Hurr durr, democracy da best!

>hurr durr, democracy da best!
>even when it kills millions of my countrymen, is corrupt beyond beliefs, literally locks me up and almost executes me, and loses me the war I could have easily won
>it's all worth it for the sake of glorious democracy!

Was this guy meant to be a parody?

Attached: galactic heroes yang.png (560x365, 123K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: flaw in democracy.jpg (640x960, 257K)

Did you even watch the show?
He says multiple times he's a soldier and the military should not rule over the elected officials, its the citizens duty to get their act together

No, he's meant to represent intelligent people.

Watch the show and find out. Idiot.

the whole show is a parody of reddit

It's literally the opposite. Yang accepts that in the best case (like with Reinhard), monarchy works extremely well. But you can't always have a benevolent dictator and so he fights for a system of government that in theory allows changes in the ruling officials. But he's lived in a democracy/republic all his life and has seen that it has its own set of problems. Monarchy is shown to be, with Reinhard as ruler, very very good, but the democracy at the same time is shown to be shit and full of corruption. But democracy has a higher chance of not being shit compared to monarchy even if the monarchy is good at the moment and the democracy isn't.

Reinhard's monarchy is very enlightened, unless you're an 11yo child that got executed for the lolz, or located on a planet that Oberstein 'forgot' to delay nuking.

There is also the fact that Yang said the civilians should shoulder the responsibilities from the ruler. If the ruler is a bad person it's the voter's fault

but in real life democracy has 0 chances of not being shit, while monarchy worked well for most of the time. in the pretty uncommon cases where monarchy is shit it is shittier than democracy though, but overall it's obvious that democracy is not working and it's the inferior system.

No, it didn't. Now fuck off back to where you belong which is

no you

>monarchy worked well
>coming from someone who has never lived in a monarchy or even lived during a time when monarchy was a thing
Isn't Lichtenstein still a monarchy? I think that's the only country still under that system unless you count democracies with monarch figureheads.

Brunei, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Thailand

all very nice countries we'd love to live in I'm sure

Well I'm sure monarchy is great with the shining example of Saudi Arabia to point to. Though I imagine it's also to some extent a theocracy which is probably an issue too.

history books, what is that?

No surprise there. They're all nonwhite countries.

I believe that being ruled by the worst democracy is preferable to being ruled by the best autocracy.

Democracy is a fad. Historically the monarchies of Europe have been far more successful and longer-lasting than its republics. People who champion democracy myopically look at the modern day and think the status quo will remain forever.

Imagine being this much of a cuck in thinking a monarchy would be good for you.

History books aren't a replacement for actual experience. They're limited in scope and reading how people starved because the ruler was an asshole isn't the same as being someone who starved because the ruler was an asshole. It's the same as 14 year olds that champion communism while the people who actually lived under it tell them that it's actually shit.

I think there will be a change at some point. I don't know if it'll go back to autocracy or if someone will figure something out but I think modern day democracy is full of people who have essentially figured out the best way to exploit the system for their own gains at the expense of the rest of the population.

His actual argument was that it's best to have a dictatorship with a benevolent dictator like Reinhard but then also have a separate country/government that's running off a democracy in case the new dictator is a dickhead.

Seriously, kids, if you're getting your political science education from a fucking cartoon, you should probably avoid voting.

LoGH watchers are more politically informed than 99% of the population. The average voter is far, far dumber than Yea Forums.

>He's a soldier and the military should not rule over the elected officials.
>Citizen-Soldiers don't exist.
>Military shouldn't rule over its own affairs while fighting the way elected officials want things fought.
Yang was retarded.

>Historically the monarchies of Europe have been far more successful and longer-lasting than its republics.
No they haven't lmao. Monarchy is a disaster most of the time. It's a recipe for bloody succession wars and oppressive regimes. Democracy wins because it's remarkably stable. There's no point relying so much on history to judge modern times because the current era of world peace is completely unprecedented, all thanks to democracy.

He never said HIS democracy was good, what he defended was the concept. The point was that no matter how bad his democracy was it was still preferable to a bad autocracy, even if a good autocracy (like Reinhard's) is hella sick.

>Monarchies work well
WW! and WWII were all caused by monarchies and the fallout caused by monarchies.

Good one.

>user sees a thread that discusses anime
>proceeds to think people are only educated by cartoons
Why would anyone make an assumption like this and proceed to post it on a Mongolian sock-puppet board?

While I do agree, I'd trust any poster in a random LoGH thread, even the shitty ones, far more than a random citizen in the street.

Judging by how there's a LOGH watcher here unironically defending monarchy it seems they're more like uninformed. Only underage Alt-Rightists would like LOGH because they're too dumb for real political fiction and need anime to validate their backwards political views where the imperialist Germans don't get their asses kicked in wars.

Good one.

*Mongolian basket weaving forum

Seething amerishart

well memed fellow redditor

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Why do /pol/tards even watch anime? It's gay, feminist, promotes polygamy and lolicon. It's not a medium for you.

Good autocrats don't exist. In the first place, an authoritarian regime and freedom of speech are incompatible, and there is no way a society with no freedom of speech can be described as good.

>here is no way a society with no freedom of speech can be described as good.
Boy, I guess any society outside of America is bad, eh?

Intelligent, passive people. He represents the "disconnect" between academia and the real world. In brief, his head's up his arse.

Augustus wasn't that bad

Are you sure it isn't because of technological progress instead? Don't you think that China will absolutely crush the West in the next few decades? Do you ever read Reddit and the kind of shit the general populace believes? It'll definitely be interesting, anyway. Whether or not China will crush the West simply because they don't let their populace go full retard thanks to "muh superior democracy."

>democracy has a higher chance of not being shit compared to monarchy even if the monarchy is good at the moment and the democracy isn't

Unproven statement. You say it because you've lived in a democracy, faggot.

The territory did not belong to Reinhard at that time. He had every right to do nothing and let his enemy make a fool of themselves. Cry more, faggot.

If you only believe Chinese propaganda, sure you can say China will crush the West. We don't have accurate on their economy so we don't know how things really are, but we do have the laws of economics. A crash always follows a bubble, and the longer you delay a crash the bigger it is. Democracies allow peaceful transfers of power, authoritarian regimes don't, so it will be very interesting to see how the Communist Party handles its crash considering how economic prosperity is its only way to hold power.

Then it's his own fault too. He's a masochist.

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Go back to your tranny discord

The very fact that you can change who is in charge (without storming the palace and killing him) is the reason for me saying that. Unfortunately for democracy, literally everyone that has been elected in the past decade (probably more) in the US seems to be pretty much the same and out for the same goals, leading to it feeling like nothing is changing regardless of who is elected. It feels like regardless of your beliefs before being elected, you're forced into maintaining the status quo upon actually getting into office. And that's bad for democracy.

this is what happens when people start thinking of political ideologies as thought-processes to adhere to.

it's just a method for us to not fuck ourselves over and to organize ourselves as a society. it is flawed as fuck just like everything else human is. how effective or 'good' it is just depends on the people running it and about a billion other factors.


>political opinion I don't like
>mention a place
>complain about how the place I mentioned is invading discussion

Great job, faggot. /pol/ is not inherently monarchist, but it'd be better if faggots like you just got rid of the chip on your shoulder and engaged their opinions instead of lazily going hurr /pol/! If you did that, then we wouldn't be wasting our time talking about /pol/.

It's true though. Why are you running away from the truth?

Wow you're so smart and informed. You sure showed em alt-rightists!

I'm sure wikipedia is blocked in your country.

Democracy in its current state and form will always be unmoderated fucking garbage by the vary nature of the lowest common denominator and the fact that the average human being is stupider than fucking dirt.
Prove me wrong

You started off well, but then you basically admitted that democracy was flawed, as if that would somehow defeat the point I was making. It didn't, so cheers for that, I guess?

>how effective or 'good' it is just depends on the people running it and about a billion other factors

This is why we must not let the 13% proliferate.

Once the housing bubble bursts, it will go down in flames. Literally. The country will cease to exist and fall apart. It won't even be balkanisation, but something of an unprecedented scale. I can't wait for these fireworks.

I wasn't trying to defeat your point. But anything can be bad really. The concept of being able to change leaders if they're bad is still better than not being able to even if both can and have been bad.

t. Aristotle.
Don't you have utopias to create or something?

>still believing western imperialist propaganda
Got some bad news for you buddy

>Democracy wins because it's remarkably stable
>Italy 1921
>Germany 1933
>Japan throughout the entire interwar period
>Revolutionary France
>Brazil upon abolishing the monarchy
>The rest of South America as well for that matter
Nice stability you have there.

Well, I believe democracy is just a red herring to placate the masses as the system does not change even if you take out the top man. In that sense, democracy is even more suffocating than a monarchy which can be clearly reset.

I started watching yesterday, im currently on ep 3 (pretty early ik). The shitty space battles dont bother but i found the mechanics behind the battle (tactics etc) boring or are they not one of the strong points. I also didnt enjoy that random ass characters get 15 cuts every now and then just to make a retarded comment. I did however enjoy the characterization of the people, the widow in ep 2 was surprisingly moving and despite being early in the show i can like the two seperate “teams”. I did find the plot and overall rather lackluster, ik im only at ep 3 but does it pick up? Bc as much as i enjoy space operas ive seen nothing extraordinary.

