5toubun no hanayome

Is she out of the bowl?

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Other urls found in this thread:

desuarchive.org/a/search/text/falseflag* nino*/deleted/deleted/

Daily reminder to please refrain from turning every 5toubun thread into a Nino thread.

Ichicute a best, Nino a shit

Only an idiot would think that Ichika's story has ended.
The cheek kiss just proves that the dedication and love for her sisters is too strong. Ichika's given her entire hopes and dreams just for her sisters, just so they can be happy. It's so pure, so courageous, so heroic, so bitter, and so sad.
Negi can't leave it at Ichika lying that she lied. Fuuta is going to have to find out sooner or later, and then the story bombs are gonna drop. About lolikano, about the girl that kissed her, everything.
This is part of her continuing storyline, that she still struggles to reconcile her love for Fuuta with her sisters. That has literally been her issue since god knows when. That area of development hasn't been settled yet.
There is still a evidence to point that Ichika was the kisser and the bride. Don't count her out.
Ichika will come back from the 'dead' so to speak and rise again.

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Nino a best though

Are quints pure?

All except Miku

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Definitely not Nino.

Okay I want to discuss more about the translation from the previous thread. Can somebody say how Fuutarou is actually confessing to Nino but Ninonis just cockblocking herself?

She has as much chance as Nino does after this arc since they both admitted equal guilt to having the wrong approach.

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Who is the smelliest quint?
Which quint has the biggets nipples?

Miku a cute.

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What's her endgame?

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to eat the wedding cake at Fuutaro and Miku's wedding

Eat the wedding cake no matter who wins

>Fuutarou and Miku's wedding

So 2 separate weddings? That's too much cake.

He tells her "I will answer you right here" and then starts to say something like "About you, I..."

It's ambiguous what comes next, and you can pretend it's whatever you want it to be. He uses the "wa" particle so he might be setting up a sentence with "don't"

"I don't disllke you, but..."
"I don't like you, but..."

Nips had fun speculating on various other things he could say, which included "I like you." "I hate you" "I thought we'd already be dating" user ran off with it.

This line different from Miku, where he literally just says "Yeah I know." "But..."

Nips also had fun trolling this, "but I've been here for 3 days and im sick of this shit" "but I REFUSE"

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How can the world be OK with fuu-kun marrying 5 sisters?

>too much cake
There's never too much for Itsuki.

If it means he'll have at least 5 children, there's nothing wrong with it

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Based Ichikabros.

i wish we knew how to read nip to have fun like them

Where are daga shikashi and daga kotowaru from?

>If Ichika wins, nobody's happy because she doesn't have enough development and it'd be an asspull at this point.
>If Miku wins, it'll be boring since Miku is already the most popular. It'd be slightly disingenuous considering the attention he's given to Nino, though.
>If Nino wins, it'll be slightly less boring because of the shit-fest that will ensue. It'd probably be the most honest ending considering the way she's progressed.
>If Yotsuba wins, it'd probably be the most innocuous ending that still includes a single, clear winner. It'll defy everyone's expectations by undercutting factions 2 and 3 while at the same time conforming to the first girl rule of harem titles.
>If Itsuki wins, it'll be kind of like Ichika except people will have trouble finding a sufficient reason to be upset about it. As a bonus, female Kirby will shove her fat face right in front of factions 2 and 3, whom of which will decry Negi as the hack that he is.

>Harem ending: Full circle, total cop-out. All the foreshadowing and progress? It meant nothing. No-one has a decent reason to get angry, but there will be shit-flinging regardless; arguments about who's closer to Fuutarou's heart and who he's really fucking at night when the reality is it's all of them and Fuutarou is the fucking man. Negi is still a hack, though.
>Ambiguous ending: Until the end of times, people will argue over who the bride really was because Negi dipped at the last second and left no clear signs of the bride's identity. People will even argue over whether or not Negi is a hack and it'll be amazing.

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Nah, it's a red herring by Negi. Watch as Negi subverts your expectations when Ichika is finally revealed to be the bride in the last few chapters.

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>If Ichika wins, nobody's happy because she doesn't have enough development and it'd be an asspull at this point.
God your taste is such shit. Jesus Christ.

I totally agree.

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Shit taste or not, the big sister never wins. You're arguably worse off than Yotsuba's camp right now.


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Not at all for obvious reasons.

If she weren't out of the bowl, what was the point of that panel?

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Me on the left

Where would the fun be in that? Every thread is a Nino thread.

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What did Fuutarou mean by this?

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>But I love Itsuki

You mean right?

>nino best
>ichika worst
If you disagree you’re a pleb

I like Miku but she is just too timid for her own good

>But I love Maruo!

Yes, so is Nino.


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Nino's Ninos are amazing!

Daga otoko da

She win WIN and I know it.
Chihiro was a "big sis" like in TWGOK and she won. I think she was kinda like a big sis. IIRC.

>I love Ichika!

Which quint is most likely to lock her legs behind Fuutarou and never let him go until he's completely spent?

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>because she doesn't have enough development
She and Nino are the only ones developed enough at this point to be the bride

nobody knows if they swap places or not.

How is this faggot always in the first three replies

>But LOVE Nino

sorry, EOP-kun. There is no "we" here.

>But I'm going out with Takeda-chan now

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Michlan and his pinoy friends have nothing better to do in their lives.

Canonically Nino

All of them.
Including Itsuki if you can satisfy her stomach during sex.

>Butter that stale croissant

It's Makeda

Here, have a 5toubun version of that

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Nino besto grillo

But I'm a Ninobro


I love Miku chan

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Be honest, which quint is the most /fa/ in this particular picture?

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>anime art
none. throw it into the trashbin.

In that order

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All of them would be improved without the huge coat

Only Nino and Yotsuba brought drinks so them.

She bowed out but can't be out for plot reasons. She is still a liar unable to confess.

Nino. Her feet must smell heavenly after taking off her shoes.

Nino >= Yotsuba > Ichika > Miku >>>> Itsuki

Itsuki looks really fat

My 7 yo sister said 4 has the prettiest outfit. I prefer Miku for this one.

