Well, Yea Forums?

Well, Yea Forums?

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This is a very cute and funny question

How cunning of you.

because thats retarded letting childs decide for themselves is the reason why we have shit like trans kids

Uhhh, no. Mentally ill trans adults are the reason we have trans kids. Kids simply copy what they see their elders do.

Give me 5 reasons why that's a bad thing.

But kids become trans because their parents enforce their views on them. My dutch host family's daughter had a mixed son whom she introduced to us as a "gender fluid" and that he hasn't decided yet on his gender. I'll never forget that strange encounter but I felt bad for her son and blame only his self-proclaimed liberal single mother for ruining his childhood with dressing him as a girl and painting his nails.

He was only 6 years old at that time and they also bought him barbies and toy cars so it'd be more easy for him to decide what gender he wants to be.
His mother was a slut and mentally ill single mother. That's the environment most transgender kids grow in.

Because legally you aren't a person with your own self determination until you're a legal adult and up until that point you're basically highly protected property. Deal with it. No one actually likes being an adult anyway. Kids that want to grow up too fast deserve what they get.

Surely we’re talking about lolis and not 3D

The only one that matters is because it’s delusional

pedos should be hanged

I'll give you a percentage instead

>5 reasons
We only need one and it's that childs aren't wise enough to know what is good for them. A child doesn't have enough experience and knowledge. A child doesn't care that a vaccine will protect him/her against fatal diseases, he/she only care about the pain of the sting. A child doesn't realize the importance of studying in school and end up regretting it for all his/her life etc and fucking etc.
Children are considered retarded by law. Even more so than drunken people since these guys are still held responsible to some degree.

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Kids seldom decide by themselves to be trans, it's always without fucking exception forced on them by their mentally ill relatives.

Because I said so you obnoxious little twit. I don’t have to explain myself to you.

This, the mentally ill trannyfag got BTFO

Because 18yo hags would get jealous.

100% sure the trans shit get pushed on them by their parents or the some faggy internet group.


>i can't give you five because there aren't five
That's all you had to say, m8.


Why is there /pol/shit in my cute and funny thread?

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tranny discord has been false flagging all morning

pp don't fit in cunny

maybe not all of it but with some perseverance

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What the fuck!?!?!?

The greatest bane of a large man is a cocktease "size queen" who boasts about taking large ones.
When in actuality she's a cuntlet with a hair trigger low tolerance to pain and a major gag reflex.
Ten minutes in and she's on her side passed out and dripping pussy cream that's slightly bloody and snoring and I'm using her juices to beat off so I don't wake up or go home with blueballs.

Do you guys have to have this thread every week or every day?

Every day until it's legalized.

>childs aren't wise enough to know what is good for them. A child doesn't have enough experience and knowledge
Josephine Mutzenbacher did.

Because you should only have sex with people you would've children with and children shouldn't have children.

If they're 16 or above they can

my azn pp does, dumb dumb

13 is the optimal age though.

Get the fuck back to whatever shithole you crawled out of, crossboarding scum.

If you could get a loli gf...
would you do it?

suck my dick pedofag
have sex and your delusions about little girls will cure themselves

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Because some stupid kid got chained to a bathtub by her mother in england and died, so now we all have to suffer lowered judeo-american standards for potential mates.

I don't care what you think, you have to go back and take your discussion about trannies with you.

i won't go back anywhere mentally ill faggot, deal with it
cry me a river pedoscum

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Go eat a dick faggot, funny how you replied to everyone save for OP, who initiated this off-topic discussion.


OP here, the thread is about cute and funnies, not whatever trannyshit you autists are going on about

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You wouldn't download a car.

>delusions about little girls
It’s just fantasy, dumb normalshitter

Me eating a banana

You intiated a discussion about weither kids should be allowed to have sex or not, the tranny discussion going on was used as an example for the discussion you initiated. It doesn't even matter if trannies are brought up or not, your thread was off-topic from the very beginning.

It’s an image from a doujin, newfag, get over yourself

>the thread is about cute and funnies
still off-topic

Me the banana being eaten by user

/c/ is an image dump board, newshit, try again

>You wouldn't download a car.
True, I'd be uploading them. I got 3.2TB of cars here.

Pp in cunny isn't the only way u know

Who cares about your image? what matters is the subject of the thread and in this case it's clearly "why can't kids have sex?" You can call me everything you want but here is an actual fact, your thread is off-topic and you shouldn't complain that the resulting discussion is off-topic.

true, but my 7 1/4 inches won't suck themselves

That’s not 9

Hey look it’s juju

and? You want a thread about cute right? What better place is there than the board made for that with users having terabits of "cute" images?

>Who cares about your image
>on an image board
Neo Yea Forums is so retarded

>Muh off topic
Get a load of these fags, Yea Forums is a loli board.

Actually it is 7

Clearly you don’t know what cute and funny means, lurk more

wow its true that Yea Forums is full of newfags now