Imagine the unenviable task of animating this being left to J.C. Staff one day.

Attached: 35.png (1600x1138, 2.97M)

He punched it once?

Mob psycho > one joke man

This but unironically. The webcomic is far better than the manga because it explores Saitama's strength and people's interpretations and reactions of it by putting him in a large variety of scenarios. In the manga the end-goal is the punch, but in ONE's webcomic, the punches are just a means. Of course the manga will get boring this way, so it focuses on side characters more, unlike the webcomic. Basically, if you're not reading the webcomic, you will never get to experience what a great series this actually is. That is why season 1 of the anime was so great--most of the content followed the webcomic because the manga followed the webcomic. With season 2, it will be mostly filler. You can somewhat compensate bad animation with great story, but that just isn't the case here. Season 2 will have some good manga-only scenes, but that's it. None of it contributes to any over-arching story and could be removed without any consequence. Orochi isn't even in the webcomic, which is why he's such a redundant and useless character. Having Psykos remain as the head of the monsters association would be way more intimate than a generic big baddie that's teased all season. He's had no characterisation at all but he's supposed to be an important character. All this hype and he was defeated in a single chapter like every minor monster. Don't get me wrong, it was entertaining, but it's just not One Punch Man. Idiots will try to argue that it's subverting expectations, or it's just a parody. Murata is a brilliant artist but he can't write for shit

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Attached: LIVE.jpg (960x589, 60K)

>couldn't even make Saitama dirty like Gouketsu
>couldn't even make Saitama use serious punch like Elder Centipede
>less durable than Rover
>shitty little flame breaths couldn't even damage Garou (at that point, not even peak S-Class level)
>full power beam causes a mere 1% of the destruction that the shockwave of Boros' punch caused
>never actually demonstrated impressive physical strength
>literally just "muh tentacles" gimmick
>obliterated with a single normal punch

The Jobber King Orochi, the weakest monster in history

That's the joke.


Attached: 1558776709911.png (1720x1236, 1.91M)

So he is a plants.

Quite sure he's not done and this is just to show how strong he is compared to the rest of heroes
if not this manga became too repetitive

He was doomed the moment he asked Rover for help

Compared Jobros to Jobrochi you must be serious?

It’s no a funny joke.

It got old in chapter 1

>all the individual monsters that make him up go and fight the other heroes

> Murata is a brilliant artist but he can't write for shit

Brainlet webcomiconlyfag being a brainlet, what a surprise.

What the fuck was the point of Orochi?
It's exactly like Saitama said, he's just another jobber who claims he's the greatest and then dies in one punch. But we already knew that. It's literally just the old joke repeated again.

The point is that Orochi is still alive and will come back stronger.

literal trash writing
could've used this same spot to highlight some random stupid so called serious move

Would you?

Attached: 1449644928912.png (444x700, 150K)

Are you stupid? I literally said that I read the manga. Also, give me 3 examples of good OC writing and story within the manga. This season is atrocious because it's most manga filler

Suiryu climax was fucking kino you brainlet nigger

Attached: 012-013.png (1600x1150, 720K)

>people ACTUALLY thought Jobrochi was going to be anywhere near Godrou and Boros

Irrelevant trash should behave as one would expect them to.

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I agree. Though the manga has its moments, you can't get the full OPM experience unless you read the webcomic.

>draw Fubuki
>put her behind old farts
What the fuck, that's unethical.

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Has this question been answered in the webcomic yet?
Also do you think the answer is linked to blast?

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That camwhore has had plenty of covers for you to whack off to. Let the old gentlemen have their chance.

>Not being able to appreciate Bang/Bomb being /fa/.

Bang/Bomb are better to look at than Fubuki

Not saying that Orochi measures up to Boros but comparing muh beam size is stupid because Orochi clearly focused his beam as much as he could to increase piercing power instead of blast radius because he realized that he was outmatched almost right away.

last I read, the webcomic stopped at King refusing to cut an apple
riveting stuff

Can you get more reddit than this?

user, King cut the apple so cleanly between the atoms that it refused together as though it hadn't been cut at all
also there's been a couple new webcomic chapters over the past two months after a 2 year hiatus

He didn't refuse, he was unable to open the sheath.

Then stop reading it.

WOW, he won again! Wow, he punched the enemy and won! Subverting expectations left and right! Such a clever comedy manga!

What is the point of your life?
Much like One Meme Man, there is none.

One punch man or attack on titan?
Which is better overall?

>actually tries to dodge saitama
Orochi keeps getting better and better.
I wonder what form he will take once he regenerates?

yikes all the fight showed was beam spam.
retards think this is epic fight.
Suiryu had the better fight with Saitama

Just look at this 81 years old body.

Attached: t23.jpg (992x878, 239K)

user, he just moved so fast you couldn't see it

>what! the one punch man punched his opponent once and defeated him? how could this be?!

can someone spoiler me real quick and answer a few questions about the web comic? does anyone stronger than boros appear? what happens after orochi is defeated? i cant be bothered to read this shit anymore.

I believe it was a good thing Saitama wasn't too involved in the webcomic until his fight with Garou.

never seen attack on titan

Kindly fuck off then.

he is pretty cute honestly, i'm not gay but eh its artwork so it gets a pass
but he only likes Chads
Jokes aside, i really like him and the samurai squad

Wait wait wait, he is not dead yet, maybe he will regenerate later.

Suiryu's fight is shit too.

attack on titan easily. its a real series with a real story. one punch man is good dont get me wrong but it'll never be nothing more than a parody of the same recycled joke over and over and its getting stale.

>>less durable than Rover
To be fair Saitama did say he wouldn't need to hold back for Orochi meaning he held back on Rover.

was Orochi actually expressing concern for Rover or was that just the translation?

>what happens after orochi is defeated
Orochi isn't in the webcomic, so we don't know what will happen right now. However, once all the monsters are defeated from the monster association, the heroes get their asses handed to them by Garou who is rapidly turning into a monster. After Saitama beats him, he runs away and contemplates his life choices.

>does anyone stronger than boros appear
I think Boros is tied with Garou, only because Garou has exceptional growth and learning. Orochi is just below them

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I got this feeling too. When he asked Saitama "what have you done to Rover ?" it sounded almost like "what have you done to my dog ?"

thanks. why didnt saitama kill garou?

>does anyone stronger than boros appear?
it's still debated whether garou was stronger than boros. garou took more hits from saitama than boros but boros had an attack that could destroy the planet (surface) but aside from garou, no.
>what happens after orochi is defeated?
orochi is not in the webcomic

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because he kills monsters, not humans

I would have been upset if someone fucking punched my dog too.

