Would you choose to put your soul into an soul gem? All advantages/disadvantages included?
I don't see the downside, unless you're a religious person. I think they way it's treated in the show only makes sense to japanese people.
Would you choose to put your soul into an soul gem? All advantages/disadvantages included?
I don't see the downside, unless you're a religious person. I think they way it's treated in the show only makes sense to japanese people.
I don't think it makes you a zombie, it makes you a superior human.
Yes. It's fashionable.
Reminder that Homura did several things wrong
You're forgetting a key component of the contract that has you turn into a monster
Putting aside the whole “doomed to turn into a monster made of grief and sorrow” it seems like a good deal to me.
Yes. I can shoot myself without all the gore and it's a guaranteed kill.
You're forgetting that you don't age anymore and you eventually turn into a witch once you either fall into despair or run out of magic.
the only downside is that you're constantly staving off becoming a literal monster
which is a pretty big downside, but that's it
>I think they way it's treated in the show only makes sense to japanese people.
I've got no idea why they freak out that they're now the gem instead of the body.
Like, no idea.
> you don't age anymore and you eventually turn into a witch once you either fall into despair or run out of magi.
That's better than growing out old and ugly and then dying. You could just grind grief seeds and avoid unnecessary use of magic.
Lol. How many timelines have you tried to save user? Can't even do shit in this timeline but shitpost on an indian sheep grooming website.
It's silly, but I would constantly obsess over the Soul Gem's location. Yes, yes, I know I could just wear it as a ring, an earring or a piercing, but I would need to know where it was every second of the day.
It's just obsessive human nature.
>>make a wish.
>>implied that your soul gets royally fucked by the incubators before being stuffed into gem by using a wish as catalyst.
>>be an unaging, borderline immortal
>>watch friends die over the ages
>>eventually turn into an insane monster who's only purpose is to suffer. Actually not very much different to your life after stuffing your soul into a gem. Y'know barring insanity.
>>body gets destroyed by another gemfag and have all of her bad feeling dumped into you.
>>soul gets taken by the incubators and they do who knows what.
>>soul is destroyed. You probably aren't going to go to an afterlife anymore. Not with your soul in a million pieces.
How about no.
Tough bargain, friend.
If you include „being a non-aging, little girl“ into the mix, then you got yourself a deal.
>you don't age anymore
Sure you do, why do you even think that?
if it's a piercing actually you would forget about it
what makes you think it doesn't?
Your head getting blown off regenerates.
What makes you think you would still age in that scenario?
There was never anything said about not aging in the show.
Also Kyouko and Mami both look a bit younger in their flashbacks.
Well apparently Cleopatra was a magical girl and I doubt she contracted at age 30 or somehow tricked people into thinking she was an adult while looking like a young teenager. And clearly they still undergo normal biological processes, since they get hungry and sleep and such. And if you want to consider the mobage as being even close to canon there's a girl there who's been under contract for like 7 years and she looks considerably older than everyone else. Plus it seems like Mami has been a magical girl for several years and that's a pretty big thing for her to not have noticed, or at least not even mention. Kinda seems like headcanon user
Well, cleopatra was a woman known for her beauty.
Perhaps it makes sense that she just kept the body of a 14 year old - as that is the biological peak for a girl.
Why would Cesar be after 30 year old used goods?
Honestly you can disregard literally everything I said, I completely forgot but we do literally see a character age as that user pointed out. That's case closed as far as I'm concerned.
Well, I have seen the original series and Rebellion.
And the only Girl that Kind of does age is Homura.
What are you talking about?
You are not referring to non-Canon fabrication, are you? If so, then there are also alien Magical girls and Gatariniggers exist in them same universe
If you're going to say this isn't Kyouko physically younger you're just full of shit.
Those are drawings, user.
I literally tried looking up other pictures, and there is nothing I can find that says one or the other.
Kyouko was and is flat as a Board.
There is nothing to see her size.
What makes you think she looks younger? They all look different ages at different frames. Holly fuck, this is anime.
By what metric do you even judge this? Give me an objective criterium or a before after comparison, then we will talk.
