellectually dishonest if you think any of those places regularly have insightful discussion.

Maybe insightful is a bit too far, but there were a pair of great threads on Hokuto no Ken and Outlaw Star in the past few days. Nice things can still happen, every now and again.

not him but I can testify the discussions on specific subreddits and youtube comments being bretty good

SnK threads are one of the few good places for thought-provoking discussions on Yea Forums
Stay clear of HxH generals with their degenerate Pitouposting, though

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Just quite talking about shit shows. Good shows bring good discussion.

I've had some really good discussions in Eva threads, if they don't devolve into waifufag shitposting and autism.

Only come here anymore for Fukumoto/pre-2000 threads

>pre-2000 threads
But they're all trash user

This. Unironically highest quality posters on Yea Forums.

>implying there is anything objectively good or bad
A good forum would discuss any and everything with great input

This. So much this
If you want "good and insightful" discussions, unironically go to reddit/quora/stack exchange or any fucking discussion forum on the interwebz
Yea Forums and Yea Forums in general are characterized by shitposting,memes,unconventional humor and internet culture. It caters to a very specific niche autistic audience and there's nothing wrong with that. You can easily find something to your liking in one simple google search. So kindly fuck off and let us have our share of fun

Nope, sorry Yea Forumsermin, you're still subhuman piece of shit cancer.

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The surprising part is that around a third of those are scarce nowadays.

Kemurikusa threads were great

slime had some good threads before they got nuked and all the OPs kept getting banned

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A good forum requires itself to be anchored on something good.
>no objectively good or bad
Then there is no objectively good or bad discussion either, faggot.

Ok, but can you testify that the same quality discussions don't happen here? I don't think any of these sites are great for insightful discussion, but none are completely barren either.

>I can testify the discussions on specific subreddits and youtube comments being bretty good
>this so much this
>Yea Forums and Yea Forums in general are characterized by shitposting
>It's an imageboard, not a discussion forum
jesus fucking christ the absolute state of this board, newfaggots and crossboarders really lost all respect for the board culture.

See, what I do is make a thread about a show I want to discuss, then ignore all the shitposts and eventually reach decent discussion.

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probably at an eva thread, we get pretty good discussions every now and then dispite the rampant autism and waifufagging but most good discussions are on threads about shows still airing, the rest has discussed everything ad nauseam so everyone just shitposts.

Evangelion threads early in the morning. There's still waifu shitposting but it's mostly show discussion.

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You idiots keep telling people to go to reddit and still haven't realized that this is the norm on Yea Forums. Yea Forums is worse than reddit

>Yea Forums is worse than reddit
You need to go back, too.

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>t. arrived on the site in 2015

>Yea Forums is worse than reddit
i have never in my entire life seen a discussion on reddit that wasn't plagued by retardation, unfunny remarks and above all hivemind mentality worse than the most god forsaken parts of /pol/ which is ironically a board full of redditors and reddit refugees.

If mods would simply delete posts that are clearly trying to start shit, especially if they are political in nature, we'd certainly have better discussion on here.
What sucks is when other anons can't hold themselves back from replying to posts that are clearly meant to be bait. It can take just one guy to make a thread go down in flames

>retards unironically think reddit is a good place for discussion

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