Attached: what have (you) done.png (199x359, 102K)

Spoiler: Saitama will defeat Orochi regenerated stronger form.

You read it here first!

ACTUALLY, it will be either tatsumaki or garou.
Saitama won't kill orochi.

Because Garou is actually wants to be a hero, however he decided to try to unify humanity and create world peace by becoming an outrageous monster instead

actual spoiler:
orochi will become a potted plant in Saitama's new apartament

ok what was saitama's reaction to garou being the hero slayer? or does he still not know?

first appearance, his clothes were more baggy. Murata is a confirmed faggot


I want an orochi plant in my house desu.

Very different genre IMO. If you're an edgy teenager or have that mindset even when you're already 20+, then AOT is for you. If you're a depressed fat weeb, OPM it is.

Garou reminds Saitama of what he might up end up being if he chose the easy path of being a hero so he felt sympathy for him.

Garou chose the easy way and Saitama values hard work and suffering a lot more.

Garou's never actually killed a human.

>tanks normal punches without too much damage
>can easily destroy a big portion of his ship which dwarfed an entire city, made out of a super strong alloy foreign to earth, with a single punch
>takes a plethora of normal punches to completely obliterate his body
>instanly regens and prepares his ultimate life wiping attack like an absolute chad
>won't back down no matter how stacked the odds are against him
>basically confirmed a god threat
>few stories tall, much larger than Boros
>complete beta bitchboy to an inferior esper who's about fubuki's level
>low confidence, pretty much accepts his defeat before the fight even begins
>entire body eviscerated by a single normal punch
>scared shitless
>pathetically falls to his death like a piece of bird shit
>even dragon threat is questionable at this point
How will oroshitters ever recover?

Attached: BorosChad.png (310x259, 127K)

Please shut the fuck up, I've had enough of this dumb shit last thread.

my pp disagrees

Rover still took a punch that quaked the whole goddamn base and the surface. Considering the environmental damage and shockwaves Saitama's normal punches can create Orochi got dealt with relatively casually. Saitama went through him like bloody butter. The run-stroll towards Orochi also didn't even look that fast, looking at the speeds Boros, Awakened Garou and even Flash fight at.

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Hey you should totally come on over to reddit, friendo!

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Can anyone post the 'class s is crazy' panel?

>reposting the same garbage every thread
You fucking summerfags belong on there more than anyone else.

It's not fair orochibros. It was our time.

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I got the feeling that Murata explicitly drawed as many details as he can just to fuck with J.C

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This chapter was a little bit weird if you look at it from the manga story alone.
Orochi was built up to be the final boss and the fact that his defeat was depicted so offhandedly without something like showing Garou waking up in a last panel feels off. It's less about the fight itself (Saitama could have also killed him with one punch during his introduction for all I care) but the presentation of the defeat of the "final" boss.

What an idiot. Go away. So stupid.

probably wish you could downvote me huh, faggot?

I know ONE is trying to give Saitama more screentime on account of the Monster Association Arc being huge in this version but Orochi just ended up feeling like a formulaic waste of time. Elder Centipide and Gouketsu were already decent additions that made him fight while serving a purposes to the story.

Here he's just cleaning house cause he happened to bump into him. It's pretty to look at but nothing else. I just want to see the Cadre fight, especially Sperm.

Rover bitching out and the S heroes defending themselves against that energy beam was pretty nice.

Nobody has ever explained the point of spending a lot of money on animation.

Why should JC staff care? They'd get a few more viewers but it would not be worth the price.

Attached: dbz is done.webm (640x480, 412K)

Does Saitama say it's a serious punch then?

Orochi was never built up to be the final boss though. He's the most obvious red herring imaginable.

the one on the left looks like horse shit and probably took much more time and effort to create

>tatsumaki's legs

Attached: 1552676810563.jpg (640x372, 85K)

>Not enjoying slick senior fashion

Try to have some style. Fubuki has a ridiculous ammount of cover fanservice.

People on reddit and Yea Forums(nel) are both human waste, so it doesn't really make a difference.
Feel free to stop posting anytime, summerfag.

The problem is that Orochi was not supossed to fight Saitama in the first place because obviously he was no match. It was cool seeing him against Garou because the outcome wasnt set on stone since the start

That's what bullshit youtubers say though. OPM has always been just a fun manga about heroes punching monsters. And the monsters always lose.

I won't, nigger. Feel free to keep seething

Orochi is my favorite monster now.

stfu faggot. OPM is seinen and deep with themes about depression.

I mean, Saitama is clearly depressed. That's his struggle because every hero has to struggle with something.

>I know ONE is trying to give Saitama more screentime on account of the Monster Association Arc being huge in this version but Orochi just ended up feeling like a formulaic waste of time.
My thoughts exactly.

Or Golden Sperm.

Orochi could come back like Phoenixman did

Garou is just a shitty edgelord, nothing worth killing

ONE writes everything in the manga you brainlet. the MA looked an actual threat in the manga, the Garou. The interaction between Orochi and Saitama was one of the best use of his original concept in a while.

>Jobrosfag is a redditor
Not surprised

Im halfway convinced its a Jirenfag in disguise.

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If Orochi survives this, next fight he’ll get raped even harder once and for all. Again, wasting panel time.

Look at the Ninjas, they also got a farewell before they got revived, Orochi might return only to get killed for good this time.

>what was the point of this filler character?

He was used to foreshadow monster Garou and give a reason as to how Psykos could handle the vastly upgraded monster association. ONE also manage to subvert expectation considering all the people butthurt about Saitama beating him with a normal punch

Orochi is gonna be 120% CGI.
Pray that by the time this is animated, the process has evolved enough that even a lean budget looks passable.

I can already see it, the flames will be too much for JC staff to animate so they'll just make his cape glow instead

Saitama is gonna get so frustrated eventually he'll want to go full Boros and Blast (who is the embodiment of heroism) will show up to defeat him with one punch, befriending him and showing strength alone doesn't make you the strongest hero.

>with drool leaking out of his mouth, the user speaks
Shut the fuck up you mouthbreathing cunt.

I hope blast kills Saitama so this shonen filler series can be put to rest

>Blast couldn't finish Elder Centipede
>Saitama completely annihilated him with a "serious" punch

I’m more interested in what’s gonna keep Tatsumaki from lifting the fucking base right now. She knows Psykos is somewhere in there.


>dragon threat is questionable

You're fucking retarded

Nice argument. It's still filler, and it's also bad filler.

There is a very angry user in this thread
no (You) for (You)

He wasn't trying to kill Elder Centipede.

>attack on titan easily
I don't think OPM is the pinnacle of writing but c'mon now.

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why are you even entertaining him, it's obvious bait

No one cares about you though.