I wouldn't really call it development if Ichika can totally regress and cause all this mischief so late in the series. Remember what Yotsuba said about how Ichika behaved as a child? That was the behavior we were observing just prior to the Sister's War arc. As mature as Ichika makes herself out to be, most of it is just a front to keep up appearances in front of her sisters. In truth, she seems to be one of the more childish quints.

It feels like they put the most effort into Nino's and Yotsuba's clothes and they're also the most /fa/.

>drugs people
>beats the shit out mangy brats
>threatens anyone at school
>has a criminal record

How can one girl be so best?

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I'm going to marry Nino!

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Translate this shit, I can't understand japshit

Wait, when did she get a criminal record?

>Fuutarou's only one that upvoted

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Ichikachad here
But based on that pic 2 > 3 > 1 > 4 > 5

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where cani subscribo

Something about "teenage quintuplet brutally beats the fuck out of annoying kid and gets jailed"

Speedread less.

Who? MKL? iirc he's an ichikafag too

Inside Youtuba

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Was it when she rode the bike with Fuutarou?



>practice imitating her sisters
Why is Itsuki so retarded?

If Itsuki is retarded then Nino must be a brainless, single cell organism

I'm certain that Yotsuba isn't Fuutarou's bride because she is my wife.

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Obvious Ninofag falseflag

Who gives a shit about them. I am a proud Ninobro, they're tasteless traitors in my eyes. Don't you ever talk about them or Fuutarou's wife's sister ever again.

probable quint weights:

Itsuki > Nino > Ichika > Yotsuba > Miku

Your wife fucks dogs.

Bark bark, bark bark bark!

uh oh

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>Gotoubun doujin by Tachibana Omina

Is this a good idea?

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Fucking normalfags.

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Oneesan still has a role yet. Yotsuba already silenced itsuki, but she doesn't know that the photo is in Ichika's hands now. If the secret's going to go out, or if anyone is going to give her the push to move on, it's oneesan.
This would be a nice parallel too.

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>Ichika pushing Yotsuba to make use of her osananajimi deathflag
I see not much changed.

Meekufagas btfo

How tf Miku is the one with least weight? She's the most physically inactive among the quint. 5>3>2>1>4 is the only answer

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Bro, the victory of any quint would not make sense at this point since we do not know the real thoughts of Fuutaro and he has not shown anything special towards any quint

We do not know what he thinks about the feelings of the quints, the closest thing we can guess is that he was exhausted when talking about that he liked Nino and Ichika (ch.77)

It's not as if that augurs well for them, but their thoughts are still quite ambiguous so far

Honestly, Itsuki and Miku's design seem to fit any style of fashion

Fucking brainlet, Ichika and Yotsuba have actual muscle from working out. Which is denser than fat.
It's 5>4>1>2>3 with 1 and 2 maybe swapped because Nino is a active 5 member family cook.

Miku seems like the kind of person that would forget to eat

>Ambigous ending
This will likely happen and the shitstorm that it will cause on Yea Forums will be enough for Hall of Anal Devastation 2.0, even more so than other choices.

Yotsuba and Ichika aren't bodybuilders though, they're simply the most physically active. Both of their strengths are cardio, which usually leaves you with lean muscle. Ichika likely does less cardio than Yotsuba, so she's right in the center. Nino's a cook, so it just made sense to put her behind Itsuki (both of them do yoga too by the way).

Fuuta is a lot more compatible with Ichika, and their banter is top tier. They are meant for each other. When do you think she'll confess.
Oh, and don't reply to me if you dont agree

Ichika with miku a close second

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I disagree. Nino or even itsuki has better banter.

>Fuuta is a lot more compatible with Ichika, and their banter is top tier.
What fucking banter? They have not talked to each other casually in almost 40 chapters.

Fuck off Michlan

Just recently they did in 69 and 74

Miku shouldn't even have tits tbqh, it doesn't fit her personality

Fair enough, but

With Nino around, I don't see she would let Miku skip her meals. I'd still put Miku around 2nd or 3rd heaviest quint.

Thinking about it, all quints names are pretty rare in manga or anime, except Itsuki which is a common name
-Only Miku I knew was Miku Hatsune
-Only Yotsuba I knew was the green haired kid
-I recall having seen any Ichika character, but I don't remember who
-I haven't seen any Nino

Double dubs of truth. I can't agree more and there's really nothing to add beyond the fact that everything you said is the absolute truth.

>Nino saying she wants more when other quints are looking for them
Why is she so lewd?

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What are you saying? Nino just forces herself to him and Itsuki? Really??
Also I told you not to reply to me if you dont agree, stop being such a deliquent good for nothing fag that breaks a lot of rules like your criminal waifu

Dont reply to this post if you disagree

But her literal clones with the same genes says the opposite. Also nice quads.

I counter with the Olsen twins!

Based af holy shiet.

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Nino has a very big and thick bush down there

Replied but I don't agree

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Why the fuck would anyone tag this to the official 5toubun account? What the fuck is wrong with these people

But he didn't? He used the series tag.

Oh right, that's just a hashtag. I don't use Twitter so I don't know.

Nino and Fuutarou have a common interest in family values. Itsuki and Fuutarou have a common interest in their studies. Ichika and Fuutarou don't really come together on much.

It's obvious that he wasn't going to accept her confession, but the sole fact that he himself wanted to give her an answer makes me believe she's special to him since then.

Your 7 year old sister more based than you

Fuu said afterwards that he now can't dismiss those feelings
So he obviously didn't like her back at the time.
That's the whole point
We've seen the quints fall for fuu, fuu knows they've fallen for him, now he needs to figure out how he feels

It definitely was a rejection of some kind, but most likely was going to be the "I don't have room in my life for romance" kind.

watch out yotsuba! mista is going to relentlessy fuck you

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>Itsuki? Really??
Yes. They're best friends at this point, just like yotsuba. Supporting each other, isn't that what makes a good partner?

Every thread there is Ninofags VS another quint faction, mostly Miku. Once spoilers are out they will probably quarrel with Yotsubafags.

I miss fattybros.

>the absolute state of 4

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>So he obviously didn't like her back at the time

It's stated that he sees someone as special since the kiss. This obviously doesn't mean he was already in love with someone, but he wanted to give her a reply even though she didn't ask for it. We could consider that as special depending on how you see it.