True what? Nobody with half a brain watches Netflix/CR trash.

Democracy doesn't kill people. Are you high?

It's the same stuff throughout. People like it because it's unique for anime.

All those "random characters" are fully fleshed out characters that play large roles in the overall story. People usually say you should watch the movie that replaces the first few episodes instead of watching the episodes since it does a better job of introducing the characters.

I liked the battles, though not necessarily the first one. Once you start getting characters that are part of the more infantry ships you get smaller ships flying around doing dogfights and stuff, which is cool.

It's more like democracy is mostly mediocore, while monarchy has a good chance of either being great or terrible.

>where the imperialist Germans don't get their asses kicked in wars
You make it sound like it isn't always [entire planet] vs [Germany, country 1/4th the size of Texas]. Not an accomplishment, Mike.

Hiiiiiistory stands for freedom

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Why did the imperial ships look more modern than the alliance's?

I feel like there's some sort of backstory about the alliance not having the capability to construct such spaceships, and they only had the stockpile of ships which they got when the first rebellion against the Empire succeeded, and since then, they've just been stagnating as the Empire continued to produce new ships.

Had nukes been a thing 100 years ago, you can bet monarchies would have been stable and no developed countries would ever have fought wars amongst eachother. The only reason you're growing up during peace time is because the Germans developed a nule and the Americans actually were soulless enough to use it.

How is the new anime? Is it worth watching?


But look at the US. Its the same lobby groups and billionaires who actually control everything and always have, and pretty much every democracy on earth works that way at the moment. Modern democracies are incredibly rigid and change resistant. If you manage to storm a monarch's castle and kill him and take over - then a change could actually be made since the power actually rests with him and not in the hands of a decentralized group of non government agents. Democracy works really well in say a small farming village - its untenable for large states with massive economic and industrial power though.

What we have today is not a Democracy but a Demagoguery. People are not enticed to vote based on the principals of what the politicians are running on and working towards but based on what people are told they will be given by said politician regardless of whether they get it or not.

Because the empire is bigger, more populated, has greater industrial capacity, and can afford to dedicate more resources to R&D than the Alliance, even if the absolute percentage of empire R&D expenditure is less than the Alliance's.

>this thing is only bad TODAY
Hmm. I wonder why people think X is bad now, and hasn't always been bad? If you study history you realize all this shit isn't new, and always worked this way.

Yang was a noble and idealistic soldier whose in ability to reconcile his grand democratic ideals with the practical reality of the world doomed him to failure. Rienhard was a Chad master of real-politic who realized that considering the practical reality of the world was far more important than dying for high minded ideals.

Attached: absolute unit.jpg (700x464, 115K)

Fate of Empires tells us that people have a biased look on history and don't look back to see this is all cyclic.
So some people do realize this has all happened before but the cast bulk just stay unaware or apathetic to the issue.

>Crushing anything
The Chinese history is them being BTFO constantly. They can't do shit.

No. You have no news, China shill. No evidence, no argument, nothing of value to add. Only a half-assed retort to keep the thread going.

Enjoy your AIDS. That is all.

i don't think it can ever be any other way.
that's like those faggots that say communism is not actually bad, it just wasn't done properly.
everything looks good on paper, but that doesn't mean it can actually work in the real world.

>he doesn't know

Attached: 1394655411932.gif (675x670, 184K)

Yet look where we are now, most peaceful age in history. People hold their money in democracies because you don't have to worry about unstable regime changes. The biggest proof that China will not be the next top dog is that no one wants to live there and funnels as much money as they can to America.

Monarchy sure turned out well for Japan. ;^)

Attached: ng30.jpg (519x410, 56K)

To continue what said.
Its a mentioned, not sure if in the show or supplementary material, that the first encounter between Alliance and Empire was a fluke and when one of the Emperors decided to deal with Alliance personally, he got withing reach of Heisenen before being forced to return to Odin because of Court bullshit, taking losses on his return trip.
After that Fezzan was established, who would leak Imperial Navy secrets to Alliance in order to establish technological parity.
We don't really see Imperial Industrial Complex, which is a missed opportunity, because given Isenlorhn/Geiersburg , Brunhild/Perceval, Explodey Particle, they clearly have their shit together.

It's more than that. Reinhard didn't reject democracy out of pragmatism, but because he considered it a genuinely inferior system to enlightened monarchy. There's drawbacks to either, but Reinhard considered the risks inherent in a monarchy preferable to what he saw as the incompetent mob rule of democracy.

I dunno. I like the idea that Democracy should be a job, you should have to prove you understand the topics being talked about and that it should only be restricted to the best men.
Aristocracy in the original sense of the word was fucking tops and then it's meaning changed over time to "the rich".

Alliance has pretty much always been on the back foot in the war. There's a few episodes in the series that go into the history of the conflict, and that's where you figure out the FPA is, despite controlling a ton of space, really small and scrappy as a government compared to the Empire. The Empire is massive, has a tremendous amount of wealth and industrial productivity, but it's mainly crippled by the decadence and incompetence of its ruling class that squanders most of this advantage. Also the constant infighting and intrigue within the Imperial Court means it's very hard to create a truly unified war effort against the FPA, so as a result the war is mostly a stalemate except when the Empire gets its shit together and manages a true offensive, or even more rarely if the FPA manages to get its shit together while the Empire is weakened and press back.

The idea that any foreign party even begins to remotely understand the actual state of the Chinese economy and can make reliable predictions of its future is a joke
I'm sorry buddy but the west has been singing China's doomsday for the past two decades. At some point you need to see past the smoke and mirrors

>I like the idea that Democracy should be a job, you should have to prove you understand the topics being talked about and that it should only be restricted to the best men.
That would be racist though just like voter ID.

No, it isn't. You are the (((foreigner))) here and fuck off.

You are yet to present any evidence of your claims.

Not that user but China is the only country in the entirety of history that continuously self-destructs on itself regularly enough that we can use it as a model for bio-history.
This isn't specifically a commentary of the comment chain you're having with that other user but just a good point to consider.

>most peaceful age in history
You have nukes and modern philosophy to thank for that, but even then the idea that we are far more peaceful than we were in the past is overstated.
>democracies don't have to worry about unstable regime changes
That's down to luck, not democracy. The United States and democratic Europe (the former especially) were simply fortunate enough to come out on top over the past two centuries when history could have easily gone in another direction.

>Aristocracy in the original sense of the word was fucking tops and then it's meaning changed over time to "the rich"
Thats because as time passes, some Aristocrats end up fucking up and losing wealth, while some commoners/merchants strike gold and earn lucrative wealth, and both parties eventually cut a "win-win" deal.
Failing Aristocrat gains capital and sponsor while the up and coming noble marries his blood line into high nobility and "legitimizes" his social status

t. chinese communist internet defense squad

It's a rough system, my friend. People dedicated to wealth will sell themselves out for it and this trickles down to everyone else as those willing to trade wealth for power end up continuing that cycle until the power imbalance is too real.
Biggest flaw of humanity in my opinion is the inability to split our political selves from our hunter/gatherer selves.

You forgot to put ELI5 in the title

Because Alliance ships are designed with utilitarian practicality in mind, not aesthetics. It's mentioned in supplemental material that they're actually ahead of the Empire in some areas like fighter aircraft. This is even reflected somewhat in the show: Note how Alliance carriers are purpose-built vessels, not boxes strapped to the back of battleships.

Attached: Ameretat.jpg (638x478, 94K)

All he had to do is do it like the Romans.
He declares himself dictator for the time of need. Afterwards he could have easily stepped back again and in the process even remove the corrupt elements out of the offices.

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Calm down Quintius Cincinnatus.

>No, it isn't
>You are yet to present any evidence of your claims.

I mean unless you can outline why this time is the same as all the other times in terms of its path to self-destruction then the point is still ultimately irrelevant.

My goal is not to defend the Chinese; it's to try and allow you to see past the propaganda of western imperialism

Its stated that FPA adapted to Carriers much earlier, I think it was 750s, while Empire only started giving carriers a serious attempt around 780s

The time is the same as every other time because societies don't change. They hit the same cycle as everyone else regardless. This is inherent to the human condition and China just happens to cycle the fastest.

>because societies don't change
So I'm guessing Japan is still on their imperialist war streak then or am I missing something

>Western imperialist propaganda.
Nothing propaganda about it. It's simply the pattern that Chinese history always follows. Most of the deadliest conflicts in human history are all Chinese civil wars and political upheavals. I mean, the An Lushan rebellion was in the freaking 8th century AD and had a higher death count than World War I. When China collapses, it collapses HARD.
It's simply a matter of numbers. The population is several times larger than it's ever been, the economy is in one of the most ridiculous bubbles the world's ever seen, ecological devastation is rampant, everything's just coming together for a perfect storm of chaos. It may take a few decades to build still, but when it finally does go off it'll be unlike anything the world's ever seen before.

Tangentally, Africa's in a very similar situation, only for them the pressure's going to be more from rampant unchecked population growth rather than social and economic collapse.

>My goal is not to defend the Chinese; it's to try and allow you to see past the propaganda of western imperialism
china is fucked my dude, the communists under mao managed to poison all of the air, poison the entire water supply, poison all of the soil, and deforest the entire nation. China is completely incapable of supporting itself without massive food, fuel, and mineral imports because the commies destroyed everything.