>what’s gonna keep Tatsumaki from lifting the fucking base right now
she's too much of a weakling dude.

the one on the left was a meme made months before the episode came out

>Dude one punch lmao
How does anyone get hyped for the exact same thing over and over

Ok. Time to read based Mob psycho

>garou took more hits from saitama than boros
Saitama doesn't kill humans so Garou wasn't getting hit as hard otherwise he'd also be dead.


no one does, it just amounts to
>cool drawing murata
than forget about it until next chapter

>hurries to wipe the drool still leaking from the retard's open mouth

We know who the real monster is anyway.

Attached: sperm.png (275x389, 108K)

>saitama showing emotion

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-25-15-22-40.png (1080x1920, 1.12M)

>Jobs to furry

Like based mob

He looks so happy here

>people thought a monstrous looking monster would be anything but filler
Come on, don't tell me you're new to how people do stuff? The more human-looking the monster, the more important and powerful it always is.

Watchdog man is fucking monster man.

Garou never killed anyone he’s left them in bad shape, but he’s only ever killed monsters.

I really hope he at least plays a role in blindsiding tats, I mean he has to right? Otherwise, what would be the point of even introducing his fucking character in the first place.

that was a blatant lie Garou pulled out of his ass at the last second. He just wanted to be a hero.

Garou bros how is he still dodging Saitama..........

Attached: x19.png (600x848, 694K)

I think he just wanted to be accepted more than anything else

>there are still people that think that the main joke of opm is one punch

It is. Unlike mob

the main joke is the series itself because it's fucking shit

What a profoundly deep thought you just shared with us. Surely a comment so original that no one has said anything remotely similar ever.

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The only reason I can think of is that Saitama is humoring him because he wants to find out why he's a hero unlike Sonic and Ninja bros

So it’s nothing without it’s murata art and sakuga?

One trash man

The entire point of Orochi was to fuck Garou's shit up and force him to turn into a monster.


Shit that was funny man 10/10 joke

Why are you even here if you don't like it?

>Implying people wouldn't want to look like this when they're 80

Attached: images_3.jpg (225x225, 4K)

At last the anime community has finally shown their true colors, by demonstrating how many of you never really care about OPM "great" story, groundbreaking characters, funny comedy, and overall being a fantastic "deconstruction" of the superhero genre. In reality it was all about the over-the-top sakuga.

There's no way this scene is in the current season, is there? I mean we're at episode 7 and they're still dicking around at the tournament. The whole monster association headquarter arc takes forever aswell.

webcomics good

No shit stupid haha.

The tournament is going to last the whole season

>caring about a cartoon

That's because the stuff you're talking about was butchered along with the animation. Literally completely ass raped by inept directing, abysmal sound design and music usage, blistering pacing that doesn't allow the jokes to land properly, and inexplicable cuts.

The series original became somewhat popular when it had scribble for artwork, but it's sure that having the best looking current manga and one of the best looking anime drew lots of peoples in

I think 2 more episodes will be in the tournament so it's pretty doubtful, unless JC staff decides to speedpace even more which isn't entirely out of the question

Because Saitama is humoring all of his human enemies


Dead show dead thread

>visual matter in a visual medium
What a groundbreaking discovery

He recognizes that Garou has been intentionally leaving the heroes alive and that the whole arc was pointless

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Wouldnt you want to toy with someone who thinks theyre hot shit? Besides saitama cant be bothered with taking that kind of shit seriously so hes bound to let up in a few instances

why doesn't saitama just become a villain and fight against S rank heroes?

At this point his strength is pretty insane. I wonder if OPM could beat even Naruto now?

saitama is autistic, he can literally do whatever he wants and no one in the world can stop him

>Orochi: W-what was that?
>Saitama: It's just a normal punch.
>Orochi: So this is terror...

Attached: 1555797370222.png (800x500, 219K)

They don't pose any more of a challenge.

Meanwhile Jobrou is still plastered on a wall.

>only roasties are allowed to be attractive

It can't be any worse than the actual chapter

Lel, based Godrou is alive and well power napping, about to dab on Darkshine's ass and then everyone else's

Attached: Garou design.jpg (196x315, 34K)

have sex, tranny

Just a reminder that the web comic is the only good version of OPM now that the Manga and Anime have both shat the bed.

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Did the manga have an equivalent to the "it's war" panel?

b-but he burned Saitama's cape...

Based and Borospilled

Imagine being this mad.


Attached: Dho5YsEVMAA7OsR.jpg (1024x683, 71K)

>Tatsumaki underestimates Saitama and looks down on him: Lol who cares. She's cute lmao XD.
>FF does the same but at least respects him: How dare he? Fucking arrogant faggot reeeeeeeeee

When is your boypussy available?

Waifufags being hypocrites

It's S3 final fight.

Flashy is faster thannormal Saitama

This is the ugliest splash screen I've ever seen. Delete this now.

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>The cactus Saitma has been watering is Orochi

Attached: 1503155049807.jpg (604x403, 55K)

Based. Orofags on suicide watch

Alot of people self insert into Saitama even though he doesn't give a crap about waifu shit.
Also they forget that in verse it's still ridiculous to think Saitama is an invincible god for most characters.

Attached: hmp.png (488x792, 109K)

He will be, in the upcoming neo-hero association arc.

Sono bisque doll is quite cute. I really like the gyaru girl.

>le redditdex

Seething niggerstream shill

She can lift a entire city with ease and is stronger than Orochi and Golden S.

Attached: 1555622792567.jpg (800x1138, 300K)

>stronger than golden sperm
tick tock tatsfag

Attached: sacha-delon-golden2.jpg (1476x877, 99K)

this but not only anime watchers are like this.
the webcomic and manga are only so popular because people love one sided fights just as much as close fights.
there is something that feels good about knowing just how strong saitama is while his opponent doesn't.
every fight saitama has is basically the trope of "arrogant enemy underestimates MC"

>the literal KING OF ALL MONSTERS would get crushed into a ball effortlessly by Tatsumaki

How can one woman be this powerful

Im looking forward to episode 8, more QUALITY Suiryu and his ryona scenes.

>almost breaks GS's neck while she's severely weakened

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Chances are Suiryu will be drawn so poorly he won't even look as pathetic as he should

Attached: i-its just inbetween frames bro dont worry about it.webm (1280x720, 2.03M)

Saitama recognized Garou as a human too

She should be forever grateful and offer herself to godrou for saving her ass

Attached: 4762fc98a959f226c3eb2bb48d15792d30473855_hq.jpg (600x848, 113K)

this is some of the worst spaghetti illustration of her legs in the manga. you made me look, fucker.

His crying scenes could be the new "MY PAIN IS GREATER THAN YOURS" meme.

