By Oh!great and Nisioisin
Bakemonogatari 33
I really like this page
Thanks user
I love OGs art so much
God damn Oh! Great is a fucking master
I love the way Oh Great! represents StapleCrab with that millipede creature thing.
wow you niggas are fast with the translations, based
>This kid that you just saved from vampirism by fighting off a bunch of god-tier vampire hunters
>brings you a cat that kicks your ass
>some insane weightless chick
>think everything is finally over
>"lol dude I found another one, my bad"
Thinking about it now, shouldn't Oshino have popped in the Gaen household in the first place?
oh yeah didn't it turn out not to be a monkey's paw? i forget. Killing your crush's boyfriend seems like a dead end towards forming a lesbian relationship with her
naisu desu ne
I don't get her personality early on. Is it fake and over time becomes real?
Illustration, never heard of this guy
chapter 34
pan 3 bub 2: If you've heard about "The Monkey's Paw"
pan 3 bub 3: You'll know what kind of horror and abnormality story this is about.
pan 1 bub 2: [Emph 'this thing']
pan 2 bub 2: Because the company goes up and down as it teeters on bankruptcy, you technically end up being "successful."
pan 3 bub 2: And the next day, your entire family dies in an accident, so you get a ton of life insurance money... or something like that.
pan 3 bub 3: That's the gist.
pan 3 bub 2: Not even as a kouhai. Not now, and not back then either.
pan 4 bub 1: She told me, "If I become friends with a superior lower classman like you, my stock will rise. I just wanted to parade you in front of everyone"
pan 2 bub 2: I was actually pretty happy because she called me "A superior lower classman"
pan 2 bub 2: If Kanbaru could really save Senjougahara by "doing nothing"
pan 2 bub 3: Then she could both grant Senjougahara's wish and heal her heart... huh
pan 1 side 1: Were that "serious" about her.
pan 1 side 2: To go that far.
pan 4 bub 1: If someone could measure the energy needed to fall in love with people... or the effort needed,
pan 6 bub 1: Kanbaru pulled away from her.
pan 1 bub 1: Eyes behind your back. [I think the literal meaning would work better here]
pan 3 bub 1: Why didn't it work out wth me?
pan 3 bub 1: ...if we could be lovers,
pan 3 bub 1: I wanted be the one so bad, but I couldn't do it in the end.
pan 4 bub 1: So what made you want to go out with her?
pan 1 sfx bubbles (missing): Groping.
pan 1 bub 2: And you, Araragi-senpai, can go to the back with your BL relationsips.
pan 1 bub 4: Behind?
She's been groping her breasts for like 10 pages now
why can't oh!great consistently draw faces?
Air Gear sequel when?
If you had boobs like Kanbaru, you would, too.
Stop drawing Meme as a sexy Bunshichi, O!G. It's too dangerous for straight people.
The Gaen family, man.
If anyone is as autistic as me and was wondering what she was wearing it's a backpack. The exact one can be found here for 680$USD.
based and buypilled
>out of stock
fuck no
This is the guy who did Fumetsu. Nobody cares though
Isn't that Ooima Yoshitoki
Fixed 33
>those canines
>when you want to fuck a vampire so hard you become a vampire
Did they ever explain what the fuckin deal with that school was? I forget.
Missing the L in always
>Tooe Gaen died in a car accident
>recently established she was similar to Araragi as a youth
Holy shit I just realized /our guy/ wasn't retarded after all these years,
lmao fucking wrecked
donkey kong chasing loli
Nope. That's Hanekawa's plot line. Kanbaru's issue is that she's a genuine person who is as retarded as she acts.
>when you ask a girl her name but you already know who she is
Oshino is honestly infinitely more devious than the rest of the network.
I just don't understand why she'd ever act so friendly (to the point of offering herself) to the guy she was jealous enough to murder. Even disregarding that he's almost a complete and utter stranger that she has known 3 days, so either her personality is bullshit or she's really easy and should be rightfully already impregnated if the nips in Araragi's town weren't so herbivorous.
It goes deeper than that. Kaiki used that excuse because it happened to him so he personally knows that "it just happens", you can't really stop it and it's entirely fair in that it's an unfair death.