I think Sister Wars eliminate Miku. She was never a priority.

I wouldn't count Miku out just yet. Popularity does go a long way, even if the author doesn't like the character who has it.

>We could consider that as special depending on how you see it.
If you are a delusional Ninofag maybe. There is no doubt he was going to reject her. And he was going to reject Miku as well.

Fuutarou and Nino? Family Values? Nino only started caring about the feelings of the quints only this arc. An asspull by Negi to make her look like a saintly quint
Meanwhile Ichika and Fuutarou both care about their sisters so much that they sacrifice sweat and tears for them
They both work hard and gave away wanting "love" and a "relationship" just for the well being of their respective sisters.

For the nth time do NOT reply to me if you dont agree, like your stubborn criminal drugging waifu

You have to wait until the wedding, or Papa will be angry

He doesn't give a fuck about Miku's feelings. That says it all.

Can the Yotsuba plot be different from Ichika? We are assuming that she loves him but held herself back because of low self-esteem and because of her sisters, right? Is Negi going to rehash this?

She’s out. At the same time Yotsuba enters ichika comes out. There’s not enough time to waste on someone who’s not going to win. It’s a nice goodbye panel flashing back to all of their best moments. There’s no reason to flashback unless it’s reflecting on her journey ending. We’re down to 4

Yotsuba's character arc is more edgy than Ichika's.

> yotsuba never failed her exams, it was a grading mistake.

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Cute chubby.

easy, he will just skip it

I can't believe Negi foreshadowed Yea Forumsscans vs dropout.

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Fuck you faggots.
Nino is the fattest quint.

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>Nino only started caring about the feelings of the quints only this arc. An asspull by Negi to make her look like a saintly quint
Okay, this is embarrassing. You're ignoring a fundamental part of Nino's personality just to make a point. Nino has always put her sisters before anything else. It's a main part of why she pushed so hard against Fuutarou in the first place. She wasn't even wrong, either; Ichika was about to cause irreparable damage to the sisterhood just because she wanted to pursue Fuutarou.

>Meanwhile Ichika and Fuutarou both care about their sisters so much that they sacrifice sweat and tears for them
Granted, Ichika did put in the work, but the lows she stooped to in trying to get Fuutarou's attention leads me to question her priorities. If she can regress that easily, then you really have to wonder whether she's supporting her sisters out of genuine kindness or a sense of duty following Fuutarou's decision to quit.

>Nino only started having family values this arc
True. But that doesnt take away that Nino also loves her sisters

Sisters War does not literally discard anyone

Ichika could say, but Negi can make her use the "heroic tragic" card or something like that

And about Miku, that arc served so that she stopped speculating about Fuutaro, she realized that he was not so dense and that she is able to reach him if she got to know him better

>typesetting ellipsis
That was always so dumb.

How the fuck is it a rehash when everything about their backgrounds is fundamentally different?
Yotsuba has had a lot of things going on through her mind, she's not as socially retarded as we think. this might not be off the mark, just not academically where she's legitimately retarded.
>i have pretended to be mentally retarded for 5 years
it's unironically very likely to be the case.

>>i have pretended to be mentally retarded for 5 years
>it's unironically very likely to be the case
user, I...

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2B Miku !

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All these are great designs.

Saved for personal purposes. I'm going to make some drawings.

wish people would stop throwing the headphones in

Huh. What, you're not supposed to do it?

I wish this arc had gone better and she'd gotten rid of them.

It's the only stand out thing about her.

I asked if you guys think he will rehash it. I didn't say it will be the case for sure.

No unless it triggers your autism that much, but literally no one gives a shit.

idk man, her hairstyle seems unique enough

Oh yes, she cares about her sister so much, that's why Itsuki slapped the shit out of her, right? Oh Please. That's why she said she would literally burn bridges with her quints to be with Fuutarou before this arc, yes? While Ichika was consistently helping Miku, cinflicted with her own love for Fuuta.
But alas, thanks to the "180" asspulling, the writing wreck, that Negi did in this arc, now 'poor sweet' Nino is the loving one that loved her sisters, and Ichika is the evil villainess that wants to destroy their relationship, until Negi went full status quo at the end of this arc.

All your "arguments" originate only from this arc. Nino has been a bitchy quint even before this, and I dont even hate any quint, I just think she's worst girl

This is why I dont want people replying to me if they disagree, I want to be positive, no fighting, just happy thoughts, happy happy quints because the wars are over

>lets all forget about this arc
yes I think haruba negi would want that too

Read the manga, retard.

>Oh yes, she cares about her sister so much, that's why Itsuki slapped the shit out of her, right? Oh Please. That's why she said she would literally burn bridges with her quints to be with Fuutarou before this arc, yes? While Ichika was consistently helping Miku, cinflicted with her own love for Fuuta.


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There's a lot of evidence that points she knows everything and planned a lot of shit out all along.
Some with good intentions, some the same but with added effect of JUSTing herself

>The war between sisters is over.
Well said user.

>This is why I dont want people replying to me if they disagree, I want to be positive, no fighting, just happy thoughts, happy happy quints because the wars are over
Go find some safe space if you don't want you erroneous opinions challanged, then.
I'm sure reddit will be right up your alley

>There's a lot of evidence that points she knows everything and planned a lot of shit out all along.
user, I...

holy shit, what a faggot

Your autism would always be based, Michlan

Which quint as the highest IQ?

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they're quintuplets, so theoretically their intelligence is equal

Ninos dress is horrible

Can she resurrect herself?

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Fuut said Ichika is the most competent and pick things up quickly, but he said Miku has potential. What does it mean?

Just kill yourself, michlan.
No one care about your constant wailing about Ichika

Yotsuba looks like she's about to disintegrate into nothingness.

>gets the highest grades while working full time


you must read the manga instead of him.

Yes. She wouldn't even give it up if Fuutarou wanted her to.

>Passes the exams after studying 2 times less than her sisters

3 makes no sense for a picnic/spring outfit, way too dark of a color. She's out right away.

Everyone else is passable. I think personally 4 looks the best, but I wouldn't object to any of the rest.