>there is something that feels good about knowing just how strong saitama is while his opponent doesn't.
It's shit if it's not pulled off correctly.
Boros and Garou fights were the best because they didn't entirely focus on "lol Saitama is unbeatable and he doesn't know guys XD"
The whole tournament arc with Saitama was garbage. It only got interesting when he was out of the picture and Suiryu's character gets development by his experience.

I only hope they let Aoki do WDM vs Garou.

I wasn't implying he didn't.
Just saying that Saitama is a useless scale to measure other characters on.
Both Garou and Flash would've lost right away if Saitama cared.

I dropped SNK as the moment it turned inti WW1 with titans

The last thing I saw in that trainwreck was a literal zepplin air dropping titans onto a battlefield

who are the top 2 right supposed to be?


>implying it that won't just be a couple of stills like TTM helping mumen rider

Attached: JCins.png (1196x747, 967K)

Pri Pri and Zonbiman you blind bitch

Golden Sperm should be grateful that Psykos managed to weaken her with a sneak attack or he would have died right after he emerged.

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Strange comparison but SnK, though the art can't compete.

didn't think they could top king's chin but here we are

Not him, but PPP definitely isn't obvious. Zombieman was a giveaway though, red eyes and all.

then he instantly obliterates her

That was after he failed to put her down.

Attached: 1530510631108.png (532x596, 313K)

Saitama only used serious punch against elder centipede because he was angry that King devastated him in video games for hours.

Attached: x142.jpg (1600x1138, 535K)

>tatsumaki's legs

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Attached: 1558748325332.png (128x161, 14K)

she can't decide between who she wants to ravage her ass, saitama or silverfang?

It's obviously BANG who're going to EXPLODE her ASS

>stills like TTM helping mumen rider

That will be Suiryu vs Choze.

>just as obnoxious as the real thing

Both Bang and Bomb

Attached: 1558737259935.png (555x614, 318K)

>Fubuki maked her official debut on anime
>Tatsumaki still get her spot in Shadowverse
What a STACYmaki, she can't be stopped


He actually hit Orochi 4 times before he killed him

Why does no one ever point out how good murata is at emulating One's style? They look so good here, especially ugly

Murata seriously needs to start drawing hentai of this shit. It's the only thing that can save this pathetic dying series

HE doesn't even look like a hobo

he did the same with genos didn't he?

I want to be Tatsumaki's slave and do whatever she wants me to and then she rewards me by letting me touch her ankles and look at her legs directly and then one day I try to touch her thigh and she crushes my brain with her ESP and I turn into a drooling retard and she throws me into a gutter to die of dehydration and hunger!

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Is he, dare I say it, looking SHARP?

Attached: Brother Sharp.jpg (600x698, 79K)

why the fuck does BS look more like Patrick star and less like a Tellytubby

It might be more like how Garou can easily predict Saitama's next moves just from observing him.

Eyelashes and stubble are a dead giveaway.

Reminder that fubuki is the superior sister

Attached: DCB94F64-80F9-4249-96BA-E183F259B104.jpg (600x848, 130K)

Murata updated him shortly after to make him dirtier.

here ya go, JC Staff already animated it.

Attached: ONE PUUUUNCH.gif (480x394, 98K)

newfag get out pls

>Bra on
You had one job


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post the second part

when is Saitama gonna realize he has perfectly ordinary run of the mill depression and it has nothing to do with his power

he's got a point, you know


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Why wasn't pic related in the anime?

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The fight was way better than I expected. Nearly every design element of Orochi played a role in the fight, which is impressive considering the amount of elements he has, and it felt like a beat down without being anti climactic thanks to Orochi's dodging.
All of Orochi's appearances before now foreshadowed for his moves in the fight. The only two that didn't were his extendable mouth and ability to learn a technique after seeing it once.
I don't think Saitama has any techniques to copy, though.

Reminder: Fubuki is a little bitch who can't do anything right except bully other people who wanted to help other people because she's selfish, narcissistic, egotistical, and has a massive inferiority complex because her big sister literally does everything for her because she's best girl and the most powerful. Fubuki should be supportive of her older sister but instead acts like an ungrateful juvenile bitch who wants to play with toys that she's not intelligent enough to understand how to actually play with them because she's also a woman and women are stupid by comparison to men but I digress Tatsumaki is the best thing to happen to this series because her character is exemplary in that she sacrifices everything, all of her personal time and whatnot, to aid the populace and protect it from a variety of powerful threats that some weak little girl like Fubuki wouldn't have the slightest chance in defeating. Did I mention she lost to a fan? She lost to a literal fan. Literally blown the fuck out by a fucking fan. How embarrassing. Meanwhile, it takes being collectively ganged up upon by monster executives for Tatsumaki to be downed long enough for the culmination of a number of sperm so vast that the entirety of humanity is but a single celled organism by comparison to fight as 1 in complete unison to blitz Tatsumaki and that only even happened because Tatsumaki was ganged up on by a bunch of unbelievably powerful monsters to begin with. Meanwhile, Fubuki can't even look at a ceiling fan without quaking in terror. Plus her tits are going to drop below the floor by the time she turns 30 and she'll suffer back problems and become hunchback by the time she's 40. Old haggard putrid milk. Meanwhile, Tatsumaki will age very gracefully and suffer from no afflictions because she won the youth-retention lottery because she is as previously addressed the best girl. Did I mention Fubuki pulled a box cutter on Saitama? Silly bitch pulled a box cutter on Saitama.

Attached: cadre of god level threats.jpg (800x539, 128K)

>saitama vs orochi is 35 chapters
>child emperor vs phoenix man is over 200

>Saitama wins fights quicker than Child Emperor

>all the collab cygames get
how powerful are they

So this is what Tatsumaki does on her days off.

Attached: 9846314320.png (568x638, 200K)

>Tatsumaki fags

Attached: 1558558875970.jpg (372x426, 9K)

based fanposter

Look out everyone! The Fubuki Group is out for damage control!

I just marathoned the latest episode of OPM.

Why did they skip so many things from the manga? Or rush through certain things?
It makes me wonder if anime-only viewers will even understand that Saitama wasn't afraid by Suryu's face, but he just didn't want to end the fight in one punch.
But you couldn't even blame the viewers for that.

>Why wasn't pic related in the anime?
JC staff's representative:
Too hard to draw, too hard to animate, too hard to make computer effects. Like who cares it's only a carton jeeeez...

Attached: 11743327.jpg (1670x1200, 1.83M)

>fubuki group
just turn your fan on, user. you're gonna be fine

Attached: billiejean.jpg (600x450, 41K)

I wonder if he is watching the second season, he will probably shit on it.