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Government is currently propped up by foreign trade, but the way things are shaping up with Huawei they might not soon have that crutch. Doesn't help that internally within China there are several competitors to Huawei that don't benefit from government subsidies and are eager to see them fall.

Societies don't change in the sense that they're forced to abide by the same rules that has plagued every civilization since time immemorial.
Of course societies will advance technologically and all that jazz but it'll still hit the same steps on the way.

>the economy is in one of the most ridiculous bubbles the world's ever seen
I would agree with you if it wasn't for the huge amounts of deflationary spending in infrastructure and housing by the PRCC.
The rest of your point is irrelevant because history has no bearing on the present, unless you think Italy's senators are about to start stabbing their Prime Minister.

And if you knew literally the first thing about the Chinese you'd know that mao is about as far as you can get from the modern Chinese government.

I wonder what a modern War of the Three Kingdoms would be like. Probably wouldn't be pretty.

>if it wasn't for the huge amounts of deflationary spending in infrastructure and housing by the PRCC
You mean all those cities nobody lives in?

The FPA isn't a democracy anymore and it's kind of tragic that Yang doesn't see through its propaganda.

I don't know why so many people have a hard on for China. Even on American news people often point to them as some example for the rest of the world. Apparently they've been putting a lot of money into green energy so that has some people sucking their dick despite them being a glorified dictatorship. Didn't the "president" just recently declare himself president for life or something? And that just sort of blew over somehow.

Well it's true though. If he truely cared about democracy he would have grabbed power for a limited amount of time and saved his nation.

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If the army splits into factions it could get really bad. China probably has tons of illegal weapons they haven't told anybody about. All it would take is one dirty bomb or tactical nuke to turn it into the worst clusterfuck ever.

Nobody lives in yet* because urban sprawl/repopulation of areas that aren't the cities takes, would you guess it, time

Which is why they grab a shit ton of resources out of africa

China still pollutes several orders of magnitude more than any first world nation, and has been increasing their coal power plant production while most first world nations have been shutting them down. Also their police state is just a nightmare.

Daily reminder that all their 'green' technologies are stolen:
>A burglary at an innovative Scottish wave-power company went forgotten, until a very similar project appeared in China


>still pollutes several orders of magnitude more than any first world nation
It's almost like every first world nation outsources their manufacturing to China. What a surprise.
>has been increasing their coal power plant production while most first world nations have been shutting them down
Increasing them marginally to satisfy short term increased demand while investing heavily in renewable energy production in the future is a good thing, retard. You should consider the fact that countries like Australia are being led by the twats in the US to give up on renewables and keep digging up coal

It was overlooked for the last 20+ years because "oh they're just a growing nation, it's fine if they steal proprietary technology now and then to catch up, we want them to be a better trading partner after all" and now people are reexamining this policy. Denmark I recall just revised its trade policy with China in light of espionage claims, and this was before the US ban on Huawei went into affect.

You're not wrong. I'm just giving you shit for referencing second best Emperor.

You forgot to mention the dystopian gender ratio.

>for the past two decades
Try 4

>unless you think Italy's senators are about to start stabbing their Prime Minister.
Italian politics were a shitshow back then and are a shitshow now. Maybe it wouldn't be that hard.

It was overlooked for the last 20+ years because no country wants to be the ones to tell its citizens "sorry our shit is so expensive but we can't give up technological developments to China even though literally every other country does it".

WW1 would've happened whether they were monarchist states or not

Nah, there's plenty of places to get cheap labor without even leaving SEA. But China had the biggest market, and what kept businesses invested in China despite the constant theft and forced transfer of technology was access to a market of over a billion people. Only that turned out to be a pipe dream. China has no intention of ever opening up to foreign companies, and now people are realizing that. I expect to see manufacturing transferred to neighboring countries. Yes costs will go up short term until the supply chain works out, but long term it is necessary to starve China.

>And if you knew literally the first thing about the Chinese you'd know that mao is about as far as you can get from the modern Chinese government.
lmao over 50% of the economy is state owned, deng was slightly less retarded than maoists but not by much. He still annihilated the environment in classic communist style.

Newsflash nobody rules alone. Democracy vs autocracy is a non-debate.

Yeah, autocracy is way better.

>If you manage to storm a monarch's castle and kill him and take over - then a change could actually be made since the power actually rests with him and not in the hands of a decentralized group of non government agents
Of course, monarchs rule absolutely how they want and absolutely do not have a power base of dozens and hundreds members of elite.

That's literally the crux of the issue. When your GDP growth appears to be soaring but it's mostly from government-funded construction projects that contribute nothing to the economy or society you've got a big problem.

Manufacturing's been leaving China for a good decade+ now. SEA, India and Latin America are all quickly becoming bigger players than China in that regard. Meanwhile China's trying to turn Africa into it's own offshore resource extraction and manufacturing center; we'll see how well that goes in the long run.

>nobody rules alone
I make my own rules, motherfucker.

Which already leads to human trafficking of Vietnamese, Cambodian and Burmese women:

Honestly, Chinese peasants who do this are no different from Afghani peasants who marry and rape children.

>because all political systems require more than one person to function they are all the same
That is one of the hottest takes ive ever seen

Costs will stay the same. Manufacturing in Vietnam is actually cheaper than in China.

Until you get an autocrat who rapes the country to death, like every autocracy in history

Look no further than Libya.

>Nah, there's plenty of places to get cheap labor without even leaving SEA.
Yeah, just not enough to support literally all the manufacturing of the entire first world, you fucking idiot.
>Only that turned out to be a pipe dream.
>China has no intention of ever opening up to foreign companies, and now people are realizing that
Takes a lot to be this stupid. There's a reason every luxury good in existence markets to hell and back in China
>long term it is necessary to starve China
This is the type of faggot that thinks trade wars are smart

Yeah because they don't handle even nearly the load that China does, unless you think all of Vietnam's working age population is about to go work in factories

>tfw your autocrat is murdered by "democratic" countries and your nation becomes a 7 way civil war
T-thanks democracy

I'm predicting a short jump in the event of a sudden necessary shift. If the current trend of siphoning labor away from China and cutting them out of the supply chain for everything except rare earths (which I think they still own the biggest share of) then we shouldn't notice any hikes, but if there were a sudden change that forced rapid movement we could see some shocks. Like when Maduro seized American factories in Venezuela, only on a scale that actually matters.

And of course, Roman Republic famously existed for the entirety of history of Roman state, and wasn't overthrown by dictators who then didn't step down.

>contribute nothing to the economy or society
Except you know, making sure there are actually viable amounts of alternative housing and infrastructure for all the farmers they're trying to lift out of agricultural lifestyles

You mean
>thanks, dictator
Even if he died a natural death, Libya would succumb to the same fate.

The only political system you should support is one which puts you and your progeny at the top. And yes they are all the same. That you get to vote for some queer/guy/girl doesn't make xir/her/him ruler of anything, and as such voting her/xir/him out doesn't change anything either.

>your rule is so shit that your entire country comes apart at the seams
>you get tortured and executed by your own people
>f-fucking democracies

Attached: gaddafi_2370848b.jpg (620x387, 48K)

Yer kidding mate. Since when does the dictatorship of China fund building of private houses?

>tfw you go from having the highest GDP per capita in africa and highest HDI to the lowest the a bunch of french faggot can steal your oil

You could at least use a good example.

Attached: logh reuntharape.png (1354x1009, 547K)

Sure, but if Yang could have ended the war the military would neither have the power, figure or authority to grab power just like that if they felt like it.

like true but bombing Libya and fucking the country sideways absolutely made the situation worse then it would have been had it collapsed naturally

Thailand is, and Jordan manages to stay out of the news despite being next door to Israel and Syria, so it can't be that bad.

>being this stupid

The king of Thailand dresses like a hick from the Appalachians, what the fuck

You can say that all you want, the fact is there are entire brand-new cities sitting vacant and have been for years. Some so old they're already falling apart despite never being used once. Whether 'bringing farmers out of agriculture' was just a lie given to justify the projects or an actual sincere intention that went awry has little bearing on the end result.

Jordan lets the cia operates freely on their territory. Bashar should have been smarter and not be a retard.

>an authoritarian regime and freedom of speech are incompatible
But that's just not true.
A wise autocrat values freedom of speech, because it
1) provides a steady stream of fresh ideas for new policies to implement
2) allows him to better gauge public sentiment
2a) allows him to choose the most appropriate scapegoat to execute when things go poorly
3) allows him to present himself as a man of the people, concerned with their well-being

>Call the janitor
Yeah seems about right

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Assad let the cia operate in syria too prior to the civil war breaking out.

It still establishes a precedent that if you really think that you're right, you can overthrow civilian government. If it all works out swimmingly, it's actually an even worse hit for the legitimacy of democracy, because in the future anyone could think "Well, Yang overthrew the government and it clearly went well for the nation, why shouldn't I?".

It's not necessarily a bad choice, in my opinion, but it's a one a man like Yang that places democracy so high wouldn't make.

>the fact is there are entire brand-new cities sitting vacant and have been for years
The fact that you still think this is true, or that it ever was to begin with outside of an extremely small selection of fringe cases is indicative of your naivety and inability to see past western propaganda.
Sometimes you need to ask yourself why journalists based in foreign countries are even remotely reputable on the inside workings of a country most people have never even come close to understanding

>Revolutionary France was a democracy
>Italy was a democracy after WWI and before WWII
>Germany was a democracy after WWI
>Japan was a democracy during the interwar period

>foolish gweilo you cannot understand genius of chinese economy and never will
>so mysterious, so adavnced

Who cares about per capita if it all went into Gadaffi's pocket? Use your brain.

