
I know it's not Frid/a/y anymore but fuck it let's play. There hasn't been one of these in a long ass time

Lobby name - Yea Forums
Password - rage
Gamemode - mostly standard but play whatever maps you want really
Difficulty - mostly 5.5 - 6.5* but again play whatever you want

Attached: 220px-Osu!Logo_(2015).svg.png (220x220, 30K)

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inb4 deleted
mods hate fun

osu!'s shit man

Thanks for the bump

Why would you want to do this?

Laptop too laggy but I'll bump for you

Why would you want to play osu! with random autists you don't know? It's a shit game with a shit community

Whatever happened to osu! fridays? I used to see them every other week

People just stopped joining

I'm coming to join right now. I always miss these threads because they're usually posted right before I need to go to work.

thanks for the games op, god you're good with jumps

game just crashed

Thanks user. That's what happens when you play nothing but jump maps for a month straight
I'm planning on reviving frid/a/y so we'll see if we can get more people next week

good luck, i'll be looking forward to it

Does anyone ever play the keyboard maps on this? Since Stepmania mostly is ignored now that's pretty much the only part of osu I'd be interested in.

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frid/a/y games tend to be mostly Standard since that's by far the most popular game mode
But Mania is very much alive

Imagine not playing a game because of the community, female mentality.

>with a shit community
I've never once interacted with the osu! community in all my time of playing it
There's 0 need


I wondered as well. I remmebered frid/a/y Osu! Used to be a thing you see every weekend, then it just went off the surface of the earth one day. Not that i can join you guys though, too shit at the game.

Will there be cute anime girl feets?

The only girls that play osu are girls (male)

make a room and i will join, do it fag

What do their feet smell like?

Nothing because clean feet don't smell like anything

But their feet must be sweaty and dirty.

Mine aren't. I keep them clean
Maybe after a long day at university before I shower they're sweaty

*sniffs* What do they smell then?

And we are dead.

Unironically got tendonitis. Now I have to play RPGs and do it with an arcade stick.

To any other anons out there; Stretch, take breaks, make sure you got plenty of mouse space (not at the edge of your desk), and alighn your desk/chair height. Don't wait until it hurts to do this. It'll be too late. I was a healthy young dude, shit can happen to anyone.


t. smelly beatmania autist.

You were a clicker or just used the mouse to aim? I heard tablet and pen is much easier to use. I got tendonitis once too but I play taiko mostly, I took 40 days break and the inflammation went away, then my fingers were faster than ever before. I hate my mouse so it's impossible to play standard for me.

Times change, we live in a society now.

Attached: Logo.png (945x945, 88K)

Board culture is dead and it died with Sakura fish

i wanna play but i suck

But it's fun