Absolute state of pedo apologists

Attached: A0A80C89-F2F9-47B0-B7F6-3F039352DFCC.png (660x1080, 774K)

Ah fuck, how long ago was the new chapter?

Earlier today.

You're late chapter was out yesterday

I think what he meant was that you're a retard calling Murata a hack when it comes to writting and phasing when the manga version of OPM is still storyboarded and written by ONE

The guy makes F is For Family. He can't say shit about the quality of animation.


Well he is their emperor. Naturaly he would look better

So where is anime going to end? After doing calculations some time ago I estimated it around hotpot scene.
Just after killing Elder Centipede and Garou's escape would probably be the perfect spot to end.

Psychics need big brains, baka.

Both are by the same author, both have their merits, stop trying to incite fanbase wars and go back to you despicable piece of filth.


Mob > one punch joke

Call it 4 punch man then

See this?
What an absolute based user.

Jokes are funnier in ONE’s art not murata pedo art

Mizuki's thighs>Makai no Ossan>Black Sperm>One Punch Man>Reigen>Mob Psycho 100>a video of ONE molesting some dude

Mob > all

Attached: D7Xz-YZUYAE0u_s.jpg (719x1024, 257K)


Attached: 1558608599998.jpg (765x1080, 277K)

>he doesn't know

Is Mob stronger than Saitama?

You know Darkshine is white, right? He's a parody of body builders who glaze themselves in body paint to shine their muscles.

>literal blackface in 2019
>normies don't know yet
Based nips


Lol I wonder how all the niggers on youtube will react to this if it ever gets animated

>Body paint

Is everyone bombarded so much with bullshit politics nowadays they're wired to be literally incapable of not thinking about shit with some political edge?

No. He has more versatility with his powers but otherwise no. Hell Tatsumaki is stronger than his normal mode so sure as hell he's not stronger than Saitama.


Oh shit please no. I'd rather he gives on last good fight on the surface and dies with pride and honor instead of being turned into Saitamas snake plant, fuck off.

uh yeah? It's been like that for 4 years now

Alright,I mean not normal Mob but Mob 1000%

>he gives on last good fight on the surface and dies with pride and honor
would be sweet I think Orochi is (however that works out) more human than other cadres (Gouketsu excluded) so such categories apply

He's Japanese. Dumb americant's have to self-instert into every character.

Another monster portrait, Rover this time.

Attached: Overgrownrover_nn.jpg (1060x1500, 959K)

Uhh but if Darkshine is white (or asian), it takes away all of his personality. What's the point of his character if he's not black?

This series needs more cute girls.

Unbased but redpilled.

Right now nothing, just wait till he fights garou

I want to be Tatsumaki's younger brother.
She obviously cares about Fubuki and only wants her best.
I want Tatsumaki to care about me like that too


Looks like shit compared to

monster girls?

Attached: bsgirl.jpg (849x1200, 323K)

Good thing his personality gets *developed* during this very arc. Crazy shit.


Every girl in this series is waifu material

Shut the FUCK up

Neither ONE or Murata gives a shit with the /pol/ lack of humour about black people you and your kin shows.

nah, it's still just one joke man

Attached: x21[1].png (600x878, 660K)

So whatever happened to Drive Knight lmao

Elaborate you memespouting faggot.

hes g5


D&D just kinda forgot that Drive Knight exists

Guys, I think Orochi might be dead.


user, I think you might be retarded.

Took the time to draw that dress, but not the time to get head proportions right. Is this what pros do when they fuck up an illustration? They just roll with it and hope nobody will notice?

He wasn´t instadead by the punch, and near death experiences are kinda how he got there, chances are he can still make somewhat of a comeback.

Normally, we see when monsters die.
But here, we specifically see that Orochi's head is still alive and falling down.
If he was truly dead, Murata would have drawn that. That is my opinion

who would have thought

The one wearing the least black is in front

How tatsushit will ever recover from this?

Attached: RoppongiRaws-2019-05-06-02h09m15s941.png (1280x738, 1.24M)

Anons, I think

You have massively overestimated the size of Orochi's blast, it should have been a few pixels at best

Attached: boros's labyrinth.png (1400x646, 1.33M)

How is Orochi more human? Either way I wouldn't even mind if he gets turned into something else as some kind of survival camouflage and goes into the woods or whatever, but not the same bullshit as being Saitama's pet prop like Sperm and Rover. Makes me sick just thinking about it. A dog works because he doesn't have a humans mind and Sperm is basically just Dimple so he is in it for his own benefit.

fuck.. I wanna suck on these

Attached: __captain_mizuki_one_punch_man_drawn_by_studiotagata__sample-72d053ebf350a3eaabddbe714cc0fcc7.jpg (850x1133, 198K)

Jesus christ kys my dude

All of you autists are overthinking shit. Murata didn't think about the size and powerlevels in comparison to others when making this chapter.


Reminder that it makes no sense for orochi to be as strong as boros since it would undermine monster garou as an opponent on the same level as boros.

I'd rather kill tatsushitter like you

nah son female sonic

Attached: femsonic.png (2251x1592, 844K)

I made that comparison image last thread, I just made it that size because if I used the actual size you would barely be able to see it.

I'm not a pedo but if you actually get aroused by that nasty shit then you should actually probably kill yourself

I heard that fags usually dream of getting preggers. All that absorbed cum and still no results.

Based basedposter.

Attached: FD1FA26B-9CC5-43BC-A683-916F4201979A.gif (720x480, 126K)

Wouldn't this be Black Ovum?

It’s known, Orochi is nowhere near Boros and Garou. They’re in a league of their own.

At best Orochi was discussed by Murata in the same vein as Golden Sperm, who got outright trashed by casual Awakened Garou.

That's not how it works man. BS is an army of humanoid spermatozoids. Their gender can be either male or female.

Seriously consider suicide, you're beyond clinical help at this point

> juicy female tits
> nasty shit
we got mentally ill discord tranny here, lads

Attached: __fubuki_genos_saitama_and_tatsumaki_one_punch_man_drawn_by_mehonobu_g__sample-123b3605c316ee8c9014b (850x1265, 256K)

>calling me ill

Kill yourself pedoshit, you're not fooling anyone

Read his last manga chapter. He focuses on Bug God's "dark shine" which foreshadows that he is just using a ton of tanning oil to show off his muscles.

What? This discord tranny is sppiting its brain live!!

Please fuck off back to retard

kys. nigger

Attached: 1554753956771.gif (266x207, 260K)

Oh hey, he's another one of these. Just- no watermelons for him.

Attached: melon.jpg (800x450, 95K)

you know that any person would start "smelling" when doing sexual activities, right?