The whole point the series was reaching by the end was
>Monarchies can be great with a great ruler but they're really fucking shitty for everyone but the elite asskissers with a shitty ruler
>Democracies go to shit when people stop caring about who's leading them
Reinhard was going out of his way to reform the empire into some form of meritocracy before his death.

Napoleon did that and French democracy is still doing well and they're not going to get a mitary coup any time soon.

>so mysterious, so advanced
>when I referred to the country and not the economy
>when literally every piece of Western economic analysis has been demonstratively talking out of its ass for the past 30 odd years

>country lies constantly about its GDP to a degree that literally no economic analysts anywhere int he world believe anything the CCP reports about its economy
>known fact that internal districts lie about their GDP to their superiors so the CCP also probably has no idea what things actually look like
>yes our GDP has remained exactly the same for 6 years in a row, only great and glorious People's Republic of China could ever achieve such a thing
>if you disbelieve you are a western imperialist

>not having an argument
I can make up shit too!

Maybe now, but Second Empire was established exactly like that.

>French democracy is still doing well
No it's not.
The yellow vest protests, despite being buried in the news, are still going strong. Macron has been bending over backwards to offer up concessions, but hasn't made any ground.
France is going to see another revolution this century, possibly before the decade comes to a close.

>Imagine being this buttmad because people who don't look like you now share the same rights as you.

Contr/a/ryan whiteboi kek detected

Keep dreaming. Such people never existed.

Yeah I'll trust the mountains of actual physical evidence that have been presented by diverse sources over the ramblings of a single Yea Forumsnon, thanks.

Yes but somehow you know everything right? Dang I guess literally every economist in the world should've hit you up for details before publishing all those studies, since obviously anything the CCP says can't be trusted.

I think replying to that troll is pointless. They lack basic knowledge.

>Strawman: the post
I literally haven't said anything relating to whatever the fuck you're talking about and neither is it relevant to the point I was making, but okay.
Do you still read from publications owned by rupert murdoch?

Russia a shithole.
China a shithole.
Taiwan da best.

You need an elite to organise a revolution. Nobody with any degree of power supports the yellow vests so not gonna happen. They can continue protesting for 10 years every saturday all they want.

Boi you touched a nerve there, look at all these seething wehraboos;
#Krautkeks mad x24

He was meant to show that even the biggest heroes and most cunning strategists were human and thus, prone to the fallacy/fanaticism of political leanings. The whole saga's message ultimately was "whether there is one at the top or many, it all depends on the people to make things better or worse for themselves". Yang believed democratic decision-making is the only way forward, regardless of its flaws, because he didn't trust one man to cover all bases. Reinhart, ironically, despite being his direct counterpoint, only wished for power so he could bring prosperity ... and actually gave Yang his kudos. If anything, they were characters that subverted the usual expectations of characters in their position ... by being human and prone to their own stubborn beliefs.

Politicians in the US shit on Russia all day every day but then call for everyone to stop being so mean to poor wittle China. It's funny.

>French democracy is still doing well
>had to rely on foreign powers to maintain a semblance of autonomy in the world wars
>became a vassal state of a supra-national union anyway
>political class that bows to globalist pressure to engage in the replacement of the native population through mass immigration
>media and bureaucracy engaged in a cover up over migrant destruction of the nation and the discontent of natives
France is a great example of how democracy is a childish ideal that must always be bailed out by militant nationalists. Without a military coup soon, France will cease to exist.

You're obviously not familiar with history.
Ever heard of Alexander the Great? He is the philosopher king who conquered Persia and let poorfag cynic Diogenes talk down to him.
Why? Perhaps for no other reason than he was smart enough to realize that silencing someone is a demonstration of weakness, but many are inclined to believe it's because he recognized the truth in Diogene's criticisms.

No, the author just has a highschool level understanding of politic, took a cursory look at german history, got a very basic understanding, meshed up a few elements and then put it in space


>mountains of actual physical evidence
Surely you wouldn't have a problem presenting some of it to me then, would you?

Listen buddy the projection has been that China's bubble will pop for decades. Let me restate that for you. Economists have been saying that China should have died a long time ago, but in defiance of the sheer knowledge of *gasp* ECONOMISTS they haven't died! How is this even possible?! They published so many studies! China should be long dead by now!

The answer is because economists are figureheads used by governments to prop up whatever narrative they're trying to push, whether it be trickle down economics (LOL), mining more coal, subsidies for more coal, subsidies for the military, subsidies for the manufacturing industry in a first world country (LOL), any """economist""' that you would see on a news broadcast is full of shit. Which is why anybody with economic understanding worth their salt is working in a large business selling their soul or teaching in some nepotistic college program. You would know this, if you've had literally any exposure to studying economics. But of course you haven't. You're here on a mongolian basket weaving forum beating the same dead horse that China is OMG so dead! that has been peddled for the past thirty years by western governments even though they know full well they're ensuring the exact opposite by outsourcing literally every primary industry to the chinks.

Grow up, buddy.




France is doing better than Russia, China and Nork, and will continue to do so, fucking retard.

Taiwan is a joke.

But that's not entirely true, on either assertion.
There are plenty of people with power who are willing to lend support to the yellow vests; did you miss out when the Italian government made overtures of support? Both within France and within the broader EU are people who stand to benefit from the yellow vests stirring up shit.
Moreover, a revolution doesn't need to be organized and is most dangerous precisely when it isn't. All it takes is a one man to burn down a city block, initiating a recursive cycle of escalating reprisals.
Society is a fragile thing, because society is an illusion. It's nothing more than a collection of individuals, each of whom has private motivations that shift with the winds of fate.
The Yellow Vest protests aren't the same as Occupy Wallstreet. If they were, the media wouldn't be actively ignoring them. They're afraid.

Read a history book, user. The only debatable example on that list is Revolutionary France.

All they need to do is to shot ringleaders and a couple hundred of them at random, if things get to hot. And taadaaaa democracy is saved. Italy is worth nothing in term of power, just as other cringy populist.

Unorganised revolution is called a riot btw. All society with a good enough surveillance and security apparatus can be under perpetual unrest and do just fine.

France is being obliterated by Muslim invaders
China is putting Muslims in camps and storing their data for organ harvesting
Unless there is some course correction, France will disappear, replaced by an imposter wearing the hollowed out skin of what civilization used to exist there; but China will remain.

Italy was a authoritarian monarchy.
Germany even after the collapse of the Empire was an authoritarian state.
Japan was an authoritarian monarchy.

None of these powers became democracies until after WWII.

>France will disappear, replaced by an imposter wearing the hollowed out skin of what civilization used to exist there
This already happened with the romanization of Gauls, so nothing new I guess.

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And France will continue to be free unlike ch*nkoids.

>The Yellow Vest protests aren't the same as Occupy Wallstreet. If they were, the media wouldn't be actively ignoring them. They're afraid.
>The media is ignoring them! That's PROOF that they're a big deal!
Listen to yourself, bruh. If they got media coverage you would be saying "The media can't ignore them anymore! That's PROOF that they're a big deal!"

>what was Weimar Germany, Taisho Democracy, or most of Italy between unification and mussolini's rise

And while I wish the Yellow Vests luck I feel like if they haven't won yet they probably won't.

A good autocrat will always be better than a shit western "democracy"

And a bad autocrat will be several degrees worse than a shit western democracy

>the media wouldn't be actively ignoring them. They're afraid
There's been plenty of coverage. How do you even know what Yellow Vests are if they exist outside media?

Yellow Vests are cringe and deserve anything that will happen to them.

>unironically supporting a neo-liberal faggot like macron
begone boomer

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Thailand and Jordan are great IF you're a foreigner living there for a year or two. Things suck for the locals.

Thai food is great.

Unironically go back to _donald

Literally proven to not to be true. America went to absolute garbage in only 200 years. We even gave women and colored people sufferage.

>French ruled by EU
>French politicians unaccountable to the people and working against their interests
>media and government working hand in hand to censor the unrest their policies are causing
You'd have to be a retard to think anyone in the West is free. The Chinese social credit system is an extension of the credit rating, consumer data aggregation, and intelligence gathering systems which were pioneered in our nations. The EU is beginning to tighten internet regulations as well. If you think the French are free, you simply haven't done any research.

There's actually no difference. Once the democratic system fails, it becomes a facade used by autocrats to manufacture consent for tyranny.

in a monarchy if you don't like the ruler you can just kill him and replace him with another one

>The very fact that you can change who is in charge (without storming the palace and killing him) is the reason for me saying that.
You mean like how we can vote for 3rd party candidates, and they can win? Oh wait. Storming DC would be easier than voting for someone who wasn’t already picked for you.