Kino coloring

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Absolutely. When ninofags start talking about how she always cared about fuutarou, anons should just reply a pic of Itsuki slapping nino


1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 4

Serious answer based on the story seems to be Ichika. She seems like the most clever and her issue isn't comprehension like it is with the others.

just barely, tho

I love how the arcs of Yotsuba and Itsuki are last. The last two that will be standing after Fuut rejects the others, mark my words.

Nino is the second dumbest quint.

Ichika > Miku > Nino = Itsuki > Yotsuba

always bet on first girl

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We need Nip user to confirm this. I found this is interesting.

Next arc is Itsuki's and then Fuutaro will end up with Yotsuba after he goes one by one rejecting other sisters.

>that seething Nino just like her fags

She already is nothing.

Fellow ItsukiChad

Nice coloring, but I don't like how her hoodie is also green. It shoudl've been grey or black for maximum despair.

Nigno a shit.

>All of her sisters needed 6 months of studying to pass
>She only needed 3
Nino had the biggest gains

>maximum despair.
Why would you want that...

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Why not?

why do you add ribbon tongue everytime now ?

No raf so not effay enough


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no particular reason, I did it to only 2 or 3 colorings I think.

Predictions for next chapter?

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wtf I want to fuck Fuutarou now.

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new arc where fuu meets pic related

3 4 best pair.

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fuu distances himself from the quints for a while and then they come to his house

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A set-up. Like every start of the arc

Sidetail-chan confess and Fuutarou agrees to date her. The quints explode.

Flashback chapter maybe.

Fuutarou discovers his quint brothers/sisters

>I love how the arcs of Yotsuba and Itsuki are last
Says who?

She makes retarded as fuck plans

Never knew how much I wanted a Quintarou before you posted this

>its another ninofags falseflagging thread

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>wedding dress

What a joke.



you already got it!

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1 > 5 > 3 > 4 > 2

I like it when they draw her short hair past her shoulders

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God, Nino's perky breast are rude.

>there's one they fear


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But I want to see shirtless Takeda!


Chihiro was fucking ugly unlike Ichicute tho

What the fuck

She stole millions of hearts.

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Don't start this shit again, man. Just hurry up and spam gore again so the mods can range ban you.

desuarchive.org/a/search/text/falseflag* nino*/deleted/deleted/

Yotsubro, been meaning to ask
How do you feel about recent developments and the bombshell of a confirmation that Yotsuba is OG lolikano?
I'm SO looking forward to despair panels come monday

Something tells me that's not cream on her lips

Was this reposted yet?

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What does it say?


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Ever heard of whipped cream, user?

I like it when they draw her hair long.

Is that supposed to be vomit or drool?


I don't. Long is ugly.

>Nino doesn't care about her sisters
I know you don't like Nino and that's fine with me but don't go spreading false facts now

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Itsuki never wastes food so it must be drool

>oi, Nino
>heard you talking shit like I wouldn't find out

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Chapter 86 update.
I should probably go back and count all Lolikanos for Yotsuba.

Attached: 86.png (2340x2456, 378K)

> Oh yes, she cares about her sister so much, that's why Itsuki slapped the shit out of her, right?
Itsuki slapped her because she tore Fuutarou's homework for them.
She helped Miku for valentine, helped Yotsuba in 7 goodbyes, helped Miku in Sister War arc.
How dafuq you said like this?
If you hate her, okay you can. But spread false fact. Please, don't do this. It make Nino haters like you more worse than NinoFags spammer.

Her entire character revolves around her caring about her sisters even more than Yotsuba. You don't have to submit to your sibling's feelings to show you care about them deep down.

Good job user.

really thought miku would have overtaken nino

I have always wondered. What is so special about caring about your sisters in a series about quintuplets? They all care about each others deeply. It's normal to care about them.
>all Lolikanos for Yotsuba
Some are Ichika.

I'm unironically starting to think that Yotsuba is going to win this

Attached: 1557709556597.jpg (3537x3905, 686K)

She is the quint who cook, protect the quint (can say overprotect the quint) and like a mother figure to them after their mother dead. That's the point.

Are mods dead?

>Oh yes, she cares about her sister so much, that's why Itsuki slapped the shit out of her, right?
Wasn't that because she tore Fuutarou's notes up? She even apologized for that afterwards
>That's why she said she would literally burn bridges with her quints to be with Fuutarou before this arc, yes?
When was that? I don't remember that?
>But alas, thanks to the "180" asspulling, the writing wreck, that Negi did in this arc, now 'poor sweet' Nino is the loving one that loved her sisters, and Ichika is the evil villainess that wants to destroy their relationship, until Negi went full status quo at the end of this arc.
It was already established on chapter 6 that she cares about her sisters a lot. It's unironically the only thing which wasn't an asspull this arc

No. But some anons have talked about it in the previous thread.

Yes, why?

>What is so special about caring about your sisters in a series about quintuplets?
The guy you're replying to never said it was, he's just responding to someone who flat out said she doesn't.

It's very funny that many details are obvious but many people (especially Nino haters) ignore it.

I thought we were getting Yotsuba's cover today

Attached: D6Qr8kHWsAIzvxc.jpeg.jpg (798x738, 188K)

>Interactions with Fuutarou in this arc: 12

Attached: 1557881342538.png (1621x807, 2.54M)

I know? I am just talking about my thoughts about this.

Tell me about Nino, why does she wear the mask?

There's no set date. Should come out sometime within the next 7 days.
Probably sooner than later

Do you still count them if it's just their speech bubble inside a panel?

To clean her beautiful face

Love Miku

Attached: 1554871308259.jpg (832x845, 467K)

Actually, it was probably because of the 5 ton heavy slap from Itsuki.

>This week, when Fuutarou said 「I, about you...」Nino stopped him from finishing, but
>I have a really hard time figuring out what negative thing Fuutarou could possibly say after this phrase
>But then again, Nino seemed to think that she was going to be rejected.

>1. I hate you
>2. I love you
>3. I think of you only as a friend
>4. I thought we were already going out?

Basically the nips think Fuutarou's reply sounded like a positive one because there are few negative things you could say after that phrasing. They gave 4 options as to what he could have possible said, and 2 of them are highly unlikely. So Nino may have prematurely stopped Fuutarou because she was under the impression that he hated her (we as the readers know that this isn't true, because we read about his inner thoughts concerning Nino during the previous arc).