Look at the ending when Madoka and Sayaka are drawn with QB. They look like 8 there both
Her head is bigger in comparison to her body and her eyes are bigger in comparison with the rest of her face, if that doesn't convince you nothing will so I sure as hell won't bother.
Isn't annihilation something beautiful in of itself?
To quote Nietzche: "The though of suicide is a great consolation: by means of it one gets through many a dark night"
Do you really want to live forever? Part of why life, and of course existence - considering the afterlife, are beautiful, is their own annihilation.
Consider for a second existing for no reason at all in a world that has no reason for existing, for no purpose at all; to die and never exist again: if you have truly realized the words just said, then you can see the immense power of this reality sometimes acknowledged.
That immense power is significantly ruined if given true meaning outside of it's lack of meaning. Going to heaven, if it exists, and even if it is somehow perfect, ignoring the harsh realities of immortality and inescapable existence - through new laws, destruction of time, etc, may be beyond our comprehension, but is surely inferior to us epics suffering, loving, killing, dying, all in this harsh world. How can any angel try to argue their life has more meaning than the man who goes on living and loving thinking, even knowing, that everything is pointless, including himself, and that his mind may just be physical chemical reactions - that there is no reason for himself to exist, his self awareness tied to a physical form; why not he born alexander or caesar? why is he aware of himself?
There is no reason so he may spend eternity trying to find it and fail.
How can anyone argue such a being is inferior to that angel which plays without any stakes?
And after all that suffering he is supposed to go to the great beyond and be told some magical truth which makes everything he did have reason beyond it, that he was not fighting the most impossible insurmountable thing possible? That he was merely just living for the god's amusement? That he can never experience true lack of reason, the most powerful and meaningful reason?
In short, why not?
So, you raging homosexual, for the sake of Argument I rewatched that scene because I had a lingering suspicion.
That scene is BEFORE the contract.
You don‘t know how much time passed.
That’s just like showing Madoka from the opening.
Your argument is null and void
maybe my waifu who hates crack could enlighten us about if akemi did anything wrong
fuck incubator FUCK INCUBATORS
make their little hivemind experience emotions so they can farm themselves the little shits deserve it
akemi did nothing wrong
Its a hard decision, to be honest; on one hand i want to be a romantacist and suffer as well as triumph - helping and suffering through this challenge with others, adding spice to our world. Acktually its kind of beautiful in it's dramatic scope, you know?
Why live a normal life when you can live the supernatural and deal with it?
A man who has a why can bear any how.
But the scenario you are describing is nither, it’s just bait.
Therefore a response of this quality is not warranted, and ironically disqualifies itself - making it just further bait
It's one thing to choose to become a lich. It's another to have someone do it to you without realizing. For Sayaka it mostly compounded the sense of isolation she was experiencing as she was getting cucked
What could you ever be tackling about?
imagine having such a perfect waifu and deciding to leave her
facking normal fag retards
The argument itself is subjective and stems from reveling in the freedom of nihilism and the the worth of the limited nature of existence. I cannot fault the logic here because it's just that subjective which can be a fault in and of itself when concerning the philosophical.
The big thing about nihilism is in it's concept of personal freedom over agency. Since nothing matters and I have no purpose I can do or think whatever I want, correct? It is a fools errand to find your specific purpose in a nihilistic world for you have none by default. This of course means that whatever meaning you may have is solely derived by yourself and your beliefs. Therefore your beliefs matter just as much as mine in the end and to take away this sense of personal freedom, even in the absence of personal agency will also devalue existence as well.
Tl;dr good argument, though it's subjective like most of Freud's arguments. You may decide to shove your soul inside a gem. But I will not.
>I wish to retain my human mind and body, even if I become a witch!
By my calculations, I should simply become an evil meguca.
>Find promising new meguca
>take her under my wing
>betray her and feed off her delicious despair
>be violinfag
>see Sayaka almost as a sister
>the thought of romantic love never even occurs to you
>miracle recovery
>you get out of the hospital
>all of a sudden she's acting weird and is hard to approach
>her hot friend confesses to you
>childhood friend must be fine if the hot friend isn't concerned
>childhood friend disappears
>is found dead in a sleazy motel
>feel you failed her for her not feeling like she could confide in you like you confided in her in the hospital
That's the kicker, even in the end, he likely never understood anything.