Translation please

Attached: portraitswip.jpg (1200x1010, 162K)

>I'm not a pedo but

Uh ok nobody asked

> Ah.. that photo. My first year as a member of society. I was full of hopes and dreams at that time.
> "He's full".."FULL".."yeeeep"

Fuck off smurf your art is shit

That's the soulless picture of Face Ripper though. You need to use the other one

Doesn't matter if you defend your point with buzzwords instead of arguments

All tatsufags are pedos

why doesnt rover have his name on his picture but all the other cadre do

>That Psykos

he has normal human emotions, for example reacting to Saitama's "challenge", and in this chapter he seems more introspective than what we've seen soe far from Nyan, or even Gouketsu. Sperm is a completely alien monstrosity packed in a unseemly disguise, HE and FU are just insane, ENW and Gums are beasts, the former even less.

Petite women =\= kids. Come back when you go through puberty

Keep convincing yourself that, all pedo scum like you will get the rope one day

he does, actually, but this thumbnail had it off, Rover is always an annoying case since his real name is Pochi. Gyoro Gyoro and Elder Centipede doesn't have it at all on the other hand because I could find any space to fit their names.

Attached: Overgrownrover.jpg (1060x1500, 973K)

My country doesn't have the death penalty

why is that an annoying case, doesn't every character have a name in japanese

He wants to be someone who protects the innocent and hard working which is a noble hero thing to want, but not take the mantle of a "hero" because every asshole in his life were all self proclaimed "heroes" and authority figures. It's a bad mixture of wanting to be something but not be the person they all were

kill with fire? sure

Rover was specifically renamed into a custom name that came out of nowhere (the idea behind renaming it makes somewhat sense, but it's still very arbritary) which originated from the webcomic translation. The manga translation would have been an ideal time to fix that but it didn't happen and the translators kept it.

Real talk though, this chapter wasn't Murata's best work.

There's impressive detail as always but Orochi is just drawn confusingly. It's hard to tell what is actually going on.

And there's less build up to the dramatic climax so the payoff is pretty flat.

It's still good quality work, but it's not Murata's usual 10/10.

i still don't get it, just use rover? i never even saw him referred to as pochi until the other day

His father just died, I think he has a decent excuse for that.

Personally I was more bothered by how Orochi suddenly got a goofy spiderman face. Even Saitama looked like he had bigger eyes in some pages

I still use Rover by default.

Could've just said Pooch. Which is presumably the exact same pun, etymologically.


You dont have to pretend to be smart user

It's shit.
>Murata's usual 10/10

pooch sounds stupid, also everyone just calls him rover

Dont forget: >Managed to kick Saitama all the way to the moon

If you give translators an inch they start *localizing* shit. Now eat your hamburgers, Apollo.

a bit late for that, the Rover name is staying (for the manga fan translation, at least). Only season 3 will help putting back the Pochi name on the spotlight.

>powerlevelfags discussing powerlevels in a manga made to mock powerlevelfags

imagine being so dumb

That's actually really good. You're an excellent artist smurf. You should be proud.

Attached: AkkoSmile.jpg (250x219, 14K)

>Thinks opm is still a parody
>doesn't know it's devolved into powerlevelfagging shonen shit
This is basically dragon ball super 2.0 now

I cant wait for this scene, Saitama cares enough to actually stay focused in the situation and even followers her to make sure she was okay when her wounds opened up.

Attached: Capture2.gif (600x474, 67K)

this entire sequence is going to be the best thing murata draws

omg tatsumaki looks like a timmy turner character in that angry panel.

Next chapter fucking when, I'm still thirsty for more

Probably not for a while since murata's dad croaked. Also, checked

This part really makes me sad how they wasted Orochi. Saitama should have lamented more about how weak Orochi was so it can be used as a foil to when he fights Garou and gets excited that "He can keep going!".

Heh, don't worry too much about Orochi, it's all but guaranteed he'll be back.

It does though. you're attacking the style instead of the substance of his argument.
Claiming his point is void because you don't like how he said it is a fallacy

that's no reason for a chapter delay, the funeral and everything most likely already happened. next chapter in 2-3 weeks probably.

not bad

This "battle" went by way too fucking fast.
I think Murata was just tired of drawing so many fucking tentacledragons all the damn time.

cute af

Attached: Capture.gif (603x814, 127K)

That or his editor told him to cool it down otherwise the anime crew for S3 will all pop ulcers

Ah who am I kidding, it's not getting an S3 after the S2 shitshow

>one normal punch ends it
I wasn't expecting him to be as strong as Boros but I didn't think he would be THIS below him.

My betting money is that he either falls down and lands next to tats who just squashes him and then it's back to the webcomic plan, or he falls down and lands next to Garou. Queue rematch, Garou wins, and he fucks off to find Darkshine.

His dad died like a week or two ago. That's my guess on why this is the weakest chapter (especially dialogue wise, why did nobody catch that? or is it just shitty TL?).

Discussion on Mob and OPM sure went to shit after their anime adaptions aired. Look at this shit.

It was never this bad. It also feels as if Yea Forums's userbase became filled with those obnoxious ESL mexicans, indians, flips etc. from normie anime communities that obsess over battle manga.

We don't know if he's dead or not, he might have regeneration, but if this really is the end I hope murata adds some more panels to the fight later

>"so this is what sex feels like"

Oh wow. Didn't know about that. I could understand that.

When's the last time someone embosomed her like that?

It's simple, the manga became more like dragon ball so the spics migrated over here

>the manga became more like dragon ball
webcomic is still the same. Manga hypes too much the fights

Not a very long time ago i did

I doubt it. He's not making up the story as he goes along, he's working with One, I don't think he'll cut short a whole fight because he didn't feel like drawing this week.

>the manga
Mexican battle manga tards are mostly familiar with the anime adaption though.

Blast when he took her virginity

what's special about this punch that's not different than other punches?
Imagine still caring about this failed excuse of a parody.

It's possible due to the stress and grief on Murata that ONE trimmed/condensed the chapter. There's absolutely no proof of it, but grief is a hell of a thing.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is a chapter that gets redrawn, and I hope it does. It needs better flow.

Just read mob psycho

The average Yea Forums poster has an IQ of/below 90. That's probably a generous estimate too. Now it's a bunch of 2000s kids who literally grew up the Internet, have no life experience, and therefore no wisdom/anything interesting to contribute to a conversation.

The "in" thing is to sound as smart as possible by using as few words as possible. Or to be an edgy troll by responding to someone with pictures/counter-arguments just for the sake of irritating someone.

