Fairy gone

What were they thinking when they greenlit this dumpster fire?

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Name the reasons why it's bad.

Is this the sequel to Fairy Tail?

"Westerners and bugmen will watch anything"

>JoJo but with less fun and more boobies
I dropped it after ep 1 am I far off?

Bland characters, shit plot dragging at a snail's pace, generic fantasy worldbuilding, retarded fights ending with a deus ex machina resolution. Flashbacks, I fucking hate flashbacks.


Sirius the Jager should have been a two cour season not this garbage

>transplanting animal organs into humans
Xenotransplantation doesn't sound plausible from the beginning.

This and checked. Nice to see one other person who liked Sirius.

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It's the epitome of a polished turd.

Of course, I was in every Sirius thread, it was a fun ride.

>What were they thinking
They weren't.


into the fucking trash

I see that dropping the show after the first episode is still a good decision.

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More like Viewers Gone. Haha am I right, fellahs?

looks pretty neat t b h d e s u

epic burn

Sometimes I doubt anyone in PA thinks

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I guess soon I'll be able to post this series in "Anime only you watched" threads.

It seemed to be impossible, but it's actually worse than Grimgar.

You forgot pic related.

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I like it

Grimgar was a decent show.

What's so bad about it?

Fuck you, I like it.
You have to realize everything PA works does is the same show. You either like it or you don't.

Only if your intelligence is low enough to overlook everything that is wrong with it

Grimgar is one of the few good cartoons to come out of Japan in the last decade.


>What were they thinking when they greenlit this dumpster fire?
They wer enot thinking. Anime has been degenerated from an artistic expression to a soulless marketing equation they use to push out an industrialized product which they can capitalize upon by selling shitty merchandises to weebs for abusive prices.

It is a similar concept to industrialized cupcakes: They look the same, taste much worse and yet sell just as well as home-baked cupcakes.

I wish PA works would have made yet another teen romantic drama instead of this. At least those can be halfway decent.

FG is basically the complete opposite of what weebs and jap otakus want, no waifus, no isekai, no high school aged jap boy self insert
if they wanted to do something for money they would have just shat out the 9684th high school isekai harem

I think we've finally run the "o my rubber nen" meme into the ground now. People no longer get what an asspull is.

They were attempting to differentiate themselves from the generic anime that is overflooding the market, but failed miserably at replacing the generic garbage with OC.

Yet, their intention is quite clear: Trick children and hopeless mouthbreathers into wasting their money on shitty merchandise.

I agree.
Watching old anime of all kinds and new anime movies is the way to go.
Fuck modern tv anime.
Manga is a better medium anyway.

How is the MC getting conveniently possessed by a fairy when it was explained that such occasions are extremely rare if not impossible is not an asspull?

Like what ?

Because it's used to set up the story, not suddenly change directions in order to avoid some consequence.The main character discovering that they're special somehow is the introduction to many stories. It's when such an event happens in the middle of the story without proper setup and foreshadowing in order to resolve a previously established conflict that it becomes an asspull, because it breaks the flow of the story. Lelouch conveniently finding C.C. and obtaining his geass or Light finding the Death Note dropped by a bored shinigami aren't asspulls, they're setups.

Not to say that Fairy Gone's writing is particularly good.

and its fucking 2 cour

The designs are cool and the setting reminds me of Final Fantasy VII, which is popular. They probably thought those things alone would make for a good show.

opening is kino

Isn’t it obvious?

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