In addition to what everyone else said, it generally stands to reason that the Empire would be ahead technologically from the word go, since the Alliance are effectively a bunch of refugees that travelled a great distance in space and had to rebuild everything that had from 0, while the Empire retained almost all of its pre-existing industry, infrastructure, academies, power hierarchy and so on, meaning since the Empire and the Alliance are presumed to both have had access to all the scientific, industrial and technological knowledge when the two split, the Empire still had a massive head-start at further development compared to the Alliance, in addition to their ability to produce more war materials.
And that's not even mentioning that the reason the Alliance left is because they stood no chance against the Empire when they separated.

not him but you newfags need to leave if you think faggot and boomer are plebbit words

I've been here since 2008 and the unironic hate and directionless anger some of these kids are spewing definitely comes from the dumber parts of reddit

I miss when shitposting was pure irony and bait

>Yet look where we are now, most peaceful age in history.
The Afganistan War is coming up on 20 years soon. Just because we bomb and assassinate people with drones doesn’t mean we aren’t at constant war. You are paying for it.

democracy is tyranny of the mob
government is inherently oppressive and forced monopoly of violence

The colossal majority of the population received no education and terrible food, along with dismal working conditions. The wealth was given to people solely based on family, not even the success of at least one highly competent member of the family, and resulted in spoiled, inbred brats who waged wars to get even more material goods and to stroke their bloated, burnt-out egos. Monarchy is an atrocious system more comparable to a gang leader threatening and extorting a territory.

>monarchies are good
Are people retarded? Historically, most monarchies had 95% of the population living in absolute squalor, 4% living in relative comfort and 1% living in luxury by lapping up all the good shit from everyone else.

>but muh past
Actually a fair point. Let's look at countries today with Absolute Monarchs.

>Saudi Arabai

Look at these nation states, and tell me you'd genuinely want to have been born and raised in any of them as a common citizen.

>storm the castle
>kill the monarch
>the numerous armies of the country, who swore fealty to the monarch you just murdered, now just listen to you instead because ???

As a faggot, are you offended?

>not wanting to rape a woman then join in on stoning her for her crime

He was right about the impact of Mobile Dolls

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there was that article recently talking about how governments have known that china steals tech all the time for years. the gov asks if they can investigate and companys say no cuz companies they dont want to give up their lucrative deals with china. theyd rather make money than have loyalty to countries

What you don't understand is that I'll be a member of the 1% in luxury, or the 4% living in comfort, not a shitty peasant. That's how it works. Any time I call for us to change to an old system with rampant inequality it's with the implicit understanding that I'll be on top and not on bottom, because I'm great.

>Historically, most monarchies had 95% of the population living in absolute squalor, 4% living in relative comfort and 1% living in luxury by lapping up all the good shit from everyone else.
You can thank oil, coal and techno-industry for that.
>>Saudi Arabai
By Allah, I wish I was born there to get those sweet oilbux instead and slaving for my CEO-lord. I'd happily pray 5 times a day. Riding a camel sounds really nice.

If the concept of economists is so full of shit, why do you even rely on the figures China is providing? They could literally just be bullshitting and staying alive with the power of bluffs.

based retard

>monarchy worked well most of the time

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These countries are falling into ruin, because the oil bucks aren't as rampant as they were before and the ruling class are uncomfortably aware that they have literally no other main source of income. The smart one's have invested that money to secure they and their families wealth for generations, but the actual countries are going to crash and burn.

Shame the US and other western countries are still conducting proxy wars for oil if what you're saying is true.

>how governments have known that china steals tech all the time for years. >theyd rather make money than have loyalty to countries
So that just means the governments were okay with that, so whatever ''loyalty to countries'' means is a load of nonsense.

It's "successful" if you think working as a serf on some jackasses field with 0 (zero) chance of social advancement is "successful"
Sure some retards occasionally vote something stupid in, but at least you have much better individual rights, and you're generally free to learn/study what you want. Even if you believe there's a reptile conspiracy, the simple fact that it's all underground makes it better than the overt oppression a dictatorship brings.

fucking dumbass, you really think Stalinism was all that great?

>he doesnt know trump,macron,trudeau, etc.are just extensions of the wealthy neoliberal globalists
>he doesnt know france has been importing africans for decades because they wanted to govern their colonies better by uplifting them
>because they see government as a parent supporting the ppl, africans "who happen to be muslim" are the weakest children and must be coddled
cities are always the worst parts of a country concentrated, at least they still have the strongest military in western europe. desu they should let germany and japan remilitarize
>he doesnt know china is having a missing generation problem with millions of countryside children growing up without their parents because they are in the cities making money to support the family
besides the economic bubble, environmental pollution, and gender ratio, chinas next generation is gonna be fucked when they grow up

i mean yeah, govs dont like it but when governments and companies are in such an incestuous relationship no one gives a fuck as long as money is made

>can't drink
>can't be adulterous
>if your kids are gay or you're gay, congrats they're all gonna die
>your daughter will never be able to go to university and get the same level of education, even if she's Albert Einstein-tier

And btw, there's a huge double standard there as all the royalty get to do whatever the fuck they want. You could be caught doing a coke binge right next to the Crown Prince and you'd get literally crucified while they just get scolded at for getting caught and move on to the next coke binge.

i wish /pol/ would just fuck off to their countainment board

and btw Yea Forums is banned in many of these countries. The fact you can even shitpost right now is because of democracy.

Frederick the great would like to have a word with you.

Until they decide to shut the site down because it "perpetuates hate". Europe is already going in that direction with trying to censor Twitter (or arresting people for thoughtcrime on Twitter) for instance. It's hilarious seeing the news talk about the internet too and being completely wrong about things.

>>can't drink
I don't drink anyway. Not using alcohol as an ingredient would sucks tho, but who cares.
>>can't be adulterous
Neither can my wife if i can get one, so all is fair.
>>if your kids are gay or you're gay, congrats they're all gonna die
Not gay so don't care. If my kids are gay they're not going to contribute to my genetic lineage so they might as well be dead. How they die is of no concern to me.
>>your daughter will never be able to go to university and get the same level of education, even if she's Albert Einstein-tier
Well she'll pass on her superior genes instead of shredding her genius level iq by going through the sterilising process of higher education. Tbh if she can go to uni whatever, but if she doesn't pop 5 Einstein from her womb she may as well be dead. How she dies doesn't matter.
>And btw, there's a huge double standard there as all the royalty get to do whatever the fuck they want. You could be caught doing a coke binge right next to the Crown Prince and you'd get literally crucified while they just get scolded at for getting caught and move on to the next coke binge.
I don't care what my suzerain does. It's Allah concern, and he'll make sure he goes to hell. If an influencial imam declare a fatwa against the Saud and enough people seem motivated I may get my ak-47 ready just in case I can get some glory.

so you're saying you'd rather live in the majority of corrupt democracies in africa than nazi germany? what kind of white trash are you?

nazi germany got brutally raped, contemporary Africa is nicer than 10 years of nazidm

>contemporary Africa is nicer than 10 years of nazidm
Maximum delusion

apologize to hitler-kun right now, you walking trash.

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>contemporary Africa is nicer than 10 years of nazidm
This is supreme bait

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*gets raped by genghis, tyrone and ivan*
i-i'm glad i-i'm not an un-untermensch

>WW! and WWII were all caused by monarchies and the fallout caused by monarchies.
Nein, they were a direct result of banking and bourgeoisie plotting the downfall of monarchic people.

What's especially funny about this thread is that the majority of people arguing in favor of democracy are still reactionaries, since most of their arguments seem to boil down to the fact that the USA would or has defeated the autocratic countries in a war.



Thats because the left is dead in the west and thats a good thing!

So? I'm in favor of democracy since it obfuscates how power really works and thus protect the mechanism of power from being taken over by the mob.

Yeah, Brunei is nice. I wish they would ban tourists and western ngos from operating there.

In the US at least we need a complete reset of our political parties. It's like the swinging pendulum of assfuck.

Unfortunately the political parties are just fronts for corporatist cabals which sunk their roots into the government in the wake of WWII with the emergence of the military-industrial complex and intelligence agencies whose leadership were drawn from the same institutions as the corporate elite. Historically, these groups were also in bed with organized crime and thus interwoven into the fabric of local political corruption. The US is rotten from top to bottom, and of course that rot is connected to even older international elements such as the global banking system, Christian sects, and secret societies which have in turn used the US to subjugate what few parts of the world had yet to be brought into the hierarchy of control.

There simply won't be a reset unless it is a total reset of civilization.

I wish niggers and muslims would stop polluting european countries I guess not everything can have what they want :)

>muh niggers
>muh muslims
it's better be bait

>There simply won't be a reset unless it is a total reset of civilization.
Sounds pretty nice, but is there a way to do it without massive loss of life?

Nope. The current state of affairs has us heading toward major population crashes due various factors such as the proliferation of carcinogens and other detrimental chemicals in our environment and epidemics of self-destructive lifestyles resultant from behavioral sink conditions in overcrowded areas. Massive loss of life is now inevitable whether or not any sort of change occurs. Any change which would be quick enough to eradicate the corruption of civilization would come off the back of something like planet-wide nuclear devastation or an extinction level extraterrestrial impact, which obviously means that there would be a massive loss of life before anyone could benefit from fixing broken systems. If the correction is slow enough not to cause a massive loss of life, then it won't come quick enough to save people from catastrophic conditions which are already manifesting. In that sense, the reset is also inevitable, as the current paradigm is reliant on the inflated population and will collapse alongside the coming die-offs.

Democracyis the worst form of government, except for all the others.

>staying alive with the power of bluffs
Look mate I already knew you didn't know the first thing about economics, you didn't have to come out and say it yourself

A man chooses (democracy) a slave obeys (autocracy)

So it's inevitable either way then? How long would you say the world has left before something comes about?