What is not "in" is trying to make a stimulating conversation. That is for faggots only now. Yeah, only faggots write the tl;dr posts that took a few minutes to type. Only the cool kids respond to every thread on the board with contributions like
>best girl
>worst girl
>you have shit taste
>x character can beat y character
>you're stupid, here's why
>i'm right, let me tell you why
>incorrect, let me tell you why
>i'm gonna say the n-word

This place was always a sewer: you got out what you put in. Only now it's backed up with an overload of shit.

Although it seems like even his normal punches are very inconsistent, whether the one he hit Orochi with was more like the first one he threw at Boros that did nothing but break his armor or like the one that sent meteoric burst Boros flying backwards with serious damage can't be known. I'm sure it's definitely not stronger than his 'consecutive normal punches' on Boros though.

In those few chapters did ONE just shut down Fubuki shippers ("she's just an acquaintance"), and provide reasonable grounds for Tats shippers?

Not to mention the romance theme going on (pic related). Was romance ever shown before in the webcomic?

Attached: x2.jpg (600x848, 145K)

for the most part saintama cares about her, and probably doesn't know what to think about her. It doesn't necessarily hurt the ship.

Don't worry, his decapitated head will land on hovering Tatsumaki letting Psychos sneak in attack on her.

easier to draw the new way

>In those few chapters did ONE just shut down Fubuki shippers
Only the retards who thought they already had something. If anything this is the beginning of them getting closer
>and provide reasonable grounds for Tats shippers?
Not reasonable, with saitama becoming more known and interacting with S class more hes bound to clash with tast since she thinks shes strongest besides her dick god blast. She acknowledged saitamas strength but what happens beyond that is yet to be seen. They literally had the first meaningful interaction.

Tl;dr shippers are always retarded regardless what you give them

He has regeneration. Gyoro Gyoro already said that the secret to monsterification and making strong monsters is to survive near-death experiences, so I don't know why everybody thinks Orochi won't appear anymore.

Attached: 1558737583255.jpg (768x768, 169K)

>0 def builds

I'm not a shipper but romantic relationships tend to have thematic implications. Hypothetically, if Saitama and Tatsumaki were to end up together, it could be a great thematic victory in the story. While Fubuki repesents power in a societal context (status/rank/social standing), Tatsumaki represents power at its purest and most primal, the kind of power that pushes others away. OPM has consistently shown that power isn't what it's all cracked up to be, and Saitama breaking through Tatsumaki's walls is a great way of illustrating that, especially if they subsequently formed a relationship, showing that personal relationships trumps loneliness and power, a theme carried over from Mon Psycho 100.

Does anyone else realize Garou could have been the fight Saitama always wanted? If he was serious about his hobby, that is.
I see a lot of people claiming that the joke of the manga is that no one can reach Saitama's meme strenght but Garou was in the process of doing it, even Saitama vaguely tells him that.

It's just that while Saitama had the
>Kill all monsters in 1 punch
objective, Garou wasn't thinking on killing all heroes in 1 punch. But it definitely isn't a gag, he could have gotten there and maybe someone else does it, but I doubt it. We already got dozens of chapters dedicated to Garou's evolution.

better animation than JC staff

Because we know from Murata that ONE said Orochi doesn't die to Saitama, he'll probably fall next to Psychos and regen enough to annoy Tatsumaki.

>the state of Garoufags

like the borderlands psychos?

No the controller of GyoroGyoro puppet.

Hopelly no more unnecessary fights

>A Class rank 39
how on earth did Saitama not immediately gain a high rank in class S? what more proof do they need after the monster association arc?

>The manga hypes them
No, people following the manga hype them. The manga and webcomic are both amazing, ostensibly for the same reason, but with different strengths. However, the manga excels with amazing artwork and fight scenes, which is why people hype fights up a lot. Everyone who has read the webcomic is looking forward to Murata's redraw of Saitama vs Garou for a reason.

Attached: 1551370156789.png (272x386, 79K)

thats psykos though

AHem ask ONE

>All the brainlets in this thread
To defeat Garou, shit-for-brains. He was used as a literary tool to power scale Garou, and also as a device to build tension and create dramatic irony when he ends up finding Saitama and you feel more sorry for him than for the hero.

Attached: 1363393812417.jpg (725x986, 101K)

I'm reading the webcomic up to the murata manga and i don't really want to surpass it.

too long
didn't read

>there are people who STILL don't get it

he was also there as a figurehead and fake final boss.

Only retard feels sorry for Garou

I just rewatched that and it makes me so sad to compare those scenes to seasons 2.

is he still once-punching things? I thought the power scaling would catch up eventually

Actually like it . If it weren't for the watermark I would've set it as a wallpaper

In the webcomic, nobody except FF (and later Zombieman, Amai, and maybe CE) had seen any of Saitama's feats. Even then, FF was in denial while underground and then went into target-elimination mode when he got to the surface. He just assumed he was a better man for the job than Saitama because Saitama was still only a B-Class "nobody".

After Saitama gave Garou a wake-up call, everyone who was present wanted him to finish the job but since Saitama had come there with a completely different mindset than everyone else (this Garou fella is just a guy playing dress-up), he ignored them and asked if Garou was okay with that (chiding him to do decide what he wants for himself).

In the manga, the same thing is happening - Saitama went ahead of everyone, found the boss, and defeated him. Nobody even knows he's there. Genos is/was waiting for him at home (is probably now wondering what just happened to Z-city), thinking he was out. King, Bang, Bomb, and Fubuki went in thinking Saitama would be along shortly.

All the cuts, especially from when Saitama hit Rover and shattered an enormous porition of the underground floors, have everyone ambiguous and wondering who/what was responsible for that just now.

But as for your question, Saitama only receives partial recognition because of how many other S-class were present. S-class themselves are only beginning to understand how powerful Saitama is. Most of them still aren't in the know either, but it looks like the current arc in the webcomic is going to change that.

I am actually really surprised that Flashy Flash, of all characters, is getting panel time. One of the things I like about ONE is how he actually uses the characters he introduces. In any other manga/comic/show, the roster of characters would be 2-dimensional one-offs that only showed up as sideliners. OPM almost has, and this is just the easiest point of comparison I can think of right now, a Game of Thrones-style POV storytelling. It's kinda neat.

Here then.

Attached: Overgrownrover_ns.jpg (1060x1500, 950K)

What, a new chapter? Anyone got links?

just kidding bitch, my drawing now

Attached: imcia.jpg (207x171, 8K)

I only started the webcomic to avoid spoilers and found that I enjoy the humor more than the manga

ngmi, /ic/

>After Saitama gave Garou a wake-up call, everyone who was present wanted him to finish the job but since Saitama had come there with a completely different mindset than everyone else (this Garou fella is just a guy playing dress-up), he ignored them and asked if Garou was okay with that (chiding him to do decide what he wants for himself).