Cute couple

Attached: 1558535472040.jpg (1000x1399, 131K)

What is there to love about Miku? An honest question.


Attached: OH NO NONONONO.png (823x506, 206K)

Don't be petty

Fair enough. I mean that was kind of the point of this whole arc. They ended up hurting each other and regretting it immensely, then made up and showed their love for each other was stronger than any pettiness.

There's no way Miku hasn't beaten Nino, you're straight up falsifying data

Guess who's back, back again

Just Nip theories and fun. I don't think you should take it so seriously.

Not that user but Itsuki slapped her because she was being a cunt to everybody especially Fuutarou, ran away from home and almost cost them the exams iirc

>Nice design
>Slightly autistic
>Shy but can still banter (this was before Negi completely shat the bed)
>Tries really hard to win someone over
>Adorable pouts

Attached: 1552054573680.jpg (499x812, 108K)

You recall wrong, because 80% of thing you said happened after the slap.
Try again

We know Nino

I know Nino, but you can't do thosr kind of things with your own sister. Get Fuutarou to do it with you instead.

are you for real right now

Don't bother. He's a notorious shitposter.

I think he's also counting speech bubbles

Yotsuba fails her exam. She feels ashamed and can't face her sisters so she runs away from home

Miku lost. No need to rub in their faces.

>Imagine being this retarded

He doesn't gate her of course. But he would probably have said that he can't go out with her because they are his students and her father would chop his head if he went out with one of them while they are his students so she should wait until all of that is done to try again and see if she still likes him.

Nino was fighting with Miku thats why she was slapped, user, fuutarou made the homework exactly to get them to make up

>Slightly autistic
Can we stop this? Yeah it's cute in media, but it gets annoying quickly when you have to deal with it personally.


Yes, this isn't a rejection no matter how you look at it and I think Yea Forumsnonymous' handling of this translation was uncharacteristically pretty poor. I don't think he was going to profess his love, but I think he was going to give her an ambiguous that could lead to love in the future. You have to remember that he was telling her that he never thought about love before and he didn't know how to deal with it. Later on, he tells Yotsuba that he's thinking about someone's (Nino) feelings seriously and starting to think differently about romance. Then you also have to take into account pic related about how he started opening up to love.

Attached: T25.png (1426x2048, 1.53M)

It's incredible how you are pulling shit out of your ass in every post.
You should probably re-read the manga

nah, I think the quints are done with school troubles. they really just needed to improve their work ethic and they've clearly done that

His count does seem a bit odd, i checked ch60, 71, 82 and 85 and even counting text bubbles as a hit i can't get as many hits as he's counting

We are talking about a cartoon character though. Just in case your IQ is in single digits, these girls do not exist in real life neither do half of the situations in harem manga.

> thinking she was special.
Maybe he started to be honest about love relationships?

how can you be so comfortable talking out of your ass like that? just swallow your pride and re-read the chapter

Even it is just a character, don't you ever get tired of falling for the same type of girl over and over again?

On the other, Fuutarou's response to Miku was a straight up rejection. No ambiguity about it.
>ああ 知ってるぞ.

Attached: 1558788533056.png (581x1789, 402K)

Your dad vetoed this stuff.

Mate, reread the nip post, he didn't say 限らな, he said 限らない. He is actually saying there are no limits to the negative things he could have said.

I feel generic tsunderes are trash but it doesn't stop this board from wanking over her.

Attached: 1552675091941.png (494x391, 203K)

Fuutarou is more considerate of Ninos feelings than anyone else. It's understandable considering she was his first confession and he's still cautious of her so it makes sense for him to be this kind.

It's also why I believe Nino will be the bride. Negi has set up Fuutarou to be ready to one day choose even if it hurts the other. It makes sense for Fuutarou to choose the first person who confessed and also opened him to love in general. Out of the quints he takes Ninos feelings more seriously and it'll remain that way. First comes first serves.

Any of those would still be better than stuff like the Kaminomi ending "I like the blandest girl!" "Eh really?" "Meh I guess if I gotta like somebody" or the RtV ending "harem end BUT ALSO we mixed the top two contestants together"

>from chapter 83 to 86
>Yotsuba + Fuuts panel is 0
Now this is what I call maximum despair.

Chihiro was literally "normal girl" end, which is why nobody fucking liked TWGOK's ending.

I went back and recounted chapter 60 and it's on point.
By "speech bubbles" I mean panels where it's just a speech bubble. Like thoughts, or someone else's reaction.
Those are sometimes more important than standing in the background doing nothing.
And when there are multiple quints in one panel, all of them get +1, of course.
If you find something wrong, I can correct it.

Attached: BTFO.png (995x897, 547K)

>nino only got one arc so far
>still has the most screentime
What did Negi mean by this?

>Any of those would still be better than stuff like the Kaminomi ending
Imagine being this mad for 5 years.

Surprisingly, Yotsuba.

>First comes first serves.
It makes me remember a short doujin about Nino ask Fuutarou to become a couple when Miku and Ichika hold each other.

Nino literally healed Fuutarou's broken heart and despite what Ninoragers say, they've got the most intimate understanding of each other.

Attached: 1558543455026.png (2854x3070, 1.84M)

>From 78 to 86
>Yotsuba + Fuutarou is 49
>Nino + Fuutarou is 12
Now this is despair

>What did Negi mean by this?
Negi is a hack.

How about you stop speedreading yourself? While he did ignore the fact Nino has helped the quints before, he was right about Nino getting slapped because she doesnt care about the quints. She refused to study, fought with Miku a lot, tore Fuutarou's papers because of contempt against him, Itsuki slapped him, she left home, and almost cost them the exams, his point was that if she did care avout the quints, why did she resist him to the point that it cost the quints what they wanted and that was to pass in seven goodbyes?

Do you do this for all the manga you read or just GT?

Don't know... Yotsuba being the OG lolikano wasn't that much of a bombshell, the hints were all there.
I'm more disappointed with how it ended for Ichika, such a harsh ending makes me think that it's not over yet tho.
Now that it seems that Yotsuba will finally get development, Itsuki will become a really huge wild card. I still have hope in a 428 end tho.
Begone despairfag.