You can tell ahead of time that NisiO put a lot of work in to putting the undercurrent of a decent human being into Kaiki's character as a way to help us sympathize with him in the future considering he went to Kanbaru's house to check up on her, used his promise to Tooe to protect Kanbaru to dodge his own personal code to help Senjougahara, damned himself to a life of wandering so that Yozuru could be attached to Ononoki given the Ki in Ononoki comes from Kaiki.
Do I still need to suspend my disbelief that Kaiki doesn't believe in the supernatural, or did Nisio confirm that was another lie?
It's a case of Kanbaru is aware of her weakness, she knows she can't replace Araragi in Senjougahara's eyes so she tries the next best thing which is removing Araragi from her side.
Given she knows she has nothing else to offer Araragi aside from her body, she chooses to offer that up in the hopes he'll break it off with Senjou.
That issue of whether he is a stranger or not is irrelevant, he is Senjou's partner and the person that could help her when Kanbaru herself couldn't and that sparks the jealousy in her.
She hates herself for it and it's why even after losing her arm, she spends every night duct-taping her arm to the wall and reading the paper every morning to make sure she didn't go on another rampage.
Illustration by author of Super Seishun Brothers
Even within Nisemonogatari Kaiki is shown to sense the supernatural. He literally looks at Araragi's shadow and senses that Shinobu is sleeping within it.
Kaiki's brand of "Ignore the oddities" is actually really smart. Oddities require belief, so he sends out charms which aren't oddities at the time, gives them to a large number of people until belief is created, he then gives people the cure by giving them a placebo effect of "Do this and the oddity will go away" even when in reality, they're just tricking themselves into thinking that the cure will work.
Isn't this a bit nonsense for how the monkey paw works?
She wished to be faster; getting rid of the competition doesn't make her "faster". It'd make her "the fastest". She'd still run at the same speed.
I'm talking about how peppy and genuinely friendly she is toward Araragi. If she's acting that way to hide a sea of darkness (jealousy) and ultimately has an ulterior motive, than its a fake persona comparatively to the one she displays later in the series.
I wouldn't think oddities would be dumb enough to be tricked simply by not displaying outward acknowledgement of them. I wonder if he has to hypnotize himself into self-delusion.
Fast is inherently a word that derives means through comparison.
Nope. It's genuinely both. Kanbaru likes the person Araragi is, she also hates him for the same reason and it burns her up.
It makes more sense if you read Zaregoto: Kubishime Romanticist and realize that NisiOisin's personal opinion on love and hate is that you can have both in the same character at the same time. Iichan talks about it with the No Longer Human and discusses the fact that Mikoko Aoii loves and hates him in equal measure without contradicting eachother.
So basically instead of Love/Hate being a scale, Love and Hate are just labels on a bar graph.
Oddities requiring belief isn't a "dumb enough" thing. It's a condition for their existence. It's why Kiss-shot was dying when she jumped to Antarctica. There was no-one around to acknowledge her existence and so she started fading out of it.
This does bring up the important question of whether or not an oddity that has faded out of existence would pop back into existence if belief was restored.
Like if Kiss-shot disappeared at the South Pole, if someone spread the rumour of Kiss-shot in Japan, would she reappear in Japan even after disappearing.
yeah, but if you want to be faster (without adding a term of comparison) aren't you implying you want to be faster than your current self? Isn't it like that in english?
pan 3 bub 1: It can't be helped. girls are interested in lewd stories too, after all.
pan 3 bub 2: You seem to enjoy talking about dirty tales with girls, Araragi-senpai.
pan 1 sfx bubbles (missing): Groping sfx
Just because you ignore something doesn't mean you don't believe in it. If Kaiki is powerful because he ignores them, but believes in them, that would mean oddities can only exist when observed.
>Like if Kiss-shot disappeared at the South Pole, if someone spread the rumour of Kiss-shot in Japan, would she reappear in Japan even after disappearing.
I don't think it works that way but they're very nonspecific about it. Belief is exponentially modified over time it seems. So like thats why all these old nippon youkai types can appear even though modern humans barely believe in that stuff. For someone as powerful as Kiss-shot, there's no way she could be summoned with a rumor.