I mean sure if you want to be the first developed nation to close off international trade just so you can say "well now China can't steal all our precious technology, good job guys!" and then your people vote you the fuck out of government for raising their cost of living to multitudes what it once was

I'd recommend you not listen to that guy, unless you really think that the eventual reason for humanity's demise is going to be fucking widespread collective cancer and muh chemicalz

If everybody chose the best thing for them problems would not exist, but obviously enough that's not what happens
Fundamentally flawed system

I was agreeing more with the ideas of over population, shitty lifestyles, climate change, etc. Those in power are doing a lot to fuck up the world as it stands in both short and long term.

I'm sure there's a think-tank or two out there that could answer that, but I have no clue. There isn't a singular cause to the destruction toward which we are heading and so some of the factors might be mitigated or combated thus extending the timeline. On the flip side, a chain reaction of nuclear engagements could be sparked relatively soon.

the most successful democracies in history have been those that restricted the franchise to the fewest people.
american democracy is rule by wealthy porpagandists, the roman republic was ruled by the patrician senate, not kings, the polish commonwealth, a democratically elected king... these so called democracies are not so readily distinguishable from other forms of governance as a naive idealist may think.

More like the USSR vs Germany and all it's puppet states on the eastern front

I see, it still sucks knowing the world could end at any second. I feel like people in general try to ignore this instead of coming together and doing something about it and that's sort of saddening too.

There is hope, they're all going to die in the next 30 odd years. The only question is how much more they will fuck the world before they go.

>they're all going to die in the next 30 odd years
Won't other people indoctrinated into that thought process just replace them?

Do you think the CIA is non-corrupt because Allen Dulles is gone? Those in power create groups of administrators and enforcers to enact their schemes and from that group a successor emerges to take the place of the master. Even the most selfish puppeteer will desire for a protege to carry on his work simply so that the secrets of the past remain buried while he lingers in his last decades of inactivity and there is no better guardian of such secrets than another who was complicit in them.

What is the tragedy of commons?

Assuming that solutions can be succesfully enacted (which most likely won't as they never do), they'll cause such a shock to our global system that it'll collapse civilisation anyway.

By that logic humanity has made no improvement ever because corruption is ever-present.
There is hope that our generations fix things because the solutions are far simpler than they seem. All the constant doom-saying of modern mass media is a well understood social manipulation strategy to disillusion the populace with the idea that change can happen

>It's gay, feminist, promotes polygamy and lolicon.
Maybe the Japanese know how to actually seperate things from reality.

It was never pure irony and bait, nothing has changed besides the intensity.

One thing /pol/ made me realise is that Islam isn't so bad. It's a pretty epic religion when you think about it.

Those are the EXACT reason /pol/ love it so much are you stupid?

There's Pentti Linkola's plan if you're interested.

The solutions themselves are fairly simple, but the vast majority of the population will never accept them and that is what makes the necessary changes impossible. The theoretical framework for dissolving all urban areas and reorganizing society around rural homesteading is simple enough, but not only do a great number of people want to live in cities despite how psychologically and physiologically crippling such environments are, there is also the upper castes in civilization who directly benefit from the current organizational paradigm. They will never agree to positive changes because such changes would erode their power and wealth. There's a similar situation with plastic products. The solution, completely ending the production of all plastics, is simple, but humanity lacks the will to commit to this necessary change and so the occurrence of cancer and the destruction of the biosphere will continue to spiral out of control.

>All the constant doom-saying of modern mass media is a well understood social manipulation strategy to disillusion the populace with the idea that change can happen
How can change happen past an individual level then, especially when the media controls the way people think?

>only my system of government is allowed
Absolute brainlet

Twenty Years' Anarchy is ironically monarchy functioning properly.

So I want to get into the medical field and I know some Chinese and can carry conversations because am a hapa. If China collapses do you think there will be a huge influx of Chinese to America? I know spanish would definitely be more useful for an EMT and eventually a pa or a doctor but I kind of want to seriously learn Japanese instead of Spanish or finish learning Chinese. I fucking hated learning Spanish in high school and forgot everything. I could just move if the population of spanish speakers who can’t speak English hampers my ability to do my job.

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America will kill the Chinese this time. Better be safe than sorry.

wrong greek: plato
>world war
make that the civil war. you have no idea of how much corruption went on during the gilded age.
saudi arabia is technologocally advanced welfare country, it is objectively better than "western" countries by many measures
the trade "war" is win-win for china and the rest of the world. china needs self-sufficiency for national security reasons, and the self inflicted harm to american business plays to its advantage.
for the rest of the world, the vacuum created by the loss of large quasi-monopolistic global players ultimately increases global competition.
"long-term", though, milton keynes accurately observed that "you are dead."
so its no surpise low impulse control, low intelligence "individualists" prioritise the short term, at the cost of killing us all.
china pollutes less per-capita.
fuck off non-pedophile. kys
ideas can not be stolen, only copied
imagine being so deluded you think indoctrination camps have the monopoly on learning. what are books or tutors?
as someone who just rewatched seven samurai, what exactly do you think farmers do to an oppresive feudal lord? do they not revolt, or hide their grain?
but user, that would mean you would have to leave as well!

Do you think Japan will be more accepting of foreigners in the coming decades so I can weeb it out over there when I have a stable income? Learning Japanese is a good idea?

Is mass replying ever not a symptom of autism?

No and no

They need workers to pay for the pensions, unless something crazy happen.

Yang never had a choice. What was he supposed to do, become a dictator himself?

Schoenkoepf was wrong when he said that all Yang needed to do was be better than Job Trunicht. If Yang were an elected official, that'd be true. But if he were to become a dictator, he'd have to be better than Reinhard von Lohengramm for it to be worth it.

So Yang does the only thing he can do, and lets the FPA fall under Reinhard's rule.

It's the old Churchillian quip personified, "Democracy is the worst system of governance, except for all the other ones." Of course, most people who trot out this line have not not truly investigated all the other options. You can tell the author of this series is incredibly attracted to Napoleonic style figures, but justifies democracy on the idea that it will lead to a more stable society over time, less prone to radical shifts. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth, as we can amply see today. Cutting off one's own genitals is now considered a sacred act, when even 10 years ago this would have been considered beyond the pale. The show sticks like a hound to this idea that democracies produce fewer tyrants, which given the rapidness of censorship creep today, is simply a untenable claim.

>gets assassinated by the dumbest terrorists in existence
If they wanted julie sue to keep fighting the empire why wear the sashes.

Depends on when the collapse happens. There's a worker shortage and, as another user mentioned, a lack of youth to pay for the elderly's health care. Mass immigration to Japan is inevitable, it's mostly a question of when and who. I do think Chinese will be the one that will take over Japan because of a lack of Chinese women and Japanese women are close enough. The government has tried to get Chinese men to marry African women but it doesn't seem to be working out too well.

Cutting off genitals is considered a last resort act to treat a crippling mentally disease, it's not celebrated by anywhere close to a majority of the population.

It's more like democracy moderates the best and worse impulses of the person in charge.
although high-skilled workers have been agressively recuited though canadian and american style policies which allow them to bring spouses, parents, children, and even a nanny, abe is currently ramping up "middle skilled" permanent residency for e.g. construction and nursing for the elderly, and is particularly keen on setting foreigners into the depopulated countryside, which he is trying to promote through tourism and anime like non non biyori.
the current government target is reaching ~10% foreign residents by 2050 to offset the declining birhrate.

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>On the cover of magazines everywhere, being celebrated as a "brave choice"
>not celebrated
Screw your eyeballs back in and take a look around you. Yes, it's possible the majority disapproves of such actions, but does anyone dare to say that? What would be the personal consequences for their employment and career if they said that out loud?

I'd love to live a comfy life in the Japanese countryside except the fuckers won't let me bring my guns.

rural japanese have guns, they shoot bears and stuff

Look at the list of top 10 countries by GDP and count how many of them are monarchies. It's a majority.

Gaddafi had plans of creating an Arab League of Nations with a gold-backed currency. Obviously, the kikes and burgers can't have that in a petrodollar-dominated world so Gaddafi had to die.

THIS. We haven't even legalized rape yet. What the fucka re we doing?

Can we rape them?

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>Don't you think that China will absolutely crush the West in the next few decades?
Chink here. China is developing new ways to fuck itself by the millisecond. Every hour it isn't spending polluting itself out of habitability, it's fucking itself in other ways. The shit they put in the papers is what they want everyone to see, keeping every bad part hidden.

As a Chink with relatives in China, mainland and outside, I say you're full of shit. The things I know from speaking with them in-person do not tell me what you're saying.

That could work as long as they restrict it to white europeans only.

>tfw you will never rape Aryans

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Chink here, I say China's developing well but it's developing fuckloads of problems for every good it obtains. I say take a look at China not just from the news China wants you to know, but the stuff they don't want you to know from people living there. Even the high class have problems with China. It's not some wonderland or wonderland-to-be.

>Chink here
Why would you say this like it means anything coming from an ABC?

Chinks love to suck white cocks.

If you cucks love monarchism so much why don't you go to saudi arabia?

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Yang played too nice. He doesn't need to be a dictator himself, he just have to reset the current members of leadership. He was in the position to kill every higher ranking officials and just force the FPA to hold another election. He can even force to capitol to be relocated elsewhere. Heck, he can just stay out of the election and not run for office and only just defends the FPA from fortress Iserlohn until fresh leaders is in place. Instead, he lost to Reuenthal in a game of capture the flag race at the most crucial moment.