Attached: 428ch35p5c.png (554x751, 437K)

Negi is a Nino shill, what's new?

I got 80 for chapter 71 as well. You got to count ones obscured by text and bubbles too like her back in the bottom left panel or her head behind the text in the top left.

Attached: t1.png (1426x2048, 755K)

So they fucked up not just one confession, but also a reply to another.

Nini has to be held back, her destructive power is too much for Fuuts to handle

You were wrong. Accept it. Just re-read the chapter instead of makeing a fool out of yourself.

Funny part is I didn't even read Kaminomi by the end, I dropped it somewhere around the second time they went looking for the god souls or whatever. I came back just to get mad at the ending.

>You are now aware that 2014 was half a decade ago


He'll never admit it. He's just here to shitpost, anyone could tell that from his first comment about the situation.

Read it yourself fag
I dont like michlan myself but like him why do you I even bother with you nincels, you both obviously have an agenda

>Nini has to be held back,
>Doesn't want his reply cause she knows she's going to get BTFO
>Wants to force him to join her group gets no way fag'd
>Wants to settle things in Kyoto- does absolutely nothing

>True Tears aired 11 years ago

what site is this?

>he can't read japanese and relies on a flawed translation
>thinks she meant settling fuutarou and not settling the fight between the sisters
Dumb EOP

Cute couple

Attached: 1558536446700.png (395x395, 307K)


Oh, but we were always behind 428's back!
Ichika's latest spreads (lolikano reminiscence into realization) and the "everything" part is kino though, her colorfag must be giddy. I'd think she'll become a wildcard instead in the future rather than Itsuki since she now has no qualms about Fuutarou's feelings to her own as shackles.
>428 end
this is the true wildcard, expect some despair along the way until she finds a resolution for it. If it involves making the previous "i like you" lie into truth it's damn likely.

Attached: x1 (1).png (417x389, 3K)

>>thinks she meant settling fuutarou and not settling the fight between the sisters
Holy shit. The revisionism in this thread by the retarded Ninofags are hilarious. That's not what you faggots were saying prior to the Kyoto arc. 99% of ninoshills were so confident she was going to settle things with him. But now since that cancerous arc is over and Nino barely featured in it it's time to revise the history books. Stay salty.

>settling the fight between her sisters
Please be a falseflagger cause this is hilarious


Attached: 1549557628866.jpg (1920x1080, 135K)

Ichikafags and Ninofags, stop fighting. All quints are beautiful and care about their sisters. We settled that the recent chapters. The sister wars are over. Lets all love one another, now.

This kills the Mikufag.

>99% of ninoshills were so confident she was going to settle things with him.
Are you retarded?

All quints are best, but their husbands are trash.

Ichikafags are distraught they’re out of the bowl and Ninofags are scared shitless because they know they’re next. They can cope for awhile

Attached: D7bpm4nU8AU-oIU-orig.jpg (767x960, 151K)

Mr and Mrs Autismo

Attached: 1552765825646.jpg (845x1132, 983K)

Attached: x1 (2).png (662x408, 120K)

Attached: 1558808721282.jpg (1920x1080, 197K)

Why didn't you mention Miku? She got rejected.

What is wrong with these people?

Attached: ninotards2.jpg (720x719, 86K)

That looks like the ch*nk's post.

Don’t worry, I’m not a Meekufag. She’s just not even worth mentioning imo because she has no chance after Negi shat all over her this arc

At what point will we actually see Fuutarou responding properly to a confession?

Bravo user. You consider a braindead chink a person.
Looks like you're even more braindead, newfag

When he will accept Nino.
One proper confession.
One proper response.

Attached: 1558166582610.jpg (1447x1766, 176K)

After Yotsuwho's and Itsuwho's arcs

More than half of Ninshart’s fanbase is subhuman, though

She’s already basically confessed three times. It’s over, dude.

Fuu-kun will accept her 3 times

Attached: 74855902_p2.jpg (1878x2846, 2.94M)


Miku is Cinderella
>Ichika and Nino both taking the low road and dismissing their sister Miku for their own gains parallel the two evil older sisters(see pic for evidence by Negi himself)
>Yotsuba is the fairy that has been supporting Miku(bread)
>Itsuki is the stepmother that is trying to impersonate the real mother
The parallels fit too well.

Attached: 1554842957540.jpg (928x299, 228K)

Well he didn't hear her the first time and she was so far up her own ass that she didn't even allow him to answer the second time

The difference between 5toubun fans in Japan and here

source: this thread

Attached: Daga....png (446x977, 84K)

I want Ichika to win because it would create maximum butthurt, like TWGOK it would be glorious. I can imagine the banter now


Attached: But-.png (1003x736, 443K)

I consider him to be more of a human than whatever insect you are.

What would be the best TL then?

Attached: 1556862038317.jpg (720x473, 56K)


They're flawed, but Yea Forumsnonymous is still the best you're going to get currently. Though the official translations might be better, but I haven't read them.

If it is written well, could be really good. A comeback story would also boost her popularity.

>Both of them are first girls

Canonically its Ichika. Shes also the tallest and most sexiest quint

Attached: 1557122595774.png (1357x1281, 1.78M)

This video cracks me up everytime. I wish the OC updated it using this chapter

>nino keeps getting BTFO even in fanart

Attached: file.png (720x1230, 643K)

pic related was meant to show a stepsister spreading false rumors about the cinderella

Attached: D405sRrVUAEnzwk.jpg (447x689, 46K)

Attached: both cancer.jpg (1357x1281, 562K)

These pairs are still lacking interactions with each other. The other pairs have their own unique chemistry and drama.

Attached: 1558135125113.png (1018x702, 1.3M)

How come Nino ended up wearing sneakers?

Anyone have the edit of Miku staring at sidetail-chan and her friend with a knife and Itsuki backing away?

Every time. Don't you ever leave your PC?

Why would I?

Those aren't sneakers.

>A nice calm thread
>Some actual discussion
>Someone mentions Nino
like clockwork

Attached: 1552681501591.jpg (1015x1200, 572K)

Or because she is bride

I meant in her adult design.