Manga > Anime (?)
pan 1 bub 2: I was asking whether or not I could be Senjougahara-senpai's substitute.
pan 1 bub 1: Better to just let things slip by the consciousness. Just a wee little bit.
pan 3 bub 1: Perspective. Appearance. Standing place.
pan 3 bub 2: With just a slight angle change, things you see right there can just vanish.
pan 1 bub 2: And for those who don't think it exists... it doesn't.
i'll redraw later
If you cut everything but the high budget scenes and replaced it with the manga but left the voice overs it'd be GOAT.
pan 3 bub 2: It's a kinda torture I'd like to try at some point.
pan 3 bub 4: What kinda combination is this?
pan 2 bub 1: ...and my reflexes were pretty dull, which led me to being really slow. They started bullying me about that too...
>Just because you ignore something doesn't mean you don't believe in it
I mean you're not wrong, the denial of something existing is an acceptance that there has to be something to deny in the first place, however when they say belief, I think they more talk about the active sense of the word in that you accept the existence of the being or something similar.
In the way that Nadeko's Snake God only came into existence because she went full delusion on herself and convinced herself there was a snake (which was then eventually assisted by the Snake Talisman to give it a physical body and the implication Nadeko chose to imagine a snake based on her prior study in Nadeko Snake and the knowledge it was the Snake talisman)
>If Kaiki is powerful because he ignores them, but believes in them, that would mean oddities can only exist when observed.
The thing is that it's not Kaiki who is powerful, it's everyone he convinces that the thing that is very real, isn't actually real. In believing in the oddity you give it power, in acknowledging it you give it form.
It's why Rouka is such a good example of how oddities work. She just didn't exist unless someone was aware of her. Like she actively popped in and out of existence as people became aware of her and her rumour. It's why she could meet Kaiki in a completely unrelated city, because they'd met before when they were alive.
She was stalking him for a while beforehand too for what it's worth. Dunno if the manga includes the line or not but in the LN she mentions that when she was stalking him she felt that they'd get along under more normal circumstances.
>there are people in the Monogatari universe who would bully a small girl over the fact she has a Kyushu accent and her parents just died.
Id stop doing track, kanbaru....
>put a lot of work in to putting the undercurrent of a decent human being into Kaiki's character
I'm not convinced of this personally. Araragi and others stopped mentioning that he sicced Kagenui on his family and almost got Tsukihi killed over an incredibly petty reason (despite this actually being what finally broke the camel's back for Araragi, before this while he still didn't like the guy he was willing to talk to him if required). Nisio probably had some ideas in mind but I don't think he was initially planned to be sympathetic.
>The only thing that could result in that conclusion would be his molestation/borderline cheating
No wnder she tried to break em up lmao.
pan 2 bub 2: I was just in the third grade.
pan 1 bub 1: A few days after that... my mom
pan 2 bub 1: was as if she completely saw it coming.
pan 2 bub 2: And the whole thing was times as if she knew it was going to happen beforehand.
pan 1 bub 1: I still have an accent now, but it was a lot worse back then.
Naruto got bullied for having dead parents
See, I don't agree. I mean it was a dick move unironically to send Yozuru after Tsukihi but it's also a dick move to starve a man who cannot stay in one place for any significant amount of time.
People tend to ignore that Kaiki cannot actually just go get a job like a normal person so being kicked out of a city and needing to make up the costs to continue living isn't exactly an unexpected result.
I'll also play Devil's Advocate here and argue that Tsukihi Araragi doesn't actually exist. She already died long ago to the Dying Bird and given Yozuru is legitimately one of the few people in the world who can actually "Kill" immortal oddities, it stands to reason that in killing Tsukihi now, you're stopping an infinite number of humans dying in the future.
>implying tsukihi cant be impregnated.
My point was that Kaiki doing that at all isn't mentioned by anyone anymore because it'd interfere with this idea that he's supposed to be sympathetic, which is why I'm saying Nisio probably didn't fully plan that out beforehand.
>implying you'd want to impregnate Tsukihi.
See, I'd like to see where your cut off for "Isn't mentioned anymore" is because it is very directly mentioned in Tsukimonogatari as a dick move Kaiki committed and the core reason why Araragi sent his sisters to Kanbaru's house in the first place.
I genuinely wonder if Koimonogatari was originally drafted as unambiguous NTR and NisiO's editor took one look at him and said "No, we will be murdered".
The only people who think Koimonogatari is NTR are people who want it to be NTR. Kaiki hasn't shown any interest in any non-Tooe female that isn't him being a soft human being unable to stop white knighting in his own way.
