Yea Forums tells you that series is not good

>Yea Forums tells you that series is not good
>It's actually a 10/10 series

Manga/anime like this?

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Slime Life

You should know Yea Forums is made up of:
>Shonen fags coming back from school
>Spics power level wanking
>Europoors trying to be smart
>Light novel haters
>Snk fags
>Amerimutts waifu posting
>Seething fags that hate certain series' success


Monster, NGE manga,

my man

9/10 times Yea Forums is wrong about a series.
Usually for the dumbest reasons.
Reminder that Yea Forums hates Rakudai No Kishi because the main heroine stops being a tsundere after actually sitting down and learning about the MC's fucked up life and having empathy, and that they wanted him to marry his sister who is a part of the very same family that fucked over his life to begin with.
Yea Forums also has people who defend World's End Harem, thankfully I think those are in the minority and keep decreasing.

Or the stupid faggots that follow something weekly and complain every chapter isn't dropping vital plot progression. Or unironically use the word filler in an ongoing source material.

>>Yea Forums tells you that series is not good
>>It's actually a 10/10 series
this has literally never happened to me

>>Seething fags that hate certain series' success
this is your category, thanks and come again

Light novels ARE trash

Pick up a book, weaboo

You're special user

Yea Forums is not one person you faggot

it's not, but it's formed a culture where individualism is frowned upon as bad as Japan.
You don't like incest? You're wrong
You don't like tsundere? You're wrong
You don't like Yandere? You're wrong
You don't like edge shit? You're a moralfag
You don't like Prison School's ending? You're a Chiyofag
You don't like Masamune-Kun No Revenge? You're a maid fag
You like Dragonball? You're a spic
So on and so on until we create a hostile environment where we hate other groups, our own groups and those who don't think like we do.
This isn't a board for discussion it's a board for dicksucking

For me, it was The Sacred Blacksmith manga.

I don't really have a problem with any of that. Maybe the problem is that you're too outspoken and rather than just wanting to have your own beliefs you shitpost in threads about things you don't like or made by people you don't agree with and incur a bunch of counter shitposting. Yea Forums as a whole is more hostile than other places but just because someone calls your taste shit doesn't mean you can't talk about things you like. Unless there's just not enough people that think like you about certain things (like that read certain series) and so the threads die without many posts, which sometimes happens with things I like. It sucks but there's a lot of anime and manga and however many threads are up at a time isn't enough to have a thread about every possible series.


Bleach. Powerlevel niggers and shipperfags HATE it.

Attached: Bleach - Chapter 673 - 17.jpg (1067x1600, 197K)

>Yea Forums shills the fuck out of a series
>it is objective garbage for edgelords
Hello Gantz and Fire Punch faggots, fuck you for tricking me.

Gantz was genuinely good for a while until it took a severe drop in quality. And FP wasnt that bad. it wasnt that good either

What kind of pleb said Monster was bad?

>You like Dragonball? You're a spic
Dude Mexicans are all about DBZ and Saint Seiya.

Attached: 1308523211487.jpg (720x540, 68K)

That doesn't mean everyone who likes it is Mexican

>What kind of pleb said Monster was bad

Attached: over-rated kuso tbh fam.jpg (640x480, 41K)

For me it's Re:zero.

>Yea Forums has no taste whatsoever
as if I didn’t already know

Attack On Titan
Mob Psycho
Tatami Galaxy

Although I'm sure they were trolling