>A nice calm thread
>Some actual discussion
>Someone posts Miku+Fuutarou

She wears slavsuits and flip-flops pretty often

Attached: 1557586996179.jpg (1412x2048, 257K)

Someone is very touchy it seems

>new thread is made
>two or three posts starts with x a best, Nino a shit
>thread goes quiet with discussion about the manga
>mentions Nino even once

Attached: 1558100631101.png (620x624, 530K)

Why are sleepy eyed quints so hot?

Attached: f2.png (1115x1600, 685K)

Nino is Cinderella and Fuu-kun is her prince charming

Attached: 1555391575011.jpg (1377x2039, 516K)

I've kept them occupied the whole night if you know what I mean

>doesn't post what Yea Forums's translation was
>doesn't post what an alternative translation would be
>just complains that a translation isn't perfect
You're the kind of people i hate the most. i can't even make sense of what the fuck you're talking about because i can't figure out which chapter it was from.

Reminder that Raiha is a gold digger.

Attached: 5Toubun no Hanayome - c051 (NA) - p007 [web] [anon].png (1426x2048, 880K)

That aged well.

It's hilariously sad, isn't it? They even started the thread with
>no nino allowed
>nino a shit

Attached: 1558591285324.jpg (1187x1017, 177K)

>wants people to spoonfeed him pages
>wants people to spoonfeed him alt translations
>just complains that he isn't being spoonfed

Every thread starts with the same 5-10 posts, obviously someone wants to keep making them for whatever reason.


Attached: a shit A SHIT.png (750x550, 93K)

Or because she is the

>Strawberry soft served ice cream

What's up with this

Someone said Nino?

Attached: ninopeek.png (240x240, 68K)

Pure sex, yes.


Fuck off, Thunderchink.

don't peek

Attached: 1548808721282.png (1301x2048, 2.73M)

The only reason I would ever like a Michlan post is when he makes Ninofags seethe en masse with 10 replies

Not him, but that's my pet name for her when she's being dorky or awkward

Seems like both you and Michlan have some tenant problems.

what the fuck are you smoking? the translation does not lean one way or another at all.

Attached: 5Toubun no Hanayome - c071 (NA) [web] [anon].zip-5Toubun no Hanayome - c071 (NA) - p014 [web] [anon] (1426x2048, 692K)

Nino-nee a cute!

Attached: 1557976603557.png (1349x963, 1.98M)

>The thing is, I...
What an awful "translation"



Attached: ninohide.png (240x240, 37K)


Attached: 1534592446841.png (100x100, 21K)

O-okay, maybe a peek

Attached: D7O8U0KU0AIqAyJ.jpg (1475x2048, 437K)

I want to fuck Yotsuba so hard that she starts to gape and get a prolapse

This post reeks of virgin

soooo edgy

Where do you think we are?

Can I peak with my hands?

Yea Forums is not /r9k/

Since when is wanting to fuck someone edgy?

Go back.

Stop posting if you don’t have anything interesting to say.


Attached: dcc11a5c5670ff31e99463361ded3e29.jpg (1440x2160, 2.24M)

Go back.

>No poop hair

Attached: justalittlepeek.gif (240x240, 62K)

Attached: snap.jpg (165x293, 42K)

I think it's a bit too fast

No pictures!

Attached: D5z0P_FUYAAHlH-.jpg (1280x960, 188K)

Cute Yotsuba

OK, I understand. All complaints about translations are just shitposting.

Attached: njii.png (186x271, 40K)

People have been doing it for the past few weeks. I wouldn't pay it much mind.

Attached: camera.jpg (1063x823, 377K)

The thing with English is you don't say "the truth is, about you... I love/hate you" so when it's cut like this you can't really make it clear that he's going to say what he feels about her.

But you already know this and are just stirring the pot.

Attached: 1558292639595.png (1913x1063, 1019K)

Attached: s8 - .png (87x137, 10K)

t. L O V E apologist


one day before spoiler

Negi will forget Yotsuba in this upcoming chapter.


I don't expect her to get focus right away. At the very earliest we'll get a few pages at the end of this upcoming chapter leading in to the next one where the actual drama starts.

Miku seems kinda off here. Seems like she got fatter all of a sudden...

Attached: image.jpg (709x834, 253K)

>お前のことは (About you)
>The thing is
This isn't even remotely correct.

Since when did pointing out that an influx of people complaining (most of the time incorrectly) about the translations make me a "LOVE apologist"?


Attached: 74906606_p0.png (667x1000, 563K)

Probably the same thing he was going to tell Nino, and I’m guessing that would be some kind of rejection or something that put off answering her

If you can make it sound natural in spite of , then do it.

I admit it's a difficult thing to translate, but "the thing is" is a horrible translation and very misleading because it makes the line sound as if there's some other circumstance involved (like him loving someone else).
A better choice in this case would probably be something like as simple as
That's it. It wouldn't add any unintended meaning, it conveys the meaning of the original text and it would be open ended enough to work with whatever direction the story goes with later.

>Probably the same thing he was going to tell Nino
not necessarily, unlike with Nino, he's know thinking about having them graduate with their future careers decided and has Maruo's warning to worry about so it could be "but... i can't date you until after you graduate" or something along those lines

The answer was going to be the same

Rereading the ch.77, he felt exhausted about the feelings of 1 and 2, it seemed as if that had been suffocating him

Attached: _20190525_154703.jpg (613x362, 64K)

He's exhausted from fapping to them all night long

Fuu-kun loves Nino very, very much.

Attached: 1549291044890.jpg (1500x1400, 401K)

It's interesting how he has no trouble saying that Ichika and Nino like him but he does when saying that Miku does

Attached: E13.png (1379x500, 180K)

Nino himself said that she knew he was not in love with her and she told him that she would show him her love

Fuutaro did not even bother to correct her since she was right, so he just let her do what she wanted

He was aware of Ichika and Nino for a while and had the fake Miku shjt as well which made him feelk exhausted whereas he just got confirmation that another likes him.

Yes, yes, very interesting.

It's also interesting how Mikufags always post this panel, not the panel in the page after where it's a close up.

