>rei wife
>Unquestionable, would die for you as many times as necessary.
>Keeps trying to cuck you with an older man.
>Starts off blank, but learns over time.
>Triple nigger.
>The ones that fed you into this world.
>Size changes all the time - have to be preheated to be fuckable.
Availability after death?
>Just go pick another one, fresh start every time.
>Haunts you in your nightmares for all eternity by bringing most embarrassing moments.
Sex life?
>"Your choice."
>Might give you a penile fracture, or worse: might bring a strap on.
>So many her arm falls off.
>The sweetest smile you will ever see before she touches you with hr tender lips.
>Fucking suffocates you, and rinses mouth afterwards.
>Bitch needs to be strangled to learn her place.
>Reads all the time.
>Germans got so sick of her they gave her a uni diploma to get rid of her.
She's questioning her existence?
>Never, too educated for that shit.
>Runs off to the nearby ruined house's bathtub until the tard wranglers pick her up.
Questioning yourself?
>Slaps some reason into you.
>"ANTA BAKA!" -10 hour version
Questioning your existence?
>Blows your mind and the world with her philosophy.
>Haunts you in your nightmares for all eternity by bringing most embarrassing moments again.
Still questioning your existence?
>Blows your mind and the world with her philosophy and cowgirl skills.
>*returns to existence* *~caresses your cheek~* " D I S G U S T E N G ! " *"ANTA BAKA!" -for all eternity version*
tldr: fucking an AI sex doll will always be better than putting your dick in crazy.