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The entire point of LoGH is to present numerous different characters with different viewpoints. Yangs got a completely different one than Reinhard or the terraists.

believe it or not, the sauds actually impose limits on immigration, and refused entry to "refugees"
probably the only thing that could ruin it. good thing its mostly flips and indonsians
Iran war soon, my friend.

>Iran war soon, my friend.
Not to happen with only 1500 troops and no safe land access to get there. At best it will be a bombing campaign which will do fuck all.
Indeed my friend. Bless blumpf.


The democracy of today is inverted, a procrustean governance which first decides, then manufactures consent through its organs of propaganda.
if that fails, the government can then declare that its poulace has lost the confidance of its elite, which can then dissolve the people, and elect a new one.
Brecht's "Die Lösung" was sadly prophetic.

>Democracy is a fad
Off to the guillotines with you.

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It's Japan, the country with the single longest continuous succession monarchy, what do you think???

Democracy is headcounting who can potentially mobilise the biggest army, which necessitate political violence for it to properly function. During the 19th century, anarchists throwing bombs at bourgeois cafe, communists having street fight, republicans erecting baricades with canon on top, reactionaries having gunfight with the police were showing what an healthy democracy is suppose to look like. If a voter isn't ready to ''punch a nazi/x'' he is in fact stealing a vote and undermining democracy. This is why giving the vote to women a catastrophic ''mistake'', but an enormous success for people against true democratic process.

Well it doesn't matter now with how consent can be manufactured, crowd manipulated, and surveillance technology making violence on a large scale unthinkable.

>Flips and Indos
Not only are they based, but they are grateful to the Axis Powers and Japan in particular for literally winning their independence!

The Chinese are lying to themselves and the world if they seriously think they'll be able to take on the juggernaut that is Western civilisation.

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>The increase in standard of living over the past two centuries has been due to democracy and not technological advancement
>The only kinds of monarchy are absolute or feudal
>Monarchies can't guarantee individual rights
>Being born into a wealthy family somehow makes you retarded
Imagine being this indoctrinated.

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yeah populism is the greatest evil.
we should get rid of democracy entirely.
somehing that doesnt exist when all things are privately owned.
the "poorest" have better quality of life and lower cost of living than the "richest". Brunei is a good example.

>easily won
oh boy here we go again

A monarch is only okay when they have a figurative sword against their neck at all times and lack absolute authority. That's the only way you can make them and their noble cronies behave themselves.

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no, they share the same country.
the european union has already seen to it that rights (property, privacy, speech) are nonexistent.
funny how the people who refuse to fight injustice at home always recreate it in the countries they flee to.
chinks and uzbeks are having a field day with ughurs and taijiks.
serves them right, YT is de devil.

That applies to democracy to.

A monarch is only okay when he is the ceo of a sovcorp.

Isn't democracy's core problem that it assumes people voting are informed and responsible? Masses are neither.

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Oh those poor poor Japanese, right? It’s not like a nuclear power has ever collapsed and had a change of government, right?

True, but certain disastrous courses of action during WW1 were taken explicitly monarchs held power. Not that war hungry cabinet ministers were any better, but there you at least had to reach a census. Idiot monarchs are something else entirely.

EVA unironically had a better vision of what future governments will be like. It'll get to the point that we "choose" to stop slutting ourselves to dictators as well as the hordes of retards, and instead we start slutting ourselves to sentient computers that are under the direct manipulation of the people who made them. You know who "they" are. "they" will even name the computers after magic sand people just to spite us. The idea being that the system will remain the same, but will look cleaner. You won't be able to see the fuckery as easily as you can now. Prop up AI until the dumb normies give it power, and give us power in the process. Perfect plan.

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it's not like there weren't solutions to that like having only the wealthy or land owners vote, but then you inevitably fuck over majority of the population who lacks the ability to vote. solution would be... I don't know, intellectually enlightened democracy of some kind?

This is best fucking post in the thread.

No the problem is that democracies are unable to send the bankers to the death row if they fuck up, because they are the actual employers of the elected representatives.

No he isn't. Even Eisenhower said this. If you let the military call the shots, your nation state will become too dependent on the military industrial complex - which has a constant hunger for armed conflicts, which leads to a constant loss of lives and a lack of peacetime eras to unite the people. The Alliance was undone by the intervention of the military as much as it was by political corruption. The people should have overthrown the civilian government when the battlefield losses started going into the millions, but instead the people became complacent and invited their own doom.

Proper democracies have the ability to hold any threat to the government accountable. But there is no form of government that is immune to corruption. A capitalist republic or democracy is incredibly difficult to deal with when it comes to entrenched corruption, because you're basically trying to convince people who have never held infinite money before to not want infinite money. You're literally fighting the very incarnation of Greed.

the problem is rich people. they ruin everything. democracy. monarchy. communism. socialism. capitalism. anarchism. at all times there's rich people trying to game the system so they gain more wealth. and anything you can try to do to stop them they can prevent just by spending more money.
the only solution that seems to work at all is having a french revolution at regular intervals where hoarding too much wealth is punished by public execution and a mob of angry poor people stealing their shit. like The Purge but only crimes against rich people become legal. they aren't allowed to fight back and if they don;t want to get the guillotine they just to give away enough money that they're no longer a target.


It is fascinating that "democracy" is the driving force of neo-feudalism.
The "global communist revolution" failed, but abolition of individual private property continues apace, not by fiat, but voluntarily.
Willingly, the masses and the ruling class centralize all political, economic, and cultural power within the transnational corporate-conglomerates.
Like feudal tithes, rent is extracted from the abstract "services" that have replaced property.
the provenance of violence matters little to the people injured by it, which applies as much to anarchy as to coporate or government power
who is it that creates or sustains a rich or ruling class but the poor? are they not the architects of their own oppression? everything evil is caused merely by the intransigence of fools.
War: a byproduct of the arts of peace
~Ambrose Bierce

No, democracy's core problem is there is no actual way to implement true democracy. I mean, we have the technological means to implement a true democratic model (which would require the expansion of network communication infrastructure on the order of several hundreds of trillions of dollars worth of support), but its too costly.

And even if it were implemented, it would end up like Twitter the Nation-State (as covered by an episode of the Orville). So not only must the ideal democracy be Twitterized, but it must also have a particular bias towards an agreed upon set of morals and virtues to guarantee best overall fairness. And these days its easy to see how societal norms are fracturing.

So we settle for democratic models which give the citizenry the chance to weigh in. Its not accurate, but its the best we can get to accurate on a cost-benefit analysis without triggering civil war.

Citizens should be made shareholders and given an annual dividend.

Doesn't work unless there's a market and competition for the shareholders to choose from. If there's just one corporation who has a monopoly over the nation, it's no different from government.

>who is it that creates or sustains a rich or ruling class but the poor? are they not the architects of their own oppression? everything evil is caused merely by the intransigence of fools.
Valid observation in the case of capitalism, but a toiling serf doesn't choose who their profits end up benefiting. They work the system they are born into or they are removed from it entirely.

even sparta was successful for a period of time.
the military mobilizations of world wars cured weimar-era malaise, transformed the soviets into an industial powerhouse, and decisively ended the american depression.
citizenship should be conditioned on public service.

You could break up one nation into multiple corporations, or force foreign nations to adopt the same system.

>who is it that creates or sustains a rich or ruling class but the poor? are they not the architects of their own oppression?
no, its rich people who create rich people. poor people aren't the ones spending millions of dollars on lobbying for less regulations on how corporations make their money. poor people aren't the ones cutting funding for public schools while increasing the funding for private schools ensuring the next generation of poor people are even less education than the last. poor people aren't the ones capable of saving thousands of lives every day with their spare change yet choosing not too. you can't just blame poor people for not being immune to manipulation tactics and propaganda that rich people have spent billions on researching how to make it more effective. you can't demand the oppressed transcend their humanity before they become worthy of human respect.

Well government is ultimately society's great compromise towards an ordered society, and the current trends for world governments is what is determined to be in the best interests of the most people overall - which is some form of centralization with an underlying populist backbone for popular support. So its easy to say that people are giving up freedoms and are willingly buying into neo-feudalism, but the truth is that the costs for participating in a mostly peaceful globalized world full of economic opportunities is affordable for the average person who isn't born into a complete shithole. The only truly oppressed class is the absolute poor, who have no actual way to move up and will remain downtrodden from day 1 to their last day. But if global communism couldn't fix that issue properly, then in reality nothing can.

It's so weird to see people arguing between these superfluous methods of governing when It's become all too apparent that it's all just a cycle of formalities and corporations are the ones who truly shape the future. It's just a matter of how each style of governing can best serve capitalism.

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>modern day democracy is full of people who have essentially figured out the best way to exploit the system for their own gains at the expense of the rest of the population
Some might argue that it's essentially monarchy by stealth. You don't get the royal titles, but you're also less likely to get assassinated in a revolution, while still maintaining control via proxies and figureheads.

wow so this is what politically triggered Yea Forums looks like. I'm impressed really

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Whites don't want to live in Japan, because they would have to learn Japanese.