>Nino himself said that she knew he was not in love with her
That was what Nino thought.
We don't know what are Fuutarou's thoughts on the matter since he had to run away to hide him blushing all over.

selective memory

Yeah, he looked rather depressed that he was wrong about Miku

Attached: E13.png (1115x1600, 514K)

>Fuutaro did not even bother to correct her since she was right
That isn't the correct interpretation. Nino shut him up from continuing saying anything which he obliged.

>still posting the same page

Dekinais, both of you.

>negation-like thing [object marker] say [try to] [past] [quote] [topic] be limited to [negative] [informational] [semi-rhetorical question]
>He wasn't necessarily going to say something negative, right?

well, he does looks quite depressed there as well

Attached: E14.png (1115x1600, 517K)

Don't bother. Conjuring up an alternate reality is the only way for them to cope

That's because Miku has done more things for him to notice

I'm a mikubro, but I know that at this moment Fuutaro probably does not want any kind of relationship with any of them, in fact, I think that it is even possible that he can not distinguish that type of feeling

Stop using buzzwords you don't know the meaning of. That's his default look, he wasn't "depressed" or disappointed he was skeptical since he always assumed Miku liked him but it turned out his assumption was wrong. Of course later on he got confirmation that he was correct.

So what is it in the end?


This is probably the best interpretation of the line I've seen so far.

He loves Nino and wants to marry her, though.

Attached: D1xqLY0U4AAL_EE.jpg orig.jpg (1447x1939, 275K)

Tried layering Yotsuba’s sad face over the bell kisser and it’s a perfect fit

Attached: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.jpg (715x845, 52K)

That seems quite likely, though I still feel like he was going to reject her. If he does put off accepting her feelings I think it would be because he wants to deal with Lolikano
I feel like he was going to say something like “well I already have someone I like”

>I love you!
>user, I...

>he has no trouble saying that Ichika and Nino like him
He said right after that he was embarassed.

>identical sisters look identical to one another

I gave you both a parsing with English terms and a translation, what more do you want?
Just from Fuuts' expression you can't deduce that he was going to reject her, but Nino's behavior suggested that she was expecting to be rejected.
685 is just a Ninofag.

Holy shit, user! It's almost as of they're 100% identical quintuplets!
You're a genius! How did you do that?

>I think that it is even possible that he can not distinguish that type of feeling
That's probably the case
I'm pretty sure the Yotsuba arc will end with him telling Yotsuba that how he feels now about one of her sisters is different about how he felt about lolinakano so he's not sure about what he's feeling right now

Nino shut him up before she said he was not in love with her

>I feel like he was going to say something like “well I already have someone I like”

He wasn't going to speak about himself, he was specifically going to comment on her.

[About you], I...

>“well I already have someone I like”
I'm a Mikufag but this is really a stretch, i think at most he was going to say "i don't feel the same way"

I didn't know Nino can read minds

Attached: Dzw_fCxVYAEHzyc.jpg orig.jpg (1500x2000, 288K)


Attached: 1558197570209.jpg (2048x1230, 1007K)

Not embarrassing enough to stumble over his words or covering his face like usual
Admitting he was knew about Miku liking him was at least as embarrassing to him as Nino blowing him a kiss in the middle of work

>He wasn't going to speak about himself, he was specifically going to comment on her.
>[About you], I...
Then I wonder what he was going to say, because at that point I don’t see him reacting positive to her confession, but I don’t see him saying “well I don’t like you”
It seems a bit rude but I guess it’s a possibility

Just stop, man. It's pathetic.

There's an image some nip made where Ichika's despair face was layered perfectly over the kisser's.

Attached: D1-z5NcU4AASm3M.jpg (1128x2048, 215K)

>omae no koto wa
>kirai janai kedo, [x]
is perfect, no?

It's time to accept that Fuutarou fell head over heels for Nino.

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Why can't she stop always dying first?


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It's in her character to kill herself first.

I don’t think that’s the case, it has the same vibes as him telling Miku “but...”. So I doubt it was favorable in Nino’s odds, and that’s why she stopped him because even she realized it would’ve ended poorly for her

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Is it "I don't hate you"?
What kind of reply is that?
>I love you
>I didn't know what to think. My reply is: I don't hate you

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Is Itsuki a blowjob connoisseur?

The best reply

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A common one in manga, used when the character is too embarrassed to admit but not cold enough to straight up say no.

Itsuki was magically transported into KO.

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What will we get for chapter 101?

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It's a common phrase in nip. It means more-or-less "like" like, as opposed to 好き which is mostly interpreted as "love" like.
It may come off as a bit tsundereish, but not as much you'd imagine.

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What's Nino doing with her hands.

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She didn't ask him for a reply. It was all his own initiative. He didn't have to accept or reject her.
"I don't hate you" makes no sense

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Getting ready for a fistfight.

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Putting on brass knuckles

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Look at that autismo face. How did she fall in love in 3 fucking chapters?

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>it has the same vibes as him telling Miku “but...”.

It might have the same vibe in English, but it's different in the original Japanese

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Have you already counted all Renas for Itsuki?

I want to tickle Nino until she pees herself!


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I imagine she needed someone to pay attention to her in her life and F just fit the bill.

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preparing her finisher

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>lying on the internet

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Fuu-kun is for Nino ONLY

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>that fucking gap between 123 and 45
Fucking hack.

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>trying to identify the kisser by looks
You'd have better luck guessing who that is by asking yourself why she looks so sad after kissing him than comparing pictures of the quints with her.

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I-in the B-BUTT!?

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Since Nino exchanged whole 2 sentences with Fuutarou in this arc, I'm guessing we'll get another chapter like 71 soon.
Maybe Fuutarou's intentions will become a bit clearer

Regardless of grammar putting Nino’s confession into context of what has happened so far I don’t think it wasn’t favorable, still it could have been ambiguous. A rejection for Miku and Nino makes sense though they keep cutting him off so it makes it ambiguous.

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Nino's fat thighs must be stopped

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Maybe Yotsuba will overtake Itsuki soon.
Maybe she already did with Lolikano.

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Counting lolikano/Rena panels seems kinda dumb

But I don't want it to

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But they're growing too powerful

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So this is the weapon to surpass metal gear.

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