Yfw SNK manga will probably have the the most kino ending in the history of the medium

>yfw SNK manga will probably have the the most kino ending in the history of the medium.

>Something that Berserk, HXH and vagabond will never have due to not getting finished.

Will SNK's success motivate Miura, Togashi and Inoue to actually finish their story?

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Isayama is young and motivated. Something the other three lack.

I don't believe it's gonna ever end.

Can't wait for Isayama to pull a shit ending and you start shitting on him.

>Isayama to pull a shit ending
Not happening bro. Isayama has proven time and time again to be an actually good writer.

I’m sure Togashi will die before he can finish HxH

I am fine as long as kurapika fucks Oito.

too many timeskips bro, manga turned to shit a long time ago.

>Implying Marley kino isn't the best arc in the manga
>Implying while the final arc while slow isn't building up towards the most unpredictable conclusion ever

>Dead series
SnKeks everyone

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>>Dead series
>>Still outselling Hiatus X Hiatus

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>Something that Berserk, HXH and vagabond will never have due to not getting finished.
10/10 bait

>Mitra, Togashi and Inoue
The difference is, they don't care anymore.

>10/10 bait
It isn't when you literally see how much fuck these three give about finishing their work.

How is that bait? It's a perfectly valid point.

It's bait because it brings in butthurt HiatusxHiatus and Berserk posters. It doesn't mean it's untrue or exaggerated.

>planned out the ending from the start
>doesn't fanservice shipperfags
>has never taken a break
>changes the genre like 3/4ths into the story and still manages to make it pure kino
Isayama is based and I'm looking forward go seeing whatever he decides to work on next

Based Isayama proving himself to be the best.

>>planned out the ending from the start

Basically this. When you have an overarching vision from beginning to end, it shows instead of coming up with random shit on the fly like so many other authors today.

>planned out the ending from the start
Didn't he say he had to change it because of how popular SnK got?

yup, but snkfags are in denial

like 5 years ago, that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to end it.

>>planned out the ending from the start
He literally said he changed the ending to be more fan-friendly.

The popularity made him reconsider making it too tragic. Keyword reconsider. I highly doubt he's forced to do anything at this point.

The invasion on Marley was absolute 10/10 kinography

Well SNK is pretty much the best manga of this decade.


>>yfw SNK manga will probably have the the most kino ending in the history of the medium.
I liked the naruto ending.

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Pretty sure its going to end with nukes, at least thats what it feels like its building up to

>I liked the naruto ending.
That was complete dogshit

>That was complete dogshit

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If you consider The Rumbling to be that world's equivalent of a modern nuke, then sure

I rabu Piku.

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I meant real nukes, from the other nations whose leaders were killed by erens stunt

The manga won't have a tragic ending user.

>Isayama has proven time and time again to be an actually good writer.

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Yea Forums died when the ban on naruto got lifted.