What is the tactical advantage of giant tits?
What is the tactical advantage of giant tits?
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She lures and distracts a guard in one episode.
Big. If your'e straight or a horny dyke.
mainly for distraction. sinc she has a prosthetic body she doesnt have to worry about back problems or it bouncing around everywhere.
Seduction, it works multiple times in the anime.
Better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.
I don't know but can androids have sex?
None. There are instances in historic societies where women would cut off their right breast in order to use a bow and arrow more effectively.
I don't want to think about breasts right now, Yea Forums.
why not user
sexy no jutsu
care to find out?
>cut off their right breast in order to use a bow and arrow more effectively.
Please tell me this isn't true.
except since she is mostly prosthetic, she doesnt have to worry about humanly limitation.also gun is a lot less restrictive than a bow and arrow.
It's very likely that it isn't, but who knows. People are weird, even if the sources were shit.
ppl did stupid things to their body in the past for reasons. remember foot binding?
No way fag
Extra armor. Her actual brain is in her chest.
None, it's why in the real world, professional female martial artists, athletes, and gymnasts are as flat as a board.
That's where she stores her RAM.
Merchandising, of course ;-) haha nice boobs thanks for the recommendation my friend
I know that Senta Berger originally trained as a ballet dancer but had to give up and become an actress because her tits got too big.
I think it's happened to several others as well.
You've got it all wrong, Women who are unattractive (I.E flat chested) simply become professional martial artists, athletes and gymnasts to fill the void.
Covert intelligence officer != martial artist/athlete/gymnast
*tips fedora*
You realize the Amazons were made up right, and no modern day woman has ever considered lopping a tit off to use a bow, right?
I'm not aware of that being a thing outside of amazons, but between them being fucking mythical and there being some debate on if that was the case even in myth I wouldn't put too much stock in it
The tits are there to distract viewers from the fact that SAC Motoko is a dull and uncompelling compromise between the manga and film iterations.
Why were they so afraid to make Major Kusanagi a goofball like in the manga?
So I should drop it?
It was the perfect balance.
Giant tits give you no tactical advantage whatsoever.
>no modern day woman has ever considered lopping a tit off to use a bow
Athletes lop off both.
Absorbs damage to the chest and extra pockets
These women already know they're destined to live with cats.
Oddly enough I don't think archery is really an area where it would make a huge difference
Maybe if they were in a different profession, but for the most part I think they're still attractive overall. Still feels like a tragedy from a spectators point of view though.
There's no tactical advantage in having hair either, but that's not really the point. The point is she likes having big tits, that's really all the reason you need. It doesn't seem to be a disadvantage at least.
BRS is like breaking a contract with men everywhere, nobody likes being reminded of "what could have been" every time a girl takes off her bra.
Women who do this are already in massive denial about it and learn the hard way.
What if a man likes flat chests?
Big tits can be annoying and painful.
So is a dick. I could probably even run faster without it, but taking that into account for athletics would just be a race to the bottom
You call that giant?
Do you speak from experience? I need more evidence
for you
Not him, but I suppose it's like having a big dick that's erect all the time, and all pants are too small for it.
Being a woman is freaky.