>translator provides commentary
Translator provides commentary
>every dialect is texas
>no idea what they said here XD
>translator offers explanations for things like the way characters talk that might be difficult to express in a translation but helps enjoy the manga more
>translator talks about their life and asks for donations
Which one would you rather use then?
>parody anime full of references
>translator explains EVERY SINGLE ONE, resulting in a TL note every few seconds
ching chonglish
>Character tries to kill themself
>TL Note: I tried that once
>translator uses memetalk on every single chapter
I'd argue that that's not as effective as southern accent when it comes to implying that the person is from some weird part of the country. It's probably also harder to transcribe in text.
>translator's credit page memes are longer than the actual chapter
>TL note: chingchong means friend
Why the fuck do translators do this?
That's based though
Why even try translating it when you don't know what it means?
Haha college am I right? Sorry for being so late with the chapter guys, drama with XYZ blah blah blah and I had midterms which blah blah blah
>panel from chapter
Speaking of which, this reminds of me of that one time...
Your post reminded me of this.
Attwhore translators deserve to be hanged up.
>translator is obviously a cute ESL that is trying their best