>I'd like to see where your cut off for "Isn't mentioned anymore"
Whenever Kaiki is mentioned, including by Araragi. Latter parts of the story (Mayoi Hell does it very blatantly) pretend that his dislike of Kaiki is solely rooted in his connection to Hitagi and nothing else when that wasn't originally the case at all.
> because it is very directly mentioned in Tsukimonogatari as a dick move Kaiki committed
He was afraid of Kagenui trying to kill Tsukihi again, Kaiki's role back in Nise was downplayed.
I'd have to go check to make sure this is correct. For the mean time let us call this a mutual break since I don't have my hard drive on me.
Yes but he does mention that it was Kaiki who sent Godzilla after Tsukihi and does nothing to downplay that.
Its written/animated as NTRbait dude, albeit for irony/comedy's sake.
If you think otherwise I'm just gonna tell you now that your wife isn't really "going out with friends" tonight either.
For Monkeyfags, yeah because so far it's not cutting all her dialogue out like the anime does.
The best I'll give you is that Senjougahara is a bit suspicious with her previous affections for Kaiki but we already know Kaiki himself isn't interested due to his inability to let go of Tooe.
Fixed 34
Wheres the explicit porn?
Why else would anyone read that crap.
that's why its bait
but also romantic hangups do no preclude sexual dalliances.
thank you
>I cant be the fastest at track
>so I'll be the fastest at basketball but I also need to dribble and shoot
Just bowl, jesus christ. Jocks I stg.
By the same token however, it's less likely to happen if there is romantic hang-ups. If we have to play the numbers game, I wouldn't be placing my money that Kaiki would be doing anything sexual with Senjougahara considering he iced a bitch for implying she'd fuck other men for money.
Yeah I don't think it actually happened obviously just that I wonder what the original draft looked like before the editing process. NisiO doesn't have what it takes to kill his cash cow yet.
Riddle me this, user. Do you consider Araragi kissing Yotsugi, Shinobu and Mayoi to be NTR?
Objectively, sure. But that's not how they're played. Also I'm a guy so male:netorare is inherently less jarring
But all this implies that I hate Koimonogatari's NTRbait but I don't. I thought it was interesting and different, somewhat risky too. Kaiki is cool.
What a cute monkey, I really want to hug her here. I never felt this way about the anime version.
Ah, I wasn't making commentary onto your opinion of NTR, there was no implications. I was just establishing a baseline for what was considering NTR.
I personally don't think it was, Senjoughara gave Araragi permission to "play around as long as it didn't get serious" which just makes me think she's a terrible fucking person given that if Kaiki and Araragi's conversation tells us anything "She treats every love as a first love" which by deduction tells us that her love she felt for Kaiki would have also been the same.
I wonder if Senjougahara specifically is just into getting soft cucked? She knows Kaiki isn't going to respond and doesn't really care that Araragi is going to jail.
What scans are these? The group I'm following is at least 10 chapters behind
In these threads there are loads of people who'd be fine with Hitagi going off with Kaiki and Araragi settling with pretty much any other chick in the cast though
I think they dropped this due licensing, user in these threads picked up and posting pages
33 chapters in and I'm still autistic about Araragi's incorrect ahoge
That group did say in the last chapter that they're dropping it.
>I think they dropped this due licensing
fucking pussies I swear
I don't have anything to say that it, unless this is some meta commentary onto board culture and how something is only perceived as NTR relative to your thoughts and opinions on characters and the ideal relationships any given user thinks they should have.
In which case, that is an interesting point and makes one wonder if NTR is in the eye of the beholder.
I just read after a volume is complete so I didn't find out
>Smashes Araragi's bike
>doesn't pay for it
>has the money to continue buying BL novels every week
Are there even any poorfags in Monogatari outside of Sodachi and Senjougahara?
Araragi's family is two cops, Hanekawa's family is well off, Kanbaru's family is hilariously rich, Mayoi's father doesn't need to provide for any children anymore and Nadeko's parents seem to be doing pretty alright for themselves.
>(to the point of offering herself)
So Senjougahara wouldn't get sullied.
What's Oh!great's hmanga name
kanbaru has always been retarded
I'll redraw this later
Quick google says some paper artist guy.