It makes me sad and frankly more than a little horrified that we live in an age when all the information a person could ever want is literally at their finger tips yet the average voter still knows less about actual politics than they do about about the MCU or the Cardashians or whatever mindless bullshit disposable media is presently popular. Nobody knows shit about actual law making, about actual issues yet they bitch their piece about whomever they don't like then basically ignore the issue entirely because a new Mario Party game or whatever comes out.

Back when democracy was founded people pretty much only had politics to talk about if they didn't feel like chatting about subsistence farming so you had to have some interest.

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>citizenship should be conditioned on public service.
that defeats the point of citizenship and government in the first place. if your children aren't guaranteed to be looked after by default you have no reason to swear loyalty to a governing body and are better off finding a nice monastery that'll take you inn.
society is meant to serve its people not the other way around.

Well maybe if they let us vote for Tony Stark then wouldn't be a problem

That's the whole point of liberal democracy, which is why it's the best system. Big tech will perfect it when it can reliably control everyone thought 24/7 and predict risk so that anti-terrorist measures can be taken preemptively.

Sparta had to compromise to survive in a barbaric age. No nation state in existence in the past 100 years has ever prided itself on throwing the "unworthy" babies off a cliff, or throwing their sons into the wild. And even then, Sparta ultimately fell because an elites-based system will always lose the long game.

And the surge of the military industrial complex did do wonders for the Third Reich, Imperial Japan, the USSR, and the United States. But the bus has to stop at a certain point before it becomes a runaway train, before the advertising pitch becomes the mission. The Nazis kept buying more wonder weapons to fight more wars, which just took much needed budgetary money away from the army. Imperial Japan kept thinking it could win wars forever. The USSR didn't know how to stop. And now the United States (or more specifically corrupt entities in places of power) is seeking ever more conflicts to ultimately keep stock prices of key defense conglomerates afloat.

Its a tool to have in a toolkit. But when it becomes your only tool, then you're destined to live or die by it.

>all the information a person could ever want is literally at their finger tips
Well no, not really. There's just too much information and bullshit to sort out. History and politics are incredibly complicated and yet education of those subjects is looked down upon.

In the end, our entire global society is still quite peaceful and wealthy, so people don't need to really bother informing themselves.
For example, more people blame the European Union on things without ever realizing that it's their own head of states who approved all the "bad laws" in the first place.

But as always, it's easier to blame things on somebody else that nobody really understands or tries to understand.

Well yes, it's not THAT issue but you can still get way more information than you could have even 50 years ago in a fraction of the time. People not being able to suss out the bullshit is a separate yet equally concerning issue.

>Don't you think that China will absolutely crush the West in the next few decades?

Yeah, they'll fucking eat us all.

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Until we see penis going into vagina and 100 kiloliters of Soviet semen collected, we can safely assume that the picture doesn't show rape. Also, who the fuck stays like that when getting raped or getting ready to rape?

i hope they eat whitey first

Its a sad fact of life, but no amount of technology in the room will fix the flaws of human nature. You can improve the rate of literacy, but it will never reach 100% because you can't force everyone to give a damn about reading a book. You can improve education standards, but it will never amount to 100% enrollment in higher education because people don't have the will. This is undoubtedly the best humanity has had it as far as arming the common man with the tools needed to succeed at financing himself or herself and having a decent chance in the pursuit of happiness.

And yet, the vast flaws that exist - the intellectual dissonance between the humanity that should be and the humanity that is - shows that we still have a long way to go. It should be an encouraging sign for improvement, were it not for the current anti-globalist trends which are threatening to sunder the current era.

not him but i'll interject and say that misinformation is much easier to come across as well, and has the potential to be more destructive than no information at all. The worldwideweb is nowhere near perfect and people really give it too much credit.

China won't crush anyone because thousands of years of documented history has informed us that the Chinese are far more likely to implode or decay as a unified entity than to transcend past a certain point. Look a little deeper into it and you will see that most of China's population are all redneck-tier laborers who still live in their ancient provinces. China is fighting a race against time. It literally cannot afford too many smart people in the country who have figured out that the entire government system is jury rigged and corrupt to the core, and its military only exists to suppress themselves first and to fight existential threats second.

White meat > dark meat

contrarily, they do want to live in kapan, because they want to make it into a multicutural hell like their own homelands.

Ignoring all other idiocy about such proposal, the "problem" is not rich people, but powerful ones. Money is necessary to get power in the modern capitalist societies, but it is not power in itself.

But, thing is, in any political system known so to man, getting power and exercising it is a hard job, and any who would pursue power despite the difficulties are also types of people who are likely to abuse said system until they and who they like have all the power as long as possible. It's not really something you can solve with killings and revolutions, as anyone who would emerge afterwards will most probably still abuse whatever system is established.

China is not going to try to rule the world. It just needs and wants to be strong enough that other nations (mainly the US) can't fuck it up too much. However, to achieve that, they of course need a big military, access to more resources, and allies who will vote against the current hegemon.

>the average voter still knows less about actual politics than they do about about the MCU or the Cardashians or whatever mindless bullshit disposable media is presently popular.
thats by design. people like rupert murdoch and jeff bezos don't want a politically informed public. the desired state of affairs of corporations are that they are the only ones who are making an informed decision. which is why they use the mass media and social media platforms they own to spread controversy, culture wars, in-fighting amongst working class demographics, fake news, "fake news", misdirection, false controversy (we found the one 'expert' out of millions willing to disagree on this thing there is a general consensus about, and are going to give them equal air time to make it seem like there actually isn't consensus), so your average citizen is too exhausted and confused to make heads or tails of any of it and keeps voting against their own interests.
this isn't a natural progression of culture, its decades of conspiring to deceive the public and pervert democracy in the name of the almighty dollar. they want you to get mad at joe blow for getting addicted to his smart phone the same way they wanted you to get mad at tyrone for getting addicted to crack, chief looks-at-birds for getting addicted to alchohol, wang chung for getting addicted to opium, and cletus sneed for getting addicted to gun collecting. because when thats who you're getting mad at, you're not scrutinizing how they got addicted nor who intentionally got them hooked in the first place.

even the whole neonazi propaganda about the world being controlled by a secret cabal of rich jews is something they use to misdirect and discredit any anger towards rich people own an avenue they can safely profit from

Powerful people are still people, and can be convinced, managed, or threatened like everyone else. The real threat of our time is global monetization. You literally have 1% of the richest human beings to have ever lived pay off their governments to have near-0% taxes, while funneling the lions share of their earnings into offshore vortexes never to be seen again. This robs the governments that their businesses and livelihoods depends on, which turns into less spending for the people's welfare.

Such an approach is also ultimately self defeating. What else could happen when you deprive all the governments in the world of most of its tax income? What could you possibly do with all that money after all the governments in the world collapse into total anarchy because of lack of said funding?

Except that's wrong motherfucker. Yang explicitly acknowledges that a dictatorship with a good and competent guy at the helm is better than democracy. The problem is that you cannot always be sure you get that good leader in a dictatorship.

>as anyone who would emerge afterwards will most probably still abuse whatever system is established.
If the killing is dysgenic and frequent enough it shouldn't be a problem.

>thats by design. people like rupert murdoch and jeff bezos don't want a politically informed public

Thats only partly true. Most of the blame lies with the people themselves. Look at education funding in America by local municipality. The poorest and most uneducated areas in America - large swathes of the midwest, stopped wanting to fund public services for schools and roads. So education standards dropped off for millions of children in these areas.

Said children eventually grew up to be people - people who were either homeschooled off their parents' biases or who were given a shoddy education with limited exposure to the wider world. How can anyone expect these people to eventually gain the ability to make informed, educated, realist decisions?

The truth is you can't. The truth is you can't expect tens of millions of people to change their ignorant views, because those views come from a genesis rooted in ignorance. You can't improve people's lives without improving people.

One of the biggest problems of democracies is also that too many people become too lazy to bother voting. But then when things don't develop as they like, they complain, despite not having bothered informing themselves whom they should really vote for, not double-checking if said candidates they voted for really are as trustworthy as they claim to be.
In the end, they just want to complain, but not take responsibility.

Oh well, sucks to be the bad inferior forms of democracies.

What you want is an eugenic program, education isn't going to turn neo-lithic people into enlightened philosophe. Ignorance has nothing to do with cognitive limitation that make them unable to think in term of complex system and beyond their dunbar numbers, even people who have awaken from their ignorance, thanks to superior education kindly provided by the state are physically can't do that.

Information is useless if you can't process it.

That's said an eugenic program will primarilly select for people who will reliably vote for whatever party the program is set up for. Which defeat the point of an eugenic program in the first place.

cognitive ability is drastically impaired by malnutrition during childhood and teenaged years.
the leading cause of malnutrition is poverty.

Do you dumbass /pol/tards even watch the media you shit on sometimes jesus

Sure, sure. Just saying that people either disenguage with politics, or simply shoot whatever buzzword the political tribe they identify/belong to to gain social points amongst their peer group even if they get proper nutrition, get the plenty of informations, and are not retarded. That's just what people do, no point getting desesperate over the fact that they are ignorant whatever that means and fighting against dozens of millenia of selection.

Reminder that modern democracy still actively supports horrors like 10 million+ people in literal slavery (sweatshops) and destroying the environment for increased profit and appeasing the dumb masses (not embracing nuclear power decades ago and not outlawing dirty power) which may very well lead to massive accidental genocide.

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bioshock is a fucking garbage game fuck off Yea Forumsermin