Yeah, I figured this was one of the main reasons for not promoting him to rank S.

Amai Mask has a lot of say in the Hero Association, and if he is unhappy with Saitama's performance, then it's unlikely that he will be promoted to class S.

But then again, Amai Mask looks down on Genos, Puri Puri, Atomic Samurai, and other heroes as well. So I guess that can't be the only reason...

What bothers me is that Saitama is finally in class A, but people still look down on him and say "oh he's a noob, oh look it's the noobie, let's crush him", when he must be clearly very talented to be in class A

Attached: 1452027686894.jpg (600x491, 51K)

Where is this from?

There were only a few people that were conscious. Zombieman understood Saitama’s power and was trying to convince him, his way of talking clearly wasn’t about shitting on him.
Sweet Mask is what he is but the day after he had Saitama as his wallpaper.
Only Child Emperor was really acting shitty toward Saitama, and he just left the hero association anyway.

Good post.

F*ck child emperor lmao, he killed /our guy/

Also Tareo speaking clearly made Child Emperor understand that Garou isn’t the iredeemable monster he was acting like he was.


/our chads/

>Phoenix Man

/reddito homos/

>Mumen Rider

Attached: 123123435367.jpg (417x330, 30K)

HOLD On, if JC is animating the Murata version and Murata isint close to being done, are they like waiting for the new chapters to come out so that they can rush the next episode?? Before this chapter, how the fuck would they know how to handle this fight???

Attached: biggerbait.png (1200x1202, 32K)

God I wish she was real

Attached: 6_2.jpg (800x1138, 158K)

Her cunny is for the strongest man of earth and we don't even know who he is

Frank Stallone.

Thanks m8.

>Her cunny is for the strongest man of earth

no, me if I work out for a week or two

Won't a lot of the scenes be both of them in ONE style mode? Tastumaki's, for some reason, the only other character her renders like that for comedic effect.

Attached: img000017.jpg (600x848, 102K)

it will keep switching like it always does.

murata drew CE in his webcomic style once

Attached: 22.png (835x1200, 708K)

Boros' blast was in open air with no resistance.
It's all poof.

Boros is still the most powerful character in the manga. We get it. One blew his load too early

Should I be mad? I'm one hundred complete serious, orochi wasn't in the og, how do they know what will happen?

We already have two different versions, if the anime continues we'll have three different versions of One Punch Man

Would I?

Attached: 1557201978857.png (500x343, 195K)

Attached: flashybait.png (599x592, 202K)

Orochi dying right now or his head getting ayylmao’d somewhere in the MA base is less predictable than him regenerating and wasting more panel time. He’ll just get roflstomped even harder.

there would have been no point to introduce his character at all if he just dies here. no matter how much you hate "filler" or whatever, one wouldn't just introduce this main villain type character and hype him up loads only for him to do literally nothing.

>some actually made this
man webcomicfans representin

Dude I love chowder posting

Back to DB threads, spic

Reminder that ONE insisted on Saitama offpanelling Gouketsu, whom we watched on panel for months and who was the faggot to kill during the tournament part.
Orochi dies anyway, it’s pretty cheap and predictable to prolong his misery for more akshun when there’s numerous other characters participating in action at this stage.
If he survives here he’ll be killed even more brutally anyway.

Murata has stated that all 3 of Boros' top soldiers, (Geryuganshoop, Melzargard, and Groribas), even with prep time and knowing their threat, would stand literally 0 chance against Orochi. Granted, Boros is stronger than his entire crew by leaps and bounds, but it speaks volumes about Orochi's strength.

>Geryuganshoop is stronger than tatsumaki, since his esp literally allows him to eliminate the friction between objects and the air, a feat that Tatsumaki cannot do
>Melzargard was able to single handedly tie up several high ranking S class heroes, due to both his regeneration AND his ability to change his body into weapons to inflict lethal attacks
>Groribas is a shitty jobber but he IS officially classified as a dragon level threat, so he is presumably strong despite getting 1 punched by saitama, which isn't really unexpected

all that into consideration, all 3 of them combined, with prep time, would have no chance of winning against Orochi.

Orochi isn't canon anyway so who cares lma0

>>Geryuganshoop is stronger than tatsumak

Is Geryuganshoop's ability more "refined" than Tatsu's but not as large in raw scale of power? Or is he literally just superior in everyway?

He said they had a VERY small chance of winning

Wrong. He said they would have "almost" no chance. Thus a loser flag for Jobrochi.
Even if Geruganshoop can eliminate friction, his esper powers are still below anything Tats showed so far, throwing pebbles being an exception.

power scaling
>show really strong monster
>hype them up a ton throughout the series
>have them beat up or straight up kill super strong characters with little to no effort
>then have them get killed by another character, to show how strong that character is
usually the killing is done by a new villain, to show how powerful they are, but it's done in a bit of a tricky way this time. It's going to be used to show how strong Garou is, because Garou won't get one punched (unlike orochi did)

tl;dr his purpose is to make awakened Garou look good

It is kinda different. Saitama doesn't consider Garou a monster, and for that reason, he will never kill him. With Orochimaru, he doesn't have such inhibitions

Furthermore, while Murata is clearly the superior artist, ONE is the superior paneller, as seen when you compare early manga chapters to later ones.

Again not baiting, seriously wondering? Dan any user that's not an asshole answer me?

Lol. Shitting on the manga is just shitting on ONE with more steps

I can't wait for season 4
they had better play romantic music when Tats and Saitama spin mid air

okay considering you've said that you are actually serious twice now. ill tell you. season 2 isn't going to get anywhere near this chapter, it will end on chapter 84.

I don't really understand your original question. Season 1 of OPM came out years ago. Then they waited for more chapters to come out. Now there's season 2 of OPM, which will likely end way way way before Saitama fights Orochi. Then they'll wait a few more years before making season 3.

I don't know if that answers your question. But basically, Saitama won't fight Oroichi this season.

Awakened Garou is not just more durable, he’s blatantly faster, has way more overpowered tech and more rapid evolution.
But that’s obvious as it is. Garou casually freaking dumpsters GS who was unironically mentioned in a matchup against Orochi and Murata struggled to say who’s stronger between GS and Orochi.
Garou kinda scales off of himself. Because everything he can do already, from being tanky to utilizing various fighting styles, becomes exponentially better as he fights and pushes himself. By the time he’s Awakened he’s basically a god.

I miss him
Were he still here, we'd be free from all this rampant powerlevelfaggotry

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blast more than likely

why is ONE's paneling so good tier

Phoenix Man had to be killed off because the author probably realized that the two could catch each other in an infinite zenkai-boost loop that would result in them getting as strong as saitama

He truly was too good for this world