Did the "To You , the Immortal" logo.
pan 1 bub 1: My first wish with the "Monkey's Paw" was "I want to be faster"
pan 1 bub 2: ...chills ran down my spine... was it really okay to wish for something so worthless...
pan 2 bub 1: basically, this is how the situation played out...
pan 1 bub 1: ...but even thought my four classmates were attacked by the monster,
pan 1 bub 2: It luckily didn't turn into a serious incident... I wouldn't have been surprised if they lost their lives though.
pan 3 bub 1: I placed seals on the monkey's paw that were stronger than before, and I hid it deep in my closet.
Senjougahara stops being a poorfag at some point I think
I was trying to not let it bother me but I have to know, why do you this for each translated page?
I'm pretty sure he's the proofreader.
pan 1 bub 2: I should have done...?
pan 5 bub 3: Well, I was only in third grade, and none of the other girls were actually working hard for that meet.
pan 1: [Emph 'after this']
pan 2 bub 2: Maybe the effect wore off already. Maybe it'll last for 5, 10 years. Maybe even for my whole life.
pan 3 bub 1: If I lose in a "footrace," then things will get worse...
pan 3 bub 2: ...or at the very least that possibility's still open.
pan 1 bub 1: I chose the space carved out into a rectangle.
pan 2 bub 1: If I'm inside this "boundary," then no matter how small my body is,
pan 2 bub 3: ...or it was possible to at least work my way toward that.
The typeset pages are just rough TLs sometimes, you'll notice if you read the fixed chapters
oh first time ive seen it.
oh I didn't know I usually just read it here and done
pan 1 bub 1: I'm called a sports girl by the world around me... but that's the simple truth.
pan 1 bub 2: I'm being motivated by nothing but fear.
pan 3 bub 1: Of course, the troubles of the monkey's paw came back again and again... huh.
pan 4 bub 1: Like when you had to fight against veterans with a ticket to the nationals on the line.
pan 4 bub 2: Or when you had to work hard in order to get into Naoetsu High School.
pan 4 sign [optional, missing] National Tournament Participant / Girls Basketball team / Naoetsu High School Division
pan 1 bub 2: And opened up the monkey's paw box in a fit of panic.
pan 4 bub 2 & 3: [Emph whole thing except for "right" in bub 3]
[hell no]
Whats with the random sumatos?
IRL what she did in Koi would be 100% cheating. Her secret flight to Okinawa is enough to dump her. Only pathetic cuck would believe that she did nothing.
But it's a fiction and we know for sure that she didn't cheat on Araragi. Koi is nothing but NTRbait. Hitagi used everything she had to manipulate Kaiki. She knew that he likes her to some extent and used it against him.
Araragi and Senjougahara are perfect for each other because they're both definitely cucking the other
>Hitagi used everything she had to manipulate Kaiki. She knew that he likes her to some extent and used it against him.
That's the thing though. The story is narrated by Kaiki, but it seems like Kaiki gets the shaft end of the deal which is very OOC. Its entirely possible, and probable that Kaiki received something from crab that we will never be informed of.
We want every relationship to be vanilla but looks like Nisio isn't a virgin.
According to Ononoki Kaiki is a crabfag. He ruined her family to separate Hitagi from her crazy mother. He didn't save her from Crab because he thought it would be easier for her to live without painful memories. He even destroyed the cult.
That's why he accepted the job. To save her life.
Fixed 35 is up
And that's it for today
I'd love to see how a preteen girl could make Kaiki deredere in such a short period of time.
>what kind of package is this?
The best girl package.
What a cute boy.
>3 days in a row the madman has uploaded new chapters
wew lad just another 20ish to go you can do it senpaitachi
Did he ever even meet her though? Other than a resemblance, there's no reason to think he'd know she's Tooe's daughter.
I just found about this manga by this thread. Thanks user for working on it.
This page looks amazing.
And Meme looks very sexy.
absolutely based and thankpilled
was the wish to be faster or to be first?
because it plays into koyomi getting first to hitagi and thus the devil activating again
iirc it literally says "I want my legs to be faster"
Cat a best
Can anyone redpill me on the monogatari series
I'm only really getting into it because of O!G honestly
Is the manga going to adapt Kizu in LN or anime order, do you think?
short story accidentally turned into a novel accidentally turned into a series of novels about a high school senior who has a harem haunted by ghosts. No real plot progression and not even in chronological order most of the time.
I see. I guess you have to actually check it out to see if you get a feel for it?
Yeah, definitely.